Pratt - June 1907
Waveland, Indiana
Note: These diaries were in the Waveland Public Library for decades but were disposed of by a librarian several decades ago. Luckily, another librarian's daughter (thanks sooo much Pam, at the death of her mother, Virginia Banta Sharpe found them in some belongings and gave them back for proper housing. A complete circle; however, only 14 of the 50+ diaries were saved from the library's incinerator. I'm a librarian too and thought since they'd been lost to posterity for so many years that it would be a good thing to transcribe them and give them to the world. They are currently housed in proper temperature/storage at the Crawfordsville District Public Library - typed as they were written
Note 2 : Karen Bazzani Zach (transcriber) was raised in the big 'ol town (500 people) where HA Pratt lived 5 decades before I was born. I remember the building where his little shop was and wish it was still there. What an interesting little place. ALAS! Progress ! Oh, and I've tried to type the diaries as is - mistakes & all
Note 3: Some information about Pratt -- he was born in Parke County, Indiana April 20, 1840 the oldest child of eight born to Erastus & Elizabeth Allen Pratt and died October 12, 1914 in his beloved Waveland, Indiana. He was twice married, first to the love of his life (he kept a life-sized poster of her in one of his cabinets at his barber shop, even long after his second marriage) Eliza Franklin Shaw (born Oct 23, 1841 died Oct 12, 1887), and #2 to his friend, Evaline "Eva" McMains. He was very active in the community where he and Eliza chose to live. He gave generously of his time and money to the Methodist Church in Waveland. For a few years, he served as Marshall of the town. Also, he worked diligently for his Odd Fellows, Rebekah & Knights of Phythias Lodges, was for a time on the town board, and read to those who could not read from the several newspapers he was agent for. Pratt volunteered and served for three years during the Civil War (Co. B, 36th Infantry), and spent time in the dreaded Andersonville prison. He and Eliza adopted a son, Willie Franklin Stump, age two (not sure ever officially or just had permission to take him from the Poor House in Crawfordsville) and he was an amazing young boy (high grades, worked in the church, quite musicially inclined, just an ideal child) until Eliza was taken to the hospital where she was operated on for six cervical tumors (one weighing six pounds) from which she died. Willie went wild after that and he and Hiram's second wife, Eva never got along. He ended-up in Reform School (for stealing a dollar twice from Eva among other small crimes), and later sent home to die due to consumption (what we know as tuberculosis) dying in Hiram's arms on April 12, in 1894. Hiram missed Willie and Eliza more than most I do believe as he wrote about them so often in these diaries. Just wish the rest of Pratt's diaries he wrote for over 50 years as a barber in Waveland still existed :( kbz -- ENJOY
Saturday June 1 -- $4.50. ½ doz bananas 10. Cloudy 68. I have had a fire in my shop heating stove all day. Eva went to her sister Mary Alfreys this afternoon. Tomorrow after dinner if the weather is favorable I will go up there too. Farmers are growing discouraged because of the continued damp cold weather. The wheat is being damaged by a more pest a green bug.
Sunday June 2--- Cloudy. Visited Willies grave before going in the meeting house. After dinner Buddy Kelso and I drove up to Anderson McMains. We left here at 10 minutes of 2 /m. and at 10 after 4 were at Andersons. Eva was yet at sister Mary's but soon came over with Ben Anderson's boy. Had a big rain at about 4 this a.m. and another late this evening. Paid 50 c for a buggy whip.
Monday June 3-- $3.25. Cloudy. T his morning we had a good prospect for a sunny day. Clouds soon hid the sun. Anderson had 2 granddaughters visiting from Baltimore. They are Harison McMains' children by his first wife are twins 11 years of age, Berniece and Beatrice. Berniece and I drove over to see Jim and Mary then visited at oak Hill cemetery and the Power house of Ben Hur Traction line.
Tuesday June 4--- Cloudy. Received $4.50 yesterday while out with the little girl I paid 20 for ice cream. Our "Bob" brought us home in a little over 2 hours yesterday. He never got hot nor swetted a very little. 1 doz bananas as 20 cts 6 oranges 25. 1 small pine apple 15. Anderson will be down to the horse show next Thursday. He will bring the twins with him.
Wednesday June 5-Cloudy 63. $2.70. Fresh pork 20. Veal 65. Flour 70. Oranges 60. Pineapple 20. Prunes 25. Sugar $1. Onions 5. Raddishes 5 25c to the horse show. The weather is a little warmer corn is growing very slow and has a yellow appearance. Paid Mrs. Moore 35. Guy Rice a dollar. Sam McMains is at our house tonight. It was 11 o'clock when I left the shop for home tonight.
Thursday June 6 - Cloudy. 69. $3.50. I sent HE Millard & Co of Grand Rapids, Mi $9. The crowd began assemblying about 8 o'clock and by 10 o'clock the town was full of people. The sun shone bright early this morning but was soon o'ercast by the clouds. Rain was apparently inevitable yet there was no rain fall. Anderson his daughter Elsie and granddaughters Berniece and Beatrice were here today, gave them 15 c for ice cream.
Friday June 7 - Cloudy. 68. $6.25. Paid 95 for two large brooms one for shop and one for home. 10c for a pound of evaporated sweet corn. 5c for onions 15 c for 7 ½ lbs of corn meal. Rain early this morning and at different times during the day. The green bug a new pest to growing wheat has made its appearance in this locality. Christ Alspaugh wife and daughter are now at Livingston Idaho left here Monday at 10 a.m.
Saturday June 8 - Cloudy. 68. $9.80. Paid 55 for fresh pork and veal enough to last until Monday. Pearl came in on the evening train 6:30 from Terre Haute, we were expecting her on the train due at 2:30 p.m. I called her over the telephone and talked with her a few minutes. Pd 34c for 2 packages of Arbuckles Arrosa coffee. 10 c for onions 25 cts for a half dozen oranges.
Sunday June 9 - I did not go to meeting anywhere this morning. Miss Mary Elizabeth Connover Pearl's little girl of 3 years old were out riding a short while before dinner. I visited the grave of little Willie and upon his grave droped a few red roses. Tonight we all went to hear Brother OE Kelly. Before going to church Eva and her niece Pearl were riding about town. We had a light rain today. Mrs. Curry, Charles Williams (?) died yesterday. She lived in Russellville.
Monday June 10 - Cloudy. $1.20. I went over to the funeral of Mrs. Curry at Russellville this forenoon, Two little girls, Alleen Fisher and Helen Fullenwider went with me. We were 45 minutes late. It was 15 minutes of 11 when we went into the meeting house and 15 minutes of 12 when we left the graveyard. I got home just in the nick of time to avoid a hard rain. Paid 15 c for Elijah's Marina 55 c for bacon at 23 c per pound.
Tuesday June 11 -- $2.20. Cloudy 68. Eva and Pearla were out riding they got as far as Mrs. Bloomfields. Eva scares worse than the horse at Automobiles. "Bob" the horse does not scare at all on the account of an automobile passing either way, Eva scares for fear the horse might take a fool notion and want to climb a telephone pole. Paid 20 for 4 dishes of ice cream. Paid John Sharp $5 on the painting of the buggy I bought of Bob Glover.
Wednesday June 12 - Cloudy. $1.25. May 30 I sent to JJ Campbell $5 for laundry. I had made no memorandum of it. Yesterday I sent the Star of Terre Haute $1.28 ex 05. To the Indianapolis Star $8.86. ext 10. 19 years 8 months ago this date my sweet little woman's spirit took its leave from the tenement of clay, 13 years 3 months ago of this date our little Willie past into the spirit world. Eva and Perla called on Mrs. Ethel Stilwell. Ethel and Pearl were school mates.
Thursday June 13 -- $1.50. A can of salmon 15 c 1 orange 5. Sent JJ Campbell for laundry work $5. Eva and Pearla went to her Aunt Mary Alfreys this afternoon, left here at 10 minutes of 4 rain was the cause of the late start. I had a pair of shoes put on Bob before they started on the trip cost 60 ct. The sun is out for a little while nearly every day. Corn is in need of the farmers attention very much. It was after 10 when I went home tonight.
Friday June 14 - Cloudy. 67. $2.20. Paid Guy Rice a dollar and Mag Moore 35. There was more sunshine than usual today. Fresh meat 20. Two pine apples 35 a loaf of bread 5. Eva and her niece, Mrs. Pearly M. Conover returned this evening at 6. Yesterday I cut hair for Tom Whittington of Seattle, Washington. He used to live here and worked at Dentistry. He is 80years old. This will be apt to be his last visit. He is now visiting in Browns Valley. Note; This is Southy Thomas Whittington son of Littleton and Rachel Glenn Whittington
Saturday June 15 - Clear 80. $15.85. I went home for dinner. I took the newly painted buggy home with me. Bought fresh meat pork 60 beef 35. Cakes 15. Oranges 25. Borax 05. Sent he Journal of Crawfordsville by Chas Williams 85 for Scott Jarvis' renewal subscription for another year. Paid Harry Moore's brother Charles $3.15 for work in the repair of a fense in closing our lot. Warn today.
Sunday June 16 - Pearla, her daughter Mary Elizabeth and I took a drive this forenoon, went to Browns Valley, thence to Freedom church thence back home via YY Durhams. Time of return was half past 12. Eva had dinner about ready. After the evening was on Eva, Pearl and Miss Mary Elizabeth took a drive and at night 7:30 I went to meeting. I neglected to pay my usual visit to Willie's grave.
Monday June 17 -- $2.70. Clear. Paid 25 c for a quart of ice cream. Guy Rice a dollar 50 c for the sprinkling of the street. The day has been a warm one corn will now take a new start in growing. Wheat is heading and will be harvested early in July. James Barton of Little Rock, Arkansas is in for a few days visit. He at one time lived here. Taylor Shanks of Crawfordsville Rep in Bap Ch.
Tuesday June 18 - Clear 82. $.25 Paid $5.25 for 35 gallons of gasoline. John Sharp for repair work on gasoline cook stove 41. Mrs. Moore for washing 60 cts. Eva, Pearl and little Miss Mary Elizabeth were out riding this evening. After 8 o'clock Eva and Miss Corene Fisher came up to the shop for me. Miss Fisher and I took a little drive after Eva had been landed at home. Wheat harvest is on in Spencer Co Ind.
Wednesday June 19 -- $2.85. Cloudy 80. Two pair of summer drawers for myself 41. Two light weight shirts for Eva 50 cts. Two pair of gray hose for her. 25 c bacon $1.35 at the price of 23 cts per pound. We had a splendid rain this afternoon. A good one went northwest and for a while corn plowing was resplended. Eva and her company were at Mary Rusks for the day. I was there for dinner. WR and Nancy Kelso were there too.
Thursday June 20 - Clear. 80. I never took in a dollar today. Paid out 10 c for ice cream. 5 c for spool of white thread. The green bug pest has destroyed several fields of oats. Wheat has been damaged by them. Paid john Sharp a dollar for repairs on a gasoline stove. I see I have mentioned this on the 18th Paid Charles Williams 25 for repair on gasoline stove. This makes $1.25 not done yet.
Friday June 21 -- $3.60. Clear 82. Paid $8.25 for 55 gallon of gasoline. 5 c for bread. 15 c for potatoes 15 for corn meal, 30 for fresh pork. Mrs. Philipps of Judson was at our house for supper her husband was at the Masonic festival. The weather has been a little bit warm today. This is the longest day of the year. There will be no change noted for several days.
Saturday June 22 - Cloudy. 82. $9.40. Beef roast 30. 24 lbs flour 70c 1 doz bananas 20 6 oranges 30. 1 bunch of radishes 5. 1 loaf of bread 5. 1 small bottle of olives 10. 2 lemons 05. 1 small head of new cabage 10. 3 ¾ lbs tomatoes 38. 1 can of corn 10. Supper with the women of the Methodist Ch 25. I had very little help. Yesterday I shaved Prof. JM Coyner a former citizen. He lived here 48 years ago. He is now 80 years old.
Sunday June 23 - Cloudy 82. I visited Willie's grave this forenoon while out riding with Little Mary. Eva and Perla went to meeting. Mary Elene Alfrey and Miss Josephine McMains came down in time for meeting and were at our house for dinner. "Buddy" and Nancy Kelso dined with us too. Paid 15 c for bread. Tonight I went to the Presbyterian Church and hear Prof. John M. Coynor talk on Mormons in Utah.
Monday June 24 - Cloudy 88. $1.80. Paid 20 c for a pound box of honey. Dr. Straughan made a business run of 60 miles on his Automobile on Sunday June 16. He could not have made it by horse and buggy. Sadie and Pearly did intend visiting Mrs. Ellen Phillips in Judson today. Rainey weather prevented. Today I paid dues in the IOOF order $1.40 to the first of next October. 40 for milk for 8 days.
Tuesday June 25 -- $3.20. Cloudy 83. For wire screening 38 and for a 2 x 4 hemlock 30 cts. I took it upon myself to put up screene (sic) doors to my shop. Had tried to get it done by others they were unable to do it for the want of time. Paid dues to the Knights of Pithias (sic) $1.30. We had a very nice rain this afternoon. Sadie says when it rains on a Monday it is quite likely to rain two more days before the next Monday.
Wednesday June 26 - Clear. 86. $2.05 paid 5 for a small pine board 15 for supper in Restaurant 30 c for two slices of ham. Eva and Perla visited Mrs. Ellen Phillips at Judson. I had "bob" and the buggy at the station for their conveyance home POB rent 15. Guy Rice a dollar and street sprinkling 50. "Uncle Toms Cabin" is being played tonight northside of town. Mercury went down to 75 this evening.
Thursday June 27 -- $15. I made a collection but did not take in a dollar for work. Cloudy 70. Paid 10 c for a dish of cream 15 for a pound of butter and 5 for half doz stove bolts. Eva and Perla drove over to Bob Kelso's late this evening and got some milk. I have had new burners put on our gasoline stove. They are not a success and the old burners will be replaced. Mrs. Daisy Kelso will supply us with butter for a short time.
Friday June 28 -- $3. Cloudy 75. Yesterday I sent JJ Campbell for laundry work $5. The harness for our Bob cost 10 cts for repairs. Sadie and pearly spent the day at Charles Deer's I was there for dinner. Cinda (?) Dick Rusk and wife were there too. Farmers are beginning to cut clover hay. Wheat is turning the last bit by the second week in July it will be ready for the reaper. I make this statement on my judgment.
Saturday June 29 - Cloudy 77. $9.70. Paid 15 c for new potatoes at the rate of 40 c a peck 5 for a bunch of 6 new onions 30 cts for supper given by the women of the Baptist Church. Perla, her daughter and Mrs. Ethel Hodgkins Stilwell went to visit Mrs. Mary Robertson Smiley near Marshall. They were class mates and graduates of Waveland HS in 1899 or 1900 I believe it was.
Sunday June 30 - Clear. 76. We concluded to take dinner with Jim and Mary Alfrey and were there 20 minutes before 10. Left here 10 minutes after 7. Had fried chicken for dinner. Had a real nice visit and a pleasant drive, we left there at 20 minutes after 5 and were at home a little before 7. I went out to Bob Kelso's and got some milk. Had the horse and buggy put away and it was not yet dark.