Ella Peacock - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Ella Peacock


Ella was born in February 1856 in Franklin Township, Montgomery County, Indiana and passed away in 1912. She was the daughter of Enoch and Rachel Peacock. Her sister, Ruth married Oliver Preston Paxson. They lived for a time in Lyons, Kansas. Ruth and Ella also had a brother Elijah Peacock. Ella is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Darlington, Indiana, sharing the tombstone with her parents. - kbz

NOTE 1: Thanks sooo very much to Norman Tribett for sending this nifty piece of history :) kbz

NOTE 2: My husband was looking at these and said, "Why don't I scan those pages and then people might find their ancestor's signature. Loved the idea so here ya' go :) And, thanks my darling Jim :)

Ella: Round went the Autograph hither it came for me to write in, so here is my name. Mrs. O.P. Paxson (Note: Ella's sister, Ruth) - Lyons, Kan. 2/22 1880

Friend Ella: We have been happy friends together
and may the toe of friendship never be broken.
Remember the month of 1879 - 80 spent in Darlington High School

also your friend, Flora Ward, Darlington, Indiana -- March 2 (9?), 1880 -- Ever remember the concert (written on side)

Miss Ella: Many year hence, it may be that you will look from this page of your pleasant memories may I form a part -
Be a Christian - Your teacher, A.E. Buckeby (? on last name - Buckley?)

Darlington, Indiana Grand-hog's day 1880

Ella - Feb 7th 1887 -- I slept and drempt that life was duty (dirty?) and woke and found that life was beauty -- Wallie Cox, Crawfordsville Ind

Ella, Among the beautiful pictures that hang on memory's wall
Is one of our dirty old schoolhouse that seemeth the best of all.
Your friend and Schoolmate, Ina L. Bowers - Feb 5, 1880.
Remember our Hickory Nut Parties.

Miss Ella, When many years have flown,
When you and I are both full grown,
Think of me and your old schoolmate,
And also of our good old book and slate,
Think of the days you came to see me,
To -meet? sweet ? - you filled my heart with glee,
You know we had some fried potatoes,
And also had a sliced tomatoe - was there any thing else?
-- Emma Bond-- Darlington, Ind July 30th, '80 --

Think of the gent that jumps the counter at J.M. Hollingsworth's

Miss Ella : - May there be in thy life enough of cloud and rain to give to thy soul vigor, enough of storm to give it strength, and enough of sunshine to clothe it with eternal beauty.
Sincerely thy friend, JP Edwards. Darlington, Dec 19th '82

"The Path of the just is as a shining light
which shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
May this be thy experience is the earnest wish of thy friend,
Drusilla Wilson. March (?) June ? 13, 1892 - aged 77 yrs.

Our lives are albums written through,
With good, with ill, with false, with true,
And as the blessed angles (sic) turn the pages of our years,
God grant they read the good with smiles,
And blot the bad with tears.

Laura Cadwallader, Darlington March 9/80
-- Ever remember the gentleman that wares (wears?) the kid gloves

Ella: Remember me when I am gone,
Remember me when school is done,
And if on earth no more we meet,
May we each other in heaven greet.

Matthias Hewitt, Darlington, Indiana June the 30, 1880

Dear Ella: "Your album is a garden spot, Where all your friends may sow, Where thorns and thistles flourish not, But flowers alone may grow, I plant within your garden spot, The fragrant flower, the "Forget me Not." Your friend, Caroline Faust - Darlington, March 23, 1883

Miss Ella, May your life through school be happy. Your friend and school-mate, Darlington, Ind Feb 17th '80 - Robert T. Griffin (Giffin?)

Respected Cousin: When others friends are around thee: and other hearts are thine it is then I would ask one thought of thee 'tis this - that thou would remember me, thy cousin. Henry Pickett. Darlington 9 mo 1st, 1886

Ella: "Think for thyself - one good idea,
But known to be thy own,
Is better than a thousand gleaned
From fields by others sown."
Your friend and class-mate, Phebe Milner.
Remember Jan 8, / 80 and the Institute

Ella, One by one thy duties wait thee;
Let thy whole strength go to each:
Let no future dream elate thee;
Learn then first what these can teach.
Clara Butler, (Butter?) Crawfordsville, Ind

Friend Ella: Hours mispent are jewels lost, and
opportunities for doing good, neglected
Can never be recalled, let us follow
Christ's example that life may be pleasant
And Eternity spent in happiness.

Your friend and school mate,
Jennie Kersey
Feb 12th, 1880

Miss Ella: When you are setting all alone
Reflecting on the past
Remember I am your friend
As long as friendship lasts.
Then friends are few
And friendship dear
Remember the one who wrote this here.

Yours truly, Sarah Tribbett
Darlington, Ind Feb 19th, 1881


Look well to your footsteps, Many are the snares to entrap the young.

O.P. Paxson, Paola, Kansas Miami Co. Nov 21, 1880

Note: This is Oliver Preston Paxson - he married Ruth Peacock, Ella's sister. They lived at various times, in Waveland, In; Lake County, Indiana; Hamilton County, Indiana and of course, Miami County, Kansas where he wrote the above.
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