Goshorn - 1937
"A little background from Judy Goshorn, Lula & Ezra's granddaughter"
My grandfather, Ezra Goshorn, kept a journal, which I have somewhere. He died in April 1930 and that is when her journals start. Lula wrote for her church magazine and the county paper, but apparently had not been keeping a journal. The first entryh is a few days after Ezra's funeral, when the older (Marie, John and Roland) children were going back to their lives. Only two children were left at home, my dad, Lewis, age 15, and Ruth, age 9. The running of the farm fell to my dad and Lula. I am amazed at the work a 15-year-old boy did, while attending school and doing well there.
Many of the snapshots I have are early 30s and make good illustrations for this journal :) ENJOY! - JWG
Note: Their church was the Brethren Church on 750 South - Ezra had both the pastors :)
1931 -- 1932 -- 1933 -- 1934 -- 1935 -- 1936 -- 1937 -- 1938 -- 1939 -- 1940 -- 1941 -- 1942 -- 1943 -- 1944
Jan 7 – Traded “Squeekie” pet pig and late lamb and 2 calves + 18.00 to Clayton for 3 yr old part jersey – swiss heifer to be fresh in Sept. Mother & grandmother 5 & 6 gallon cows.
Jan 20 – Inauguaration day in Washington for 2nd term of Pres. Roosevelt. Rain, rain all day. We heard the address given in the rain even to the drops falling on the “mick” – what a wonderful thing radio is.
Jan 23 – Heavy floods all along Ohio & Wabash rivers. Cincinnati has all time record flood of 70+ ft. Warnings issued for restricted use of drinking water and electricity. This has been the rainiest Jan ever. Snowing here today and colder. Harley helped finish cutting out trees & brush along the road (Goose Path Road) side in north fence row on place where Paul Mahorney lived yesterday.
Jan 25 – This year will go down in history as the great flood year, as last year was drouth. Ohio River continued to rise in Cincinnati until it is 8’. No electricity, no drinking water except as shipped in, so is the report. Evansville, Ind, Louisville, Ky and all other river towns are flooded. C’ville, Ladoga, Lafayette and other town been called to the refugees from the flood. Marie’s family are safe from flood but must share in the other disasters. Fire broke out from a gasoline explosion and burned gasoline on the water and along the water front for 3 miles. Building caught also. Towns all along this river flooded, some entirely covered with water.
Later – Refugees did not get here. Greencastle and Indianapolis was the farthest north; places were found nearer the flood gone. 2 truck loads of clothing and supplies were sent from Ladoga, besides money.
Feb 8 – Mr. Barnard finishing wiring barn with 3 lights; and switch for milking machine. A wire to shop but no lights in.
Feb 15 - Sowed white sweet clover in east wheat field. Snowed & was too bad to finish.
Feb 17 – Sowed same in field west of barn at Harleys.
Feb 18 – Lewis finished putting in Milking machines. Cow pretty much excited when the teat cups are put on, otherwise don’t seem to mind it. Guess they’ll get used to it before long. Separator is worn out. Selling milk to Roachdale cheese factory. Get whey back. (Note from kbz -- not sure what kinds of cows the Goshorns owned but the milking machine is likely about the same as this)

MARCH 1937
Mar 3 – Harley Rogers’ moving to Chas. Myers farm east of here. Been here six years. Came with nothing but a cow and few chickens. Is starting farming for himself now. Has sold shoats each year for several years. Also a few calves. Now has 2 good cows and yearling heifer, 8 shoats, 2 sows. And just bought 2 horses. Lewis taking over our farm work alone.
Mar 6 – Temp . 64 sunny like spring today. Very muddy. Got so warm suddenly. The lowest temp all winter was 8 above zero. Slight earthquake shock felt in Indianapolis and C’ville Tuesday. We did not feel it but it moved chairs, desks and other things in those towns – was felt in Ohio also. Milking machine works fine. Lewis & Ruth do the milking. Johnny Goshorn is walking now.
APRIL 1937
April 1 – Sowed oats today – 10 acres. Lewis finished discing by working an hour and a half in the rain. I do hope he won’t get sick. The rain and wind was cold. Later – he didn’t.
April 8 – Lewis planted half the south east field across the road, in corn today. Will have to plant the north end in soy beans for hay. The alfalfa we sowed last fall was about all winter killed. Not enough snow to keep it from being thrown up by freezing and thawing, so it froze out. Volunteer wheat came up in it so we are leaving that hoping to get something from the wheat.
April 12 – Plowed the garden. Has been so cold, ground freezing some every night and raining almost every day for a week. Scarcely anyone got their oats finished. Now very busy as can be. Paul got his oats yesterday (Monday). Sunday evening Mildred’s father and mother surprised us greatly by stopping a little while. Seem very nice and friendly. Planted some early garden truck and 11 rows potatoes, then it was dark and we had to quit. Lewis started plowing the south east corner field this p.m. Looks like rain tonight.
April 14 – Planted balance of potatoes today after it rained yesterday. Have 21 rows east and west across garden.
April 17 – G.L. Murrell finished hauling 23 yds. Gravel @ 1.25 yd for driveway and to fix place for mailbox.
April 18 – Oats are coming up. The freezing at night since they were sown does not seem to have hurt them. Some people are still planting.
MAY 1937
May 13 – Lewis finished planting corn today. Has been rainy and delayed work again. Aid Soc met here this p.m. 18 grown folks 8 children.
May 15 – Planted popcorn in garden at the little house – bal. of garden is in potatoes.
May 17 – WC Rutan, 718 S. Walnut St, C’ville, Ind sheared 20 sheep – 15 c per head – 3.00 Good job.
May 18 – Sold wool 185 # (ave. 9+ lbs) at 35 c lb. to Henry Ragstle, Ladoga (Ragsdale probably – kbz). Paul Mahorney operated on for appendicitis last night. Lewis plowed with tractor for him all afternoon. Neighbors will have to put in his corn crop.
May 20 – Lewis sowed 9 acres soy beans.
May 21- Lewis plowed ½ day for Paul M.
May 22 – Lewis plowed about 3 hrs for Paul M, it rained him out.
May 24 – Lewis plowed 4 hours and finished. Mr. Hicks of the Sanders place, Mr. Boone and Howard & Cecil Cline are planting corn & discing. Ruth is working each forenoon in the Vacation Bible school being held in Ladoga for 12 days.
JUNE 1937
June 4 – John, Marian and Johnny came this noon and what a great, fine surprise. We have never seen Johnny before and he will be 2 yrs old in Oct. He is a wonderfully sturdy healthy looking baby and has such a friendly smile. Even when he falls down he gets up rubbing the bumped place and smiling. He is surely a fine boy and how glad I am to see them all. Marie and the boys have been here a week. Roy is in Washington DC on business.
June 6 – Roy’s left this morning. They have contracted to buy a house in Cincinnati. The boys are greatly pleased that they will have a home of their own. John’s will leave early Tuesday morning. How I wish Roland and his wife could be here now and the children would all be together once again. Marie’s boys are growing up so fast. Fine fellows all. Lewis roommate for three years at college was here for dinner, he and his wife, Lewis Deardorff is his name.
June 8 – At called counsel church decided to employ Lewis Deardorff as part time pastor $500 per yr. He will teach in the high school here this fall. Present pastor WJ Hersey resigned, leave the last of July.
June 13 – Roland’s graduation day from Purdue University. Lewis, Ruth and I attended the exercises and saw him receive the Dr. of Philsophy Degree (Ph.D). He wore a black gown with velvet bands and was draped with a blue hood when he received the diploma. His was the only graduating ceremony of any of the children that I have seen. Always I had other little ones to stay with or was not able to go. He has worked hard. Has diplomas from No. Manchester College and U. of Ill and now he is done and has a position with the Sharpels Solvent Co doing research work and likes the job. His thesis is, “Preparation of Alpha Pheny Alkanoi Acids and a Study of their Bactericidal and Physical Properties.” He lives in Michigan. It’s far away but one can not expect to keep the dear ones always near. I am so glad and thankful that they are all doing well.
June 14 – Chester & Janet Rogers have a little girl born today.
June 19 – Blanche Mahorney operated on for appendicitis this morning. Just a month since Paul had a similar operation. Most too bad such a double dose of misfortune.
June 22 – Lewis commenced spraying Canada Thistles at Pauls with Sodium Chlorate. There is a lot of them there.
June 26 – Lewis worked on thistles 3 ½ days.
June 29 – Commenced to cut wheat. It has very much red rust on it. Is not very good quality. All the wheat around here is rusty. Have helping us. Our Lewis, Amos Boone, Mel Laughlin, Harley Rogers, J. Ernest Harmon.
JULY 1937 -- note the dates this month are somewhat screw - typed as is
July 1- Finished cutting wheat at 2:30 today. Paid the hands $3.00 per day. Settled with Mr. Boone for what he was owing and paid him 97. Mel Laughlin let 5.50 go on the estate cow pasture rent; paid him $2.50. Paid Harley 5.00 he left 3.00 to go on his oats cutting with our binder later. Coolest harvest weather in years 45 to 48 degrees.
July 3 –Bought of Ray Wilkey, C’ville prime electric fence outfit - $34.50.
July 2nd (sic out of place) Lewis sprayed thistles all day at Pauls. Not done yet.
July 3 (sic – again, out of place and a duplicate date) – Geo. Kessler sprayed ½ day on those on the estate. Lewis had to see about some fence.
July 5 – Jesse White moved into the little house. Rent 5.00 per month. He to fix screens, window panes and necessary pairs out of rent money. Renting by month.
July 3 – (sic out of place and not sure what she is talking about- kbz) – ½ day and July 5 & 6 whole days. Geo. Kessler sprayed Canada thistles on estate. Used 47 ½ lbs. Sodium chlorate.
July 7 – Lewis finished putting up electric fence at the other barn to keep the bull in – wonderful thing is electricity, and a gifted son to know how to work with it. All of the children are wonderfully resourceful and can do so many things and do them well.
July 8 – Lewis put asphalt shingles on the square of porch roof that leaked so badly.
July 12 – Cut oats today in field east of house good many shocks. Cut in 4 hrs. with tractor.
July 10 – sic – Bought set of harness Sears, Roebuck Co, Indianapolis. Old set entirely worn out. Ruth had her first experience with revolving doors and escalators at Blocks store.

July 13 – Just the day after we cut oats it rained over 4” official report. First rain we’d had for quite awhile. Do hope the oats won’t spoil. Very hot.
July 15 – Bought of Gus Wray of C’ville used lumber from fair ground building to make a tractor shed & repair shed at Paul’s Cost $40.40. Geo. Boone trucked it from C’ville for $3.00
July 18 – Lewis cut Harleys oats today. Bought 4 ½ yds gravel of Henry Harrison he hauled it, 1.20 of a yard for shed foundation for tractor.
July 20 – Commenced threshing today. James Newell outfit. Finished the 21st. 930 bu off three fields. Too much rain early in spring and red rust in summer cut all wheat yields. The field by railroad that we limed and sowed in alfalfa last fall came up in volunteer wheat and was the best we had. Averaged about 17 bu to the acre. Got $1.10 FOR 129 bu. Then price dropped and also the quality of wheat and we got $1.07 – 97 – 92 – 90c for bal of crop. Wheat threshing 5 c per bu. Oats 3c. Leonard Himes hauled water to the men 1 ½ day for $1.50. Fields yield in bushesl machine measure – east of road in front of little house 343 bu – back of little house 243 bu railroad field 344 bu.
July 26 – Bought 101 bu corn of geo. Kessler for .19 per bu ($120.19). This week Rev. Heisey and family leave here after about 3 yrs pastorate. Will locate at No .Manchester, 603 Miami St and be asst field representative for the college.
July 30 – Finished wheat threshing about 10 a.m. 8 days work. Paid JE Harmon $20 to go with our grain wagon.
July 7 – sic pretty sure this is Aug 7 – Sowed alfalfa today – very hot. Put 200 lbs each lime to the acre – 1 bu seed to 8 acres (sowed the railroad field).
July 14 – threshed oats. Ours the last job. 540 bu off the 10 acres east of barn. About 540 bu off the 10 acres east of barn. About 54 bu to acres + a poor years for oats t that. Ours yielded better than any in ring. Had most of the wheat straw bailed & sold. 1060 bales. Kept 20 bales for bedding and have a small stack at the barn – lots of straw this year. Sold for 7c bale.
Aug 30 – Commenced cutting soybeans for hay – very tall & heavy.
Sept 8-9- put up 13 loads soybean hay.
Sept 10 – rained. Several loads still out.
Sept 14 – Put up 5 loads soybean hay and finished – Mr. Harmon, Clayton, Geo. K helped 1 day. Mr. Hicks, Clayton, Geo K – 1 day. Clayton, Paul & Geo . K – finished 3d day 2 a.m. Hay in good condition and I’m so glad its done. Broke hay loader last day finished loading by hand.
Sept 18 – First frost. Big one. Temp 40. Nothing hurt tho. Old folks say because it’s “light of the moon,” frost doesn’t hurt things much then?
Sept 20 – Commenced sowing wheat in corn. Many interruptions. Windmill broke etc. finished the field, balance that had soy beans in, Thursday. Have 10 acres east of house to sow. Will have to haul corn for hogs and will not get done till next week. Need rain. Ground hard.
Sept 27 – Finished sowing wheat today. So glad its done. Mercury down to 42. Coolest wheat sowing time in years.
Sept 30 – Jesse White husked first load of corn.
Oct 1 – Jesse White husked 1 load corn.
Oct 2 – Today I put in the savings acct in Build & Loan $300. How thankful I am to be able to lay by something again as emergency fund. All these years, almost 8 of them, times have been such we had to use every cent. How thankful too I am for my dear working Lewis & Ruth who are with me. Always so willing and helpful. May God bless & keep them always.
Oct 15 – Gordon White husked 1 load corn.
Oct 18 – Lewis & Ruth paid Roland $40 for his interest in the sheep.
Oct 20 – Norman Blaydes husked 70 bu corn
Oct 21 – Norman Blaydes husked 60 bu. Corn
Oct 22 – Norman husked 30 bu corn at 6c per bu – Paid in full $9.60. Ruth went to Tipton as delegate from SS to the state SS Convention. Be gone until Sunday and O, how we do miss her.
Oct 23 -- N. Blaydes husked 80 bu corn.
Oct 24 – Ruth home again. Had a nice time over 1000 delegates. So glad to have her home.
Oct 25 – N. Blaydes husked 60 bu corn.
Oct 26 – N. Blaydes husked 70 bu corn
Oct 27 – N. Blaydes husked 60 bu. Corn – Engaged 2 & ½ bu Hybrid seed corn $7.00 PER BU TO PLANT 20 ACRES. $17.50
Oct 29 – Norman 60 bu corn
Oct 29 – Norman 80 bu corn
Oct 30 Norman 40 bu – paid $27.00 for 450 bu
Nov 1 – Norman Blaydes 70 bu corn
Nov 2- “”””” 60 bu corn
Nov 3 – “”””” 80 bu corn. Jesse White paid $5.00 on rent $3.60 for corn husking also applied on rent – 5.00 / 8.60 paid.
Nov 4- Began putting corn in other barn although not full here. Mr. B will have to keep count as we do not see him every day.
Nov 7 – Lewis Deardorff preached very good sermon today. In fact, all his sermons are good timely and gospel filled and the people seem to like his work very much.
Nov 8 – Paid N. Bladyes for 340 bu corn husked las week (20.40) raining now.
Nov 9 – NB – husked 60 bu corn. Mr. Stadler has agreed to build barn at far place at about $600 – labor $220 included (estimate). N. Blaydes husked 60 bu c
Nov 10 – Husked 80 bu
Nov 11 – Husked 30 bu. And finished in south 20 acres. Commencing now on wheat field.
Nov 13 – Paid N. Blaydes 19.20 for 32 bu corn husked this week. Mr. Stadler, carpenter, slipped on a nail and has not been able to work on estate barn for a couple of days. We got the roofing that had been taken of the crib down there and Lewis put it on the tractor shed he has lt. We lack about 4 squares but will get it when it is taken off the barn. The shed is about 12 x 20 and is a fine piece of work. He built it entirely alone concrete work and all. I am very proud of him and it. Got Ruth a 2nd hand clarinet so she can play in the school band. Miss Martin will give her lessons at school free.

Nov 15 – Lewis was putting the wheel weights on the tractor getting ready to plow when one slipped off and mashed his toes. They weight about 150 lbs each and are cast iron. Two toes on his crippled foot are badly bruised and black. He can’t wear shoes for sometime. Its too bad it had to happen to him. He works so well and goes so many things for us. The men commenced work on the barn foundation today.
Nov 18 – Finished husking corn today in a snow storm. About 3” deep tonight. Husked 195 bu this week. Paid 11.70. So thankful the corn is all in. Mr. Blaydes is a good husker.
Nov 23 – Lewis put his shoe on today. Toes sore yet but blister has gone down. Limps some but is trying to work. Am so thankful it is healing nicely. It was such a bad bruise.
Nov 29 – Paul M. brought aload of corn. We are taking 200 bu. @ .45 on his rent. Geo. K. has had our team and wagon two days with Norman Blaydes helping him husk corn.
Nov 30 – Paul M. brought a load of corn
Dec 1 – N. Blaydes got team and wagon to husk corn for Geo. Kessler
Dec 2 – same. Paul M. brought load of corn. Daughter born to Gene Himes & wife
Dec 3 – Paul M. brought load of corn. N. Blaydes husked for Kessler with our team.
Dec 10 – Maggie Mahorney had operation for tumor. Appendix and uterus.
Dec 21 – Maggie was brought home getting along real well. Do hope she will get strong now.
Dec 22 – Paul M. brought ½ load corn -N. Blaydes used our team today husking corn for Geo. Kessler
Dec 23 – Paul brought part of load of corn. N. Blaydes husked with our team for Kesslers.
Dec 24 – Paul brought last load of corn of the 200 bu we took on rent.
Dec 25 – Roland home this evening. Have had a nice Christmas. Family has families now and we must be glad they are well and able to have Christmas in their own homes. But how we miss each absent one!
Dec 29 – Geo. Kessler took our male hog to his place for awhile. He has 5 sows.
END OF 1937 Lula Goshorn diary