Goshorn - 1940
1940 Lula Goshorn Diary
Ladoga, Indiana
My grandfather, Ezra Goshorn, kept a journal, which I have somewhere. He died in April 1930 and that is when these diaries start. Lula wrote for her church magazine and the county paper, but apprently had not been keeping a journal. The first entry is a few days after Ezra's funeral, when the older (Marie, John and Roland) children were going back to their lives. Only two children were left at home, my dad, Lewis, age 15, and Ruth, age 9. The running of the farm fell to my dad and Lula. I am amazed at the work a 15-year-old boy did, while attending school and doing well there.
Many of the snapshots I have are early 30s and make good illustrations for this journal :) ENJOY! - JWG
Note: Their church was the Brethren Church on 750 South - Ezra had both the pastors :)
1931 -- 1932 -- 1933 -- 1934 -- 1935 -- 1936 -- 1937 -- 1938 -- 1939 -- 1940 -- 1941 -- 1942 -- 1943 -- 1944
January 1940
Jan 2- Very cold and snowy – coldest weather in 4 years.
Lewis took Ruth back to school at No. Manchester this morning. Zero when they
started was 2 below. It has been fine to have her home, and hard to see her
leave. Glad she is doing well and liking
the place.
Jan 4 – The big old Harshbarger house burned down in about
an hour at noon today. JS Bash of Ill present owner.
Jan 7 – Sunday – Garvin Goshorn (30 years old) one of Uncle
Martin’s boys was killed today in an auto truck
collision near Logansport. Lela, his sister seriously hurt.
Note: Garvin was born in Clay County, Indiana Garvin Leroy Goshorn and died in Logansport, Cass County 7 January 1940 not quite 31 years old. Buried Maple Grove Cemetery in Clay City, Clay County. He was the son of Martin Riley Goshorn and Lillie Shonkwiler. Note2: I do not see a burial or death record for the baby :( kbz
Obituary from Linton Daily Citizen 9 January 1940 - "Son of Shackamack Custodian Dead" -- Private funeral services for Garvin L. Goshorn, 30 years old of Clay City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Shoshorn of Skamak state park, who was killed SUnday in an auto accident near Logansport, will be held at 3:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the Schoppenhorst Funeral Home in Clay City with burial in Maple Grove cemetery. Goshorn was killed when his auto skidded on the icy pavement of State Road 25, fives miles east of Logansport and then was struck by an auto driven by James Johnson of Cape Giardeau, Mo. Accompanied by his wife, Goshorn was on his way to Mishawaka, taking his sister, Mrs. Lela Niles and her two children to their home there. Mrs. Goshorn escaped with slight injuries but Mrs. Niles and her two children were reported to have been seriously injured. They were taken to a Logansport hospital. The deceased was a graduate of Clay City HS and was engaged in the trucking business at Clay City. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Deloris LaSalle Goshorn; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Goshorn of Shakamak park; three brothers, Robert of Clay City; William of Pittsburgh, PA and George of Chicago, Illinois and two sisters, Mrs. Niles and Miss Winona Goshorn of Mishawaka. - kbz
Jan 9 - Nancy 2 mos bruised and his wife bruised about the shoulders.
Jan 24 – The baby died. They did not think it was hurt. Lela
still in hospital. Later – Drs determined baby’s death was from natural causes
and not from wreck.
(note not in order – the 24th was written at
bottom by the 7th keeping the information in order but not dates)
Source: Indianapolis News 25 Jan 1940 - Logansport, Ind - January 25 - An autopsy report today by Coroner MB Stewart says the death of Nancy Niles, two-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Niles, Middlebury was caused by an enlarged thyrus and was not connected with the traffic accident here January 9 in which the baby's uncle, Garvin Goshorn, was killed. The baby died Wednesday at a hospital here, where Mrs. Niles is recovering from injuries suffered in the accident. - kbz
Source: Indianapolis News 24 Jan 1940 p 1 -- At Logansport, an investigation of the death of two-month-old Nancy Niles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Niles of Middlebury was begun. The baby was an occupant of an automobile in which Garvin L. Goshorn of Clay City was fatally hurt in an auto-transport truck crash fives miles east of Logasnport on Road 24 (sic) Jan 7. The baby died Tuesday night in a hospital where her mother is still confined with injuries suffered in the accident in which Goshorn was killed. Coroner MB Stewart sought to determine whether the baby might have suffered internal injuries in the accident.
Jan 16 – Bought 2 yr old mare colt of Albert Henthorne $70,
a match for the one Lewis got of Mr. Boone. He calls it Lizzie so the “team”
with be Liz & Lady, I guess.
Jan 19 – 13 below zero last night. Some report 15 below.
Coldest here in several years. All of Jan cols so far. Mostly zero and below.
Only a few days above 30 any time.
Jan 22 – JS Bash, 74, was buried today. Had a stroke last
Wednesday and was not conscious afterward.
He bought the Harshbarger farm 12 years ago. The big house burned down
there Jan 4. The excitement and loss was
too hard on him. The Mortgage Co took all but $500 of the insurance money – 10
years ago this April he helped carry Ezra in after he was stricken. He was a
year older than Ezra. Born in Russia and was an nice old man. Note: I see no stone or mention of death on findagrave - kind of what I figured but was hoping he'd be remembered :( - kbz
February 1940
Feb 21 – Sale of everything on the Bash (Harshbarger) farm
today. Very large crowd. Cole but not stormy much better than the sale day last
Feb. Aid So cleared $58 on dinner served.
Feb 22 – Snooty had 5 pups last night in spite of all my vigilance.
Noses look bull doggish. Tail common cur
– I did get chilled. 2 males 3 females – oh my.
Feb 28 – Sowed clover seed on wheat today.
March 1940
Mar 24 – Easter Sunday. Ruth and Roland here. So fine to see
them home again. Mildred stayed with her
mother. Roland has a “slide projector,” and shoed us many nice pictures. Cold
weather yet. Nothing planted. Monday – day after Easter 10 above zero. Snowed
last night.
Mar 31 – Lewis took Ruth back to No. Manchester today. Nice
sunny day. So glad to have had Ruth home.
She has gained since Xmas weighs 162 #.
Got kicked on the ear and in the side by cow when she was milking. Hope
there will be no bad results. Has a very sore green and purple spot on her
side. So sorry it happened. Think cow got scared at the dog, Snooty.
April 1940
Apr 1 – Commenced sowing oats.
Apr 6 – Finished sowing oats. Have ½ day discing in yet to
do. Lewis has disced about 68 acres this week both ways. Our Paul’s and his own
was delayed ½ day by rain, but has done a big full week of work.
Apr 11 – Had worse blizzard today of the winter. Snowed and
blowed and stormed. Mercury fell to 22 above zero. Snow 3” deep and 2 to 3 ft.
Apr 20 – Had Snooty operated on and it made her real sick.
Wouldn’t eat or drink for 3 days and so stiff in hind parts could hardly get
about. Didn’t (sic – do left out) any more than she had too (sic). It was 6 days until she showed any interest
in things. In 10 days was apparently all right again.
Apr 25 – Planted potatoes in the field south of woods that
will be in corn. 23 rows.
May 1940
May 6 – Lewis traded his Ford coupe for 1939 (it’s a coach)
Plymouth run 13,000 miles $475 + old car. Very nice looking and all modern
equipment. So glad he has a good car now.
May 7 – Bud Ingram sheared sheep today. Lewis decided to
pool the wool this time with the producers. To be sold later. Price today
32c. My eyes very bad again. Have to go
to Dr. for treatment. Took $10 – from the Trust Co that came from Grandma to
use for my eyes. Have $44 left.
May 19 – Eyes still very bad. Gone to Dr. 3 times a week for
past 2 weeks. $1.50 each treatment of 1 ½ hours. How it does cost. Treat them
every hour at home.
May 21 – After numerous delays by rain finished planting
corn here- Lewis has 7 ½ acres to plant.
May 23 – Lewis finished planting corn.
May 31 – Lewis brought Ruth home from college. So glad to
have her here again. My eyes still bad and I can’t stand up to the work like I
should. It has rained every day for 8 days. Some plowing not done yet and lots
of corn not planted.
May had 23 days of rain
June 1940
June 10 – Dipped the sheep.
June 13 – Finished sowing our soy beans. Delayed by rain.
June 14 – Lewis finished his beans in a 16 hour day. Twice
disced and planted 11 acres, besides doing chores that Ruth & I couldn’t
do. Paul M. finished planting corn today.
July 1940
July 1- I took $20 from the trust Co that Mother left me and
will use it for my eye treatment so I will not be taking anything from the
family funds. Took another treatment of Dr. Lingeman, $2.00. Eyes improved a
little. Commenced with him last week under Dr. Gross’ advice. Have very bad
case of conjunctivitis.
July 4 – Oakel Rogers finished putting up our part of
cloverhay. 28 loads of very nice hay.
Not a drop of rain been on it. First good clover we’ve had for several
July 8 – Lewis put up 7 loads of his oats for hay.
July 15 – Cut oats today ours & Lewis’
July 22 – Commenced threshing wheat in this ring.
July 25 – Finished wheat in ring at noon today. We had 107
bu on 5 & some 10th acres. 21 bu per acre – all wheat red rusty.
July 29 – Commenced threshing oats today. No rain on it since it was cut. Lewis had 286
bu off about 5 acres. We had 611 bu about 14 acres. Deanna Louise 8 lbs arrived in the Lewis
Deardorff family about 6 a.m. Donald stayed with us awhile. Roland came
yesterday for vacation. So glad to see him. Wish we could ALL be at home again.
August 1940
Aug 1- Dug potatoes. Earliest ever. Tops all dead so dry
didn’t grow large but will have enough.
Aug 2 – Finished threshing oats in this ring. Made good yield 43 .6 bu per acres
Aug 10 – Roland left today and John’s came – four hours
later, just too bad they missed each other. John on crutches with a fractured
heel done July 4 jumping with Johnny.
Better now. Am so glad to see them all – Johnny fine, boy. Miss them all
when they leave – John’s will tomorrow.
Aug 16 – Took balance of money that came to me from my
mother, out of trust co. to use for my eye treatment.
Aug 19 – Wilburn Long’s - Lewis tenant - have a new girl –
Vonda Germain. 3d girl in the family.
Next youngest 15 mos. Old. Glenda
Wilburne. Oldest is Carolyn Darlene,
3. Mrs. Long is Violet. Note:
Loughs live in C’ville – had son born May 31, 1942 – Calvin Duane. First
boy born in the Long family in 20 years. All the children & grandch are
September 1940
Sept. 6 – Finished sowing rye in cornfield east of barn.
Sept 9 – Lewis took Ruth to Manchester today to start her
second college year. We will miss her terribly as we’ve missed all the others;
but I’m glad it has been possible to give the children college training, they
all seem to be making good use of it.
Sept 11 – Lewis cut his soybeans for hay.
Sept 30 – CCC boys began work on ditch south of house by the
bridge and thru the pasture. Manager Mr. Anandale and PP Plunkett. Other work
to prevent soil erosion control will be done on all the farms we manage. They
furnish labor, we the material. This is government work to aid the young men
unemployed. They work about 7 hrs a day.
October 1940
Oct 4 – Lewis sowed his wheat. Paul Ronk finished corn husking our clover
seed. About 9 bu not cleaned!
Oct 7 – Lewis found Old Bally (Baily? Baby?) dead. We don’t know how old she was, but real old.
Guess she died of old age. She had seemed well as usual.
Oct 10 – Sold old Dolly to GD Connor for $6. He bought 2
other old horses in the neighborhood. Takes them to Chicago and they are made
into dog and cat food. All of our old
horses are gone now. Neither of these (our) horses could do a days work
anymore. Dolly could hardly get up, when down.
Oct 11 – Finished sowing wheat in corn. Yancy Hicks helped. Lewis sowed one day. He is terribly busy with the added work of
keeping the CCC crews supplied with materials for ditches, cement work,
etc. On his place, ours and the estate.
Oct 13 – Roy came in this evening. So glad to see him. Hasn’t had a vacation this summer so busy in
Washington. Boys are in school so all the family couldn’t come. He will see his
parents in Ohio as he goes back. Leaving Mon. a.m.
Oct 21 – Combined our beans today. Price 7- c bu.
Oct 22 – Finished ours, had 119+ bu. Some so short couldn’t catch them. Drouth
this summer spoiled the crop. Hogs will
clean them up.
Oct 23 – Lewis had his beans combined.
Oct 29 – On Oct 16, all men from 21 to 35 years old had to
register for draft service in case of war. They are to be numbered and when
that number is called, must report for service in some form. Today the numbers
were published for our county 2858 boys with their serial #. Lewis is 943.
Pauls number 1979. Draft No 7286.
Order No. 2806. Iva (Watkins) Smith
Rayburn and husband from Pasadena, Cal. called this evening. She left here 46
years ago. Her parents built the house on the farm Lewis bought last year.
November 1940
Nov 6 – Wilburn Long’s moved out of Lewis’ house to a log
cabin south of Henry Harrison’s.
Nov 7 – This morning we had our first killing frost and ice
was over all the tanks and troughs.
Nov 12 – Heavy wind storm took part of barn roof off here
and loosened some roof on barn across road.
Blew Paul’s hen house over and moved it across the lot. Blew chimney off
the little house. Much wind damage in many places. Swift drop in temp. Quite
Nov 30 - Got the wool
money. Ave 35 c lb. The Wool Pool made 3 different grades of it. Gained about 3c a lb over the price at
Shearing time.
December 1940
Dec 7 – Walter Eldridge finished husking corn today. Wilburn
Long finished Lewis’ corn yesterday. He
has nice corn considering the season. Too dry for it during growing time. No
corn very good this year. But we’re thankful we have any at all. Lewis ave. 50 bu to acre. Our 43.
Dec 14 – Lewis & I went to Carl Moores to see
calves. Lewis bought 3 Herefords at $40
each. First time we had been to see Carl & Lucille very hilly country and
must be fine scenery in summer. Clayton and Maggie both better. C. was
Dec 21 – Ruth home for two weeks vacation. So glad to have
her here.
Dec 25 – A rainy Christmas. We are all well supplied with
nice presents. The “away from home” children remember us too generously. I
think as they have families of their own. Of course we appreciate everything
very much. Lewis had given each family an airplane map of our farms and a
goodly part of Clark Township. These maps are valuable and will increase in
worth as time goes on.
End of 1940 Lula Goshorn diary