Della Mount - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Della Mount

DELLA MOUNT - Autograph Book

Note: Thanks so much to Bob LaFollette for this - it's sooo nifty

Lucinda A”della” Mount was the daughter of Governor James Atwell Mount’s brother William H. and his wife Helen Young Mount and later married Albert Tribbett. She was born 4 Oct 1863 and passed away 22 May 1900 leaving her husband and two daughters.

Dear Cousin - This friendship, freighted volume bears
Fond benisons and fervent prayer
Involking lbessings; Here I trace
My own; which would them all embrace:
Your cousin, Grant A. LaFollette, Thorntown, Ind - Aug 20, 1882

Dear Cousin Della:

Life will be to you just what you make it:
A period of happy content and quiet sunshine, or
A seasons of discontent.
Strive to be what you would be. That yourl ife
May be a happy and successful one is the wife of ..
Your aff cousin and smart friend,
H.M. LaFollette

At "Home" - June 24, 1882

Friend Della:

Oh, write to me when far away,
Twill cheer the lone hour
Twill heed a shamshine on the heart
Where happy clouds will lower
Farewell oh Farewell,
Is the wish of my heart:
The choice belessings
Which to me can sinfast ?

Yours truly, Sat Tribbett, Darlington, Ind Dec 30, 1882

To Della:

Time changes our fair
Hearts should always be the
same and in them cherish the
Faith, Hope and Charity. Faith in friends
Hope for the future. Charity for faults of others,
Rather than the desires for fame.

Your Cousin Add - Wabash College, Crawfordsville
"Curtain Lectures" 2-4-1883

Friend Della, -

One object of life is to seek happiness for ourselves. Let us not forget that in seeking to make others happy, we make our own more enviable.
Wishing you well, I remain - Your friend, J.I. Groves

Shannondale, May 2, 1882

Friend Della:

Amid the busy scenes of life,

Strangers accidently meet
And with congenial spirit
Love to each other greet
But time that's ever changes (?)
May separate us far and wide,
Friendship formed is not forgotten
But sends well wishes across the tide.

Your true friend,

Emma Pickett (? on last three letters of name - Pickard ?) Oct 31, 1882 - Darlington

Dear Della:

The truest end of life is to know that life that never ends. Your Dearest Friend, Rhenie E. Miller - May 16th, 1882 Shannondale, Ind
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