Casualties from Area

World War II casualties reported as of 1946
Montgomery County Indiana
"Home of Record"
From a list maintained in the National Archives
KIA= Killed in Action
DNB= Died- Non-Battle Related
FOD= Finding of Death (Body not recovered)
KIA= Killed in Action
DNB= Died- Non-Battle Related
FOD= Finding of Death (Body not recovered)
PH = Purple Heart
IF highlighted in blue, you can click to read obituaries
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
Akester, Arnold R. - Montgomery? | 6919393 | PFC | DNB |
Navy | Ens | KIA - PH | |
Army | PVT | KIA | |
35039949 | PVT | DNB | |
35168200 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
Bowers, William R. | 35563956 | SGT | DNB - KIA? |
35259739 | PFC | DNB - KIA? | |
Coxswain | KIA - Navy - PH | ||
35147111 | SGT | DNB | |
35098504 | TEC5 | KIA - PH | |
35139833 | PVT | KIA - | |
Cline, Okle O. | 35351251 | PFC | KIA - PH |
15336023 | Sgt | DNB - KIA? | |
Sgt | KIA - PH | ||
Cook, Herbert Lee 35356498 in one source | 36356498 | SGT | DNB - KIA? |
35111500 | PFC | KIA - PH | |
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
35892904 | PVT | KIA - | |
DOWDEN, Frank | PVT | KIA - Obituary | |
0006388 | MAJ | DNB - KIA? | |
3536456 | SGT | DNB - KIA - PH | |
Farnsworth, Robert - Army | |||
Feather, Carrol H. | 0075835 | 1 Lt | KIA - PH |
2LT | KIA | ||
0699999 | 2LT | KIA - PH | |
1LT | KIA - PH | ||
PVT | KIA | ||
20530579 | SSG | DNB - KIA ? | |
35246900 | PFC | DNB - KIA? | |
35710918 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
Gott, Donald H. | 15043197 | SGT | DNB - KIA? |
0016602 | LTC | DNB | |
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
02077284 | 2LT | KIA - PH | |
USMCR | LT | KIA | |
0811073 | CAPT | DNB - KIA? | |
Hannah, Russell Carl - Navy | AO1C | KIA - PH | |
35144646 | TEC5 | KIA - PH | |
35149063 | TEC5 | KIA - PH | |
Hilliard, Daniel F. | 35506574 | PVT | KIA |
6915847 | SSG | DNB- KIA? | |
35901443 | PFC | DNB- KIA | |
0- 703260 | 2LT | KIA - PH | |
35259285 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
Jessup, Fred | 1944 - KIA | ||
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
Johnston, Robert - NAVY | 1944 | ||
35169898 | TEC4 | KIA | |
35246915 | PFC | KIA | |
Lt | KIA | ||
35098597 | LT | Died of wounds | |
Sgt | KIA - PH | ||
35561598 | SSG | DIED OF WOUNDS - PH | |
35933557 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
0- 864408 | 1LT | KIA - PH | |
0- 016678 | COL | DNB | |
35965055 | PVT | DNB | |
35576522 | PFC | KIA | |
35906520 | PVT | KIA | |
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
Lt. | Army | ||
35039945 | PFC | KIA | |
McKenzie, Norman L - Navy SIC | KIA - PH | ||
Sgt | |||
35578530 | SSG | KIA - PH | |
80537240 | TEC5 | KIA - PH | |
3598598 | SSG | DNB - PH | |
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
35091684 | PFC | KIA - PH | |
Raynes, Billy - Marines - Okinawa | Sgt | "Casualty"-KIA | |
35246905 | PVT | KIA | |
35164966 | SGT | KIA | |
35357974 | PFC | KIA - PH | |
35095901 | TEC5 | KIA - PH | |
20537228 | PFC | DNB | |
Turner, Robert H. | 35164779 | SGT | KIA - PH |
Utterback, Robert C. - Navy | S1C | KIA - PH | |
15099198 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
KIA | |||
35259717 | TSG | KIA | |
35712274 | CPL | DNB | |
35144640 | PFC | KIA | |
Name | Serial No. | Rank | Code |
Wright Robert E. | 01306675 | 2LT | KIA |
35563943 | PVT | KIA - PH | |
35896219 | PVT | DNB | |
The following is a more detailed listing of the ones found on the above chart ...........
Also==Note: The list below is not NEAR COMPLETE -- here are additions - the additions come from ***Voices of Victory 1945-1995 p 47 -- "list taken from the Soldiers & Sailor Monument at the courthouse" - actually I began with the S&S monument list but it is VERY incomplete and finally just nixed it from this page -- there may still be mistakes but this list is indeed MUCH BETTER :) Other various sources - Please let me know if anything is amiss :) Thanks - kbz
***AKESTER, Arnold R. - note I do not think he is from Montgomery County but from the town of Montgomery in Daviess County Indiana
***ALWARD, Kenneth (are there two as this one is buried in Waynetown but not really from MC)
***BABB, Forrest (listed but I see NO connection to Montgomery County - see what I know on Fountain County GenWeb)
***BALES, James V.
***BARNARD, James F. - (see also news articles)
BECK, Charles O. - reported as "casualty - US Army" - Indianapolis Star 19 Oct 1943 p 17 c 8 - hometown Crawfordsville - but the only Charles Beck I find dying that might fit is this one and he's buried in Louisiana? HELP on this one
BEEBE, Floyd C. - Capt. Served in Air Corps 9-1-1941-4-1-1947. Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf CLusters, DIstinguished Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters - Indiana war memorial
BEHRENT, Benjamin - # 9923368 - Navy - Indiana war memorial
***BISHOP, John W.
***BISHOP, Lawrence M.
BONNER, Marshall (Col - 15th US AF) - although it seems he is only from Texas he is listed in the Indianapolis Star 21 Jan 1944 with a hometown of Crawfordsville, Ind - p 1 c 4 - Army casualty - KIA
BOOHER, Eugene (listed as Booker) - listed as Army Casulaty 8 March 1945 addition of Indianapolis Star p 16 c2
BOWER, Richard - Indianapolis Star 5 Dec 1942 p 4 c 1 lists him as from Crawfordsville Indiana - casualty of the Royal Canandian Air Force
BOWERS, William - Darlington hometown listed in the Indianapolis Star 20 Aug 1943 p 15 c 1 as a casualty
BRANSTETTER, George L. -- possibly BRANSTETTER, Lyle (Montgomery Countians-- in WWII) - Air Corps
BRANSTETTER, Richard L. #35973993 - Army Served 4-21-1945 to 11-23-1946 -- from Darlington - Tech 5 - Indiana war memorial
BRATTON, Robert J. - listed as a casulty in the Indianapolis Star 28 Oct 1943 p 20 c 3 - with Crawfordsville as his home town
BROWN, Jack F. - Linden - Air Corps LTC
BRUNNER, Billy (Sgt) - declared KIA
BUNNELL, Robert F. Army - Waynetown
- listed in the Indianapolis Star as a Navy casualty 12 Aug 1945 p 40 c 3 - this is at the Ladoga Normal School as a tribute to him
***BUSHER, Robert
CAIN, James P. -KIA -- died Arbrefontaine, Salm River area, Belgium – buried Darlington Od Fellows Cem died 12 Jan 1945 (see article) born Darlington 18 Feb 1924 -- s -- see story about him - tear jerker
CAIN, Robert Leroy - KIA -- article
***CAMPBELL, Ernest E.
CAULDWELL, Oscar - "decorated" - listed in Indianapolis Star, 23 March 1944 p 2 c3 - although he was born in Parke County, he is listed as his hometown being Crawfordsville - he went on to
***CHADWICK, Vernon -- - KIA Germany
CLODFELTER, Elton A. 35149039 - Air Corps - S Sgt. Indiana war memorial
***CLODFELTER, John B. - listed as a casulaty (home town: Crawfordsville) Indianapolis News 5 Oct 1943 pt 1 p 11 c7 - US Army - do not find a findagrave listing for him
***CLOUGH, Jack C. - listed as a casualty of the US Army 21 Jan 1944 Indianapolis News pt 1, p 12 c 8 - listing "Crawfordsville" as his hometown.
***COLEMAN, James H. - MIA - Army Indianapolis Star 28 March 1944 - p3c3 - US Army - Crawfordsville as Hometown
***COLWELL, John - Indianapolis Star 6 May 1945 p 7 c 4 - lists him as being from Crawforsdville and an Army Prisoner
CONRAD, Eugene L. - Marines Sgt KIA - Purple Heart - Indianapolis Times 4 Aug 1945 p 3 c3 lists him as Marine Casualty - probably also him but under Leonus 5 Aug 1945 Indy Star p 40 c8 - Navy Casualty - or, oops, probably TWO -- Eugene Conrad “”””
Source: Indianapolis Star Sun 5 Aug 1945 p 40
Washington, Aug 4 – Two Indiana Marines and a sailor have been killed in action, according to a casualty release made today by the Navy Department through the Office of War Information while 30 more Hoosiers, 26 of them Marines are reported wounded in action. An aviation machinist’s mate also is reported missing in action. In the Army report … these reports are based on previous information sent to the next of kin of the war casualties and, in case of any divergence in these lists and that information, the last letter or telegram received from the Navy or War Department is to be considered the final appropriate authority
Sgt. Eugene Leonus Conrad, USMG, Crawfordsville.
Herbert Cook
Cotten --,-irvin-lee.html
Washington, Aug 4 – Two Indiana Marines and a sailor have been killed in action, according to a casualty release made today by the Navy Department through the Office of War Information while 30 more Hoosiers, 26 of them Marines are reported wounded in action. An aviation machinist’s mate also is reported missing in action. In the Army report … these reports are based on previous information sent to the next of kin of the war casualties and, in case of any divergence in these lists and that information, the last letter or telegram received from the Navy or War Department is to be considered the final appropriate authority
Sgt. Eugene Leonus Conrad, USMG, Crawfordsville.
Herbert Cook
Cotten --,-irvin-lee.html
***COOK, Herbert L.
COOPER, Harold G. - hometown of Crawfordsville listed when he was tallied as a POW in the Indianapolis Star p 4 c 3 of 4 August 1944 - US Armh POW
CORD, Robert L. -- #2 (Obit) - a Robert D. CORD listed as casualty of the US Army 31 Aug 1944 in the Indianapolis News part 2, p11 c3 - US Army but Robert L. Cord listed earlier 18 Aug 1944 Indianapolis Star as a casualty - imagine same person- Robert L. Waynetown as hometown in Indianapolis Star 24 Sept 1944
CORDES, Carroll --MIA - Army in the Indianapolis Times p 19 c 5 on 27 April 1945 - Crawfordsville, home town
***COREY, John
COTTEN, Irvin - KIA - Germany 

***COX, Kenneth
CURRAN, Luther - in list of decorated soldiers from Crawfordsville in the Indianapolis News 19 March 1943 page 15 c 4 0 YS Arnry
DAVIS, Robert - KIA - France June 14, 1944
***DAVIS, Robert C.
DOOLEY, Donald - Purple Heart
DOOLEY, Robert W. - listed as from Crawfordsville US Army MIA - in the Indianapolis Star 2 Nov 1944
DICKS, Earl - MIA - US Army hometown of Crawfordsville, 22 March 1944 Indianapolis Star p 2 c 6
DOVE, Arnold W. - listed as hometown Waynetown "decorated" US Army in Indianapolis Times 2 December 1944 - imagine this is him but would need obit for sure
DUKE, Basil L., Jr. - listed in Indianapolis Star 16 Dec 1944 p 18 c 5 - Army POW, hometown Crawfordsville - from tombstone -S Sgt US Army Air Forces WWII 4-23-1924 to 2-21-2004 *on back of stone)
***DUNBAR, Martin V.
***EHRIE, John W.
ELLIOTT, Cyrus E. - Died from wounds received in France
- listed as casualty - Indianapolis Star 12 March 1943 US Army - from Crawfordsville - son of Guy & Iola Warbritton born 25 March 1918 died 2 Jan 1943 - buried Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, California
***FARREN, Mark
FAUST, Robert W. -- hometown Linden "decorated" US Army - Indianapolis Star, 3 Feb 1945 p 15 c1
***FEATHER, Carrol W. -- Carrol Feather --
FOSTER, Robert G. - MIA US Army - Crawfordsville hometown - in Indianapolis Star, 19 Feb 1944 p 5 c2 - Decorated Indianapolis Star 3 May 1944 p 6 c7-- CASUALTY - Indianapolis Star 29 Jan 1944 p 11 c 6
FOUTS, Oliver E. - casualty - from Wingate - listed in Indianapolis News 23 Aug 1945 - US Army
FOY, Donald - MIA - US Army - from "crawfordsville" listed in Indiana News 14 Dec 1944 pt 2 p 11 c 3 - POW "Army" Indianapolis Times 9 June 1945 p 3 c5
FREEMAN, John N. KIA - Saipan in Marianes June 15, 1944 - listed as Casualty - US Army Indiana News 29 July 1944
FREEMAN, Rush B. - "Casualty" US Army listed in 4 April 1944 Indiana Star - 179th Inf - 45th Division - Killed in Italy 21 Feb 1944
FULTON, Delbert - Indiana Star 10 June 1944 MIA - Army p 24 c1- home town listed as Crawfordsville, Indiana but wonder if Crawford County?
GEIGER, Everett Eugene - POW - announced Indianapolis Star 7 April 1944 p 2 c 5 US Army - hometown of: Crawfordsville, hometown - not sure if the link is to his grave or not - no mention to Crawfordsville but such an odd name can't imagine it's not
***GEIGER, Orville M. -- Findagrave
***GEPHART, Marion
GILL, Edward W. - hometown: Crawfordsville - "decorated - US Armyu - Indianapolis News 18 Sept 1945 part 2, p 16 c 3
GILLOCK, Sanford E. from Linden, Indiana - Casualty of Army - Indianapolis Star 4 Aug 1944 p 4 c3
GILMORE, Charles E. -- MIA US Army - from Crawfordsville - Indianapolis Star 5 May 1944 p 1 c7
GOTT, Donald H. - US Army - MIA - from Crawfordsville - Indianapolis Star 15 March 1944 p 2 c6 - "decorated" - 26 March 1944 Star, pt 1 p 17 c 1 - findagrave
GRAYSON, John G. - hometown Crawfordsville POW - Indianapolis News - MIA 20 Jan 1945 Indianapolis Times -- 26 April 1945 p 15 c3 - US Army
***GREGG, Kirtley J.
***HARMON, Charles A. -- see also his findagrave memorial -- –
***HARRIS, Harry F.
***HARTMAN, Victor
***HEACOCK, Harry
***HENRY, Lloyd
***HIATT, Donald
HILLIARD, Daniel F. - Casualty - hometown Crawfordsville - US Army - p 5 c2 Indianapolis Star 29 April 1943 - "decorated" (assume Purple Heart) - 14 May 1943 Indianaplis News p18 c 2 -- Source: Indianapolis News Thurs April 29, 1943 p 27 – Crawfordsville, Ind April 29 – Mrs. Mary Hilliard, Crawfordsville, has received word that her son, Pvt Daniel F. Hilliard, reported missing in action Feb 2 in the North Atlantic area is dead. Pvt. Hilliard was on a ship torpedoed Feb 2. He enlisted last Sept and was sent to Ft. McClelland, Alabama. Later he was at Camp Standish, Massachusetts. He was sent overseas in January. Pvt. Hilliard was a graduate of Crawfordsville High School and Wabash College. He formerly was employed at the Charlestown powder plant. His mother, two brothers and one sister survive.
***HODSON, Earl W.
***HUGHES, Dwight D. - thanks
3 May 1912 - 13 March 1945 buried Ardeines American Cem, deLeize, Belgium -- thanks also to Josh Sorrels for this: POW in Stalag 4B located about 5 miles NE of the town of Muhlberg in Brandenburg just east of the Elbe River and about 30 miles north of Dresden -died as POW from typhus -- KIA -- NOTE: his wife lived in Montgomery County when he died
JONES, Carl W - KIA France Dec 1, 1944 - think this is the one I have connected on findagrave anyway - let me know if it's not - need to read the following obituary: 27 Dec 1944 p 1 C'ville Journal Review
KANE, William P. - much information on the FindAGrave entry
KEMP, Lt. Robert Norton - KIA Germany
KIDD, James R. - #35098597 - Sgt US Army - KIA - PH
KROUT, Gerald - KIA - Germany -- (brother to Kenneth) - 9th Army
KROUT, Kenneth - KIA - Belgium - tombstone (Pvt. Indiana 358th Infantry WWII - buried Waynetown Masonic Cemetery)
KROUT, Zenith L - US Army Pvt PH - KIA - he may have served from Fountain County vs. Montgomery
LANE, Franklin R. - 353669632 Air Corps - Sgt - from Crawfordsville - Indiana War Memorial Veterans Database
LEAMING, Mary Vi Kitts - US Navy Nurse - 1942-47 - born 4 Nov 1916 Crawfordsville died 4 June 2005 Romney, Tippecanoe County
LEAVENWORTH, William C - KIA - Eastern France Oct 29, 1944 - 1st Lt. - PH
MARTIN, Charles W.
MARTIN, Harold - Sgt. US Army
McKEE, Gwendolyn (KIA) - see also Gold Stars from Waynetown
McKINLEY, Robert A., Jr.
McNeil, Boyd Orpheus - served 1-12-1943 to 12-28-1945 Army Serial # 35578542
MILLER, John N - Tec 5 - KIA US Army Service # 20537240 - Purple Heart
MILLER, Theodore W. - 319th nfantry - 80th Inf - buried Saint Avold, France
MILLER, Ted - KIA - France Nov 14, 1944
MILLIS, Robert Jordan - 26 Sept 1922 - 14 July 1991 - Oak Hill Cemetery - Army
MISNER, Huber - Sgt - Bomber Squadron - Huber grew up in Smartsburg, graduated from Lafayette HS - buried in Lafayette
MURRELL, Oscar H. Master Sgt - KIA - Purple Heart - - Hometown Ladoga - Indianapolis Star p 4 c 4 "casualty - Army " 21 May 1944
MYERS, Clyde A. - ??
NODLEY, Orville - Air Corps buried Brick Chapel, Putnam County
NORMAN, Harold F. -- KIA - PH
O'NEALL, William - KIA France Dec 31, 1943
-- 120th Inf. Corporal -- KIA 24 March 1945 buried -- Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten Eijsden-Margraten Municipality Limburg, Netherlands Plot: Plot F, Row 13, Grave 17.
OTTERMAN, William M. - KIA 9-23-1945 Molucco Island USAAF Chief Bombadier 372nd Bomb SqMB 307th Bomb Group 135h AF - buried Stoner Cemetery (well at least a memorial there) Ladgoa, Indiana
OWEN, Earl
PARKER, Carl R. - 778th Tank Batallion - KIA - PH
PAXTON, Max - buried Belgium - KIA
PHEBUS, James D. -- although he is "buried" in Thorntown, he is more than likely (or at least at some point, few were brought back home) actually buried in Lorraine, France - PFC Army - PH
PUGH, Robert L. 15342952 (Army) - Cpl -- reported as Prisoner - Indianapolis Times 13 June 1945 US Army p 15 c 8
PYLE, Vance -- Ssgt - 32nd Inf 35th Div 8-30-1919 died 7-28-1944 stone at Oak Hill, Crawfordsville-- MIA - Army Indianapolis Star 27 Aug 1944 part 2 p 36 c 5
QUIGLE, Charles William - son of Mabel & Carl -"buried" at Newtown, IN - Lt KIA (lost at sea off west coast of Ireland - - Navy - PH
RADY, James E. - 529981 - coast guard - 1st class petty officer - from Ladoga, Indiana
RAFFERTY, Kenneth R. -- 3529277 - US Army Air Corps - hometown of Wingate - buried Wesley Cemetery near Waynetown Indiana. Son of Ora & Mary (Hauk) Rafferty - married to one wonderful gal, Esther - 15 Sept 2016 - 24 Oct 1990 -- WWII database
RATCLIFF, Frank T. - 35250754 - memorial in Mt. Moriah, Parke County - buried Manila National Cemetery - Army Tech 5 - KIA - PH
RAYNES, William A. WWII database - "Billy" Raynes - casualty - Linden Ind - Indianapolis Star 22 June 1945 p 5 c1 US Army --
REATH, Charles Ernest son of Elam and Lennie Rush Reath buried Waynetown - US Army #3585679
RICE, Alvin O. - possibly him (but b 1882) however seems rather old to have been in WWII - - thought WWI perhaps but an Alvin Otis Rice's death record says he's Spanish-American ? NEEDS WORK WWII database
born in Kentucky 7 June 1923 - went down with 62 men (none survived)
SANDERS, Harold -- was killed in action in Belgium on March 15, 1945. He served in Company D, 1st Platoon, 395th Infantry DIvision, not having been in the service yet a year
SCHWEITZER, Thomas L. - Oak Hill Cemetery 26 Feb 1826 (sic 1926) died 3 April 1945 Sqdn Q BV AAF.
SEARING, Oscar L. - Army 45018555 -- WWII database
SHARPE, Floyd B. (Sgt)
SHEPHERD, Paul W. --WWII database
SMITH, Eugene M. US Army from Linden Indiana served 7-1-1941 to 1-1-1946. - WWII Veterans Database
SMITH, Kenneth E. 35369639 - ARMY Tec 4 - 2 bronze stars; meritorious unit badge; 984th Signal Co Service from 9-3-1942 - to 12-1-1945
SNIDER, Roy E. - anyone help with this one? - Indianapolis Star p 1 c3 "hometown Crawfordsville" - Roy E. Snider - casualty US Marine - anyone know a thing about this boy :( Sad all there is here
STAFFORD, Frank S. - 35903648 - Army ( WWII Veterans Database - assume the link is the correct man - probably need to read an obituary for sure)
STARK, Richard O. -- from New Market buried Darlington IOOF
STEVENS, John J. -- amyone help with this one? - Indianapolis Star - hometown C'ville 23 July 1944 pt 2 p 35 c1 "Casualty - Army" -- HELP !!
STUART, Charles W. - POW - Army Tec 5 #35350031 from Waynetown - common name hope the same
STUMP, Raymond E. -- 4501855 - US Army - casualty - Indianapolis News 14 June 1945 p 8 c 7 - READ C'ville J-R 12 June 1945 p 1 (France)
SUVERKRUP, Jack M. - Indianapolis Star pt 1 p 7 c 4 - "Casualty Army" 9 July 1944 - READ - C'ville J-R S Sgt in Austria 8 July 1944 p1
SWITZER, William M 8645683 - Navy from Linden - anyone know anything else on him?
TAYLOR, Maurice - anyone help with him? - NOTES
TILNEY, Gerald K. - KIA France Aug 25, 1944 (thanks Nicki Stillings)
TODD, Charles W. - not positive he belongs to Montgomery but the in.gove WWII Veterans Database says so - Pfc KIA from Montgomery County - Purple Heart KIA 35357974
TODD, Donald K. -- 3509590 - Born New Richmond 7-31-1924 died 8-12-1944 Mortain, France - Tech 5 - 112th Inf with the 28th Division - His father, Frank H. Todd was elected the first commander of the Todd post - PH
TODD, Robert - 20537226 Army Pfc - KIA
TURNER, Robert H. - 35164779 Army - Sgt - KIA - PH
UTTERBACK, Robert Clayton "Bobby" - born 20 August 1923 Crawfordsville died at Honololu - missing 19 March 1945 - KIA - Navy Sailor 1st Class - PH
VanGILDER, Deane Wallace - 15099198 US Army Pvt - KIA - born 1917 in Illinois died Sicilia, Italy 10 July 1943 memorial Greenlawn Cemetery, Darlington Indiana -PH
VICE, Robert R. - 2nd of 10 children - Ladoga Cemetery - AF Maintanence & Supply born 7 Nov 1916 d. 28 March 1953
WARNER, Oliver Leslie 0549147 - US Army - born Montgomery County day after Christmas 1921; died Zionsville Boone County 7 Nov 1921. Graduated from LHS. 2nd Lt. 313 FA Bn. Btry A 80th Inf 3rd Div. Buried Zionsville
WEIR, Leon - KIA Holland, Sept 27, 1944
WHICKER, Richard E.
WILKINSON, Richard L. - 35259717 US Army - TSgt KIA - PH
WILSON, Lawrence E. - help needed
WOOD, Henry Wilbur Jr. - 35712274 US Army - Cpl - KIA
WOOD, Henry J. -- sic - believe this is Wilbur J. Wood son of Henry Wood. NOTE: this is the same as above listed as Henry Wilbur Jr.
WRIGHT, Robert E. - KIA Belgium Jan 7, 1945 -- in two places there are TWO Robert E. Wrights - one a Cpl and one a Pvt. not sure if same or not nor can I find either on findagrave --
Wright, Robert E. PFC - born 2-22-1925 in Crawfordsville to John Thomas and Decema Wilson Wright - enlisted 5-27-1943 died in battle 3-8-1945 in northern Italy. He was a machine gunner and prior to war, worked as a house mover. Buried Oak Hill, Crawfordsville, Indiana - PH - NOTE -- Obit
Crawfordsville, Feb 21 – Sgt. Charles E. Zaikovsky, 37 in the armed forces since Oct 1943 died Sunday at a camp in North Carolina following an operation. Native of Seelyville, Sgt Zaikovsky was living in Terre Haute at the time he and his wife came to Crawfordsville six years ago. In civilian life he was employed with McDaniel Freight Lines here. Mrs. Zaikovsky died in June 1944. Funeral services for Sgt Zaikovsky were held Tuesday afternoon at the home of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. CW Donham in Terre Haute. The sgt was the second man in service from the McDaniel Freight lines to die in WWII. The first was Victor Hartman, airman, whose plane crashed somewhere in the Pacific more than a year ago.
ZERFACE, Harold - Listed as "Casualty" - US Marines 6 Dec 1942 Indianapolis Star pt 1 p 38 c6 home: Crawfordsville IN