ZACHARY, Norman Newton

Photo by R & S Fine, Ladoga Cemetery. Government stone. Found on
Source: Enlistment papers
Enlisted at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis stating he was from Putnam County, a private - finished grammar school and was a farm hand. He was 72" tall and weight 147#.
Source: Government Tombstone Application
Died 14 October 1941 -- application by Mrs. Elta Zachary at Russellville. "Died in service." 46th Air Base Group.
Source: Birth Certificate - Indiana #48444
Born: Scott Twp, Montgomery County, Indiana
Name: Norman Newton Zachary
5th of 5 children. Born: Oct 2, 1915 at 9 p.m.
Father: Walter Cline Zachary born in Whitesville age 34 Farmer
Mother: Elta May Stewart age 32 Housewife born Clark Twp
Dr. S.R. Peacock, Ladoga, Indiana.
Source: Indiana Death Certificate #30243 Allen County
Died: near Waynedale, ALlen County Indiana. - taken to Station Hospital, Bair Field but dead on admission. Died between 5 and 6 a.m. on 10-14-1941
Usual address: Judson, Parke County Indiana
(this is VERY odd) -- If a Veteran name the war -- NO
Occupation: US Army Soldier
Father: Unknown - where born unknown
Mother: Elta -- where born unknown
P.L. Rossman 1st Lt. MC
Buried Ladoga Cemeter
Cause of death: Hemor? of brain at the junction of the pons and medulla
No accident, blow to head ...
Indiana Certificate of Death Allen County Indiana - near Waynedale - Station
Hospital, Baer Field - dead on admission stay in community 3 months
resident RFD #1 Judson Indiana
Name: Norman Newtown Zachary single
14 Oct 1941
Oct 2, 1915 Judson, Parke County, Indiana (incorrect see above birth) Soldier
US Army
Elta (maiden unknown)
Records Baer Field, Ft. Wayne Ind
Oct 17, 1941 Ladoga Cemetery _ Harry Wilson Ft. Wayne Ind
Ross Signature Baer FIeld, Ft. Wayne
accident, suicide or homicide
was unknown - he had a gross edema of the brain - hemorrhage of the brain at
junction of pons & medulla
between 5 & 6 a.m.
Oct 14, 1941
45th Air Base Squadron 46th Air Base Group – died Oct 14, 1941 – his mother Elta applied for a government stone for him July 23, 1942
45th Air Base Squadron 46th Air Base Group – died Oct 14, 1941 – his mother Elta applied for a government stone for him July 23, 1942
Source: Indianapolis News Wed 15 Oct 1941 p 10
Ft. Wayne Oct 15 - Pvt. Norman N. Zachary, aged 26, attached to the 45th Air Base Squadron at Baer Field here was found dead in his bunk at the base today. Medical officers at the field said Zachary died of a hemorrhage. His home was on Rt 1, North Judson. His mother, Mrs. Elta Zachary and a brother, James survive.