SHARPE, Floyd B.

Source: Waveland Independent, June 28, 1945
A beautiful and impressive memorial service was held at the Christian Church on Sunday afternoon June 24 for Sgt Floyd Sharpe, who died April 16, 1945 from injuries sustained in a railway accident near Duclair, France on April 10. Sgt. Sharpe was buried at the American Military Cemetery at St. Andred'deleurs beside several of his friends and fellow soldiers who died in the accident. Sgt. Sharpe, who before entering the service was employed as a pharmacist by the Fritz Drug Co. of Indianapolis was assigned as a phamacist to the army medical corps and was sent overseas soon after his induction. The accident occured in line of duty. The near relatives are his wife, Mrs. Eleanor Laube Sharpe, and 18 month old daughter, Brenda Louise, his mother and brother, Wilmer and family and two uncles, Ira of Waveland and Wilford of Wooster, Ohio; and an aunt, Mrs. Emmert Perkins of Indianapolis. Those attending the services from out of town besides his family were Mr. and Mrs. Emmert Perkins of Indianapolis; Mrs. Ellsworth Stucky, Mrs. George Reiner, Mrs. William Hankins, Mrs. Robert Tapp of Ladoga and Mrs. Loretta Noffke of Indianapolis. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana May 10, 1945
Word has been received of the death of Floyd SHARPE on April 16 last. He was critically injured in a railroad wreck early in April. Mr. Sharpe was in medical corps and his train was transporting wounded troops from the front. No farther details have been received as yet. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana May 21, 1945
Week before last we carried a notice of the death of Floyd Sharpe. The following is a letter received by Mrs. Sharpe from his chaplain to his many friends here. Chaplain Office, 224th Gen Hosp, US Army, France 24 April 1945 Dear Mrs. Sharpe: May I write you again. As I know you have received information of your husband, Floyd B. Sharpe. I would like to give you this added information. My letter of April 11 stated his critical illness as caused by a train accident. I had several nice little talks with your husband. It was a pleasure to call on him and we always had prayers together, he believed in God and spoke tenderly of his home and family, he was always glad to see me. However his injuries were critical and Monday morning, April 16, he departed from here, slept peacefully in to be with God. I conducted his funeral the 17th day of April. It was a lovely sunny afternoon, several were present. I read the complete service, using the 23rd Psalm and from the Gospel of John, Chapter 14: "Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me." He is now resting in a beautiful garden spot, as I would like to call it, together with so many of our men. Our flag, the Starts & Stripes is at the center of the Cemetery, unfurled as the symbol of what our brave men gave themselves for. It is hard to say anything Mrs. Sharpe at a time like this, yet I can appreciate how you must feel. No one feels the loss more than you, still we hear our comforting words from our master, "Let not your heart be troubled..", and so through the mist of grief and loss, we lift our eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh our help as expressed in the 121st Psalm. Your good husband is now resting at home with God. I am sure he would want us to take courage and be at our best. May the Lord bless you richly and sustain you throughout the days to come. When He directs our lives, all things will work together for good. May you find Him your Comforter is my prayer. Martin K. Sharbo, Chaplain, US Army. Further word has been received this week from the Adjutant General of the Army regarding the death of T/4 Floyd Sharpe. He was injured when the train was derailed near Duclair, France, April 10. He was buried at the American Military Cemetery at St. Andrew' de Pene (Lene? Hard to read), a few miles SE of Eureux, France and he's buried beside several of his friends and fellow soldiers who died in the accident. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 21, 1945
A memorial service for Floyd Sharpe will be held at the Christian Church Sunday afternoon June 24, at 2:30. The public is invited. -- kbz