Hannah - Russell Carl

Source: Waveland Independent, May 7, 1942 - My dear Mr. and Mrs. Hannah: I have learned your address from Mrs. Vance and wish to write you somewhat of your son, Russell who served with me on the USS Langley. Your son was in charge of aviation ordnance on Board that ship and was an exceptionally skillful technicaian and hard worker. His battle station was gun Captain of Number 4, five inch gun at which gun he was stationed during the action that the Langley was in with the Japenese bombers. He received no injuries on the Langley and was in good physical condition when I spoke with him the next day. I had a long conversation with him about happenings near his battle station. After the word was to prepare to abandon ship, your son emptied many powder cans and had them ready for use by men in the water where they served as additional rafts. I did not see your son leave the USS Peros, nor did I see him in the water. He was missing from the members of the crew rescued by the destroyer that night he was not in the area where the vessel searched. I wish that I could honestly tell you that hope remained that your son was rescued but I cannot. We naturally hope for the best but must steel our minds to the worst implications of the word missing. I extend my deepest sympathy to you in the loss of your son, who gave his life in the service of his country. In your son I also grieve for a loyal shipmate. Very sincerely, Robert McConnell.
Source: Waveland Independent, Jan 31, 1946 -- Memorial services for Aviation Ordinance Man 1st Class, Russell Carl Hannah will be held Sunday at 2 int he Waveland Methodist Church. Hannah was listed as missing in action since April 4, 1942. He was born March 12, 1912 at Mansfield, Illinois, and at age 7 years he entered the Waveland school where he completed his school work. He was a member of the Methodist Sunday School June 26, 1929 he jined the US Navy where he faithfully served for many years. On Aug 15, 1939 he went aboard the USS Langley at Honolulu. This ship was bombed Feb 27, 1942 and he was taken aboard the Pecos. On March 1, 1942 the Pecos was bombed and he was not among the survivors. The service will be in charge of the Rev. Claude McCallister pastor of the Methodist Church assisted by the Raymond todd Post of the AMerican Legion of Wavleand and by the Machledt Undertaking establishment. Vocalist will be Mrs. Cora Robison accompanied by Mrs. Mildred Evans. The family will enter the church at 2 and will be followed by the Legion & Auxiliary. Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hannah; 3 brothers, Raymond; Charles Jr. and Robert all at home in Waveland; 3 sisters, Delores; Mrs. Violet Freed and Mrs. Lucile Martin of Lafayette. Friends may call at the home immediately after the service.
hometown: Waveland -Indianapolis Star article 6 April 1942 p 13 c 1 - MIA- Navy