COTTEN, Irvin Lee

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 5-2-1945
Ladoga, March 2 - Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cotten were notified Wednesday night by the war department that their son, Pvt. Irvin Lee Cotten, 19, previously reported missing was killed in action in Germany Nov 9, 1944. Oversease since April 1944, Pvt Cotten made the supreme sacrifice while serving with the engineers. His engagement to Miss Jeanne Dickerson of Crawfordsville was announced some time ago. Pvt. Cotten was born May 4, 1925 at Waveland. Surviving, besides the parents, are three brothers, Lowell, Donald and Martin Cotten, all at home. When he enlisted he was working at the Presto-Lite Company in Indianapolis. The father, a well known resident of Ladoga, is employed at the Travis Hardware Store here. - thanks to Bill Boone