Grzesk, Leo - WWII - killed training

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review March 16, 1945
Leo Henry Grzesk Full military honors will be accorded Lt. Leo Henry Grzesk of the army air forces at funeral services held Monday afternoon. It was announced today by officials of Byron Cox post of the American Legion, following receipt of a telegram that the body of Lt. Grzesk would arrive in Crawfordsville Sunday morning. The telegram was received by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Coons, 409 East Jefferson Street, who asked that the Legion conduct the services. According to the message, which was sent by Mt. Homme, Idaho, air base authorities, the body will reach Crawfordsville over the Monon at 12:56 a.m. Sunday morning. It will be taken to the Proffitt and Sons mortuary where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday. Burial will be at Masonic Cemetery. The young airman, a navigator on a B-24 bomber, was killed near Denio, Oregon during a combat training flight. Wreckage of the plane was sighted by the Home authorities after a 3-day search. Lt. Grzesk, age 21, who attended Crawfordsville HS and Wabash College where he made an outstanding record in scholarship, had been in service with the army air forces two years. He was sent to the Mt. Home base recently for advanced training. Lt. Grzesk left on the combat flight March 2 and was scheduled to return to base March 3. He was a native of Crawfordsville and was reared at the home of his grandparents. In 1941, he attended the Hoosier Boys' State of the American Legion in Indianapolis. = kbz
Source: Indianapolis Star Sat 17 March 1945 p 13
Crawfordsville March 17 – Full military honors will be accorded Lt. Lee Henry Grzesk of the Army Air Force at funeral services here Monday afternoon. He died while serving on a B-24 bomber on a combat training flight March 2 near Denio, Ore. Wreckage of the plane was found after a three-day search by authorities at the Mt. Home Idaho Air Base where he was taking advanced training. Lt. Grzesk, 21, was graduated from Crawforsdville HS and attended Wabash College two years where ehe gained high scholastic honors. He attended Hoosier Boys’ State at Indianapolis in 1941 as the representative of Byron Cox Post of the American Legion here. -kh/kbz
Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Thu 8 March 1945 p24
Crawfordsville March 8 – The body of 2nd Lt. Leo Henry Grzesk, of Crawfordsville, was found Wednesday in a wrecked plane near Denio, Ore according to word received here by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. WH Coons. He had been missing since last Saturday when he left the Mountain Home, Idaho Air field as a navigator on a B-24 bomber during a training flight. Born here, he attended the local high school and Wabash College. The body will be brought here.