JONES, Hubert
Private First Class Hubert Jones 

Source: Journal & Review, Crawfordsville, IN, Saturday, Dec. 11, 1948, p. 1, Col. 3
Rites Arranged For Pfc. Jones Infantryman Will Be Buried Here Tuesday Funeral services for Private First Class Hubert Jones, son of Mrs. Jessie D. Jones, 205 west Market street, will be held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Bright funeral home, with Byron Cox post of the American Legion to conduct military rites at the graveside in Oak Hill cemetery. The body, scheduled to arrive here Monday evening, will be taken to the funeral home where friends may pay theirs respects. Pallbearers for the service also will be from the Legion. Born May 3, 1917, in Crawfordsville, Pfc. Jones enlisted March 17, 1944. training was at Camp Walter, Texas. Fort George Meade, Md., and Camp Gruber, Okla. Overseas service began Nov. 30, 1944. An infantryman, Pfc. Jones was serving with the 357th infantry, 90th division, of Gen George S. Patton's Third Army when he met his death. He was killed Feb. 12, 1945, at Leidenharn, Germany. Surviving, besides the mother, are the widow, Mrs. Mary Lewis Jones, 804 Sloan street; a daughter, Janeta Rose; a son, Frederick Irwin; a brother, Harold Jones, 815 west Pike street; a sister, Mrs. Robert Swanson, 507 Crawford street, and a niece, Cathy Swanson. The sister, a former member of the WAC's was serving overseas when her brother was killed.