Elliott, Cyrus E.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review ? July 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, 306 Porter Street were notified Monday by the war department that their son, Sgt Cyrus Edward Elliott had died of wounds suffered in action in France. A former employee of Jeschke Wire & Specialty Company of this city, Sgt Elliott, who was 24 and reported wounded in action July 6 was the first employee of the local company to give his life in service in WWII. Sgt. Elliott enlisted in June 1942 and had been overseas since April with the 79th Infantry. He participated in the capture of Cherbourg, according to a message received by his parents. Sgt Elliott attended school at Alamo where the family resided for a number of years. Residence was established in Crawfordsville recently. Surviving besides the parents, are 3 brothers, Staff Sgt Harold William Elliott in Italy, Technician 5/G Presley Elliott in England and Ralph at home and 3 sisters, Mrs. Grace Walsh, Catherine Elliott and Mary Elliott, of this city.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 8 August 1944 p 1
Sgt. Cyrus Edward Elliott, 24 was "seriously wounded" in action in France on July 6, according to a message received Saturday from his commanding officer by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, 306 Porter Street. Sgt Elliott, serving with the 79th Infantry Division was with the troops which helped capture Cherbourg. He has been overseas since last April and had been in the service two years last June. Prior to entering army service Sgt Elliott was employed by the Jeschke Wire & Specialty company here. Besides his father and mother he has several sisters and brothers living here. Two of the wounded man's brothers are also overseas in the service. One of them, Staff Sgt Harold William Elliott is in Rome. The other, Technician 5th Grade Presley Elliott is serving on the French Battlefront.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review - 21 October 1944 p1
"Make Supreme Sacrifice" -- Among the two score or more Montgomery County men who have made the supreme sacrifice in WWII are Sgt Cyrus Edward Elliott, 24, of Crawfordsville and Pvt Vernon Eugene Chadwick, 20 of near Mace. Sgt. Elliott died from wounds suffered in France on July 6 while Pvt Chadwick was Killed in Action in Germany October 3. Sgt. Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, 306 Porter Street, enlisted in June 1942 and landed overseas with the 79th Infantry Division in April of this year. Born near Alamo Sgt Elliott was a graduate of Alamo HS with the class of 1938. Before going overseas he had training at Camp Pickett, VA; Camp Blanding, Fl; at Nashville, Tenn; Desert Training Center in California and at Camp Phillips, Kan. Sgt Elliott participated in the capture of Cherbourg in France, shortly after D-Day. Sgt Elliott has a brother, Technician 5th Grade Pressley Elliott now serving in Holland Pvt. Chadwick son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chadwick of near Mace killed in action in Germany, left for service overseas in January of this year. He entered the service April 8, 1943, at Ft. Benjamin Harrison and was assigned to the engineers at Ft Lewis in Washington. He was stationed in England several months before going into France in June. With the 147th Combat Engineers, Pvt Chadwick was in France, Belgium and Holland before going into Germany. He was graduate in 1942 from New Ross HS. (picture of both men included)