Picture from 1920 Crawfordsville High School yearbook
Ottis Myers Armantrout was born in Montgomery County 14 October 1900 to Walter David and Daisy Gertrude Myers and passed away in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. He is buried there in the Woodlawn Cemetery. On his stone, it is listed that he was a Sgt. QM Corps. He was a musician and a window decorator in Lima. In the above yearbook, it noted that he was in plays, Glee Club, the Latin club and his quote was, "If you knew his pure heart and truth." Although there is only a list of names his junior year and a picture on a different page, the one I think is him has a uniform on but he did not enlist until 1 September 1942. It stated that he had one year of college, was single with dependents, assumedly his parents as he lived with them at 805 1/2 W. North Street in Apartment 1. He was 68" and weighed 149 #. It is believed he was a piano player.
He returned to the states on the 27th of June in 1944 on a Trans World Flight with other soldiers. It is not known what happened to him whether he was still in the service, sent home because of injuries. Will try to read his obituary in the 5th of December 1944 Journal-Review p 1 -- kbz