Clough, Sgt. Jack C.

Sgt. Jack C. Clough
Source: Indianapolis News Thursday 27 January 1944 p 14
Crawfordsville, Ind Jan 27 - Military rites were conducted Thursday afternoon at the gave in the Wesley cemetery, six miles west of Crawfordsville for Sgt. Jack C. Clough, Crawfordsville, son of Mrs. Robert Alexander, who was killed in a bomber crash near Pocatello, Idaho a week ago. The body was accompanied to the home of Sgt. Clough's mother and stepfather by Sgt. David O. Snoke of Pocatello Air Base. Services were held at 2 p.m. at the First United Brethren Church here. The Rev. Heedley Cobb, of Hartford City, former pastor; the Rev. George M. Anderson, present pastor and Rev. John Elson pastor of the Mt. Zion and Union Chapel United Brethren Churches near here, were in charge. Byron Cox Post of the American Legion of this city, conducted rites at the grave.