Articles (various) from the Waveland Independent newspapers, 1918
BANDEL, Edward - (thanks CDPL)
BARR, Charles -- see Raymond Bowers below
BEE, Leo - two news articles in the August 1918 listing
BOWERS, Raymond
Source: Waveland Independent Nov 23, 1917 Charles D. BARR, Raymond BOWERS, Paul McMAINS and Parke SPENCER went to Indianapolis Wednesday to enlist in the Quartermaster's Corps. They all passed and will go to Ft. Thomas Ky. tomorrow
Boys Reserve 1917
CABLE, Logan
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 7 November 1918 - Mrs. Logan Cable of Crawfordsville has received word that her husband, Cook Logan Cable has arrived safely overseas.
CAULDWELL, Oscar - pic
COFFING, Earl - pic (thanks CDPL)
DAVIS, Troy -- Source: Crawfordsville Review May 7, 1918 p8 A letter has been received by Mrs. Albert Davis of Yountsville, from her son, Troy, who is with the fighting forces in France. He stated that he had been wounded seriously and had been discharged from service.
ELLIOTT, Leonard - pic (is that a hole in his hat?)
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday Oct 8, 1918 -- Darlington, Oct 8- The funeral of Private Harold J. Everson who died at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio on Saturday evening will be held at 1 o'clock Wednesday from the residence of his parents six miles northwest of Darlington. Rev. Homer Dale of Lebanon will officiate and interment will be at the K of P cemetery at Mace. The funeral services for Harold Everson who died of bronchial pneumonia at Camp Sherman, Chilicothe, Ohio last Saturday will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the residence of the family, 11 miles north of this city. Interment will be made in the K or P cemetery at Mace.
Source: Crawfordsville Review Oct 8, 1918 p 5 -- Private Lonnie Victor Ferrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. WH Ferrell, enlisted in the US Calvary June 20, 1917. He was stationed at Ft. Bliss, Tx when the Review blank was filled out. Pvt. Ferrell was born in Kentucky Nov 20, 1886 but has lived in this county 12 years. He is a member of the Browns Valley Baptist Church.
FERRELL, Raymond
Source: Crawfordsville Review Oct 8, 1918 p 5 -- Pvt. Raymond R. Ferrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Ferrell left in the county draft increment June 26, for Camp Taylor, Ky. He left for overseas service July 20 1918. Pvt. Ferrell was born near this city Nov 14, 1890, and his lived in this county all his life. He is a member of the Brown’s Valley Baptist church and also of the K of P lodge. He was in the navy three years. He was transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ill July 12, where he remained until he left for overseas service.
FISHER, Lewis (on ship - armistice signed)
GHORMLEY, Hubert (recruit/rejected)
GLASCOCK, David - pic - (thanks CDPL)
GIFFIN, Everett (pic)
GIFFIN, George (pic)
GRAY, John - picture - thanks CDPL
GRIMES, George (pic)
HERRON, Austin - pic - (thanks CDPL)
KENNEDY, Stanley
Source: Crawfordsville Review Jan 1, 1918 p 2 “Darlington News” – Capt. Stanley Kennedy, of the 51st US Artillery, stationed in George, came the first of the week to spend the Christmas holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Charles Hummel. While here he was received into the Masonic order.
KESSLER, William J - died - sickness at camp
McCampbell, Paul -pic - (thanks CDPL)
Source: Waveland Independent Nov 23, 1917 Charles D. BARR, Raymond BOWERS, Paul McMAINS and Parke SPENCER went to Indianapolis Wednesday to enlist in the Quartermaster's Corps. They all passed and will go to Ft. Thomas Ky. tomorrow
MAXWELL, Fred - pic - (thanks CDPL)
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Dec 21, 1918 Pvt Lester Meadows, Battery A 150th Field Artillery is ill with influenza-pneumonia in a French hospital according to a letter written Nov 2 and received Friday by his mother, Mrs. Hattie Meadows. The statement was made that he was improving.
MICHAELS, Lee - pic - (thanks CDPL)
MOORE, Bessie
Source: (Waveland Independent, Feb 23, 1917) - Miss Bessie Moore has joined the Red Cross at Crawfordsville and will go every Tuesday for instruction. The local Red Cross is expected to affiliate with the American Red Cross Society
MOORE, Jesse Franklin - #10 to register in Montgomery County
O'NEAL, Howard - pic
WWI Active Duty Dec 1917 for Waveland High School Graduates
Source: Waveland Independent 9-18-1918 -- Lt. Claude Settles has been made personal adjutant and transferred to Camp Sheridan, AL.
SHUMAKER, Austin - pic - thanks, CDPL

SIMMS, William- leaves

SMITH, Arthur - leaves - letter to sister Sallie
Source: Waveland Independent Nov 23, 1917 Charles D. BARR, Raymond BOWERS, Paul McMAINS and Parke SPENCER went to Indianapolis Wednesday to enlist in the Quartermaster's Corps. They all passed and will go to Ft. Thomas Ky. tomorrow. Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Feb 22, 1918 Parke SPENCER returned to Camp Taylor Monday.
TODD, Raymond - Died of pneumonia Ft. Niagara, NY
Source: Crawfordsville Review Oct 8, 1918 p 6 Fred Vance has received orders to report for overseas duty at NY on Oct 21 prepared to leave at once. Mr. Vance will go in the YMCA work as interpreter. Mr. Vance was in France for three years about 12 years ago and is a linguist of considerable note.
VanDYKE, Charles - inducted - to the Speedway - huh?
VAUGHN, Robert - pic

WIATT, Clyde
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Sept 13, 1918 -- Clyde Wiatt was here from Jefferson Barracks this week. He expects to go overseas in a few days. "From the Camp"
YOUNGMAN, Lt. Col. Robert - medical release