BEEBE -- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 1 Nov 1918 Whitesville -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beebe of near this place received a letter from their son, Ernest of somewhere in France yesterday in which he states that he has been gassed and has a shrapnel wound in the limb. He is in the base hospital and the letter stated that he received the wounds sometime the first part of October. Mr. Beebe is attached to the 4th US Infantry, co B and has been in France for some time.
COWAN, Andrew "Merle" - letters from relatives -- letters from others to Merle (mainly Marian Menaugh a girl friend at the time) -- letters from others (friends, school mates, service buddies - thanks so VERY MUCH to John Cowan, Merle's son for this wonderful look at not only a man but the war, the flu, the history of the times --- kbz

Note: Pic above. John & Nancy came many miles to bring the letters you see typed here from his father, Merle. They brought me the original letters & I typed them. Thanks so much you two. Great meeting someone you correspond with. Such a wonderful touch of history here !! The originals are heading (tomorrow) to the Crawfordsville District Public Library where they will be housed in temperature-control.
HESLER, Russell Lowell - Letter By Walter Remley In Tribute To Link Hesler
SMITH, Carl - kbz's gpa' (to brother Claude)
SOWERS, Marney to various folks
(Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 24 Dec 1918) -- Ferdinand Tannenbaum, who is Asst. Attorney General to Porto Rico has been granted a leave of absence and will arrive in this city tomorrow to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tannenbaum. Mr. Tannenbaum has been acting attorney general during the absence of Mr. Kern, the Att. Gen of Porto Rico.
WOODY, Walter (to Darlington Herald newspaper)