NOTE 1 -- REGARDING THE FOLLOWING DRAFT CARD DATABASE : On May 18th, 1917 the Selective Service Act made it possible for the president to request men to serve not only their country but to fight in WWI. The Provost Marshal General Office formulated policy to transmit to our 48 states, and Alaska, Haraii and Puerto Rico, our territories. The 52 territorial offices (states), 155 district boards, 1319 medical advisors boards and 4,648 local boards went to work, registering the men, classifying them, taking needs of the numbers needed, manpower it would deplete in agriculture, family situations, medical problems, how the men would be called and placing them on trains for training centers. There were THREE separate registrations. #A (1st) - June 5, 1917 all men ages 21-31. # B (2nd) June 5, 1918 (those attaining the age of 21 after June 5, 1917). #C (3rd) - Sept 12, 1918 men ages 18-45. There were a total of 5,669 men from Montgomery County that were registered.
Group A -- 2,198 men on June 5, 1917
Group B -- 217 men on June 5, 1918
Group C - 3,254 men registered on Sept 12, 1918
Color Coding goes with the above & each listing of the cards are alphabetical according to the applicant's last name
NOTE2 - many of the men who registered did not serve AND these are NOT military records, but simply a registration of those available for duty. - thanks again to John C - this is totally, TOTALLY AMAZING ~~~~~~!!!!!
BIG Note: ..... thanks to John Cowan for doing this wonderful transcript of the original cards via familysearch.org
John has placed the "familysearch.org" web address on the bottom of each card, this way if you would like to get a signature or check anything, they are here. When using this information source be sure to cite "NARA" (owner of the original cards) and "familysearch.org" as agent of access and this website.
Below are listings we have that are not found in the NARA Cards:
GRAHAM, Victor -- Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 1 March, 1918 The local board has placed Fred Spencer in 3J, as necessary on the farm and Victor Graham in 2D as necessary on the railroad.
JOLLEY, Forrest signature on card below

RUSK, Jesse Omer - to file an appeal from the finding of the exemption board.
SPENCER, Fred -- Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 1 March, 1918 The local board has placed Fred Spencer in 3J, as necessary on the farm and Victor Graham in 2D as necessary on the railroad.