SHAW, Noble R.

Noble Ryan Shaw was born (March 2, 1894) in Ladoga in Montgomery County, a son of William A. and Mary (Ryan) Shaw. He joined three brothers and remained the youngest son. His father was in the grocery business, with aide from his sons, but when Noble married Mary Virginia (one of the greatest all time ladies of Crawfordsville) Crabbs, he went in to her family's business of grain.
On his draft registration in 1942, it is listed that he had a granulated right eyelid and he was exempt. He was listed at 168# at 5'11" light complected, brown hair and blue eyes. In the first draft, he was lised as "Consliate for ORC at Ft. Benjamin Harrison" and although registered in Montgomery County 2nd Ward of Union Twp with the address of 1200 W. Main, he was signed-up by Theodore Stein, Jr. Clerk of the Marion County Court in Indianapolis on of course, June 5, 1917.
Noble died of a cerebral hemorrhate on October 22, 1971, at Culver Hospital where he had been for three days. They lived at 311 E. Wabash at the time, where Mary Virginia remained pretty much the rest of her life. Loved when she would come to the Lane Place (she was quite active in the historical society) with her big floppy hat and a grin to match the bonnet.
The couple had three sons, Noble, Tully and Wallace. Mary VIrginia died on a cold 6 January 1992. They are buried side by side at Oak Hill Cemetery in Crawfordsville.