American Red Cross - Waveland

Source: Waveland Independent Newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana April 6, 1917.
A meeting was held at the Library on last Saturday afternoon at which Mrs. Jessie Stutsman, secretary of the Montgomery Chapter Red Cross explained the objects of the organization. A Waveland branch of the county chapter was formed. Dr. T.Z. Ball was elected president; Rev. J.E. Stone, VP; Miss Bessie Moore, secretary; Theodore Johnson, Treasurer.
A mass meeting was held at the M.E. Church Tuesday night. Talks were made by Capt. Cary of the Medical Reserve corps; Prof. Tapy of Wabash College and Harry Morrison, Treasurer of the County Chapter. They were listed to with close attention and warmly applauded. It is to be regreted that more men were not present. All should undersand the importance of the work that the Red Cross has been doing and proposes to do. It is work that all will have to help in doing, and it is better that we organize so as to be more efficient.
Leaflets may be had from Miss Bessie Moore, explaining the objects of the organization. She is also prepared to receive names for membership. --typed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 27, 1917
The women of this community have responded to the various calls in the way of sewing, doing a noble part toward the Red Cross and French Relief, besides offering to make shirts. These women asked the cooperation of all those in a position to furnish automobiles as they are required to carry work to and from Crawfordsville. Friday has been the day set aside for the various sections to do Red Cross sewing, and one trip a week to the city is neessary, so "do your bit" by responding to this call. Several sewing machines are needed and it will be greatly appreciated if such are donated for this special work. Please notify Mrs. Charles Kritz, Supervisor of Sewing. --typed by kbz