Todd - Raymond

Note the different in the birthdates, above and below.
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana
Dec 27, 1918
With nearly a hundred young men in the service, Brown Township, until last week kept out of the casualty list, although several of the boys have been on the fighting front. On Saturday, however, came the news of the death of Raymond Todd, the son of George Todd of Browns Valley. He died of pneumonia at Ft. Niagara, NY where he had been transferred from Camp Sherman. He enlisted in July. He was born at Browns Valley in 1882. Mrs. George Todd died two years ago, leaving the young soldier's father and one sister to mourn his loss. -- transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Dec 9, 1918
Browns Valley, Dec 9 - Raymond L. Todd, son of George Todd of Brown's Valley, died Saturday afternoon at Niagara Falls, NY at 3:30 o'clock from pneumonia according to information received by his father, who immediately left for Niagara Falls. Young Todd enlisted in the United States Army last July. Private TOdd was born at Brown's Valley in 1882 and had lived here all his life. His mother died just two years ago. Upon enlisting in the service he was stationed at Chillicoth, O. He was transferred to Niagara Falls. He is survived by his father and one sister, Mrs. Frances Paulman, Logansport, Ind. He w as one of the well known boys in young people's circles here and was known by many people. It is probable that his body will be brought here for burial beside his mother.