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Thanks to: for the cute picnic basket
--- Reunion Time ---
Past Reunions
Allen Moore Family
Bannon Reunion Possibly around 1938 thru 1941, Sorry we do not have the exact date. Includes a partial list of names.
Chase -- see Ballou
Clodfelter-Sayler Reunion
(on a Lew Wallace Study Post Card) -- Sent to Mrs. Catharine VanCleave, Crawfordsville, Ind. Care of James VanCleave. . July 30, 1907. The annual Clodfelter-Sayler reunin will be held Aug 11 in the grove on the farm of Milbert Sayler 2 1/2 miles south of New Market. You are cordially invited to attend. Mary Demoret, Secretary. Postmarked Jul 31, 1907 from Crawfordsville, Ind. - see also Sayler-Clodfelter
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 Sept 1899 p 5 The Dunbar reunion was well attended. The Dunbar ladies spread a table 100’ long, full of everything good to eat, 132 were seated and Eld. Lute Dunbar invoked the blessing. The afternoon was spent very enjoyably by both old and young. -- see more by clicking the name :)
Dunbar Reunion Photo from 31 August 1919 We have in a slide show representation of seven photos detailing a panoramic photo taken at the reunion. A partial listing of names is included. Source: Originally from Brent Harshman thru Monica Fogle Dunbar to Mary Jo Dunbar Barton, who sent us these photo images of the pamoramic photo of the 31 August 1919 Dunbar Reunion. There is a partial listing of names supplied by Brent.
Fogleman - see Pickard
FRUITS REUNION - Descendants of George and Catherine Fruits
GRAY Reunions - 28th unknown year and 1913 and the 38th
HANKINS brothers - reunion in France
HARRELL (1st - 1900)
HERRON (hopefully there'll be more but this one is in 1894)
HOFF - wow, this one is amazing :) 1922
HYMER - Gill - 1914
KERR REUNIONS - ? date (2 articles)
Krout Reunion - with Powell
1951 Livengood reunion - thanks to Mark Smith
LOWE - (twins celebrate & More)
Malsbury (Malsbary; Malsbery ...)
Morgan Reunion, about 1946 -- same photo twice: - one with names and one without names :( -- thanks to my cousin, Jerry N. for this
Morgan Reunion, about 1941 -- Taken spring 1941 as it says taken at Uncle Bum's Birthday Party. Using "M" for Morgan - thanks cousin Jerry Lou - nifty close-up picture smile emoticon 1st row: L-R J.P., Morgan, June M, Gwendolyn M. Anita M (in wagon, Jerry Joiner, Bobby M, Keith M, 2nd row: Hulda Smith, Dorothy M, Carol (boy) M, Kate Smith, Hazel M, Bob M, Jean M. 3rd row: Ruth Joiner, Maxine M, Goldie M holding David?, Jeff M, Betty M, Janet M, being held by grandpa, Aunt Lorraine holding Donnie Brookshire and Kate M, and Mom (Stella) M 4th row: Basil Joiner, Stanley M, Uncle Cecil, Aunt Hazel and Raymond.
Oliver -- Source: Sat 9 July 1927 Lafayette Journal Courier p 5
The Oliver family reunion was held recently at Columbian Park, Lafayette. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver and son, and Max Oliver of New Richmond; Leo Oliver and family of Elmdale; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oliver and son, Junior and Mrs. McCully of East St. Louis, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Warner and family of Ladoga, Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Himes of New Market and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson and son.
Rice Reunion - 1922 -- thanks to Lois Hepburn for this - love it !! -- Judy Hart Byers has named'em all :) WHOOPEEEE - thanks Judy
Rice-Stephens - 1920 - whoops, doesn't look like I typed it all - SORRY - kbz
Smith, Carl Family -- 1936 and 1941
Todd Family (Lydick disaster too)
Wilson, Stephen L. - 1915 Family Reunion and the 1914
NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project --
CREDITPLEASE GIVE if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)
Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2019 (and beyond), Montgomery County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Montgomery County. My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper.