Sayers - 1914
Source: New Richmond Record 3 Sept 1914 p 1
The Sayers family held their sixteenth annual reunion Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sayers of Shawnee Mound. The day was just a little cool, but the eighty present did justice to the excellent dinner and all had the usual good social time. There has been two births, two marriages and one death during the year. The committee on condolence offered suitable resolutions on the death of Mr. Ev Davis; also resolutions of sympathy for members of the family who have been afflicted and who had been prevented from attending the reunion. Special mention was made of Mr. William Sayers, the oldest member of' the family, who has been greatly afflicted for some time. Officers were re-elected as follows: Alexander Sayers, president; S. S. Kirkpatrick, vice-president; Miss Love Borum, secretary; J. D Thomas and S S. Kirkpatrick, committee on memorial. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Sayers, who expressed gratification that they were able 1o entertain the members of the family present. All felt it was good to be there. The reunion next year will be with Mr. and Mrs. Quinn McBeth of New Richmond.