People - Index
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--Index to People in Photos --
-- A --
AIRHART, Cornelius (Standing Photo & grave)
Standing Photo Source: findagrave -- contributed by Rebecca Montgomery Phillips
Grave Stone Source: findagrave -- contributed by Marc Doty
Akers Family Adult daughters of Nathaniel (Nathan) and Mahala Turner Akers, from the late 1800's. Thanks to Melody B - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page.
ALEXANDER, Mamie (thanks Harriet W)
ALLEN, Mary Alice Galey (2 Photos, 1 includes her cousins-unnamed), thanks to Susan Keedy Oaks
ALWARD, John Henry (thanks, Dalena)
Daughter Goldie Alward Miles
Anderson, Ray along wife Bessie, and son Bob. Information from Chuck Anderson, identifying them in the Potato Creek Church photo of 1931 with the Sunday School Class posing on his truck.
Arnold, Eddy An entertainer thru the 50's, 60's and 70's. Along with Reggie, Katy Quelhorst and Mary Jo Barton. Picture thanks to Mary Jo Barton.
-- B --
BALL, Charles & wife (may be Charles Ball & wife Grace Faust but seems too old for them) - nifty pic
BALL - Mr. and Mrs (lived in Bloomingdale, Indiana I believe but including in case :) - thanks Harriet
BALL HOME - belongs to ones above -- this was in Beulah Myers' photo album
- from 1895 City Director - Fred died while in office as Mayor of Montgomery County, Indiana on 5 January 1897, at only 45 years old
Barker, Claude - From Ladoga! In Air Force but not sure when? Guess just in the service. From the If you Grew Up in or Around the town of Ladoga Facebook page from Lori Barker
BARTON Family members - thanks Dustin Stonebraker - here is a note from him explaining the picture -- info about Mabel: "This is a Barton family group including a group of--I guess these are all of the inlaws for the Barton family, or mostly. On the far left is Carrie (Glover) Barton who married Frank Barton. The next lady here was a maiden sister to one of the ladies here. Her name is Mabel Fletcher. So she was a maiden lady that lived with John Barton and his wife during their married years. The third person there is Harold Grenard who married Dorothy Barton. Next is Lula (Houser) Barton who married Eddie Barton. And on the far right is Helen (Fletcher) Barton who married John Edwin Barton, also a brother of Eddie Barton's." Barton/Brenneman World War I Correspondence Collection - Crawfordsville District Public Library
BATMAN, William F. (1890 Medical Picture)
BAYLESS, John - in his home in Browns Valley, 1960 - thanks Lewellen family :)
BAZZANI, Fred - family -- "ain't I cute?"
-- Fred with some of my mother's cousins (left to right facing picture: Gerald Eminger; Jimmie Morgan; Fred Bazzani, Johnny Moore and Bill Wasson ---- that darling lil lady by the bike is your hostess for this site :) Also you can see some of the house we grew-up in (not the one on the right which is my nephew's home today - 2016 - but the one through the tree)

BEAN, Mary Lou McClaine 1860-1945 buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, IN - thanks so much to Dustin Stonebraker for this nifty pic he found in an antique store
BEAN, Ed - see "JOLLEY, Carl - Ed Bean & Everette Heath"
BEAVER, Matilda Grove (along with her family, David & Mrs. David B. Holmes & daughter, Imogene; Christine Stuckey and Mrs. Edgar Walts) (I am sorry for quality of the picture. It was a VERY SMALL and COMPACTED scan. I have tried to enlarge but the is not much to work with, I would like to get a new scan to improve quality if anyone has the original. Jim)
BEESON, Ina (thanks, Bill Boone - you totally rock)
BELLES 1 - in tree (anyone know their names? - Thanks to Tom D for sending these beauties in their everyday life fun!) Belles 2 by Joseph Binford sign -- Belles 3 -- munching :)
BEVER, Joyce Patterson -- her "first" car - 1950 Nash purchased by her father at the sale barn. --I know I am always referring to 'the Evans Farm' north of town that included over a 1000 acres. The Nash is sitting in front of the house we lived in on the Farm, and it sat where that 'Rick Ward Auto Sales' is now. It was 'new' because when our family moved into the 'old house there' it burnt to the ground in Jan-Feb of 1946, we lost everything. There were four houses on the Evans Farm. Thanks so much Joyce - she says, "My dad, Clayton Patterson, and grandfather Ernest Patterson managed the Ben Evans Farm along with two other tenant farmers. All that land that ALL the motels sit on (on both sides of the road), all the housing on the east side of 231 to the Concord road entry to 231, and some of the land extended over to the Concord road when it is heading north across from the Brick yard.
BELLAS, Blanch - thanks Harriet W
BIDDLE, Jack & his Shetland ponies (thanks, Jeff S)
BINFORD, Moreland B. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
BLACKFORD (Ariel; Nina Westfall Blackford; Vivian Clark Blackford and William Vezy)
BLOOMINGDALE ? SOPHOMORES -- believe this picture is of Bloomingdale Sophomores (B) on a couple of the sweaters - leaving here even though it is in Parke County -- in case the B is Browns Valley ?
BONWELL - Robert Allen; Linda Malbury; Earl J & Opal Bonwell Sayler
BOOHER family - 1900 Reunion picture - thanks so much to Ed & Cathy R :) standing L-R: Sylvanus, son of John Jr. Booher & Margaret Zimmerly...John M. Booher, son of Guardianas Booher & Mahala Hampton...Samuel Hampton, son of Michael Hampton & Mahala Booher, Benjamin, son of Jacob Booher & Elizabeth Barnett, Jonathan & John Jacob & Elkanah Booher, all sons of John Jr. Booher & Margaret Zimmerly. sitting L-R: Margaret J. Hampton Booher, twins Mary & Catherine Booher, daughters of Guardianas Booher & Mahala Hampton, and sisters Elzira Booher Hiatt & Elizabeth "Aunt Bet" Booher, daughters of William M. Booher.
BOOHER, Jonathan and Minerva - thanks so much, Gil from Texas
BOOHER, Phebe - Gil above would like to give these two photos to a Booher descendant - contact him at: Gil
BOONE, Bill & all (thanks, Bill B:)
BOONE, Bertha - Ladoga librarian (thanks Bill Boone for this GREAT picture :) Bertha Lulu Peffley Boone going into old Ladoga Library - it was said their home was full of books and she'd tell the Ladoga kids the best ones to read = very well loved lady - about 1955 ?
Boone Setting Tomatoes with Bill Strickler, Richard Stark, David French, and Ernie French, Jr.- about 1948 ? (thanks, Bill B:)
BOOTS, Kristen formerly "Unknown Girl in Pink"
BOWERS, Mary Catherine Clore Thorn -- see Thorn, Mary Catherine Clore
BOWERS - Pierce Family Photos -- 18 family photos - some may be
BOWMAN, George & Julia I and Photo II (thanks very much, Dave Smith) and the Bowman Family picture, too - thanks, thanks & triple thanks Dave :)

Above photo: Dr. Matthew Bunnell
BRADLEY, Joshua - family (wish someone would identify these people)
BRANSTETTER, Alma Grace McNorton (thanks to Tom Thompson :)
BRATTON, Ralph & Bessie (Linn) - LOVE that hair
BRATTON Siblings - Front: Rachel Caldwell; Martha Elvina Crane; Back: Charles Bruce; John Newton; Benjamin A and Robert Logan Bratton - children of James & Phoebe Allen Bratton
Brooks, Amanda Davis with husband Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission! Photos were downloaded from
BROOKSHIRE Brothers - Swan; Harry; John Smalley & Jaes William Brookshire
BROWN, Miss - see Mary E. Jolley (below) -- anyone know who this might be - Nurses' trip 1917
BUCK, John - New Richmond's "Daddy" Buck raised and sold veggies throughout the area.
BURKS - children (of Thomas and Mary Collings) - Emma, Mattie & Viron - thanks, Harriet
BURLINGAME, Ruth (may / may not be Montgomery County related - thanks to Suzy A)
BUSENBARK, Raymond - thanks to his awesome grandson, Scott :) By the way, I LOVE this picture
BUSENBARK, Raymond -- Scott, his grandson, explains this picture - I love it :) -- I believe he said that was the car he picked grandma up in, for the blind date her brothers set up with him. The blind date was to Deer's Mill, which was being used for a dance/band hall at the time. Gpa' was working on the farm for grandad Grant Poole. I don't think Gpa' Poole liked grandpa at first. They eloped.
Busenbarks - thanks muches Scott - neat picture -- Scott's dad, Paul is the boy surrounded by Flora Payton Busenbark; Emma Risk Payton (in chair) and Nellie Poole Busenbark
BUSER, Ard - in front of the Journal-Review - thanks to Teddy Alfrey (he is one guru of local history and especially pictures - love it - Thanks, T

-- C --
CALDWELL, Elbert & Maria - 50th Anniv 3 Aug 1931 --Golden Wedding Anniversary of Elbert Eugene Caldwell (b. 13 Feb 1859 Danville, North Salem, Hendricks County, Indiana died 9 April 1938 at Ladoga, Montgomery County Indiana) and wife Mariah Crowder Caldwell. Standing behind are their 4 children: Elbert Eugene and Mariah were married 3 Aug 1881 in Danville, KY. Their children were Clara Marie b 15 Aug 1882 in Cameron, DeKalb Co, MO; Harriet "Hattie" Stokes b 14 Jun 1884 in Cameron, Clinton/DeKalb Co, MO and married Frank Radford 8 Nov 1911 in Ladoga, Mongtomery Co, IN. He was born 29 Nov 1883 and died Dec 1973 in Roachdale, Putnam Co, IND -- son of John W and Catherine Camby Radford); Harold Asberry b 12 Jul 1890 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN, died 24 Dec 1949 in Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co, IN, married Hallie Hazel Henry 30 Nov 1911 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN. She was born 2 May 18900 in Hartford, Montgomery Co and died 18Mar 1986 in Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co; Mary Bell who was b. 27 May 1896 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN, died Nov 1975 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN.
CALDWELL, Maria -- thanks muches to Sande Bonde-Moffatt -- these Caldwell pictures are SUPER - thank you :) kz

Above: Anne Carnine (Canine)
CAMPBELL, Alexander born 27 Nov 1827 Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio died 17 Feb 1908 buried Darlington IOOF -- thanks so very much to Eric Hedges on for permission to use this great photo :) (Married #1 Sophia Hottle; #2 Caroline Hottle) - he's such a cutie !!
CASON, HIATT or MOFFITT ? Unknown photo (thanks, Sharon C)
CEDARS --Burton, Charles, Oscary & Goldie (children of George & Margaret Singer Cedars)
CHADWICK - Reunion (thank so very much to Dan J for this and so many other great photos :)
Chadwick Family Reunion above, circa 1910. James Martin Chadwick is the oldest gentleman in the center of the photo on the back row. His wife, Mary Alice Hopper Chadwick, is the third lady to his right. My grandmother, Mary Alice Fry (Jolley), is on the front row, the second child from the right with dark hair. My great grandmother, Pearl Ethel Chadwick Fry, mother of Mary Alice, is seated almost directly below James Martin. She has a small child in her lap.THANKS DAN J. FOR ALL THESE CHADWICK PICTURES - they are AWESOME :)
CHADWICK Reunion --This 1950 Chadwick Reunion includes Chadwicks, Jolleys, Deckards, Williams and Coles. I’m sure that there must be other surnames in the picture, but none that I can identify. My grandmother, the lady in the dark skirt on the extreme left of the photo holding a child, is Mary Alice Fry Jolley (the child is me, Daniel Eric Jolley). My parents, Carl Ansel and Donna Ruth McClain Jolley, are the young couple above my grandmother standing on each side of my grandfather, Carl Edgar Jolley, who is wearing a dark shirt.
CHADWICK Reunion - 1950 - partially identified - if you can help identify any, PLEASE do :)
CHADWICK Reunion - 1951 by Williams Studio
CHADWICK Reunion - 1951 - annotated (people identified) - by Williams Studio
CHADWICK, James Martin - 2nd NY Cavalry - oh, Dan - what an AWESOME PICTURE :) Chadwick was a Civil War veteran who enlisted in Lafayette in August 1861 and served with the 2nd New York Cavalry throughout the Civil War. His unit fought at Gettysburg and was instrumental in forcing Lee’s surrender at Appomattox in April 1865 Dates for James Martin Chadwick 1 May 1842-12 Jun 1934 -- see his 2nd NY Cavalry Paper here and his muster-out papers and his M & D roll information -- muster out roll -- company descriptive roll Dec 1863 -- 2nd NY Cavalry monument at Gettysburg -- muster-in-roll -- 2nd NY Guidon -- company (final) mustering-out roll -- article about 2nd NY -- 2nd NY Cavalry History
CHADWICK - James Martin family - all tagged - about 1921 -- same picture without names
CHADWICK, James Martin & son Carl Chadwick and great grandson Carl Ansel Jolley, father of Dan J - thanks, Dan - love this pic
CHADWICK Mary Alice Hopper wife of James Martin Chadwick, born 6 Oct 1853 in Shannondale, and died 7 Nov 1926 in Crawfordsville.
CHEURVANT, Ed -- Lottie -- Olive (not sure where these people lived (Parke County?) but including in case :) - thanks Harriet W
CLARK, Amanda - along with Mrs. E.B. Westfall & Miles; and Amanda Wilson (thanks Dellie & Joan)
CLARK, Charlie (Ladoga)
CLARK, Mildred Fall - 1938 or 1939 - IU -- School of Business OR AOII house Omicron Delta (business sorority) Mildred is sixth from left facing picture in the 2nd row - thanks, Suzy A In the next picture, she is in the back row, 5th from right facing picture - Mildred grew-up in Montgomery County - Picture II
CLEMENTS - Eliz; Pauline & Raymond (children of John & Agnes)
CLIFTON -- John William and wife, Minnie Landis and four of their ten children. Thanks so very much to Kathy Clifton McFate. A note from Kathy: The second (this one) picture is of John W. Clifton and Minnie Landis Clifton and 4 of their children in front of their house in New Market Indiana. The little boy is Landes Beatty Clifton and one of the girls is Beatrice, and Mary - but not sure which ones. As Landis was born in 1902 and looks about 5 here I am guessing the picture was from around 1907? I thought people might enjoy seeing the farmhouse and family. * Note from Karen - according to ages and aged faces, it is likely the taller girl is Mary; next Beatrice and the small girl Myrtle.
CLIFTON -- Also from Kathy McFate -- "This picture is of Mary Francis Davis Landis (also spelled Landes and Landers) on her 100th birthday. She is the woman in the center in the chair. facing the picture , first row on the left is Russel and Grace MacMurry Clifton. The second row in the back from the left is Beatrice Clifton Croy, then Landis Beatty Clifton ( my grandfather) the Thelma Avon Clifton Royer. The next man may be Orville Clifton. The first boy on the left is Ron Royer. I would appreciate any help from other members in identifying the other family members in this picture. They are all Mary Francis Davis Landis 's grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Perhaps someone in New Market may recognize a familiar face?"
CLORE - Whitfield, Ella (Bond) Wayne & Obyr Clore - thanks muches to Cathi :)
CLORE, Berriman -- b. 8 Feb 1817 Boone County, Kentucky died 22 Jan 1893 buried Hallett Cemetery, Brown Twp, Montgomery County. Thanks so much to Fred S. for this great picture
CLORE - Earl and Opal (thanks Harriet W) - see also Garver pictures below
CLORE, Erastus - born 9 March 1857 Parke County, Indiana died 10 April 1935 Howard Twp, Parke County, Indiana buried Maple Ridge Cemetery, Waveland, Indiana - thanks so very much to Fred S. for this great picture

CLORE, Mary Rice - born 10 August 1828 Henry County, Kentucky (daughter of Jonathan and Rebecca Reynolds Rice) died 22 March 1894 buried with Berriman in Hallett Cemetery, near Waveland, Indiana) - note want to thank Fred S. for sharing these awesome Clore pictures

CLORE, Simeon (above) - (13 February 1821 – 27 May 1902) Just found him in 2016 (1 Feb) when I was looking for something different to prompt folks' interest in looking at these ol pictures. THANKS to Cathi Clore Frost who received this photo from her grandparents and I think Simeon is ADORABLE. Wonder where that gorgeous home is???
CLORE - Leslie (thanks Harriet W - so much for sharing some of these wonderful photos)
CLOUSE, Andrew & Emma (Eliza Pickett) in about 1897 - thanks so much to Cathy Armstrong for this one :)
CLOUSER Family Photos (thanks, Mary Jo)
CLOUSER (Marion) - thanks to Richard Dunbar & Mary Jo Clouser. Left to right: Marion; Mary Frances, his daughter; son, Howard Clouser (who by the way swam from the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941) . Front: Peter Dunbar; Sam Dunbar; Anna Maguire Dykes; Irma Dykes Dunbar; Bill Dunbar, Jr.
COLLINGS family photos - thanks Harriet W so much for sharing -- some of this family lived in Parke County but others came our way :) -- Collings - Gma' & Gpa' (maybe Abraham & Mary Rush? --- Colllings, Ruth -- Collings children -- Collings (David & others) -- Collings, Maud -- Collings - Cloe - not sure of last name of some of these - they might be Burks or Paytons - also with these pictures is a photo taken from (perhaps a yearbook) a book which includes Cora McBride, Nell McCutchan, Myrtle Porter, Eva Spencer, Ruth Collings; Beulah McBride, Pearl Ramsey ...
COMPTON Family Photos (thanks Sandra)
Conarroe, Thomas and wife Cecile Davis Cecile Davis was an older sister to Carl Smith Davis. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
COOKSEY, Isaac M. (9-25-1825 - 10-1-1904) -- although Isaac Cooksey did not live in Montgomery County, he was the father of Dr. Thomas Cooksey, a longtime resident; he is buried in Brookville, Franklin Co IN -- thanks to Liz & Tom for this one :)
COOKSEY, Thomas (11-9-1870 -- 06 Mar 1963) - -- pastor; doctor and 3-time mayor of Crawfordsville - thanks to Liz & Tom !! Greatly appreciated - read his obit here for more information :) See also Thomas & wife, Minnie Beatty -- Thomas & wife in front of Lilly lab in Indianapolis with other doctors about 1955
COONS, Clara VanCLEAVE along with Bonnie Stewart, Thanks to Philip Coons
Coons: Merle Fuson Coons & Clara VanCleave Coons - about June 1909 probably at Shades State Park - unknown other couples - thanks to Phil Coons for the nifty pictures
Copner, Joseph Tinley and wife Susannah Coombs Photo thanks to Linda Bakos
Copner, Joseph Tinley and wife Susannah Coombs An early tin-typs photo than above. Includes a letter written by Joseph Thomas Copner to Samuel or Tobias Copner December 3, 1849 thanks to Linda Bakos
CORN, Vannie - son of George and Mary Ann (Jamison) Corn - thanks to Diane K - she would love for you to check this woman's picture out and compare :)
COTTRELL, Clara E. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
COWAN brothers -- youngest is Andrew "Merle" Cowan (born 20 June 1896); Lawrence Scott Cowan farthest back - born 26 Jan 1886 and Walter Harrison Cown 22 Oct 1887. I adore this picture. Thanks so much to John Cowan, son of Merle!!
COWAN Merle -- when he became 2nd Lt. - one of th e most interesting things about this man is that he was in THREE of our major wars, WWI, WWII, and the Korean war.
COWAN brothers - older picture from John L. Cowan - these are sooo super - thanks sooo very much -- * Finally, the fourth picture shows the four Cowan Brothers at a date uncertain, though I believe the picture may have been taken when they gathered for their mother’s funeral in 1935. They are arranged by age in the picture. Lawrence "Scott" Cowan (1886 - 1961) Walter Harrison Cowan (1887 - 1983) Andrew "Merle" Cowan (1896 - 1963) - in light colored Khaki baggy trousers & John Hubert Cowan (1907 - 1978)
COWAN - *The third picture from John is of his father (Merle) in military garb. His younger brother, John Hubert COWAN (b. 1907 d.1978) is to dad’s immediate right, behind the car. The other two boys on either side are almost certainly my dad’s nephews Byron Olin Cowan (1909-2001) and Walter Marion Cowan (1911-1991). What a wild picture -- some turtle crop!!
COWAN, Anna Belle (fairly sure - about 90-95%) probably on her wedding day on 1 November 1891 - taken at Mrs. Willis & Sons Photo Galleries in Crawfordsville - sent to her cousin, Ida Jane McCoy. -- thanks so much to Colleen & Christine - hope we can find out for sure this is Anna Belle and find who the others are as well :)
COWAN (or McCoy, of course :) -- baby - what a beautiful girl -- such distinctive clear pictures - bet she looked just like that as she grew older - ANYONE know this gorgeous little lady?? - thanks to Colleen & Christine & C's mom :)
COWAN, brother-sister ? -- taken at Mrs. Willis & Sons Photo Galleries in Crawfordsville - sent to her cousin, Ida Jane McCoy. -- thanks so much to Colleen & Christine - hope we can find who these cute young folks are :)
COWAN --OR McCoy -- unknown young woman -- thanks so much to Colleen & Christine - This was taken by the Champion Photo gallery - this picture had to be taken between 1880 when he began his firm and 1901 when it was sold and he moved from the area.
COWAN -- OR McCoy -- unknown young woman - at first I thought that was ALL hair, but believe she has a large hat on but still lots of hair - I'm jealous (kbz :) -- anyway please help us find who she is -- AD Willis had his studio in Crawfordsville from 1870-1890 or 91 (although one source says 1898 but it was his wife's for at least the last 8 years)
COWAN, Margaret Elnora Messmore - Again, thanks to John above for this beautiful picture of his grandmother

COWBOY BOB -- Harry? - John Wayne? -- who is the question -- Unknown Man - taken at Nicholson & Sons, Crawfordsville, Indiana - year unknown - this was found in the Gilliland collection (Waveland area) of photos but no one knows who he is :( -- This one we dubbed as "Pancho" is also unknown but in the same photo collection
COX, Byron Clark -- grave in France -- this is information for the Legion post named for him, the 1st Montgomery County soldier killed in WWI
COX, James Burt and Myrtle Bell This couple was previously listed in our "Unknown Photos" supplied by Rick Patton. On 17 July 2022 we received an message thru the "Crawfordsville and Montgomery County History FaceBook Page" from Julia Keys Lewis, who believes these are her Grandparents James Burt and Myrtle Bell COX.
COX, Rachel (Thomas) and children: Rachel (Cox) Peacock; Isaac N. Cox; Anna (Cox) Tribbett - thanks so very much to Norman Henry Tribbett for this nifty pic
CRAIG -- Robert S, Mary E, Myrtle & Clyde Craig
CRANE, Joseph Warren Places First Place at Chicago Seed Corn Show in 1914. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
CRANE, Joseph Loses wagon and horses at County Line RailRoad Crossing Accident. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
William and Margaret Parker Cronk Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
CROSS, Irvin Jennings (Runt) and wife Carolyn Compliments of Bill Boone
CROSS, Jim Jim worked for the town of Ladoga many years. Thanks to Bill Boone

Above: Unknown WWI Army Man
-- D --
DALTON, Max & Leora (see Max below)

DAUGHERTY, Frederick N (Dr.)
DAVIDSON Family - Wm Thomas; Martha Victoria; Robert James; Christina Carolyn; Martha Mills; Letitia Jane; and Robert Davidson
DAVIDSON, Warner Myers Family This is Warner Myers Davidson his wife Minnie manges Davidson and their children Kenneth, Gladys, Richard (my grandfather), Mary, Ruth, and Ruby. Photo thanks to Vicki Davidson Deer
DAVIDSON - Wm. Thomas (b 1-26-1873 Ontario, Canada lived in CC Twp died 11-8-1943)
DAVIS - Andrew Jackson -- 22 Sept 1826 - 1 Jan 1911 - thanks so much to Diane K for this one and Davis ones below :) DAVIS - daughter of Andrew ? -- Diane is fairly sure this is one of Andrew Jackson Davis' daughter - anyone know which one?
DAVIS - Andrew Jackson & his wife, Frances Eveline Litten == in later years - love those rockin' chiars :)
DAVIS - Elizabeth - "Lizzie" - daughter of above Andrew Jackson Davis and Frances Litten - again, thanks muches to Diane K
Davis, Ellen Photo previously found below in the listing of "Davis - Tintypes" Andy Rice found the original in the CDPL archives, which her has shared with us. Again, thanks Andy.
Davis, Elzora Dinsmore as a Child daughter of John Dinsmore, mother of Carl S Davis, wife of Henry Howard Davis Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Davis Family Connected to Fruits, Jones, Krouts Photos of: Henry Howard and Elzora Dinsmore Davis, Joyce Davis Jones, Carl Smith Davis, Sid Dossett Davis, Wallace and Mildred Rose. 4 Photos in a slide album. Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
DAVIS - tin types - nifty (Whalens?) First photo in top left corner has bee identified as "Ellen Davis" by Andy Rice. Andy found the original photo in the Crawfordsville District Public Library archives. See the Original photo above listed under her name.
DAVIS - unknown Dandy :) -- All it says on back of photo is "Davis", and that's it. I suspect this man is one of Andrew Jackson Davis' sons -- John Wesley Davis, Joseph H. S. Davis or Oliver Clark Davis. But don't know for sure. If anybody knows, I'd apreciate the information. Thanks -- Diane Kennedy.
DAVIS, Emma Jane McLoed - thanks, thanks, thanks -- Marty writes: Photographer Nicholson, Crawfordsville This is Emma Jane McLoed Davis (husband J.P.), (1854-1936). She the daughter of Oliver and Charlotte (Penn) McLoed and a sister to William James McLoed above. The back of the photo is dated 1881 which is probably why it's just Nicholson, no sons.
DAVIS, George S. - not sure who these two are, but we think George (wife Jennie below ?)
DAVIS, George - Ora Davis Grimes, Jennie Clements Davis - behind her is Winnie Davis Beeson but other two unknown.
DAVIS, Jennie Clements (?) Not sure - thanks JDG :)
DAVIS, Manning, Angeline Smith Davis, Sarah Davis and Paden Smith Also a second photo of Manning and Angeline. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
DECKER, Mary - see Ron Keedy
Also see his story Inscribed by one of his son's in his Biography
DEMORET - James Franklin & Clara Sayler - married 11-27-1879 (love this great wedding pic) - he (Jim), younger - thanks again to Tom D for these awesome picture
DEMORET, Samuel Bennett - thanks Tom :) Greatly appreciated - I love old pictures !!
DEWEY, George Washington, MD (thanks Tom T)
DICKERSON, George - family - thanks so much to Martha Harms for this one :) Greatly appreciated ! See also the Dickerson groceries, etc. in the Business section
DICKERSON, George complete family pic - thanks Martha H :)
DICKERSON, George Jr. -- taking SINGER sewing lessons - would guess he might be going to sell those in his Grocery/Store? Not sure though - thanks Martha H. - wonder who the others are ??!~~~
DICKERSON, Knobby -- (Karl Dickerson graduate of CHS where he was quite a basketball player. Hoping to find out more about him.
DIETRICK, William Alexander born 1 Oct 1837 in Rockbridge County, Virginia. Died the 20th day of August 1913 in Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana. Thanks so much to Don Colin -this man was Don's great great grandfather and overseer of the Garland Dell Springs, the prelim for the Shades State Park.
DONALDSON, Janette the daughter of Joe and Nettie (White) Donaldson. Thanks so much to Susan Keedy Oaks
DOUGLAS -- Martha Jane; Mariah Louella; Jeremiah; Mary Hannh and James Lewis Douglas
DUNBAR Family Pictures At Least 53 pictures or items of interest on this page. Much thanks to the family of contributors!!!
DURHAM, Jesse Youce -- Jesse Youce Durham Early 1900's. My grandma Fullenwider (Rosalie's) grandfather. Settled on land NW of Waveland entered by John Durham in 1822, and owned land in Parke county. He owned the land nw of Waveland where school 5 was located, and also south of of my place. - Dave Fullenwider (thanks)
Durham, Joshua Bell Thanks to Ericia C. for this photo contribution!
Durhan, Nellie Manning Thanks to Ericia C. for this photo contribution!
Durham Grandchildren Laura Elizabeth Durham Ingram, Lela Bell Durham Bratton and Marion Yonce Durham Thanks to Ericia C. for this photo contribution!
-- E --
EBRITE, Mary Thomas (thanks to Dellie C via Joan O)
ELMORE, Capt. C. W. - Mayor Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
ELMORE, Etheridge, 1926 CHS football player -- thanks so very much to Dean B for several CHS & Wingate pictures - awesome Dean!! And, thanks, Kathy L for sending Dean my way !! :)
ELMORE - Matthias & Mary Ann Willis - The Bard's parents
EMGE MAN -- perhaps ? Russell of Russell Grocery (see bottom of this) in Crawfordsville (about 1955 ?) - thanks so very much to Teddy Alfrey - so appreciate both these great pictures ! Ron Keedy blew up the picture 400 % and added these comments : To right of Emge hat is Tootsie Rolls, next to ear is Snickers and to the right of that is Milky Way. Clock lower left says 10: 58. That's all I got, but it's a great pic! And, I noticed the PayDays right away - didn't even have to blow it up for that - I love Pay Days :) kbz -- the Emge Man is NOT Jack Russell or his father (via Jack's daughter, Melanie)
EMINGER, Gerald (far left facing pic)
ENSMINGER, John S. (Dr - young pic)
ENSMINGER, Samuel (Dr.)
EVANS - Mildred & Dale -- Dale was a farmer and his wife was a long-time Waveland librarian
EVERNHAM,. Harry & Alice Roberta - thanks muches to J.D. Gilliland
EVERNHAM- Harry when young (below) -- Harry & Edith Coonrod courting - their wedding picture --- on porch of their Telephone exchange in Waveland IN , An older Harry, and Harry Evernham and daughter, Roberta Gilliland in front of the Coal Creek (in Waveland) Telephone Exchange.
-- thanks so very much to JD Gilliland, his grandson

EVERNHAM -- explanation of pic above - - thanks JD
EVERMAN, William R (Will) and Mary "Ella" McGaughey - wedding day - thanks to Margaret Ramsey, one of my first and best genealogy buddies and her son - then CDPL (Dellie) for sharing
-- F --
FAUST - John Peter and Ella Armstrong, Ethel, Mattie and Ora Warren Faust
FERGUSON, Glen & Pat -- Pat and Barb Taylor & I worked on so many genealogy projects together & had so much fun -- Pat is the one who gave me Fauniel Hershberger's obituary books - greatly appreciated - hard to believe that both Glen & Pat are gone
FISHER Fellas - about 1912 - Miller? Opperman? Who knows? Thanks to Tom D. for this nifty picture whomever they are :) I love it !! - kbz
FLETCHER, Mary Catherine Smith - thanks to Dustin Stonebraker for this one and a redo of the pic by D. G. Thanks you two :) See her obit for more info
Foley, Dick and Paul Stoner "State Show Winners" at the Hoosier Beef Show, July 1961. From the Farm News of Montgomery County, photo by Middleton, Producers.
FOSTER, Thomas Martin and his bride of 50 years, Cynthia Ann Jolly. Thanks to Chris Oppy for this nifty view of them -- . Thomas Foster, came to New Richmond from N. Carolina as a tradesman of sorts and made quite a living from it and contributed a ton to the character of NR in his time. Attached is group of photos of he & wife Cynthia. Thomas 10-8-1837 to 6-17-1912 and Cynthia 10-8-1841 to 11-14-1918 buried in the New Richmond Cemetery

FOUTS -- James, Letha, Leon & Carrie
FOXWORTHY, John Leslie & Opal Harshbarger Thanks to Sheri Childers
FOYE, Randy & Phyllis (Clouser) & family - thanks Mary Jo B - children : Shawn; Chris; Mike; Joe; Jean; Miriam)
FRALEY -- Arthur; Daisy (Dunkle) Fraley with children Floyd & Ruth (married Benjamin Evans)
FRENCH, Dave & Ernie ... et al - Taking a Break Setting tomatoes. Bill Boone, Bill Strickler, Richard Stark, David French, and Ernie French, Jr.- about 1948 ? Thanks to Bill Boone
FRENCH Family- Charles; Alonza; Lucretia; Edna; Everette; Elsie; Andrew & Eunice
FRISZ -- Joseph W - he was a railroad machinist; grocer; draftsman; purchased 65 acres that is now basically the basis of the Shades State Park
FRUITS, George (Jr.) and Catherine Stonebreaker I found this photo in the 1969 "Fruit Family of French Huguenot Origin" by Marie Rybolt -- Andy Rice Thanks, Andy
* Added a new picture of Samuel Larkin Fruits to this slide album. He is on a bicycle. It is the first picture in the album. Enjoy them all, Thanks to Andy Rice!
Fruits, Samuel and Katie Krout Fruits Family Contains 20 photos in a slide show album of their family along with some of the in-law Krouts. Not all are identified, could use some help! Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
FRUITS, Daisy Elizabeth and a boy on bicycle, maybe a brother? She bacame the bride of Carl Smith Davis (see Above) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
FRUITS Family Fotos (thanks, Sandra & Kim)

Above: David Marshall Fruits
Fruits, Sam with the Nicholas & Jones Brick Contractors The brickmason photo all I know is Sam Fruits is top row 5th from the right. I don't know the year, but he was born in 1871 and died in 1946. I'd say circa 1920. He looks pretty healthy here. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
FRY, William Theopolius - close-up from, I believe the same pic
FULLENWIDER, Betty married Julius David Banner with her mother, Rosalie Durham Fullenwider - thanks Dave F :) You rock, buddy!
FULLENWIDER, Henry Newton - thanks, Dave F. -- born on the Fullenwider farm 6 November 1888 to Henry Chalmers and Lorena Glenn Fullenwider. Married Rosalie Tarkington Durham 16 October 1912. Had 3 children, Bob, Terry & Betty Lou. Passed away in 1974. His son, Bob looked a great deal like him
FULLENWIDER, Henry Newton Family -- Bob on left (is he in uniform?); Betty who married Julius David Banner, Henry Newton behind her; Rosalie Tarkington Durham, mother and their other son, Terry.
FULLENWIDER, Henry Newton & Rosalie Durham Fullenwider - thanks to their grandson, Dave for this one :)
FULLENWIDER, J. Newton -- thanks, Dave - Joseph Newtown Fullenwider (1831-1898), who owned a large amount of property north and south of highway 47 where you turn onto the Waveland Road west of Browns Valley. Joseph Newton would be Dave's great, great grandfather, the son of Eleazor who came to Montgomery County.
Jim Fullenwider in front of Sharpes Drug Store, downtown Waveland, IN in 1964
FULLENWIDER, Lorena Glenn -- wife of Henry C. Fullenwider, mother to Henry Newton, grandmother to Robert E., and great grandma to the contributor, Dave - thanks so much, buddy~.
FULLENWIDER, Rosalie Tarkington Durham on her wedding day. This is the original cropped some to highlight her more. Couldn't leave it alone as beautiful as it is so here are other "fixes" of it. One -- Two -- This was at the window of the Burley Grimes home on Waveland Road (last house before T road)
FULLENWIDER, William Glenn -- brother to Henry Newton (above) born on the Waveland farm 22 March 1887 married Edith McCampbell 12 July 1917 and passed away in Longvew, Washington 24 August 1961 -- he was in WWI
FULLENWIDER woman - perhaps Lavina Allen, wife of Eleazer ?
FULTON, Will & Lizzie - thanks to Dustin Stonebraker for this one - DS has been great adding pics !! Greatly appreciated buddy
FULWIDER - Walter & Mae on their wedding day
FUSON, Stephen Kennedy (Rev) - thanks sooo much to Harriet W. for this one - I've been looking for a picture of this guy for one long, long time :)
-- G --
GALEY, Etta Daughter of James and Julia Allen Galey; Thanks to and from Susan Keedy Oaks - Crawfordsville & Montgomery County History Facebook Page!
GALEY, James and Julia Allen Two photos: one as a young couple and another as a mature couple! (see their daughter above) Thanks to and from Susan Keedy Oaks - Crawfordsville & Montgomery County History Facebook Page!
GALEY, Malinda Margaret Grimes Born 8/27/1833, died 9/8/1908. She married Samuel Galey on 9/25/1851 in Montgomery County, Indiana - thanks to Susan Keedy Oaks
GALEY, Minnie - thanks to JD Gilliand for this one
GARVER, Bart - thanks Harriet W :)
GARVER, Raymond (4-26-1931)
GARVER, Raymond & wife (Grace Taylor?)
GARVER ? - Earl, Raymond, Sam - thanks to Harriet for all of these Garver pics) - Sam & Raymond are fairly certainly Garvers but Earl may be Earl Hunter or Earl Clore
GARVEY, Ruby Harris and adopted daughter, Barbara (see also the Photographers page - Franzlau) - thanks so much to Carolyn Harris Horney for this one :) - should be able to click on one above to enlarge it :)
GAYHARDT, Catherine (Aunt Kate) Wingert, Andrew's wife -- picture 2 - different age - thanks so much to Harold Houpt of Nebraska for sharing these awesome pictures (and two new photographers - H.P. Freeman, Ladoga took his and hers but the one marked "Lawrence" was taken by --- it was also noted on the one picture that Aunt Hannah was named for Aunt Kate Wingert Houpt (so maybe Hannah Catherine ?)
GILKEY, D. H. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
GILLILAND Family -- HI, “Gilliland” group Front row left. left to right.lower left corner..Forrest Jackman (Martha), Martha, Grace, Grandma Louisa, Genave, Irene (James) Sue Back row: John, Earl, James, Gertie (Earl), Roberta (Harold) Joe, (in front of him is Katie (Sherman)), Ina (Joe), Sherman, Harold no idea why the pic is cut off at the bottom This is behind the Wave-Inn (Rafferty's) looking east..the rise behind is where the gas station is now. Thanks muches to JD
GILLILAND, Geno -- likely when she worked in Philadelphia for the Curtis Publishing Company. - thanks to her nephew, jdg
GILLILAND, Grace - thanks so much for this interesting photo -- Day & Night Studio -- it is not only interesting with what seems to be a new tactic today (the air brushing sides) but it is a long thing - wonder if they were bookmarks? Thanks JDG --
GILLILAND, Grace - probably her graduation photo in about 1914 - note the Day & Night Studio at bottom. Thanks JDG - this is nifty - Grace and her younger brother, Sherman
GILLILAND, Grace & friends - inside the Waveland Post Office or in a class - around 1912-14 - Grace is 2nd from right with the BIG hair bow :) Thanks JD - love this one
GILLILAND, Heck & Brad - about 1951-52 - this is when Heck was superintendent (1949-1952) at the Shades State Park and is dressed in his uniform - thanks muches, JDG :) JD's brother, Brad, was a good buddy of mine throughout our 12 years in school together - miss ya' BG ! kbz
GILLILAND, Harold "Heck" when he was about 3 -- little girl is unknown but it is known she moved from Waveland where the picture was taken shortly after this nifty photo - thanks to his son, JDG for this precious picture!
GILLILAND, James David (JD) - age 2 eyeing the cake
GILLILAND, James G. Homestead with family, including names. - thanks muches, JDG :)
GILLILAND - John William - newspaper article & original photo of his Grohoma ad - Good example of an original photo and one screened and reproduced in a newspaper. Easy to see the screen esp. on the top of the photo. BTW - the pup is Jake. Grohoma is a sorghum which is bred for producing grain (for cattle feed) vs. the sort from which molasses is the prime end product.
GILLILAND, John W. home - thanks again over & over to JDG for so many super pictures ! This home was out in the country near Browns Valley and the picture was taken about 1897 - actually, JD says this is NOT the John W. Gilliland home but may have been near it - ANYONE KNOW??????????????
GILLILAND, John W -- My uncle, John Gilliland, harvesting sorghum with a single row corn picker… Assuming this is after the war as he had a big farm sale and sold most of the farm equipment before he went off to the war.. I can remember about 1949 when he was picking corn by hand. Don Linton…(hi Don if you are still around), was one of those hired hands. cheers jdg
GILLILAND - Ladies - early 1940s -- again, thanks so much to JD for sharing these wonderful family pictures -- seated l to r Irene (sister of Wayne Simms’ wife Tressa ) Grandma Louisa, my mother Roberta standing Katie, Sue, Geno, Martha, Grace, Gertie, Ina
GILLILAND, Charles Bennett - thanks JD
GILLILAND, Herman - thanks JD (this child was born 21 March 1896 died 9 February 1898 so this must have been a short time before he passed away - thank goodness they got a picture of him
GILLOGLY - Wayne (father of 2, gpa' of 7, great of several) - although I didn't know Wayne well, he always had a smile on his face and a wave for this certain lil gal and I always enjoyed his son, Don - kz
GLASCOCK, Jake and Rose - my 2nd grade teacher - I adored her & my dad, Fred Bazzani loved to tease Jake - kbz
GLASCOCK, William D Photo in Obituary _ kbz
GLENN, Thomas-- 1799-1869 (large land owner in the Waveland area)
GOFF, Iva & Ethel May -- thanks to Dan J for this nifty pic
GOHMAN, Joseph and Minnie Swank - wedding
GOSS - Alfred Eli, Dora (Pryor), and two of their children, Floyd and Frank
GOTT, Alfred & Gertrude
GOTT, John - AF - thanks to Bill Boone
GRAHAM, Mary M (d/o John S. Graham & Mary M. King - thanks Tom Thompson)
GRAY Family Photos (thanks to Mary Jo B)
Greene, Dr. H. W. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
GREVE, Leonard (see below - one of the three super-star Waveland sports family) - thanks Bill Boone

GRIGSBY -- Margaret Grigsby (b 23 Nov 1926 in Lexington, KY and died 14 Jul 2003 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY -- dau of Dorothy Caldwell Hillis and Harry Keith Grigsby) (the baby) held by Maria Crowder Caldwell (b 17 Nov 1855 in Decatur, ILL and died 16 Nov 1948 in Ladoga, Montgomery Co, IN) and Clara Caldwell Hillis (b 15 Aug 1882 in Cameron, DeKalb Co, MO and died 21 Jul 1961 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY), Dorothy Hillis Grigsby (b. 1 Aug 1905 in Greencastle, Putnam, IND and died Jan 1981 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY , mar Harry Keith GRIGSBY 2 Apr 1925 in Lexington, Fayette, KY --dau of Clara Caldwell Hillis and Frederick Bascom Hillis) standing behind (she is daughter of Clara and Frederick Bascom Hillis (b 25 Feb 1879 in Greencastle, Putnam, IN and died 30 Aug 1956 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY) , son of Henry Harrison Hillis of Putnam Co, IN (b 7 Mar 1840 in Greencastle, Putnam, IN and died 14 May 1900 in Greencastle twp, Putnam Co, IN, married Sarah Elizabeth O'HAIR, 26 Feb 1867 in Putnam Co, IN---- she was b. 2 Sep 1839, Putnam Co, died 17 Sept 1919 in Greencastle Twp, Putnam Co, IN) - thanks so very very much to Sande Bonde-Moffat for this :)
GRIMES, J.B. - City Marshall - sorry don't know what year :(

Above: Ella Warbinton Gunkle
GRIMES, Sam and wife Ora Davis and their son Gale - thanks so much to JD Gilliland :) He is awesome at sending pictures !
GUNTLE, George Monroe - born in Montgomery County to Adam and Sarah Emma Thompson Guntle Feb 1, 1858 - I found this on but when I went to write to the man who had posted it, he had passed away ... so, I decided it was too good of a picture to pass up :) Here also is his wife (Ella Warbinton Guntle who was also born in Montgomery County) from the same wonderful man who put them on findagrave :) Thanks PE Dale for your kind work -- kz
-- H --
Haas, Alton Guy "Junior" of Wingate, a photo as a young adult. Thanks to Andy Rice for sending this in. It was contained in a photo collection of his great grandparents. Also, his obituary photo is included on this page.
Hallett, Zenith Jackson with wife Mary Smith Hallett and daughter Edna Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
HANDLEY Brothers (thanks so much to David H) -- Left to right: Julius (Jude), Frank, Eugene, John (grandpa - white shirt)), Harry.
HANDLEY family (again, thanks to David, John's grandson) -- all above plus parents
HANDLEY, Fronia Dell McAllister (ditto above thanks :)
HANDLEY, Fronia & Frank (her son) - thanks David H :) November 1963
HARBISON, Ray, Francis and Helen (below) about 1920 at the same home that is pictured in the photo with the three Harbisons - children of Ray & Francis (Bob, Lowell, Helen) - different view of Bob, Lowell and Helen - note: the home is called the Galey Place - several of you will know it was the Doris (Simpson) & Tom Jeffries place on the Parkersburg Road. Thanks so much to Dave Harbison for these awesome photos :). Here's the explanation from Dave: This house still exists and is occupied by a young family today. It is the first house on the northside as you head east on Parkersburg Road. I call this the Galey Place; it was owned from early times by the Galey’s. My Grandparents, Raymond and Francis Harbison moved there in the late 1920’s…Dad was born there in 1930. Robert was also born there. My dad lived there with parents until 1954, when Raymond and Francis moved to a family home south of Russellville and my Dad and Mom went to housekeeping in that house. As far as I know, it was rented from Mr. Galey from 1930ish to 1959. Mr. Galey was Principal…???? More likely Superintendent of Waveland Schools ???? My M & D bought our current homestead from Bruce Williams in 1959….and installed the first bathroom in the house before I was born 9/59. At some point (1959, 1960????), Tom and Doris (Simpson) Jefferies purchased the Galey Place with 120 acres (???) of Farm land. My Dad bought the house and farm land fro the Jefferies in 1974. We still own the farm land, but not the house. David Vicki Harbison Pic: Raymond Harbison (1902-1966) V. Frances Harbison (1904 – 1995) Helen Harbison (1926 - At the Galey Home in ?1927?

HARRIS, Jordan (1835-1899) - thanks muches to Sarah
HARRIS, Sarah DeMaris (1838-1914) - thanks Sarah - wonder if Sarah got her name from this ancestor?
HARSHBARGER, Claude (Ladoga Cement Workers)
Samuel Harshbarger and wife Mary Catherine LaFollette Thanks to Jeff Bennett, their Great-Great-Great Grandson, for the photo!
HARTUNG, Harry - see Sosbe, Bob
HATFIELD, Anna Marie (1896-1976) daughter of Corbin and Margaret (Thompson) Hostetter. Married Claude Hatfield in 1929. Grandmother of Dianne Hatfield Combs.
HAYES, Raymond & Vesta TATLOCK abt 1926 -- thanks so very much to Dean B (via Kathy L) for several CHS & Wingate pictures - awesome Dean!!
HAYES, Raymond - CHS - 1926, Sr. Pic?? -- thanks so very much to Dean B (via Kathy L) for several CHS & Wingate pictures - awesome Dean!!
HAYES, Raymond - CHS - football ? 1926 -- thanks so very much to Dean B (via Kathy L) for several CHS & Wingate pictures - awesome Dean!!
HEATH, Everette - see Jolley, Carl
HERRON, Ada -- probably Ada (I feel sure that this is Ada Patton Herron, wife of William P. Herron mother of at least Fred Herron, a local banker and who lived at this address (however, I could not find a son Ted (is this perhaps Fred instead) for them - might have been a nickname or then again (heaven forbid) I made a genealogical faux pau) - the picture of Fred is from a passport appliation on Jan 4, 1923 (signed by Will Hays, NY Motion pictures, by the way) - he was born Feb 1, 1886 in Crawfordsville and was age 37, planning on going to several European countries for his business and some pleasure) - he was described as 6'; high forehead; blue eyes; medium nose; moustache; round chin; light hair; fair complexion and an oval face. In the 1910 census in Crawfordsville, we find William P as the Bank President of the 1st National Bank with Ada and children (all very grown and still living at home) Jessie; Florence; William P; Fredrick; Austin.
HICKS, Preston and wife Martha, along with their family.
HICKS Women -- Front: Everilla, Desire Lidick, Sarah VanCleave, Nancy Carrington, Lucinda Jane. Back: Effie; Nancy; Emily Armstrong; Paulina; America Sayler and Lara Alice
HILL Family - in front of same home where the Young-Legg family now lives -- Steph and her parents came to visit their family home - the family living there were great to show them around. How exciting to see a family home. Home of Richard Hill and Sarah Ann Chapman Hill lived there with their family in the mid-late 1800s! Built circa 1855
HILLIS, Henry Elbert (born in Putnam County Indiana 4 May 1907 - died 12 June 1972 Houston TX his twin sons, Larry & Jerry and Clara Caldwell Hillis, wife of Frederick Bascom Hillis - thanks so much to Sandy Moffat
HOCKER, Charlie & wife - thanks Harriet W. - wife is probably Alice Johnson and they are buried in Mt. Moriah Cem at Hollandsburg, IN -- not far from the Montgomery County line
HOLE, Lester Throwing Shoes. Source: Journal-Review Wednesday September 29, 1965 (front Page)
HOLE, Wm. - home - abt 1903 - Standing left to right - at swing Virgil W on swing is Flossie, Lester & Bessie at door - Wm N & Lola B Hole - to right of door, Frank Rush
HOLLINGSWORTH girls - Sarah; Lydia; Ursual; Mary & Rosa
HOLMES, David, wife & daughter (Imogene) -- see above Beaver, Matilda Grove

Above: Mary Freeman Hovey
HOLZ, Margaret Gohman; Frederick & baby Margaret
HOSTETTER, Corbin (30 Nov 1857 - 27 Jan 1906) and wife, Margaret Thompson (married 22 Dec 1882 Bk 10 p 182 Montgomery County) - thanks so much to Dianne Combs
HOSTETTER Family - New Market - Pictured: (Back standing Mary Nichols Hostetter; Billie Stump; Virgil Green; Lula Green; Nelson Hardy; Hazel Stump. Sitting: Mae Shull; Bill Stump Marie Hostetter; George Hostetter; Fred Stull. Thanks Dianne Combs.
HOSTETTER, George - son of Corbin & Margaret Thompson Hostetter Born: May 15, 1893 Montgomery County, Indiana. Died: 4 July 1965 Lyons, Greene County, Indiana. - thanks so much to Dianne Combs :) Pics are great, kiddo !

HOSTETTER, Simon D (12 Aug 1832 Noble County, Indiana died 15 May 1908 buried Harshbarger Cemetery, Clark Township, Montgomery County, Indiana) & Katherine Goodbar (parents to above Corbin) - thanks Dianne C :) You rock! Love theses pics
HUGHES, Charles & Susie (Love this pic - thanks BB)
HUGHES Family pictures (thanks, Bill Boone :) -- Bill has been GREAT expanding my photo section of the GenWeb page !! You rock, BB
HULVEY Family Album (40 photos and many yet to Identify)
Courteously supplied by Jenie Walden, thanks for sharing these photos.
HUNTER, Earl (this is Earl F. Hunter 1908-1962 buried Oak Hill, Grant Avenue, Crawfordsville - thanks muches to Harriet W. for these of Earl & Ruby
HUNTER, Ruby (Garver) - see also Ruby Garver
HYTEN, Dickerson & Andora Hostetter (daughter of Simon & Catherine Goodbar Hostetter) - about 1920 - thanks muches to Dianne Combs
-- I --
INGERSOLL Family Photos (thanks, Connie W)
INGERSOLL, Mary (refurbished by Suzy A - thanks soooo much Suzy)
INGERSOLL, Karen -- see Pritchett

Above: Dr. Samuel G. Irwin
-- J --
JACK - Gma' & Gpa' (?) - thanks HW
JAMISON, Elizabeth Davis - see Davis, Elizabeth - "Lizzie"
JAMISON, Jesse & Maude -- Studio photograph circa 1885 of Jessie Jamison and Maude Belle Jamison Kennedy, children of Elizabeth Davis Jamison; grandchildren of Andrew Jackson Davis .and Frances LItten Davis. Both lived in Montgomery County at one time or another. For some unknown reason, they did not include Carrie Jamison Sharp (middle child) in the portrait. FYI -- Diane Kennedy
JAMISON, Mary Ann - I believe the woman in the attached photo could be Mary Ann Jamison, wife of George Corn and mother of Vannie Corn. As you can see, the photo was taken at a Crawfordsville studio in the 1800's. The reason I think this is Mary Ann is because of the physical resemblance between her and an identified photograph of Vannie as a teenager. If somebody can verify this woman's identity, it will be much appreciated. I will send the photograph of Vannie Corn at a later date. Thanks -- Diane
JAMISON, Sam - husband of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Davis - thanks muches to Diane Kennedy for these :) Greatly appreciated Diane !! Karen has touched this up, looks a lot better.
JOHNSON Family Photos - see Armstrong (George, Mary, Maggie, Amelia, Ambrose ...)
JOHNSON, Franklin Two photos of Franklin Johnson (one with son Jerry), contributed by Janee Johnson Money.
JOHNSON, adult Daughters of John and Elizabeth (Kennedy) Johnson. Elizabeth, Isabelle and Emily. Thanks to Mary Jo Barton.
JOHNSON, Charles & Ted - bank in Waveland - thanks JD Gilliland for this one
JOINER, Basil & his favorite dog - thanks cousin Jerry for this one :)
JOINER, Ruth -- see Thomas, Ruth Morgan Joiner
JOLLEY - family with tractor The first pic shows (from left to right) an unknown individual; my father , Carl Ansel Jolley, holding the flag; my great grandfather, Belford Ansel Jolley; my grandfather's brother, Ross Belford Jolley (the sailor); and on the old timey tractor my grandfather, Carl Edgar Jolley; my uncle, Belford Ross Jolley; and my aunt, Geraldine Bernice Jolley Warnick. The second pic shows (left to right) Ross Belford, Carl Edgar, Carl Ansel, Belford Ross and Belford Ansel Jolley. -- thanks so much, Dan :)
JOLLEY, Belford & family - (thanks, Dan)
JOLLEY family while in Almena, KS - Belford, Mary, Edgar - this is such a cool pic, thanks, Dan
JOLLEY, Belford, Mary & Edgar - not sure where Jennie & Charles are ?? Thanks Dan
Dan comes through for me again -- he's sooo helpful. Recently, I wrote an article on local barbers and Dan sent me some great pictures :)
JOLLEY, Carl standing in front of the Bean Barber Shop, downtown Crawfordsville where he worked for a number of years.
JOLLEY, Carl with his 1950 Mercury - thanks Dan J for the pic and Judd & Ron K & my awesome FB folks
JOLLEY, Carl Edgar & his school bus -- pic 1 --- pic 2 - pretty amazing fella' - he not only was a barber; but also a farmer and bus driver for many years (see photos of tractor)
JOLLEY, Carl - Ed Bean & Everette Heath
Absolutely LOVE the way Dan Jolley did this - Charles Jolley with inserts of Thornton - this for comparing family resemblances :)
Charles Jolley with inset of himself? Looks like it to me, Dan :)
JOLLEY, Iva LaClare Goff and sons, Ross & Carl -- 7 August 1941 - from Iva LaClare Goff Jolley To Annie Jolley 7 August 1911 Back of Post Card -- Transcription: Dear ones, If you don't like this, you can send it back. The sun was so bright, they couldn't hold their eyes open. Ross & Carl - a really cool pic - thanks muches Dan -- Dan also sent other pics -- Iva as a young woman
JOLLEY, Mary E (10th person from left 1st row with Ms Brown from Crawfordsville seated to her left) - thanks Dan J - taken 1917 at Mt. Vernon, evidently on a trip, perhaps with other nurses) - obit with her picture (obit is typed in the J obit index) -- close-up from April 1917 Mt. V trip -- in nurse uniform - with brothes, Edgar & Belford
JOLLEY, Mary - another with inset from Dan J
JOLLEY, Rhoda Ann VanCleave (see also Margaret & Rhoda Vancleave) - thanks again to Dan J for these wonderful photos - wish I could get more folks to send in their pictures too :( kbz --see another pic of her
JOLLEY, Ross - baby- thanks, Dan :)
JOLLEY, Ross - Davy Jones certificate - if your Navy man (or woman) crossed over the Equator, the person should also have received a Davy Jones certifcate :) Thanks Dan -neat look at history !!
JOLLEY, Ross -- crew of Santee -- In addition to a photo of Ross Jolley in his Navy uniform, I included a group photo of him and his crewmates on the USS Santee in Dec 1944. You might notice that the USS Santee sank a couple of submarines when it was stationed in the Atlantic during WWII. At the time the photo was taken, the ship was in the Pacific, shortly after the Battle of Leyte Gulf, which is the first time the Japanese started using organized kamikaze attacks. The USS Santee survived a kamikaze attack, as well as a torpedo attack, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf October 25, 1944. above a note from Dan Jolley -- Ross is kneeling in the first row and is the sixth sailor from the left.
JOLLEY, Ross in Navy uniform (thanks DJ)
JOLLEY, Ross - NAVY service record --- page 2 (payroll) --- page 3 (description) -- page 4 (ship/date/place) --- page 5 (continued) -- page 6 (continued) --- page 7 (continued) --- page 8 (continued) -- page 9 (continued) --- page 10 (continued) --- page 11 (continued) --- page 12 (continued) --- page 13 (continued) -- page 14 (continued) --- page 15 (continued) --- page 16 (sadly, culminating with his death) -- --this is also from Dan J and is really neat - if you've ever had anyone in the Navy you'll enjoy this one :)
JONES, Alonzo - Family Includes his wife and children I believe. Not all of them named, need further indentification. I wish to thank PA Rice for thses photos. They were sent as 3 scrapebook album pages, in order to fit into out space requirments I cropped the photos off the page, then cleaned up, adjusted before uploading. Currently there are 11 photos displayed in a Slide show display.
JONES, Laura A - need help with her :)
-- K --
KEEDY, Betty Keyes -- thanks to her son, Ron -- this is Betty in the front of RR Donnelley's at her job as first receptionist so to speak, the gal who greeted everyone coming in to the plant
KEEDY - Keys family -- Ron Keedy, Joe Keedy, Aunt Della (Keys) Lowe, Great Grandpa Aura Keys, Dee Keedy, Uncle Lester Lowe. Taken at 819 Court St., C'ville. - thanks Ron - love this pic - awesome seeing the generations
KEEDY, Janet Irene Riddell with William Russell Riddell, Richard Max Seybold, Kenneth Wayne Seybold, Marilyn Kay Seybold Allen, Ruth Jo Seybold! Thanks to SUSAN KEEDY OAKS
KEEDY, Ron -- this is Ron in his uniform - he was a soldier in the Vietnamese war and was at the same hospital in Japan as my brother, Larry Bazzani -- kbz
KEEDY, Ron and as he says, "His newfound love, " 98-year-old Mary Decker who was his Sunday School teacher 60 years ago -- November 2013 - isn't this neat?
KEEGAN, Enoch Wood = Enoch Wood Keegan was born in Evansville, Indiana in 1836. His parents, Patrick and Eliza Keegan were both born near Belfast, Ireland and came to this country when 13 years old. Enoch Keegan received his early education in Evansville and attended Rush Medical College from which he graduated in 1861 and located in Crawfordsville a year later. He held the position of United States pension surgeon six years and had a successful practice. He married Amanda Stone in 1861 and they have one boy and two girls.
KEENEY, Henry & William H. = Henry Keeney (b. about 1812) and Polly (Hughes) Keeney, his wife, built the first dwelling in Madison Township, Montgomery County, according to the 1881 HW Beckwith History (p 433). Henry was a native of Kentucky and at the age of 18, came to Crawfordsville where he read medicine. On October 7, 1832, he married Polly and they became the parents of at least six children: John, James, Louisa, Ruhamma, Urial and William H (b. about 1852, who also became a doctor in the Linden area. He is listed in the 1870 Madison Twp. census as "reading medicine" at age 18). In 1846, Dr. Keeney set up practice in Crawfordsville. Two years later, he located in Linden and was the oldest practicing physician at the time of the Beckwith History.
KERR, Alice - see Linville, Alice - thanks again to Cathie B - these are awesome pics :) kbz
KERR, Harry (thanks so much to Cathie Bonds)
KERR, H.H. (& family?) - thanks Cathie B
KERR, H.H. & siblings - thanks Cathie B - 2 June 1900 -- siblings & spouses (far right - HH Kerr & wife Maude Howard Kerr)
KESSLER, John and Minnie Payne (thanks, Bill Boone)
KESSLER, John & family - thanks again, BB - you're great
KEYES, Erasmus D

KEYS, Aura -(above)- about 1900 - he was only on the city police for a short time - thanks so much to his great granddaughter, Julia Keys Lewis - Ron also sent Aura on his porch at 819 Court St, in Crawfordsville in the 1950s. He built this home. Also sent by Ron is Aura, his wife, Sarah Mullen and their oldest child, Della - love this pic - thanks so very much
KEYS, Clarence and Evelyn Here is a photo of Clarence and Evelyn Keys. Parents of my Grandmother's Aunt Thelma. From and Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
KEYS, Olive - - thanks again to Harriet W.
Keys, William Thomas and Family Including wife and Chiclren Thanks very much to Kim and Roger Hancock
KIDD, James Wesley's family -- On left Mary Ann (marr Harry Hunley); Fannie Kidd (polkadot dress - married Everett Baldwin); back looking over shoulder - Jalia Elizabeth Rector, John Wesley's wife); middle front is Virginia who married Jim Ronco, parents of Maria V (thanks so much for the pic - great of you to share) and then John Wesley born 6 Oct 1871 Whitely County, Kentucky and passed away in Crawfordsville Indiana 22 Aug 1942. Jalia was 10 years younger born 29 Nov 1881 Lincoln County (married 17 Dec 1895 Crab Orchard, Kentucky) and passed away 9 May 1943 in C'ville. These are Maria's grandparents and my son-in-law, Steve Baldwin's great grandparents (Steve, Mike, Fannie, James Wesley) - picture about 1936-37

Above: Dr. Theodore Brown
KIMMEL, Bill - AF - thanks, Bill Boone :)
KING, Alfred Elijah -- s/o John Wallace & Anna Everett likely b Montgomery Co IN d Ford Co KS
KING, Elizabeth Schleppy -- thanks very much to Tom Thompson
KING, Eva - thanks again to Tom Thompson
KING, Ezekial Alonzo - see Eva above :) Thanks TT
KING, John Wallace -- thanks so much to Tom Thompson
KING, John Wallace - family 84th birthday - thanks to Tom Thompson :) via Suzy Albert :)
KIRK, John - owner of Kirk Tile Factory near Bowers -- thanks so much to his 2nd great granddaughter, Lynn Ream for the great pics of the company - see Photos - business for more :)
KLEIN, (Mrs) Jacob -- see above Beaver, Matilda Grove
KLEISER, Mrs. (assumedly Carrie Belton Kleiser, wife of Arthur John Kleiser, local physician)
KROUT, John FAMILY In A Slide Show Album (18 Photos) and descendants to include: John Krout father of Michael Krout since this is a picture of a tin type - John b. 1793 d. 1874; Back of previous picture with information; Krout sisters: Katie Krout Fruits, Rose Morrison, & Myrtle Keller; Back of the previous picture with names; Another photo of Katir Krout and more sisters; William Krout b. 1845 married Sarah "Fannie' Powell 15 March 1866; Back of previous picture with information; Another generation - John Krout Family: Back of previous picture with names; Ruth; Cletus Harvey; John; Willard; Lucy (wife); Mary Frances; Roy; John H. Krout & Lucy Gunkle; Back o0f previous picture with names; James Everett Keller & Myrtle Elizabeth Krout; Fannie Krout and her sisters; Krout, Harvey; Rose (Krout) & Charlie Morrison; Fannie Krout and a Todler; Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
-- L --
Ladoga Sulky Racers 1967 - from Gina Scott on Ladoga, Indiana Facebook page
LAFOLLETTE, Robert Easley - Lafollette family - thanks muches to Harriet W :)
LEE Family Photos (thanks, Sandra)
LEE - John & family (this may be John Lee, wife Mary Cochran, daughter Jennie and son Wilson or another John Lee)
LEE, Wilson T. -- Hey Karen I just saw your photographers on the website & thought I would send you this one of my Great, Great grandfather Wilson Thompson Lee born Nov14,1820 Vigo County, Ind. to John & Massy Lucas Lee & died Oct 28, 1899 in Montgomery County, Ind. of lip cancer. Wilson Lee was married to Jane McCrea on 24 July 1842 in Parke County, Ind. She (Jane) is buried in the Lee family cemetery at Smartsburg, Ind. & Wilson Lee is buried in Union cemetery in County. I love how your site is growing by leaps. I do believe it is the best I'v seen on ANY County! Thank You, Sandra R
LEPPER, William E. -- was from Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
He was born in Indiana March 4, 1873
Married Ida H. Wright in Indiana. Ida born in Tennessee, daughter of Anderson and Mary Elizabeth Wright. She had at least one brother, Wesley M. Wright.
William Lepper died in 1942 Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
He lived in Chicago for some time
LEWELLEN, John & Minerva (Coon) - thanks Patti, Alana ...
LEWELLEN, Children of John & Minerva (Coon) - - thanks again to Patti Lewellen Mason - love this picture -- Harve, Jim, Tom, Candy, John. Sisters: Kate, Elizabeth, Lizzy
LIDIKAY, Edward C. (1890 Medical Picture)
LINN Family Pictures - see SHANNON
LINN Family - circa 1900, thanks to Joyce Bever
LINVILLE, Alice Mary Bryant Kerr (born in Wingate, Montgomery County 22 Oct 1857 died 23 August 1950 Cherryvale, KS - daughter of James H. and Sarah McJimsey Bryant - wife of Joseph Gaston Kerr and James Taylor Linville - thanks so much to Cathie B for this :)

Lynch, Caroline Emerick 1851-1922 Thanks to: Edward Reed - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
-- Mc --
McCAMPBELL, W.N.- councilman - sorry, don't know what year : (
McCLAIN, Jean - thanks to Harriet W. for this and so many GREAT photos :)
McCORMICK Family (thanks Dave)
McDUFFIE, Fielding Delaplane -- Gpa' McDuffie -- thanks to JD -- Fielding was born Feb 5, 1821 probably in Harrison County, Kentucky and died in Montgomery County, Indiana August 3, 1900. He first married Harriet Beckner 23 June 1842 Rush County, Indiana and they had 10 children together. She either died or they were divorced as he married August 3, 1876 (Bk 8 p 450 Montgomery County Indiana) Alice Margery Lough (2 Dec 1820 - 10 Nov 1897) widow of Sanford Moody (died 7 Feb 1853). He was fondly referred to as Gpa' McDuffie - thanks again to JD who has furnished some super-dee-duper pictures
McGINNIS, Hazel (thanks, Bill Boone :)
McLEOD, Leroy Oliver - thanks Marty (this little guy is quite the handsome fella :) - this in 1897 -- this is the author of The Three Steeples, an historical fiction book with several real characters - he changed the spelling of the name. Here is a biography regarding his career - thanks to Marty for that, too! Awesome local history folks !!
McLOED, Oliver Charles (1899 - thanks sooooo much to Marty Mc for these AWESOME McLoed pictures !) -- also back of this pic and teachers license 1879. Four new FAMILY PICTURES added, thanks to Marty!!! See them all in a slide show album.
McLOED, William James (1852-1935 son of Oliver and Charlotte (Penn) McLoed) - thanks muches to Marty :) Plus back of picture!
McMURTREY, Nancy Howard & sisters (thanks, Kris S for this one - great pic)
McNORTON, Cora King (thanks to Tom Thompson)
-- M --
MACHLEDT, Bill, Jeanie & Freddie -- (thanks so much to JD for this one :)
MAHORNEY Family (thanks to the Mulls for these fab pictures)
MAHORNEY, John Calvin (1890 - medical pic)
MAHOY Family - Thanks to Jeanie Walden via the Sugar Creek Township: Heritage ... FB page
MARLATT, Encil Newman and Maxine Cronk (3 photos) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
MARLATT, Newman and Pearl Martin and Family Members (6 Photos in a slide show album) Photos from the personal collection of Joyce Davis Jones and provided by the efforts of PA Rice, Much Thanks!!!
MARTIN, Earl (do not know anything about this young man)
MARTIN, James D & wife (anyone know more about them? - Hope so)
MARTIN, Samuel Smiley and Sarah Jane Royer, his wife -- thanks so much to Judith & David Jones for these pics of them -- I'm also fairly sure their son, Bertram who was a photographer in the area probably took these photos :) This is on their porch in Darlington, Indiana - kbz
MARTIN, Samuel and Sarah Jane (Royer) -- in their Lambert Auto about 1910
MARTIN, Samuel Smiley (8 Feb 1838 - 19 October 1916) - again, THANKS JONES's :) This is about 1905
MILES, Goldie Alward (1890-1979) (thanks, Dalena)
Daughter of John Henry Alward

MASON, Everett & Walter (about 1897-98) - thanks to Everett's grandson, Steve - he has sent me some awesome photos :) and these two darling boys is one one of the several !!
Mason Family -- First Photo: William and Lula Mason; Second Photo: Hazel (Mason) Davis with Kenneth and Sharon Davis; Third Photo: William, Lula, Hazel, Robert Mason; Fourth Photo: William, Lula, and Hazel -- thanks again to Steve for the picture here and one below :)
Masons relatives -- The group picture has these names listed on the back: Raymond Stevens, Marion Stevens, Bobby Mason (Robert), Everett Mason (William), Kenneth (Davis) -- thanks again to Steve for the picture here
MASON, Robert D. - class at Young's Chapel School, 1942 - no others known but principal is (writing hard to read so hopefully it's correct) (Mrs) Irene Natdetlee Carner -- if you know anymore please let me know !! Thanks so much Steve M. Another pic of Robert & another -- Steve told me he thought his dad was taking selfies -- heehee !! kbz
MASON, Robert D - at about age 10 -- Thanks again to Steve - just love these pics
MASON, Robert D - school picture - about 1939 - too cute - thanks Steve M
MASON, Thomas L. and Ann McCormick - thanks Steve
Masterson, John Studebaker and Dorcas Van Cleave Masterson (Circa 1885) Thanks to Don Coling - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
McCOY -- see COWAN - we have 3-4 unknown pictures that are either Cowans or McCoys
MEEK, Margaret - Nurse at Culver Hospital?
MELVIN Family (thanks so much to Alan for this one :) Awesome pic - left to right facing pic - front: Charles; Myrtle; Emma; Howard - Back - Gus; Ernest; Glenn; Clyde
MELVIN, Ernest -- in front of sod home when the family lived in Kansas
MELVIN - Charles & Emma - thanks muches to Alan M for these wonderful Melvin photos :)
MELVIN, Glenn (these Melvin photos are so very much appreciate Alan - thanks, thanks, thanks :)
MELVIN, Harold (Alan's dad) - with his school hack - I LOVE THIS ONE :)
MELVIN -- Charles & Emma's family - thanks muches AM
MELVIN Sawmill with family members - thanks Alan :)
MERRELL (Possibly Merritt) Grace (in Cowan letters)
METHODIST Church - (again, this scan looks bad after I put it on the site but the scan isn't bad at all - probably 70% better so if you'd like this, let me know and I can send you the scan :) karen and thanks to Kat D. for this :)
MICHAEL, Lida Waye (1895-1960) from the Indiana Album
MICK, Ezekiel - buried Meharry Cem, Wingate, Montgomery County married Ellen Nancy Covalt 21 Nov 1886 Fountain County, Indiana - thanks to Judy E for this one awesome picture :) Here's also a picture of their daughter, Effie Zee Mick VanHook
MILES Family Photos (thanks Connie W)
MILES-Alward Family Photos (thanks Dalena)
MILLER, Charles Lincoln - Family 2 photos of family groups of 10 people (not identified), pulled from a scrapebook album page. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
Miller Family 8 January 1922 The Millers lived around Stone Bluff. The patriarch in this photo Charles Lincoln Miller is buried at Osborn prairie and his father and grandfather are buried at Crazy Corner South Cemetary/Progressive Friends near Stone Bluff. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

Above: Ralph Payton
Miller, Red in red number 5 Bill Boone says, "I raced a lot of miles in it and never left the garage." Leroy Warriner drove it once at Jungle Park. Look at the background. Garage of Floyd Mangus on left. Grandpa Peffley’s garage on right. Edge of Halbert Cline’s house in back. - thanks to Bill Boone
MOODY, Sanford Nathan & second wife, Sabrah Wilhite -- thanks, thanks, thanks to JDG
MOODY, Thomas N. (Pony) - thanks to JDG Gilliland - he is in front of the Busenbark home on W. Green Street almost right downtown in Waveland. - about 1926
MOODY, Thomas N (Pony) -- this is about 95% sure him when he registered for the service in the Civil War -- 40th Reg Ind Inf joined 8-13-1862 - thanks so much to JDG
MOODY, Thomas N (Pony) -- this is about 95% sure him at his wedding to Martha Ellen Clements on 25 Aug 1864 in Montgomery County, Indiana probably when he was home on leave from the 40th Reg Ind Inf joined 8-13-1862 - thanks so much to JDG
MOON, W.A. (Mr & Mrs. and their 3 sons who were in WWI - thanks Dellie & Joan) - anyone know any more about these folks? Oh, wow would it be neat to know more :)
MOORE, Alex & Minnie Copas - (love this picture - it's just so cute - thanks Mallory) and here is one of their home - wonder where around Waveland it was
MOORE, Henry Clinton Born 7 April 1874, Died 22 Feb 1964 San Diego, CA. He was the son of Alex and Minerva (Smock) Moore. (3 images) THANKS TO Rob Surface for the contribution!
MOORE, Johnnie (married Nina Jean Morgan, Montgomery County) - thanks to my great cousin, Jerry N. for this
MORGAN, Cecil -- "Uncle Bum" -- all the Morgans had nicknames -- this is the 1941 May birthday party for Uncle Bum. Thanks so much to cousin Jerry N for this one -- here are the names of those there - looking left to right facing the picture
Taken spring 1941 as it says taken at Uncle Bum's Birthday Party. Using "M" for Morgan 1st row: L-R J.P., Morgan, June Morgan, Gwendolyn Morgan, Anita Morgan (in wagon), Jerry Joiner, Bobby Morgan, Keith Morgan, 2nd row: Hulda Smith, Dorothy Morgan, Carol (boy) Morgan, Kate Smith, Hazel Morgan, Bob Morgan, Jean Morgan. 3rd row: Ruth Joiner, Maxine Morgan, Goldie Morgan holding David?, Jeff Morgan, Betty Morgan, Janet Morgan, being held by grandpa Stanley Morgan, Aunt Lorraine Warner Morgan holding Donnie Brookshire and Kate Morgan , and Ruth Morgan Joiner; (Stella) Morgan 4th row: Basil Joiner, Stanley Morgan, Uncle Cecil Morgan, the birthday boy, Aunt Hazel Morgan Smith and Raymond Morgan -- see here a photo of the handwritten names
MORGAN, Clayton -- Charles "Clayton" Morgan. Clayt was born 4 August 1928 and was killed in the Korean War 4 November 1951 He was my mother's first cousin and she loved "Clayt." I think everyone did, it seems like - thanks to another cousin, Jerry N for this one :)
Morgan, Dr. D. N. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
MORGAN, Jimmie - 2nd from left facing picture - thanks to my great cousin, Jerry N
MORGAN, Joseph Nathaniel and his 1/2 brother, David Runkles Morgan who moved to Missouri - 99% sure I had this photo at one time but since I can't find it, thanks to my cousin, Jerry N. for it - one of the neatest all-time photos I've seen because you can see so much resemblance :) Joe is both Jerry's and my great grandfather - kbz
MORGAN, Joe - above and wife, Amanda Barker - left to right facing pic - Homer, Amanda, Stanley, Joe, Cecil, Hazel, Courtney - thanks so very very much to Jerry for sending this one - don't think I'd ever even seen it :)
MORGAN, Ruth - see Thomas, Ruth Morgan Joiner
MORSE, E. L. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
MOSER, Margaret Moody and sons Joseph Gordon and John William probably in spring of 1939 - thank to JD Gilliland
MULLEN, Cecil ... see Stephenson
MULLEN, James -- is the father of Silas below. Thanks to Charlotte O. for these pictures :) Helps make Montgomery County LIVE :) kbz
MULLEN, Silas Kenworthy - was born in Montgomery County 30 March 1848 and died Aug 5, 1913 son of James (see his photo) and Rebecca Mikles) - he is buried in Darlikngton IOOF Cemetery. His wife, Emma Tribbett is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery (28 Feb 1850 - 27 March 1939) -- Thanks to Charlotte O. for these pictures :)
MURRAY, Melody (thanks Kat W D)
MYERS, Eston Lex was born in Fountain County, Indiana and died on the 23rd of February in 1977, not yet 58 years old. He was a WWII Navy man and active in the Waveland American Legion. Beautiful work as a reupholsterer, he was a security guard at Wabash College. His wife of 39 years was one great gal, Berniece Carlisle. They had six children, all of whom loved him so dearly. Eston was a great guy! kbz
-- N --
NICELY, John Washington -- married Helen Mount daughter James Mount Governor of Indiana, James Atwell Mount. Helen born in Montgomery County 1871 married June 22, 1898 to John. Nicely was born in 1867 in Pennsylvania and graduated from Princeton in 1892. In 1893, he was in Beirut, Lebanon teaching English at the American University there. He was also university Treasurer 1896-1903. He resigned in 1903 to return to Indiana. This is the faculty about 1902 showing John Nicely behind Daniel Bliss, then president of the American University. There is a Nicely Hall at the American University probably funded by his son, John M. Nicely who was on the Board of Directors there. Thanks to Norman Henry Tribbett so much for this interesting story/photo
NIXON Family Photos (thanks, Judie C)
NOBLITT, Austin K. - he was a doctor in Parke County (Rockville area) for many years but also in Waveland. When he moved to Rockville many still went to him. We THINK this is Doc Noblitt, anyway. If not, PLEASE let me know :)
NAYLOR, Harry C. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
NYE, Edwin Alonzo -- or -- his father, Joel Watts. There were 5 Nye direct line ministers plus uncles and such along the way who were as well. According to the hair style, the clothes, etc., Tom D. and I are assuming this Rev. Nye is Edwin Alonzo son of Joel Watts Nye (who lived until 1913 so possibly him and he was a preacher, whereas EAN did many things, wrote, newspaper editor ...) Edwin was born in Dearborn County, Indiana on the 24th day of June in 1856 although his tombstone has the year only and it is 1857. He passed away in 1914 on the 23rd day of August. He is buried there in Glendale Cemetery. He married Ada Lucas 1 Sept 1878 and to our knowledge had a son Roy and daughter Maribell. It is not known for sure if he preached in our area. Whoever the Rev. Nye is was a good friend and minister to the Opperman family from our area. -- thanks so much Tom Donovan for helping with this quest :) This picture was originally in the unknowns of Montgomery County. Tom saw it and it was seriously a quest after that. Great fuN!
-- O --
O'Neill, Earl - Ready to leave for WWII, Lady is unknown (Can You Help??) Photo supplied by William Burkett
OCHELTREE Family Pictures (thanks muches, Cliff)

OLINGER, David F. - M.D. David F. Olinger was born near Greenville, Tennessee in 1835 and died in Browns Valley, Indiana Feb 27, 1893. He attended Nashville Medical College and shortly thereafter enlisted as a Surgeon in the Confederate Army. He was taken prisoner and sent to Camp Douglas in Chicago where he remained until the close of the war. After the close of the war he came to Montgomery County, locating at Browns Valley, following Dr. Orear who left in 1867. He was especially successful in the treatment of the diseases of children and enjoyed an enviable practice.
OLMSTEAD, Grace Gilliland - near Lima, Ohio 1917 - taking' a swim :) -hmmm, wonder what the puppy's name is ?? Thanks so much to Thomas Lex Jones
OLMSTEAD, Grace Gilliland - thanks again to Thomas Lex Jones (these are great, Tom and thanks to Ron K for passing them along)
OLMSTEAD, Grace in her kitchen and views of her Home - love this picture.
OPPERMAN Elizabeth Esta - baby picture of her
OPPERMAN, John - he was a stone mason coming to the US at age 17 from Germany. He and Anna Elizabeth Clippenger had four daughters, Elizabeth Esta, Lena E, Harriet D and Martha E. - he's kind of blurry but ya' get the picture:) THANKS SO MUCH TO TOM D. for all of these Opperman photos !!
OPPERMAN, Lillie -- thanks to Tom D. for ALL of these Opperman photos- LOVE 'em
OPPERMAN, Mattie -- thanks to Tom D. for ALL of these Opperman photos- LOVE 'em (born March 1871 died 1949 in Okahoma married Arthur Deets - they are buried in Fairlawn Cemetery in Cushing (Payne County)
ORNBAUN, Harley W. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
OVERMAN Sisters (Beulah, Georgia, Lula, Bertha - thanks to Bill Boone)
OVERMAN, Beulah -- special thanks to Bill B for all his help on pictures and info for this website :) GREATLY appreciated - one wild outfit !
OVERMAN, Beulah & Lula -- thanks Bill Boone - such beautiful girls :)
Dorothy Oxley Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!
-- P --
PARDUE, Geno Gilliland - see Gilliland, Geno
PARKER, Carl B & wife, Mildred Morrison? (picture isn't dated but fairly sure from other people in it this is Mildred vs. his 1st wife, Dorothy Dodson

PARKS, Oscar This is Oscar Parks, another son of Elijah Parke and Eveline Hill. Oscar was born in Linden, Montgomery co. in 1830 and died in Tama, Tama co., IA in 1915. Oscar married Mary Ellen Stoddard, the daughter of Joel and Ann (Henry) Stoddard. Ann was a near relation to WIlliam Holmes McGuffey, who started the McGuffey Readers school book series. Richard & Judy Landauer, AIM:
PARSONS, Murel & wife (imagine this is James M. and Elizabeth Wert - thanks to Viola Compton via Sandra R. for the pic) - this was in New Market, Indiana
Manson, Paul two left of flag

PAYTON, Emma Risk Compton -- Thanks so much to Scott Busenbark. This is definitely a school hack, probably around the Alamo area. One person is identified (or fairly sure), the first lady on left in front row is : Emma Risk Compton Payton - anyone know others?
PAYTON, Willie (LOVE this picture -- thanks to Harriet W for these Payton photos - you rock HW)
PEACOCK - see also Tribbett
PEFFLEY, Chester & Beulah - thanks sooo much to Bill Boone - he is super sharing :)
PEFFLEY, Chester with car - 1910 -- such a nifty pic from Bill Boone
PEFFLEY, six sons of John Robinson Peffley - included are: Left to Right: Thomas; Circle; Zachariah; Joel; John R and David H. - thanks to Jeff S for this one :)
PEFFLEY, Dave - with hunting dog & nephew Paul Mahorney and ? behind the pole - possibly Mary Conner, Dave's granddaughter
PENN, John (likely John Thomas Penn born 29 Nov 1848 Bourbon County, Kentucky (wife Evaline Moore) died 7 September 1921) son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Webb) but it could be his uncle, John Penn born about 1830 son of David & Mary (Polly) Lyon Penn. Thanks again to Marty McLoed for this and all these great McCleod/McLoed related photos - LOVE 'em -- see the back of the photo
PERRY, William (Photo is missing)
PETERSON - unknown young man - probably a Peterson taken by Chapman of Crawfordsville. Thanks so much to Sue W :) Anyone know him for sure, let me know :)

POOLE, Susan Alward -- June 12, 1827 Elkhart, IN. died Aug. 26, 1898 Wallace, IN. Father Henry had owned around 150 - 200 acres in the area during the 1850's. His brother Ira stayed there. Note from Scott Busenbark who so kindly sent this one :) I believe they had something to do with building the Lusk home at Turkey Run. Henry farmed and did plaster work.
POOLE, Albert Grant - Scott Busenbark's great grandfather whom Scott resembles immensely - thanks for the pic SB :) Greatly appreciated
POOLE, Nellie & Family -- Scott Busenbark wrote: One more picture you might enjoy Karen. Grandma Nellie Poole Busenbark and brothers, sisters and a friend.. L to R Paul, Everett, Clarence, Nellie, Vera, Mary, Clyde and Shirley Philpott (man on the end.)
POOLE, Nellie and her brother Paul playing guitar - what a nifty pic - thanks muches Scott Busenbark - Nellie was Scott's grandmother Busenbark
POOLER, Charlotte Blanch McLoed -- thanks, Marty - Marty writes about this picture: Photographer Hirshburg Brothers, Crawfordsville This is Charlotte Blanche McLoed Pooler (husband Roy), (1887-1968). She is the daughter of Oliver Charles and Mary (Myers) McLoed. Oliver is a son of Oliver and Charlotte (Penn) McLoed. Below the photographer's name, it looks like it says 21, for 1921. That would make her about 34, which I would say matches the picture pretty well.
POWERS, Richard - AF - thanks, Bill Boone)
POYNTS Family Photos - see Armstrong
PRITCHETT, Karen (Ingersoll) - Airport car hop about 1965 -- with Jocko, the monkey - thanks so much to her daughter, Jeanna Anderson for this absolutely adorable, historical pic
PRUITT, Bob and Sue GiIliland, when they were dating in 1932. They were not married until March of 1940 in Independence, Kentucky. He loved cars and this one is quite snappy! She was born in August of 1914, so this may be celebrating her 18th birthday :) Neat picture ! Thanks JDG
PULLIAM Children - thanks to Harriet W
-- Q --
Quigg, Edith Maye LaFollette - thanks to Mary Lou Weliever and the Darlington HS memories FB page - this is her grandmother upon her graduation from DHS
Quisenberry, Morris (3 images) from Alamo Alumni Facebook page from his daughter Janet Quisenberry
-- R --
RADCLIFF, Clarence (AF - thanks, Bill Boone)
RAY, Nicholas (h/o Eliza King who was b. in Montgomery Co - thanks, Tom Thompson)
REMLEY, Sarah McCain - thanks to Jeff for this awesome pic of his great ... grandmother. Born 28 Aug 1803 d/o James McCain & Ann Dill. Died 10 Jan 1890 buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville. Married John Remley 3 March 1825 Lebanon, Ohio. Mother of 8 children.
REYNOLDS, Mabel Thanks muches to Amy Terry for this super photo :) KZ
Rice, Arthur "The Water Witch" Source: An article from the "Journal-Review" on 31 August 1991, which mincludes a photo.
RICE, Harrison Jacob -- 8-25-1823 Shelby County, Kentucky died June 1895 - son of Daniel and Narcissa Montague Allen Rice. Daniel entered land in Montgomery County one mile north of Waveland). Daniel was the son of Jacob and Anne Rice. Harrison had 7 brothers and sisters. He was the oldest. He and wife, Nancy Montague Moxley were parents of: Victoria; Henry Haller; Catherine and Lettie. Harrison studied at Wabash College but wanting to pursue the medical field, went to Rockville and studied under his uncle, Dr. James L. Allen. He remained there and married in October 1849 Nancy. He was active in the Masons and Presbyterian Church.
RICE Reunion - 1922 - and Directory - thanks to Lois Hepburn for this photo and Judy B for the directory- love it !! -- Right side of photo - in back 2nd man in is Elmer J. Rice. His wife, Katie Tate, is the one with the pretty eyes (two over to right facing pic from the lady in front of him in the dark dress).. Amelia Rice Etter, is in front of him, slightly to his left behind the lady in the dark dress). Thanks Lois for identifying as many as possible :) - if anyone can identify anyone else, let me know
Riddell,William Russell with Richard Max Seybold, Kenneth Wayne Seybold, Janet Irene Riddell Keedy, Marilyn Kay Seybold Allen, Ruth Jo Seybold! Thanks to SUSAN KEEDY OAKS
RIDDELL, Donald Claire and Olive May Seybold Riddell Wedding Picture. Married October 12, 1929
Thanks to Susan Keedy Oasks
ROBERTS, Rebecca - and Thomas BAYNES
ROBINSON, George E. - Councilman (sorry don't know what year :(
ROSS, James (thanks Lena)

Above Picture is J. P. Russell, M. D. (scares me!)
ROSS, Mary Farley
Rost, Carl L. in 1917 and Carl with his wife Helena Roesgen Rost in 1988 (2 photos) Thanks to Kathleen L
RUSH - Family Photos - see Armstrong
RUSSELL GROCERIES - - Jack Russell about 1950
-- S --
SAYLER twins - Gene on left, Jerry on right in a piece of New Idea equipment sold by their father, Ralph Sayler of New Market. - thanks so much to Carolyn Sayler Harshbarger - greatly appreciated - remembr your grandfolks in fondness
SAYLER, Carolyn, Virginia, Ralph and Harve on the Sayler farm about 1952 -- sorry but Harve had a large splotch on his face - did the best we could :) - Thanks again Carolyn for all of these - love 'em!!
SAYLER, Ralph (left) and Harve checking out the cows :) Thanks again Carolyn for all of these - love 'em!!
SCHLEPPY, Margaret Elnora Messmore -- see Cowan, Margaret Elnora Messmore
SCOTT, Rev. Carlyle -- this was on the Old School Crawfordsville FB page (thanks to Rich Hart and Allen Deck) - in the `1950s and early 60s the Rev. would hold a six-night revival in a hugh hand-hewn barn in the BalHinch area of Montgomery County. He went all over midwestern Indiana, holding revivals. Posters on light poles, barber windows and other business fronts. Allen said, "He was spectacular - highly emotional." He never appeared on Sundays so he did not offend the local ministers, several of whom would encourage their members to attend. "Great piano and singing plus the first real praise band," Allen ever heard/saw.
SETTLES, Pauline Owens - thanks Harriet W. for this one
SEYBOLDS: Richard Max, Kenneth Wayne, Marilyn Kay, Ruth Jo along with William Russell Riddell and Janet Irene Riddell Keedy! Thanks to SUSAN KEEDY OAKS
SHADE, Garfield & Mary (Gray) - wedding pic - thanks David :)
SHADES 1956 Kitchen Staff (thanks, Kat - Margaret Demeree 3rd from left - anyone know any others?)
SHALLEY, William T & Lottie - thanks Harriet W
SHANKS, Helen - in front of bank in Waveland -- along with Charles & Ted Johnson - thanks JD Gilliland for this
SHANNON-Linn Family Reunion pictures, 1905 and 1910 plus a naming guide to the 1910 picture (thanks, Dave Z )
SHORTRIDGE, Mary Jane (in band uniform, 1936 at Ladoga Centennial Celebration - also look under Crawfordsville High School on this link for her picture and other 1936 band members - know any let me know please ) Picture 2 of Mary Jane -- thanks so very much to the Shortridge family for sharing these photos :) Especially Mary Jo Shortridge Mensie
SKELTON, Richard & wife, Martha Martin - this couple were married 17 December 1853 in Montgomery County and were parents of at least five children: Sarah; James; Rose, Mary & Henry - thanks so much to their descendant, John :) 1-1-2015
Children of Alva and Lena Smith Charles, Russell Jack and Mary Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
Smith, Lena Bannon mother of the above children Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
Smith, Charles amd wife Flora Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
Smith, Edna C. Hallett 2 photos, one taken at the Tuberculosis Hospital by Rockville, Indiana December 24, 1912. Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
SMITH, Forest (1895-1949) - thanks so much to Fred Smith and his cousin, Jane Cook
SMITH, Rev. Samuel G & wife, Nora Rains (thanks, harriet W. for this nifty look at the Rev. young and not so young :)

SMITH, Goldie ( & Kay ?) - thanks Dustin S for this one
SMITH, Goldie, Wayne & Kay - thanks Dustin S for this one
SMITH, Goldie & Sam - thanks Dustin :)
SMITH, Goldie & "mother" - back yard of Bruce & Kay - thanks again to Dustin :)
SMITH, Hannah Parthenia Truax - thanks so much Sarah for this awesome old pic
SMITH, Julia - see Julia THORN
Smith, Russell and wife Betty 2 photos taken in 1944 and 2 photos possibly pre-engagement or senior pictures. Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
SMITH, Thelma -- she owned and operated (as well as her husband before his death) the Smith Cabins near the Shades State Park - Dave Fullenwider sent this one-- "My one and only picture of Thelma Smith. Waveland Baptist Church uptown where the restaraunt and flower shop was later, circa 1962 or 1963. Back row on the right."
Smith, Virgil H. and wife Olive Henry Smith about 1931 Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
SOSBE, Bob - at his Shell gas station corner of Walnut & West Market (124) pictured with Henry Hartung. Thanks so much to Rob Sosbe for this nifty pic showing part of our wonder C'ville history. Here is another grand opening picture
STARK, Richard - Taking a Break Setting tomatoes. Bill Boone, Bill Strickler, Richard Stark, David French, and Ernie French, Jr.- about 1948 ? Thanks to Bill Boone
STEPHENSON, Amanda (Dewey) was born in 1843 daughter of Washington & Elizabeth (Gannon) Dewey and died in 1905 buried New Richmond Cemetery. She married John M. Stephenson (son of Jeremiah and Phoebe (Cook) Stephenson) 8 Jan 1860 in Montgomery County, Indiana - they would have at least ten children. He was born in Madison County Indiana 1836 and died 1896. (see his pic below) - what beautiful pictures - thanks so very much to Charlotte O. for them
STEPHENSON, Ernest; Gladys (Mullen) Bessie (Milner) Mullen; Cecil Mullen
STEPHENSON (Girls) -- taken in 1919 (thanks Charlotte for this and above great photos) - girls are: Gladys Mullen Stephenson; Lucille Paddack Lockhart; Thelma ? ?? - all from Darlington likely
STEPHENSON, John M - see Amanda pic above for information
STONEBRAKER, Homer - thanks so much to Bill Boone for all these WONDERFUL goodies :)
STONEBRAKER, James William He was previously located in our "Unknown Photos". He has now been identified by Andy Rice, after he found the same photo on Find~A~Grave. Thanks to Andy for his brilliant detective work!
Stoner, Paul and Dick Foley "State Show Winners" at the Hoosier Beef Show, July 1961. From the Farm News of Montgomery County, photo by Middleton, Producers.
STOUT, Ruth Dale - thanks Harriet W.
STRICKLER, Bill ... Taking a Break Setting tomatoes. Bill Boone, Bill Strickler, Richard Stark, David French, and Ernie French, Jr.- about 1948 ? Thanks to Bill Boone
STUCKEY, Christine (see Beaver, Matilda Grove)
SUITERS, Floyd - see Bean, Louis)
SURFACE, Benson Wiley (standing) - thanks to Mallory :) Super picture
SWANK Family -- -- includes William J; his wife, Abby; Children: Joseph; Clyde; Hettie; Ben; James; Sarah; Lula and Elmer - thanks to Steve M
SWANK, (Dr.) W.G. - love to know more about this man :)
-- T --
THOMAS, Mary, Manda & Sarrah = AGAIN, Judy P. came through for me and gives more information on these gals -- thanks :) kz
THOMAS, Ruth Morgan Joiner (thanks muches to her daughter, Jerry -- these pictures will go to a biographical page I created for her This is Your Life :) Love ya' Ruth and thanks muches Jerry
Thompson Family 4 generations 1912, at the Bannon Reunion in Waynetown, Indiana. (Photo with names) From Don Coling on the Indiana Genealogy Facebook Page.
Thompson, Bourbon and Addie Shaffer Thompson and family Source: Don Coling and the Indiana Genealogy Facebook page 7-29-2022 Don says, this is an 1886 photo of his Great-Great Grandparents.
Bourbon Thompson family with friends and hotel employees outside of the Cottage Hotel on High Street in Wingate, Montgomery County, Indiana. Source: Don Coling and the Indiana Genealogy Facebook page 8-12-2022
THOMPSON children -- the three youngest Thompson children: Margret Ann Thompson (1887-1968) is on the left & Minnie Ethel Thompson (1889-1978) on the right, with Harry Jordan Enoch Thompson (1893-1981) standing behind them both. Sarah has been great sending pictures and obits :) Love it - thanks SJ
THOMPSON, Daisy Mellisa -- Daisy Mellissa Thompson (1878-1896) who m. Edward E. Camp (1877-1896) - Thanks Sarah - love the ornamentation around her in t his pic :)
Thompson, Daisy Viola Abbott, 1904 From Don Coling - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
THOMPSON, Franklin David (1857-1917) with Mary Jane "Mollie" Harris Thompson (1857-1928) - thanks muches, Sarah :) Great picture
THOMPSON, George and Daisy with their sons Carl and Maurice "Bill", photo about 1922. From Don Coling - Indiana Genealogy Facebook page
THOMPSON, Harvey -- this is one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen. Love that STOP sign :) Thanks to Colin Thompson for sharing this picture of his grandfather, Harvey (1873-1952) who was a RR gate guard. Harvey and his wife lived right by the railroad tracks close to the A&P. This picture Colin believes is in the early 1920s.
THOMPSON - Minnie Ethel Thompson Stradling on left and Margaret Ann Thompson Knecht on right (thanks Sarah - these are totally awesome pics :)
THORN, George Thomas -- married 18 August 1867 in Montgomery County, Indiana to Mary Catherine Clore. George was the son of George Hall and ELiza Jane Davis Thorn and was born in 1848 died 1876 buried Maple Ridge Cemetery. Thanks to Fred S. for this one -- Mary Rice Clore was kind of a mess and fix her up to a fairly nice picture but couldn't do much with George :(
THORN, Julia 1895-1936 - married Forest Smith - greatly appreciated Fred Smith & his cousin, Jane Cook for sending us this great pic
THORN, Mary Catherine Clore married #2 ? Bowers - thanks muches to Fred Smith & his cousin, Jane Cook for this great pic
TILNEY, Eustace Decaux "Deak" and wife Daisy Caroline Ratcliff in the Projectionist room of the Strand Theatre -thanks so very, very much to Dan J for this one -
TITUS, John & Cindy (thanks, Mary Jo)
TODD, John, Frank & Noah - thanks Angie
TODD, Keith - AF - thanks Bill Boone
TODD, Max - AF - thanks Bill Boone
TODD, John Starnes -- OLD JOHN STARNES TODD, 10-15-1843–4-11-1929. When I first received the original photo (the FIRST photo, below), of OLD John Starnes Todd, I wasn’t sure if this truly was my Great Grampa, John Starnes Todd. I only had a hunch, from descriptions I had heard from my Uncle Ralph Preston Todd. He knew both John Starnes Todds, as the older one was his grampa, and the younger one was his brother. He described the older J.S. Todd as “an old man with a beard”. He would know, as old J.S. Todd, in his end days, had lived in the same house as Uncle Ralph, on Grant Street in Logansport, across from Mount Hope Cemetery. That was the home of Ralph’s Dad (old J.S. Todd’s son), John Henry Todd. I have also seen old John’s family photo, with his siblings. So, I did finally learn that this is, indeed, old J.S. Todd, the same man in both photos. - Angie Todd - 10-5-2016. Note: John Starnes Todd was born in Monroe County Indiana but lived in Montgomery County Indiana, 1900 in Madison Township.
TODD-Reynolds Family Photo Index (Thanks, Angie for the Todd-Reynolds photos)
TRACY, J.D. - City Clerk - sorry don't know what year :(
TRIBBETT, Capt. Louis; Capt. Everett; Lt. Frank; Lt. Wesley - four Montgomery County brothers in the US Air Force article sent from Norman Henry Tribbett - thanks so very much :)
TRIBBETT - four generations - Anna (Cox) Tribbett (1827-19090); Clinton Fulton Tribbett (1847-1916); Lura (Tribbett) Horn (1882-1958); Marqueritta (Horn) Hulvey (1906-1985) - taken 1908 - photographer unknown original owned by Norman Henry Tribbett who graciously sent this copy - thanks muches!
TRIBBETT - 1903 Peacock Anniversary - some are identified on the pic --pictured should be Brown - Clark, Elma, Otto. Coddington - Minnie; Cox - Ira, William, Emily, Elvira, Albert, Carl, Julia, Ida, John H, Vera M, Alice B, W.H., Addie, Marjorie, Clayton, Hila, Eunice, Helen, Isaac, June, Eliza, Hurshel, Alpheus, Lynn, Gladis, Nora, Julius, Clista and Naomi; Henderson-- Sarah, J.B. -- Kersey-- Martha, Jennie; Martin -- Samuel S; Moore - Winfred; Dora; Needham - A.F., Rachel, Martha A; O'Dell - Kate; Paddock - Jennie; ? S, Helen; B.H.; Hanord (Hanora) Paxon - O.P., Ruth Peacock -- Alma Florence, E.J., Earl, Hobart, Emma, Ella; Quigg - Claude; Rettinger - John R; Tribbett - Anna, C.O.; Dellie; Clide; Alice; F.H., Orpha M, Neva, C.F., Ella, Harley, Nora, Lura, A.G., Helen, Ione; Townsend - Ellen, Ione, Grace, Wm, Lizzie -- thanks so much for this great family picture to Norman Henry Tribbett -- photographer, Nicholson - Crawfordsville
TRIBBETT, Ivy King - thanks to Tom Thompson :)
TRIBBETT, John and Anna (Cox) -- left to right standing: Albert Gibbons Tribbett (1854-1937); Emma (Tribbett) Mullen (1849-1913); Franklin Harrison Tribbett (1854-1905); Rachel (Tribbett) Needham (1866-1936). Left to right, seated: Sarah (Tribbett) Henderson (1861-1936); Anna Alice Tribbett (1869-1933); John Tribbett (1821-1898); Charles Otis Tribbett (1858-1928); Anna (Cox) Tribbett (1827-1909); Clinton Fulton Tribbett (1847-1916)-- photo taken 1880 - photographer unknown -- thanks so very much to Norman Henry Tribbett who has been so tremendously generous in sending photos/information on this family.
TRIBBETT, Walter - thanks TT :)
TRIBBETT, Wiley - thanks muches Tom T :)
TRIBBY, Jim - thanks Bill Boone - great tribute here also by BB
TRUAX Family Home with reunion folks around (thanks, Kim H)
-- U --
Unidentied Unknown Lost Photos Found in a box along the road in BROWNS VALLY, INDIANA by Angie Pitman. Looking to help Angie find a home for these misplaced FamilyTreasures. We know a few names associated with the photos of a young boy names Hugh with calf Super Sue, a young girl on her horse Fllicka, Nina T. Boeller, Max Burnam, and Mrs. Tom Burnham. This page contains 21 images front and back of information. Thanks to Angie for letting us help her find the owners or a home for these pictures.
Unknown Photos sent in by Andy Rice, he is what he says: These could be related to Krouts and may have been in a early 1900s Johnny Krout family box or an early 1900s packet of Joseph W Crane/Cottrells/Wingate area. Thanks Andy for the contribution.
UNKNOWN Family Members associated with the SURNAMES: Cowan, McCoy, Braden, Lindsey. My direct-line ancestors are James Franklin McCoy and Margaret Ann Cowan. WOULD APPRECIATE HELP INDENTIFING THESE ANCESTORS! THANKS TO COLLEEN BLESSING, Lets try to help her!
Unknown school group -- this is probably in Waveland - 1910 or so -- there was another picture stuck to it -- worked & worked with it for a couple of hours - don't even know if it's better (most are) or worse (a couple may be), but here's at least another rendition - if you KNOW ANYONE in this one, PLEASE let me know :) -- untouched photo I hope
Unknown Racer - probably at the old Waveland race track in the early 1940s - thanks JDG
Unknown Girl In Pink Identified as "Kristen Boots"
Unknown Lady 2 Thanks to Victoria Geiger, She found this photo in a family group with possible names of: Geiger, Worth, Allemang, Wolfgang, Mitman, McKee,Wile, Rash.
Unknown man - house -- this fella' is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE -- dressed fit to kill to go gather eggs? Okay, maybe he's off to town with the wifey's list. Tooo cute whatever -- thanks to JD Gilliland for this one and IF you can help or have a thought about who this might be, let me know. AND it really looks like Phil Myers' Dad :)
Unknown women - Moody? Gilliland? Grimes? Clements? -- JDG - we both think they look like offsprings of The Munsters (in good jest of course :) kbz
Unknowns - please help identify
Unknown Crawfordsville People - sent by Rick Patton, April 2015 - thanks so much - PLEASE HELP ME FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE :) PLEASE
UTTERBACK, John Casper "Cap" with wife Carrie Fruits Family Pictures (thanks, Kim H -- you rock, girl) -- see others under TRUAX family pictures
UTTERBACK, Lester - driving Hy-Tex Brick Truck - thanks so very much to Jim Hall for this cool photo
-- V --
VanCleave Family of Daniel and Anna Reynolds, along with sons Edgar, Frank and Joseph with daughter Clara between parents around 1894. Thanks to Phil Coons for submitting the photo!
VanCleave, Henry (1863-1946) Thanks to Sharon K. Burkett Starkey for sharing this wonderful family photo

Above: Unknown Montgomery County Person
-- W --
WALLACE, Ellen - thanks Harriet W.(probably lived in the Bellmore area but not sure, so including ... in case :) kbz
WALLING, Jim (other man unknown) as Coca Cola Plant employee and as Driver -- thanks so very much to Joyce Bever :) kbz
WARD, David -- (buried Darlington IOOF -- see George Monroe Guntle for explanation of this picture)
WASSON, Bill - far right, facing picture (lived and farmed not far from Waveland married Waveland gal, June Morgan) - they were both very precious folks - thanks to cousin Jerry N for this :)
WEAVER, Charlie & Esta and them on 50th anniversary - again, thanks so very much to Harriet W. for sharing such awesome pictures
WEAVER, John had a gas station in Waveland for many years and drove a Waveland school bus for decades. thanks to Dave Fullenwider
Wendall, Betty Jane wife of Russell Smith, by following the link you will go to their combined page. Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for these photos.
WERT, Capt. M. V. Prominent Crawfordsville Businessman Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal p 6, 4 May 1900
WESTFALL, Mrs. E.B.; Miles (along with Amanda Wilson & Minerva Clark - thanks Dellie & JoAN) - read article
WESTFALL, Luta & Miles (along with John Widn & Peyton Wilson) -- read article
WHALEN - see Davis
WHITE, Jesse -- Jesse was born out west (Nebraska) and then came to Indiana with his

bride, Lottie Manners, and had three children. Although the family lived some in Ladoga, other times in New Market, Alamo was definitely the family home front. He ran a paint and body shop, while his wife, Lottie was the postmistress. Lottie lived here for more than 50 years. (thanks so much to his granddaughter, Donna White for this awesome pic
WIDN -- see Westfall, Luta above
WILLIAMS, Kenneth (this is the unknown policeman that Bob LaFoe identifed - SUPER) - his badge Karen, the picture is Kenneth Williams who retired from the police dept in the mid 60's. My step brother, John Holt worked with him. Bob LaFoe. thanks, SO MUCH BOB
WILSON, Amanda (along with Mrs. E.B. Westfall & Miles as well as Minerva Clark - thanks Dellie & JoAn)
WILSON, Peyton (along with Luta & Miles Westfall and John H. Widn - thanks Dellie & JoAn)
WIMSETT, Andrew & wife (Nancy Willey 1st wife but this may be the 2nd or 3rd). A popular very early minister of the Brethren and Methodist Churches. - thanks to Tom D. for this one :) - he was much easier to find. His obituary on findagrave is helpful. He is buried in Wimsett Cemetery, Newport, Vermilion County, Illinois. Dates 1-7-1823 Newport, Vermillion Co IN died 1-29-1901 Lakeview Heights, Butler County, Kansas.
WINCHESTER, Allen John - although he did not live here, his wife, Helen Hobbs Winchester died here (Browns Valley) at their daughter (Sophie Franklin's) Sophie #2 home - thanks so very much to Nancy ( - - Gobble Family Tree)
Woods. Richard Lowell with father Alonzo, the day Richard returned from WWII - he was a pilot 18 months flying "The Hump" Pacific Theater - photo from his daughter Nan Woods.
WORK, Clay & Calvin -- Clay Work (left) farmed near Waynetown most of his life, will observe his 95th birthday on Thanksgiving Day at Aunt Mary's Rest Home, 613 Kentucky St. Work, who changed the spelling of his name from Works to Work is shown with his brother, Calvin, who will be 93 in January.- thanks to Connie W. for this - sorry the picture is so bad but best I could do - kbz

WRIGHT Family (Thanks Amy Terry)

Above: WF Keller & Family
-- Y --
YOUNG, Catherine Lepper - Thanks, Susan R for the photo :) You rock, girl !!
YOUNG, Etta (Henrietta Schulz Young)
-- Z --
ZACHARY, Living children of Elijah and Margaret Baldwin Zachary in early 1950's. (Jake, Ben, Ada Zachary Chesterson and Nettie Zachary Nichols) Thanks to Marilyn Minnick
ZACHARY, Virgil - 3rd grade class ? about 1910 - 1911 New Richmond School - thanks, Andy Z - you rock !
ZACHARY, Virgil and George B. (230 Fair Avenue, Benton Harbor, Michigan) along with Guy Forest Zachary about 1928 ?? - thanks so much to Andy Z for sharing these great photos :)