***As my years go by as a writer of historical / genealogical columns and working now on the 20th year on this site, questions about photographers in the area abound. It's something I've wondered about often myself so .... here ya' go -- ENJOY!*** - Karen Bazzani Zach
Note: This is an overview (and will hopefully be changing a great deal with new additions and information as time progresses) of photographers who worked in Montgomery County -- kbz.
Let me know if you can help with any on these folks -- Mary Jo Mensie asked me about them and I've often wondered myself so I just thought I'd make this page !! It might help someone identify photographs which is the purpose of the section!! Do you know more about any listed? More to list? PLEASE HELP !!! This may take years to finish up - my original idea was to just do the older ones but then I kept thinking of wonderful people I knew and appreciated who were photographers, such as Joe Boswell and Myron Banta, so I guess it will have about all the ones we've ever had but may take a very long time to "git 'r dun!"
Thanks to the Crawfordsville District Public Library for the images on this page! Note CDPL and I would like to have any pictures you so desire to share with us :)
BANNER Gallery -- Other than a name on the following picture from CDPL, I know nothing about this business -- picture is of John Keesee. This seems to be either a gallery purchased by or in partners with Chapmans -- see the Chapman-Banner graphic card below - thanks muches for this hint (big-time - greatly appreciated) from the Whalen family :)

BANTA, Myron -- If I can find it, I'll put my picture that Myron took and his wife (one of my favorite teachers), Myrtle Pope Banta hand-painted. He was a photographer and jewelry owner/watch repairman in Waveland in the 1940-70s. She hand colored many senior pictures in that time frame. His photo business was referred to as "Myron's Photo Shop!" Lots of his pictures were in the Waveland Independent and Tri-County News. He was almost always there to take pictures at Norman Walker's recitals and photographed many weddings. See this 1964 photo of Mr. Walker's music students taken by Myron. P.S. I'm the grouchy one in the back row between the two guys (Darrell Wiatt and Bob Lewellen) with the wing-backed glasses (hey, they were in during that time frame) :)
BLACK, W.H. -- J.D. Gilliland who used to live in Waveland, Indiana sent me this one -- it is of Herman Gilliland who was born 21 March 1896 and died 9 February 1898. He is sitting up so this must have been right before his death. How amazing to have this picture. It is also to date (March 2013) the only one I have by photographer William H. Black. I assume Black lived in Waveland at the time of this picture but by 1900, he was in Waynetown, listed as "photographer" (born in Indiana September 1865 married for 9 years) with his wife Onie born June 1874 and two children, son Oris (b August 1891) and Moria (August 1894). It seems that WH Black and wife were divorced. He lived with his son in the 1910 census. He is probably the William H. Black, son of David Black and Catherine Cunningham, born in Fountain County, and was orphaned-out to Sebastian Stonebraker.

BOSWELL, Joe -- an amazing photographer, Joe mostly does fun things for friends nowadays (he's fab at sharing sports pics with all of us) -- much of his reproduction work was seen in the 1970s-90s in the Montgomery, Your County Magazine under the tutelage of Editor, Pat Cline. Joe had a studio in his home at that time, as well! Wonderful man. Great wedding photographer, also!!
BOWMAN -- unknown first name at present - in business in at least early 1960s.
BRAMBLETT, William R. -- According to the 1874 People's Guide for Montgomery County, William Bramblett was a "first-class photographer" and his work was guaranteed. He came to Montgomery County in 1873 and was gone by 1884 when his daughter, Cora was born in Minnesota. His photo gallery was over the Post Office (East Main) in Crawfordsville. It is known that in 1878, he boarded at the Nutt Hotel. Basically, little is known about this early photographer. Thanks to JD for the 2nd card back (ad) - now if we just had a real pic by them :)

Source: Crawfordsville Star, Oct 14, 1873 – If you wish a superior picture, and do not wish to be swindled out of your money, we advise you to patronize home artists. Bramblett gets up a better picture than any importations we have seen. Some of those Cincinnati pictures are mere daubs. We know by investing.
Just found (May 1st, 2017) -- in Crawfordsville Star, May 10, 1877 p1 - Bramblet & Watson have just finished two large pencil sketches of John Yount, deceased, and WN Babcock, that are almost perfect to nature (now, why couldn't they have been included in that short article, huh, huh??? kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star, July 14, 1874 p 3 - Bramblett, the Photographer, is attending a convention of this art at Chicago this week. Mr. Leon W. Lemmon has charge of rooms in his absence.
BRIER (James H. Brier, Brier's Studio) -- late 1930s at least but he was working as a control clerk @ Raybestos by 1956. This picture (thanks to CDPL) is of the Summer Carnival & Electric Show and is likely at the Square Corner Hardware, Linden, owned by Robert and William L. Royer.

CAMERA CRAFTSMAN -- A long run as a local photography place having been at 227 E. Main early on and 117 S. Washington later. 1966-1996 with various owners, B. Fred Butz; Mark Romesser; Pat & Bob Cunningham. Fairly sure this was in affiliation with Camera Craftsman in Lafayette.
CARON -- I'm not sure if this is a name of someone or a business -- they are listed in conjunction with F.J. Weliver (see below) 1912-1915; and again in the Day & Night photo shop in 1917
CHAMPION -- name is sometimes seen as "Champion" and other times as Champion & Ficken. The three ladies in the picture below are unidentified. The baby is Zola Ingersoll, but I can not find anything about her to help date the photo, and thus, the photographer. The Champion was Allen Champion born probably in Decatur County, Indiana in July of 1852. He was a photographer here at least from 1880-1900. In 1901, he sold the Champion Gallery but may have been in business in another capacity (see Nicely article). By 1910, he lived alone although he was married and had at least one child, possibly more, in Greensburg and working as a photographer. He died in Crawfordsville eleven days before Christmas in 1912. I'm still working on the Ficken. Anyone know? Thanks to Suzy A for the refurbishing of the last of the 3 pictures, Mary Ingersol - you rock, Suzy! It is assumed that Champion & Beatty is him as well with a partner (thanks, JD for this one)
Just found this ---- W.O. Nicely has purchased the Champion Photograph Gallery and took possession today. Mr. Nicely learned the art here, but for 7 years past he has been engaged in business in Bloomington. He ranks among the leading photographers of the state. Mr. Champion is undecided as yet where he will locate - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9-21-1911 p 6
AH Champion, who retired from the photo business here last week had been off only seven days in none years since coming here from Crawfordsville. Al is a clever fellow and expects to engage in another line of business for an Indianapolis firm but expects to remain here. He and his wife are good people and we do not want to lose them – Greensburg Standard.
Source: Crawfordsville
Review 6 Jan 1894 p 4
“New Richmond” – Al
Champion, the Crawfordsville photographer, came out this week and photographed
the New Richmond band. They then took the train for Linden to assist in the
IOOF installation.
CHAPMAN, Moses V. -- Moses was born in New York, son of David and L. Lose Chapman, in May of 1827. Most of his life was spent in Fountain County, Indiana where he was first a prominent cooper and later a photographer. He spent from at least 1878 - 1892 in Crawfordsville where his photography shop was on Main Street opposite the courthouse (upper floor over "10" E. Main). M.V. Chapman, Chapman's Photographic Gallery and Chapman's New Palace Gallery were the names of his photo business while here in Montgomery County. One of his specialties was to copy and enlarge old, faded photographs, which he advertised in 1878. He lived on the north side of Pike & Walnut Streets. Jay D. Gilliland sent me a couple from Chapman & Son - it is assumed this is him also but not sure at this point :) The boys (hand on shoulder of other) are John W. and Charles B. Gilliland. Thanks JD -- JD also found the cool one misspelled - Chapmam. Thanks to the Whalen family for figuring out the Banner twist to Chapman's - whoopee! Making progress here on the photographers page.
Cute advertisement for them :)
Source: Crawfordsville Star 3 Aug 1882 p 1
MV Chapman, the veteran photographer, has received all his apparatus, chemicals, etc for his new photographic study in the second story of the new Sommerville block and expects to be ready to take pictures by Tuesday. Mr. Chapman is an artist of pronounced ability and having all the necessary appliances of the most improved scientific nature, a luxurious and well-lighted studio, he will furnish work of unsurpassed quality.
MV Chapman, the veteran photographer, has received all his apparatus, chemicals, etc for his new photographic study in the second story of the new Sommerville block and expects to be ready to take pictures by Tuesday. Mr. Chapman is an artist of pronounced ability and having all the necessary appliances of the most improved scientific nature, a luxurious and well-lighted studio, he will furnish work of unsurpassed quality.
Source: Crawfordsville Star Oct 5, 1882 p 1
Chapman succeeded in taking a picture of the Pulm (sic) Street Depot without ruining one of his cameras. An electrotype of the picture will be made, that the city papers may illustrate it.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Argus 13 March 1883 Chapman's Palace Picture Gallery is on the seccond floor. Only one short flight of stairs to climb.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, June 11, 1885 p 1 -- Happy Chapman, the talented young photographer, and Miss Carrie Ayers, a chaming belle of this city, were married by Eld. Green, quietly in the presence of only relatives on Tuesday evening.
Source: Same as above p 1 -- Marriage licenses have been issued to Harry Morton Chapman and Carrie Lou Ayres. Note: Harry is one of Moses' two sons and it is assumed he helped his father in the business.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, June 5, 1879 p 5 -- The photograph gallery of Chapman, opposite the court house on the south side, now that it is undergoing thorough refitting, is decidely the point of attraction for superb pictures of any style or description. Chapman is now making four of the "Bon Ton" pictures for 50 cents; he has the exclusive right to manufacture the mezzotint photograph. This is the style above all others yet introduced in the art of photography for perfection. The mezzotint stands out bold, as distinct as life. If you desire a true likeness have none other. Hmmm, wonder if any below are this type :) kbz.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, Nov 6, 1897 p 6 - Mr. M.V. Chapman, of Attica, a former Crawfordsville photographer, was married Wednesday evneing to Mrs. DZ Hall at the home of the bride in Attica.
CLARK, H.H. (Hiram H) -- Found one picture by this photographer, a young man who is unknown. Dan Jolley (on Christmas) sent me his great grandmother, Iva LeClare Goff's picture taken by H.H. Clark - thanks, Dan. Since she was born in June 1884 and looks to be about 6 months old (love that dress) we now can pinpoint a time frame for HH Clark to have been in business in our fair city from at least 1884 until about 1900 when he went originally to Elwood, then to Indianapolis where he continued his work in photography. He was the son of long-time Montgomery County residents, Squire Clark and Elizabeth Jones. I suspicion his grandfather is Hiram H. Clark, buried in the Hutton Cemetery here but not sure yet. Hiram, the photographer married Bertha Warfield on 14 Feb 1883 in Montgomery County. They were the parents of four children who mainly did not marry: Ethel; Mary; Raymond and Wayne. Would love to find more on this photographer and thanks so much to Dan for tackling information on him. See his obituary here: Clark, Hiram. H Thanks to Jay D Gilliland for more photos :)

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday 9-30-1898
To introduce my work, I will make cabinet photos at $1.50 per doz until Oct 1 only. First class work. Copying and enlarging. Gruops of reunions, etc. 20 years' experience. FG Clement, Waveland studio.
Note: This is the ONLY mention I've found of this man - not in 1900 census as far as I can find. This is NOT the Frank Clement who married Laura Hutton from Montgomery County. Their daughter, Esther married Dr. Bertrand May, an early Ostheopathic physician here -- now, if we just had a picture or two by him :( OR, some information :(

This was found in the July 22, 1899 Weekly Argus News (Crawfordsville, Indiana) but I do not find ANYTHING else on him.
COLUMBIA Studios -- This was in 1922 at 109 S. Washington but saw no other reference for it except in that city directory - under it there is a "Leshnick's" so imagine that was the photographer there (or perhaps who did the city directory) - may have been based in Lafayette
COREY -- Frank Corey whom I would say was our FIRST photographer - 1854
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 5 Jan 1854 p 2
EUREKA. Now is the time to get a First Premium Daguerreotype; warranted 20 %. Finer than can be found at any other Gallery in the Western country. FRANK D. COREY has fitted up rooms in Crawfordsville expressly for and well adopted to Daguerreotype purposes and cordially invites all to come “and see Pictures as is pictures,” and to those that want a good likeness of themselves or friends he would say that he is now prepared to take Dagguerreotypes of any dimension from one for the smallest Pin to the largest size full plate Picture. Family Groupes (sic); views of Residences, Public Buildings, & c. taken in the most perfect manner; and from the encomiums with which his pictures have met wherever he had operated, he flatters himself that for naturalness of expression and life-like appearance his pictures cannot be excelled. He now has an Apparatus of the Mammoth size and improvements in Dagguerreotypeing which none others have; and pledges himself that none that sit to him for a picture shall go away dissatisfied. Instructions in the Art given on scientific principles and an outfit furnished on reasonable terms. ROOMS on Washington Street over Stilwell & Con’s Grocery – call soon. Dec 15, 1853 (first appeared)
COUTANT -- Jodie Wilson, Crawfordsville Local History Librarian, wrote a wonderful piece on Nellie Coutant, in the Hidden History of Montgomery County, Indiana published this year, 2012. Nellie received a camera from a friend and off she went. Winning state, national and international competitions, in 1904 she was "too well known to be discussed," in the American Amateur Photographer, yet when she died in 1953, being a photographer wasn't even mentioned in her obituary. She grew up in Crawfordsville, lived at 705 South Water Street, and was the daughter of Chauncey and Isabelle Groff Coutant. She graduated at the top of her class from CHS in 1889. Although she didn't get rich as a photographer, she did indeed rack up some prize money as well as commissions. In 1900 she was listed as a "notary republic." After her brief but impressive photography career, she worked at the Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur insurance company. Sadly, much of her work has been lost to posterity and few of the pictures she did take had her name engraved as you see others had in the examples of the work here. She seemed to really like nature as it is seen in many of her pictures.

CRAWFORDSVILLE PHOTO & Hobby Shop -- was located at 113 S. Walnut in 1961. Had to be one of the first businesses with a double phone #. ADams 4-2358 and EMerson 2-1487
DARWIN - C.T. -- this is in my own hometown and I'm sooo embarrassed that I know (or can find) nothing about this photographer :( Here IS a picture however with super thanks to Mary Mc.

DAY & NIGHT -- Also known as Caron's (see above) and Kuhnle Brothers (Fred C & WJ of Lafayette) and was located at least in 1914-1917 at 107 1/2 E. Main - thanks, Suzie Q :)
DEMAREE -- here is a picture of Harry Freedman who was a department store owner taken by "Demaree." The Demaree on his pictures were more of a light watermark versus some you see throughout this page. John "Carl" Demaree was born March 20, 1886 in Parke County, the son of Davis and Mary Galey Demaree. Carl was a barber (at Fern & Alex's) before becoming a well known photographer, but I don't believe he was in this profession long, probably about his last 20 years. City directories list him as a barber through 1934 and a photographer from 1936 on. His home was at 213 W. Pike Street but to date, not sure where in Crawfordsville his studio was. Since it listed no other addresses in the city directories, it is likely his studio was in his home on West Pike. Married to a Waveland business man's daughter, Edith Lucas, they had two daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Mildred Beatrice, neither of whom stayed in the area. A graduate of Waveland High School, he moved to Crawfordsville in 1922 and remained there. An active member of the Methodist Church and Masonic Lodge, Carl is buried in the Crawfordsville Masonic Cemetery. He died 9 March 1954 at his home.

DOOLEY -- Waveland, Indiana -- my wonderful brother, Larry B, found a cool picture from this studio - I had never heard of it and I live in this little 'ol place :) I do think this doll is creepy - big-time! The child looks like a boy, but is "Daisy Hunt" who is the daughter of John and Dorcas VanCleave Hunt. Daisy was born in May of 1883 so this dates the picture about 1885 or so. A Jerome Dooley is the only Dooley in Waveland at the time of the 1880 census but he is listed as a "farmer." How exciting -- another Dooley one (assume Gilliland boys - thanks JD) but still NO CLUE who the Dooley is.

DOYEL -- Lee S. Doyel had a business at 1414 West Wabash in the mid-1950s. Although the initial/name does not jive, I'm fairly sure this is Lee Conan Doyel, son of Elza and Cynthia Whiteacre, married in 1941 to Edythe Isabelle Bannon. Although his obituary does not mention him being a photographer it does confirm he lived in Crawfordsville at the time of the Doyel photography. Since he was obviously exceptional with his hands (radio/electronic field designing and he built the first radio in Crawfordsville (1921). He was also 44 years old when he joined the service in WWII as a radio operator. He died September 9, 1978 at Bradenton Florida and is buried in Manasota Memorial Park there.
EARLEY -- W.H. and Pat Earley Fulford owned this from 1967-1981. He did many pictures for the Journal-Review in the late 60's through all the 1970s, as well as portraits and Wabash College pictures. He was a Korean War veteran. The Crawfordsville District Public Library's database of images has many pictures by him.
EDISON Photographies -- Not sure but when this photo is enlarged, fairly sure it says Edison Photographies -- this is obviously the last day of July 1911 but not sure if this is a travelling photographer from who knows where, or if he's local - have to do more research :)
FICKEN - (see Lawson)
FOSTER -- Colin M. Foster, 111 E. Market 1965-66 from the Crawfordsville City Directory. This may be Colin McKinney Foster who married Candace Shoaf in 1964. He was the son of Paul Foster & Marjory McKinney but not sure if he was a photographer so need more research - anyone know??? If this is THIS Colin, he has lived in several different places, Kansas; Missouri; Attica and West Lafayette.
FRAKES -- no known pictures exist of his but if anyone has any PLEASE send 'em our way :) The only known time he was here was in 1907 where he had a studio (also known as Standard Photos) at 107 1/2 E. Main Street. This was found in the 1907 Crawfordsville Directory. He is still listed here in the 1910 census as a photographer. Daniel F. Frakes was from Greene County, Indiana his wife was Deborah Priest and they had at least two daughters, Lola and Marjorie. He is buried in the Fairview Cemetery, Linton, Greene County. Dates are: October 20, 1878 and death May 19, 1918 so he was still a young man when he passed. Always wondered if it was chemicals from photos ?!! He and Debora divorced in September 1911 - she is buried in the same cemetery, never marrying until her death in November 1940. Both daughters married here Marjorie in March 1919 to Ernest Grimes and Lola to Wallace Vance.
FRANZLAU Photo Shoppe -- William A. Franzlau was the owner/operator of this establishment at least from 1926 - 1942. Evidently, he came from Muncie as he is listed with his wife, Vina, at 307 W. Charles (Photographer) in the 1903 city directory. In 1910, they are in Blackford County Indiana on W. Washington Street - he is 42 married 17 years born in Illinois, father in Germany and mother in Illinois. Vina is 32 and has had two children, Melbert, age 13 listed with them and one who has passed away. He is of course, listed as a photographer. They lived at least through 1918 in Hartford City (Blackford County) as their son, Melbert Fred Franzlau registered for service. He lived at 202 E. North Street, Hartford City, was born in Sullivan Illinois. His father was William Franzlau same address b Nashville, Ill. Employer; Henry M. Wallsmith, Hartford City. He was medium height, medium built, blue eyes, light hair, had a little finger off and registered June 5, 1918. In 1921, the family had moved to Kokomo, Indiana where his photography business was at 746 S. Union. In the 1928 Crawfordsville City Directory, he is back at 125 1/2 E. Main as his home and shop. By 1936, he had moved both shop, home to 122 1/2 N Green. In 1942, he must have been retired and his home was at 312 E. College. This photo was provided by Carolyn Harris Horney and is GREATLY appreciated. The only William Franzlau I can find on findagrave is in St. Louis Missouri and this is likely him as his son, Melbert is there as well - Melbert 12-22-1896 (William Jan 23, 1870 - March 10, 1958 s/o Frederick & Minnie Krumdiede Franzlau husband of Alyina (Vina ?) buried Valhalla Bel-Nor MO

Other pictures of his work - is available at CDPL!!!
- Ladoga, Indiana - so far no luck finding anything on this photographer -- here is the back of one of his pictures and a link to see the picture's front of Andrew Grayhardt :) Thanks so very much to Harold Houpt - love 'em.

HAMILL, E.C. - no pictures for this man but here is an article regarding him from the
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Jan 7, 1873 p 3-- "As a preparatory to removed from among us, our friend E.C. Hamill, of the Postoffice Photograph Gallery has greatly increased his working force recently and is now putting in every possible moment to meet the demands of his friends before taking leave of the town. Mr. H. has not been making the announcement recently - as some would have the people believe - for effect, to induce the public to an increased patronage, but because he had determined to change his location, and only wished to give those desiring his superior work an opportunity of obtaining a photo of themselves or friends before his departure. He will "take up his bed and walk," we are informed on or about the 20th inst. Remember then, and secure the shadow before the substance fades. He is doing, just at this time, some of the finest photo work we have ever seen executed by any artist
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Jan 7, 1873 p 3-- "As a preparatory to removed from among us, our friend E.C. Hamill, of the Postoffice Photograph Gallery has greatly increased his working force recently and is now putting in every possible moment to meet the demands of his friends before taking leave of the town. Mr. H. has not been making the announcement recently - as some would have the people believe - for effect, to induce the public to an increased patronage, but because he had determined to change his location, and only wished to give those desiring his superior work an opportunity of obtaining a photo of themselves or friends before his departure. He will "take up his bed and walk," we are informed on or about the 20th inst. Remember then, and secure the shadow before the substance fades. He is doing, just at this time, some of the finest photo work we have ever seen executed by any artist
Here is another
Source: Crawfordsville Star 25 Feb 1873 p 3
Mr. EC Hamill, who has been making for himself recently such world-wide reputation as a photographer, we notice, still continues his operations in the Gallery over the postoffice. His superb Rembrandt photos are wonderfully attractive, and the people are constantly flocking to him for pictures of themselves and their friends. As previously announced however, Mr. H. will positively cease operations simply as photographer, on and after March 1st and will in the future confine himself exclusively to the work of copying, enlarging and coloring, making this branch of the art a specialty. Mr. H. has a number of unsurpassed large pictures in his gallery, enlarged to almost life size of well known citizens, which should be seen by all desiring anything in his line. We understand it to be his intention now to make a thorough canvass of the town and county soon that all wishing to do so may procure those large pictures at greatly reduced prices.
- typed by kbz
HENKEL Brothers -- located in Ladoga, Indiana this picture below of Samuel G. Smith and his (likely bride) wife, Nora Rains was probably their wedding picture in 1892. You'll notice the couple changed little in the other picture which was likely taken in the late 1900s. It is known that Simon Henkel is one of the brothers who was a photographer in Ladoga in 1900 (census) but he died later that year. Still searching for the other brother :) Anyone know anything on the Henkel Brothers or Rev. Smith please let me know :) Thanks kz & thanks so very, very much to Harriet W for this nifty look at history!

HILL, Dwayne -- Storybook House -- below, one of my fav places in C'ville - was taken it looks like in 1993. I'm not sure if Dwayne was an amateur photographer, worked for one of the newspapers or what but there are several photos on the Crawfordsville Dsitrict Public Library site taken by him. See also Photo Fashion Studios below

HIRSHBURG -- Morris Wesley Hirshburg was a photographer on (123 1/2, later 210) East Main Street in Crawfordsville for several years from at least 1910 - 1930. Born in Scottsburg, Indiana, June 25, 1888, the son of John Morris and Maryetta Norris Hirshburg, his blue eyes, light brown hair, and slender build, along with his interesting personality drew people to his photo gallery. It seems Morris received his profression from his father who was also a photographer for many years in the GAR building at 8th & Main in Richmond, Indiana. The picture below, a representative of his work is of Lilian Goldman - his brother, Roy Norris Hirshburg, was a world-reknowned photographer who grew-up here - read about his murder in Richmond, Indiana. Roy took many school photos in the 1920s, 30s and into 40s (1947 he took the fair queen & king). The nicest picture (my opinion for what it counts :) of the Lane Place ever -- was taken by Norris Hirshburg - picture from CDPL collection (see below). Supposedly (still wanting to prove this) he took the first or one of the first pictures of George Gershwin performing (while touring the MidWest and stopping in C'ville about 1914), which was probably one of HIS first pictures, too. Really want to find out more on this. Just received his obit - here it is: Source: obituary in a scrapbook from a collection of Fauniel Hershberger's typed by Walt W
Note: died 3-26-1957 RICHMOND — A nationally known photographer, Roy Hirshburg, 64, was shot to death a few feet from his downtown office here late Monday night. No witnesses to the shooting were found immediately by police. Early reports were that three .22-caliber rifle cartridges were found alongside the body. The body was discovered by an unidentified woman who started screaming. Two Centerville men, John Kempton and Clayton Whirley, said they heard the woman's screams and then saw a car speed from the scene. The two men said they chased the auto--thinking it was a hit-and-run driver—but soon lost it in the city streets. Mr. Hirshburg was in the photography business in Crawfordsville for several years with his brother, the late Morris Hirshburg.

Source: Indianapolis Times 30 Oct 1931 p 29
These are the companies that sponsored the large ad in the above newspaper honoring the Wabash football team:
These are the companies that sponsored the large ad in the above newspaper honoring the Wabash football team:
Source: Anderson, Indiana Herald 15 Aug 1963 p 6
Indianapolis, Ind - The Indiana Women’s Prison Parole Board added two years Wed to the sentence of convicted slayer Ethel Mae Wise. Miss Wise, serving 2-21 years for the fatal shooting of photographer Roy Hirschburg, received the additional time for her escape last month. Miss Wise, who had served five years of her original sentence walked away from the prison July 24 while awaiting parole. The parole had been approved but was being held up until she obtained a job. She and a girl friend, a parolee, were captured in Michigan when they drove away from a filling station without paying for gasoline. Her companion, Jennie Moorehear was returned to the prison as a parole violator. The board specified that neither would be eligible for parole until July 31, 1965. The board announced Wednesday that it had approved paroles for four other women sentenced in 1962 and serving terms for manslaughter. They were Florence Baker, sentenced from Marion County; Ruth Ector, also sentenced from Marion; Lucille Hicks sentenced from LaGrange County and Maxine Townsend sentenced from Lake County.
Hirshburg Photographer (to Wabash for 7 years)
HOSKINS & SWARAT -- 1909-1910 at 107 E. Main with Claude C. Hoskins & Arthur W. Swarat as photographers. Arthur Swarat, listed as having a Photography Gallery lived with his family in Crawfordsville in the 1910 census, his father William A. having been born in Germany and mother Hulda in Russia. His brothers Ewold, Edward and Walter plus sister Hulda were in the family, father, and Ewold working at the Wire Mill and brother Edward at the match factory. Although Arthur had gotten married a few months before the census (September 1909) to Hazel Hedges in Marion County, she is not shown with his family in the census. Sadly, Arthur died on the 2nd of Feb 1912 and is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis. No Hoskin or Swarat photos are listed on the database at the Crawfordsville District Public Library (I'd say the largest database in the county). Claude C. Hoskins is listed living on his own and owning a Photography shope (age 265 single) in the 1910 census here in C'ville, age 26 born in Indiana. In 1830, he is found in Spencer, Owen County Indiana, age 46, with Carrie, wife, and is an attorney. Perhaps he was working as a photographer and studying under one of our fine Attorneys ? He may be the Claude Hoskins 1883-1956 in Riverside Cemetery in Spencer but more needs to be searched.
HUGHES, A.S. -- Although I can find no photographs by him, I believe he may have been one of the earliest photographers in Montgomery County. Listed as a "Degarian Artist" in the 1860 census, he is 39 years old and he and wife, Martha (age 38) are both born in Ohio. They are not listed with any children of their own but they have two children listed as "domestic" (Sarah McCormick age 7 born NY and John Bailey age 9 b Ohio) in the census. The next year a large ad in the city directory showed Hughes working in "daguerreotype, ambrotype, melainotype and as a photograph artist." His rooms were in rooms opposite the courthouse on Vernon, between Washington and Green. "None cheaper and none better - pictures taken in all kinds of weather," is listed as his motto. He is listed as establishing his business in 1855 which is my proof to my idea he is the first photographer in town. In 1870, John Bailey is stil living with them and is listed as a shoemaker, A.S. is a photographer still. He is not in the 1880 census or our cemetery records, nor is she so it is assumed he moved on with his business. Although some of the info is same as here there is much more in this article written by my wonderful daughter, Suzie Zach Baldwin in the Montgomery Memories magazine, January 2015.
===Source: Crawfordsville Review, Crawfordsville, 4 May 1861 p 1 To the citizens of Montgomery County! I return to you my most sincere thanks for your very liberal patronage to me since I have been in The Picture Trade with you, and would be much pleased to have you continue the same. I am determined that no one shall make you any better work, and none shall do it any cheaper, and you can always find the best assortment of Cases and Frames in this part of the country, at my Rooms. I am also the best prepared for “Grouping. “ I am not in receipt of the best lot of Cases and Frames Ever brought to this county and the only place you can get the genuine Elctro-Magnetic Daguerreotype, Ambrotypes, Malaineotypes, Photographs, and all kinds of Sun-light Pictures. Call and see for yourselves. Admission Free! Nearly opposite the Court House, 3d story in Empire Block. Yours, Very Respectfully, AS Hughes Oct 8, 1859 - tf

JAMESON (JAMISON), Hugo -- owned and operated a photo gallery in the 100 block of East Main in Crawfordsville in the years about 1920-1935
- this is the only picture that CDPL has by him

"Whitesville School Grade 4, 1936." The people pictured are (from left to right): "Esther Manges (teacher), Gloria Zachary, Paul Massing, Betty Newlin, Bob Mangus, Irene Davis, Gras? Ward (last part of the first name is illegible), Joan Ray, John Beebe, Delores Davidson, Phil Zachary, Joe Zachary, Barbara Groves, Kenneth Pearson, Lorene Rozen, Donas Ward, Maxine Hays, Gayle Smith, ? Weir, Darrell Hipes." Part of this picture has been torn off (on the far right you can see only half of a boy's head, and the picture slopes down at an angle). This picture was taken in front of the brick school building.
KENYON, Wylie -- I have always been fascinated with Wylie Kenyon for some reason. His subjects in the 1870s were prominent people of the community (Hovey, president of Wabash; Elstons and Blairs). Wylie was born in Wayne County, Indiana 21 July 1822 and passed away in Crawfordsville on 14 March 1900. He married Mary Elizabeth, one of the daughters of Yountsville miller, Obijah O'Neal. The boy shown here is Henry Lane Wallace, who was born in 1853 (9 Feb) and looks to be about 10. The photography business at one time was called W. Kenyon's California Picture Gallery, but why California is yet to be discovered. You can see more of his photographs at CDPL, I find them very plain with little or no creativity :(

KYLE, J.W. -- although John W. Kyle's main job was wagon maker, he also made and sold frames. Along with this line of work, he took the pictures to go in those frames. He lived in Ladoga and was the son of John Kyle who was also a wagon maker. To date, no known photos exist of his work but bet there are some out there somewhere :)
LAWRENCE, Theodore C -- Lawrence must have done well as a photographer (or was a super money-manager) as he was only in the business a few short years (about 1878-1895 or so perhaps shorter) and was thereafter listed as living on his "own income." He also did some notary public business. Thanks so much for Suzy A for this one. She's always so helpful :) This may be one of the earliest of his photos and is of Suzy's great great grandparents, Aaron and Sophia Everson Thompson. Thanks to Dellie C (CDPL) for the one of the Everman wedding pic :) This puts the studio in the perfect time from of above

LAWSON -- This one has me STUMPED -- anyone be able to help? I know it was Lawson Superior Finish Photography about 1895 when Nellie Remley was married and it was Lawson & Ficken about 1889. I can't find any Fickens or Lawsons in the census records - may be able to find them in some city directories when I get to the library sometime - anyone help??? DO love the little guy's outfit don't you? Fred Shanklin at about age 8 (born 1871) had his picture taken by them so that gives about at least a 25 year span. They evidently were quite prolific as the CDPL has a great deal of their work preserved. The young boy with the dog is Charles Bennett Gilliland, born 21 July 1873 (thanks, JD for this great pic). The last picture can be seen on the CDPL site before I tackled it - unknown couple - sad as I'd love to have a pic that great of my ancestors ......
- Just found 12-27-2020 - this is Lawson & Ficken -- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville 22 Feb 1895 p4
“Darlington News Item” – Mr. Ficken of the firm of Lawson & Ficken, photographers of your city has opened up a branch in the rear of Dr. JS Coffman’s office.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 20 Sept 1893 p3 - may be when Lawsons closed up ??
FA Pickeril of Cincinnati has arrived in the city to take charge of Lawson’s Photography Gallery. Mr. Pickerill is an artist of experience and will be welcomed by our citizens.
Source: Weekly Argus News Jan 14, 1899 p 6
TL Lawson, who was formerly engaged in the photographer’s business here has struck it rich in the Klondike region. In a letter to a friend he states that he has located a claim and I taking out the yellow metal at the rate of $1,000 per day. He has four men at work on his claim and pays them $10 per day apiece from which it may be reckoned that he is making a handsome daily profit.

LAWTON -- Gerald (Jerry) Lawton had a photo business that was a brief one in Jamestown. Although he lived in rural Montgomery with his mother and stepfather at the time. Imagine several from the Darlington area went to him for photos He was born at Yountsville on May 24, 1893 and died 28 Sept 1960 in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. He married Daisey Allison when he was about 30 and they had two children, Elwin Jerome and Virginia, both born in Mishawaka while Jerry was working in a shoe factory, making shoes. They later moved to Tippecanoe County where he lived the rest of his life. His military draft papers described him as having blue eyes, brown hair and light complexion, being 5'10 and weighing about 185. Photographer, shoe maker, factory worker and school janitor were some of his occupations. Wish he'd have stuck with photography so we'd have some of his photographs.
LAYNE'S STUDIO -- In the 1898 Atlas of Montgomer County, Indiana "Layne's Studio was on the 'ground floor' oppositite (sic) terminal station" in Crawfordsville. The studio was in existence until at least 1922 (did the 1922 CHS yearbook pictures). Here are photos taken by the Layne studio but they have no markings (CDPL has others, but again, without Layne Studios marked on them). So, not sure on the dates and who the Laynes were :( Thanks so much to JD Gilliland for the neat ad from the Waveland 1915 yearbook.

LITTRELL, H.H. -- - the photo here is provided by J.D. Gilliland (thanks muches David) - J.D. has been a super help with the photos and photographers section. This is a cousin of J.D.'s, Cora Lee Moody - the picture was probably taken about 1896 -98. Cora Lee was born 01 Mar 1876 and died 30 May 1902 with consumption. There is another photo of Cora that definitely shows her 4-5 years older and yet this one looks as though she's 18-20 so I'd like to put an estimation of 1898 for this one (Littrell is in the 1900 census in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio listed as a photographer and with wife Daisy and a nephew, Graham and three nieces) and the other one not long before she died - late 1901 or early 1902, which also pinpoints a specific time frame for the Littrell business in Waveland. H.H. was born in Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana April 6, 1873 died in NC 30 April 1957. From Montgomery County, Ohio, Howard Herbert Littrell and family (at least wife Harriet Ennes) went to Rocky Mount, North Carolina (Nash County) where HH Littrell quit the photography business and had a long life selling insurance, with his specialty being fire insurance. He and Harriet had at least two children, (Howard Jr. and Ira) but possibly more. He is buried in Pineview Cemetery in Rocky Mount, a long way from lil ol Waveland, Indiana.

Note: When I said something about being on the "Ground Floor" J.D. sent me his thoughts on it -- here ya' go - it makes sense to me :) Originally, when the early studios opened they had to be on the top floor because they depended on skylights and even full "greenhouse" style roof areas for lighting as they had no powerful artificial lighting. Might be folk did not like to climb stairs. esp with long dresses…and maybe older folk who were infirm…Too early for elevators…. So ground floor would be more attractive.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 20 June 1891 p 8
EL Lucas, the Bloomingdale photographer, will move his gallery here next week. He is a first-class artist. Watch for his arrival.
McCONNELL, J.W. -- in a Crawfordsville Weekly Journal article, June 16, 1853, J.W. McConnell notes that "All work signed, sealed, warranted, and delivered," by himself. His "McConnell's Miniature gallery" moved to "Washington Hall," on the 3rd story. Never heard of Washington Hall, boy, am I going to have to check thar farther. He purports that having the room is a big advantage and he is "now prepared to do work in the best style, of all sizes from half Place down and at all prices from $1 up!" As many of the early photographers noted, McConnell too said that the weather made no matter. Sure wish we had a picture/two from this one :)
McCORMICK, Wilmot Victor -- there is some question as to his first name, whether it is Wilmot Wilmont or Wilmort - I vote from Wilmot as it seems to have shown-up the most in records, especially his WWI Draft registration. He is listed as a photographer on his draft card and as a sole owner of a studio at 107 1/2 East Main, Crawfordsville. Wilmot was born and raised in our area, having been born on the 20th of October 1874, son of James Jonathan McCormick and Leann Simpson. In turn, James Jonathan was the son of William M. McCormick and Rhoda Armstrong, who were early settlers of Montgomery County. Evidently, Wilmot did other printing besides his pictures as he was often listed as a printer in conjunction with, or separated from his photographer's business. It is known that he had a photographer's studio from at least 1900-1926 at his death. He was a tall man, of medium build, with blue eyes and brown hair. His home was 809 Sloan Street. On 17 December 1894, he married Josephine Coons whose ancestors go way back in Montgomery County, so HOPING someone has a picture taken by Wilmot. One daughter (as far as I know anyway) was born to them, Fern but can not find what happened to her - she is not mentioned as a survivor when he passed away January 1, 1927. He was not far past his 52nd birthday, born 30 October 1874. Having passed away with cancer of the liver, he is buried in the Masonic Cemetery (or, why someone changed it, now called Oak Hill Grant Avenue). PLEASE if you have a photo taken by Mr. McCormick, let me know - THANKS !
McQUOWN - WILTON -- The picture was sent by Cathy Clouse Armstrong (thanks so much) of her 2nd ggrandparents, Andrew J. and Eliza (Pickett) Clouse who were farmers near Alamo. Since Andrew died in 1907, we can date the picture and business prior to this. Odd though that Henry and family is found in the 1900 census living near Waveland where he is listed as a "laborer for the RR" - in 1910, he is 60 years old, living in Lafayette, Ward 3 Household #60 and is listed as a Car Cleaner ? (probably for RR) - he and wife Eliza Miller had two daughters (possibly 3), Clydia and Frances. Of course, I could even have the wrong person but McQuown is a very odd name and since he grew up in the area, I'm assuming it's him, although there was a James McQuown in Crawfordsville in 1900 but he was a Gardner and in 1880 a teacher. Hmmmmm. A James married Eliza Williams here Oct 14, 1869 (Bk 7 p 266) and Henry J. married Ida Miller here Nov 24, 1886 Bk 11 p 162 - also the day before that an Ellis McQuown married Jennie Fuqua. Gotta' find 'em :) Sometimes I just HAVE to play with a picture -- usually I like the information on it - handwritten or printed, but this one I could hardly see what she looked like so I PLAYED :) Good or bad, I played :)

MARTIN, Bertram S. -- B.S. Martin was to take the pictures at the Booher Reuion in 1900 - sure wish we had those picture OR some picture taken by B.S. Martin but alas, I do not :( He is listed in the 1900 census with wife, Elizabeth Harris and one child, Cameron. Bert and Elizabeth also had a daughter Estel born about 1902. On there is a family photo of his parents and their six children as well as one of his parents on their front porch. Imagine he took these photos but not sure. A great career was nixed too early as Bertram died during the flu epidemic of 1918.
MOODY, John A. -- some of you may have gone to John Moody to have your picture taken - I know I did when he had his business in the 1940-60s (perhaps earlier or later). He took photos in his home on the southwest corner of Green & Wabash (303 S Green). Although these two particular pictures do not have his "Moody Studios" on them, they are both awesome pictures, one of the Journal-Review carriers and the other of the Presbyterian Church in Crawfordsville. Also, the Crawfordsville District Public Library has well over 300 pictures of his and they would have those stamps on them. Many people you may know :) They are not however online but you can see them at the library. That place ROCKS!! Oh, and do you know any of the boys below?

NICELY, W.O. -- 1903 (Crawfordsville City Directory) his photography studio is at 101 South Washington. Thanks muches to the Whalen family for the advertisement below - and finally found a picture by this photogrpaher -- Dr. Elliott Detchon (showing off his father's cane). William O. Nicely is buried in Monroe County, Indiana and died 18 Sep 1940. His home base seems to be in that area as he was there in the 1900 census listed as a "photographer." By 1930, he was found in Queens, New York as the sec/treas of a large Stationary supply company. Thanks to Dan J. for the Niceley logo. Just found (July 2013 this article which at least gives us a perfect time frame for when he came. "Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal __ May 1901 via the Montgomery Magazine October 1987 W.O. Nicely has purchased the photographer gallery of A.H. Champion and is now in possession. Mr. Nicely is one of the most artistic and successful photographers in Indiana and his work is of a high order of excellence. At his Bloomington gallery which he recently sold, he built up a great reputation for fine work. "
Just found this 1-20-2015 -- Source: Sunday Star newspaper, April 1, 1901 -- "Barry Nicely is up from Bloomington. He has been in his brother's photograph establishment. Ora (W.O.) having sold out he is looking for a new location. See above - he bought AH Champion's the same year. -- Just found this -- April 2017 -- W.O. Nicely has purchased the Champion Photograph Gallery and took possession today. Mr. Nicelyt learned the art here, but for 7 years past he has been engaged in business in Bloomington. He ranks among the leading photographers of the state. Mr. Champion is undecided as yet where he will locate - kbz
NICHOLSON, John --Nicholson was born in Jefferson County Indiana on 12 July 1825 and had more than one successful career. First, he was a farmer , next he guarded prisoners in New Albany at the state penitentiary, he then worked as a carpenter making Windsor chairs (one of which may be seen in his photographs). In Columbus, and Franklin, Indiana, he painted signs and homes. In the the winter of 1851, he studied daguerreotyping and other photography skills then went with that work for the rest of his life. It was not until the end of May in 1879 that he took up residence in Crawfordsville and became one of its best photographic men. His gallery was on Main Street and went at least until into the 1920s at least, perhaps later. He was twice married and fathered 5 daughters and two sons who were in the business with him. Thomas, especially flourished with the business. It is said that he "took infinite pains with his work and dealt honestly and courtesly with his customers." Thomas married Wiley Kenyon's daughter, Anna. In the In the 1898 Montgomery County Atlas p 28, Nicholson & Sons proported to be the "leading fotografers" of Crawfordsville at 118 1/2 East Main. The ad read, "When you want a fotograf of any style or kind and a cheap price, give them a call." They listed several prizes at the county fair and state conventions that they had received. The photo of the baby boy with the dog is Charles Bennett Gilliland (born 2 July 1873) so this picture must be about 1874-5. The Nicholsons "Are the Best" ad below was sent by the Whalen family (thanks Sue). This was in the 1922 yearbook so they were in existence to that day and I think much beyond.
Source: Crawfordsville Star Sept 1, 1881 p1
James Wiley, the alleged counterfeiter was photographed by Nicholson and then taken to Indianapolis by US Secret Detectives, EG Rathbone and Capt. Charles N. Lee, Deputy US Marshall on Tuesday evening. He was also accompanied by his age father who was greatly distressed by his son’s arrest.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 2 Nov 1900 p 2
John and Tom Nicholson have purchased the famous Kitchell Photograh Gallery of Indianapolis of which John has had charge since leaving here. They will operate both the Indianapolis and Crawfordsville galleries and will do the same high grade of work in each.
Source: CDJ 26 Aug 1891 p 3
Just placed at the foot of the stairway leading up to the gallery of Nicholson & Sons is attracting the eye of every passerby and deservedly so for it is undoubtedly the handsomest collection of pictures ever displayed in Crawfordsville. It is an argument better than words against having cheap work done in the photograph line. The reputation of Nicholson & Sons for fine work rests upon a foundation of years of endeavor to excel. – kbz
NIKOLAI, J.A. & Brother
Source: 1864 Montgomery County, Indiana Map (in the Map of Montgomery County, Indiana Lane & Warner – a reproduction by Unigraphic, 1975.
NIKOLAI, JA & Brother – Photograph Artists under the Topic, Artists)
Source: 1864 Montgomery County, Indiana Map (in the Map of Montgomery County, Indiana Lane & Warner – a reproduction by Unigraphic, 1975.
NIKOLAI, JA & Brother – Photograph Artists under the Topic, Artists)
PERSONALITY PHOTOS-- listed in at least the 1946 city directory (Polk) at 105 1/2 E. Main under the sales manager, John F. Wharton. Need more info on this one.
PHOTO FASHIONS -- listed in the 1961 city directory, I guess I should know about this one as I was a teenager but do not know of it. Have to check it further unless some of you know - e-mail me if you do
So excited, Jerry Stillings sent three pictures AND some information. 1-9-2015 - Thanks, thanks, thanks, Jerry (and yep, love Joe Boswell)
Karen – Below is my write-up about Photo Fashions Studio and Harold Stillings. You can edit it to suit yourself for your page. If you have any questions about the information feel free to get in touch. I’m also attaching three photos I thought you might be interested in. Below the write-up are captions for the pictures. Photo Fashions Studio (I was never sure why that name was chosen for the business, he didn’t do any fashion catalog photography or anything like that) was a portrait studio located in a house (the Storybook House that appears on your web page which is now on Main St.) at 115 N. Water St. (the VFW parking lot is there now) from 1952 or 1953 until the 1970’s. I don’t know the exact time it closed, I’ll explain later why. The studio was started by Harold Stillings, my dad, and Kenny Williams (who was also a Crawfordsville policeman at the time). Williams was a partner for a year or two and then he gave up his share of the business. In 1973 my dad sold the business to Joe Boswell, who was a photographer for the J & C at the time I believe. I didn’t live in Crawfordville by that time so that’s why I’m not sure when Joe closed the studio. He might have had the business until the house/lot was sold to the VFW in the mid-80’s. (I believe Joe is still in Crawfordsville so you can get more info from him on how long he had the business. I know he is still in C’ville taking pictures, at least he was a year ago May when he took my Class of ’63 pictures. Perhaps you know him.) My family (which included my mother, Mildred (Cunningham) Stillings), and me (until my marriage in 1967) as well as my dad lived in the “residential” part of the house until my parents left Crawfordsville when my dad sold the studio. Besides portraits, my dad took many wedding pictures, commercial pictures for businesses. I can remember going with him to Raybestos when it opened; and the night the new telephone office opened on Main Street (I saw the switch thrown to switch from operator placed calls to dial phones), etc., aerial photos of businesses in town, first communion pictures for St. Bernard, and many other things. So that is the information about Photo Fashions. Here’s some information about my dad’s background and career in photography. He grew up in New Hampshire and from what I know from pictures and 8mm movies he got interested in photography early in life. During WWII Harold was a combat photographer with Patton’s Third Army in Europe. He took battlefield pictures and “newsreel” type movies of the combat action. He was also Patton’s personal photographer for a while too, after the fighting ended I believe. He met my mother, she was from Crawfordsville, while stationed at camp Atterbury before going overseas and they were married in 1943. That’s how he came to live in Crawfordsville after the War. For a short period of time before starting Photo Fashions my dad work for a photographer named Hirshburg, I don’t know if it was Morris or not. Hirshburg actually moved his business to Greencastle around 1950 and my dad moved down there and worked for him for a few months. For most of the time my dad ran Photo Fashions he was also a full time staff photographer at Purdue, for 21 years. At Purdue he took all sorts of photos – portraits, group pictures for the Purdue yearbook, pictures of research projects, etc. So I guess I should add here that he was “part-time” at Photo Fashions taking portraits in the studio at night and weekends, weddings and commercial shoots on Saturdays and Sundays (there were a lot of Sunday weddings back then). He would sometimes have three or four weddings in one weekend. He enjoyed doing the weddings the most. My mother took care of the business from 9 – 5 weekdays while my dad was at work at Purdue - making appointments for portrait settings, getting orders ready for pick-up, etc. HS = a picture of Harold from probably the 60’s, taken at Purdue HS with movie camera = Harold with a movie camera like he used in Europe, I don’t know if it was taken in Europe, Camp Atterbury, or where. HS 115 Water = Harold in front of the Storybook house, about 1984 or 1985 when it was still at 115 N. Water. The Photo Fashions Studio neon sign was above where he is standing just under the gutter on the front porch, as you can see it is gone so I assume the studio was closed by then. Or perhaps moved elsewhere by Joe Boswell. I included this one since you mentioned you liked the house on your web page and I thought you’d like to see it at its original location. Of course the front porch in the picture was not moved with the house. Also, note the lean-to addition to the house at the far left of the picture (also not moved), that is where the darkroom was.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 20 Sept 1893 p3
FA Pickeril of Cincinnati has arrived in the city to take charge of Lawson’s Photography Gallery. Mr. Pickerill is an artist of experience and will be welcomed by our citizens.
P.O. GALLERY -- Source: Crawfordsville Star, Feb 13, 1872 -- Large Photos - We had the privilege, a few days since of examining two of the finest largest and most life-like pictures we have ever seen, taken here or elsewhere, by any photographer. They were of the late Wm. C. Vance and Judge Dewey, and were raised from what is known as a card to Cabinet size. Mr. E.C. Hammill, this city, is the artist and PO Gallery is the place to visit if you wish to look upon the photos in question. The appearance of the face of our late friend Vance, as in by-gone days, is truly refreshing - nothing added, nothing taken there from. As natural as life, in perfect health.
RETTINGER's Studio -- In the 1898 Atlas of Montgomery County, in the Advertising Section there was a small ad for Rettinger's Studio and a picture of it - "Distance was no object - and they'd photograph anything, any time, anywhere !" The studio was in Darlington. In the picture below (CDPL) it looks like they have hand printed their name/place on the picture :) It may have been new about 1898 and remained in business until at least through the mid 1920s. From the Darlington Herald 3-9-1917 John Rettinger the photographer announces that the last day for penny pictures will be next Wednesday, March 14. This was a mess with huge white streaks down it -- I tried to make it better - well, it IS better, but still not very good - sad. Wish I knew someone better than me at fixing pictures :( Or, someone in the group - perhaps their grandson or granddaughter has it without big white stripes.

RIDGE PHOTOGRAPHY -- David T. Ridge -- dates back to at least 1870 with this picture, John and Margaret Gilliland Remley (thanks so much to CDPL for this and daughter, Suzie for finding this photopher for me). The
picture gallery" was still going strong in April of 1905 (CDJ 17 April 1905). In 1878 it was on the SW corner of Main & Market. Quite a versatile man, David Thomas Ridge was listed as a tailor; County auditor; owner of a grocery, later a general merchandising company and a paper mill worker. Goodness :) However, he must have gone back & forth into the photography business instead of having a long run at in almost every census he is listed as a tailor, as was a son to have more of his photography, that's for sure.
Note: The advertisement below is from the Feb 2, 1875 p 3 Crawfordsville Star newspaper so this puts a good possible starting date to the Ridge PHotography.

STALLARD, William A. -- lived in the Ladoga area and began his photography career quite young, (age 22) as early as 1870. He lived or at least was taking pictures in Waveland four years later and by the 1880 census, he was in Bourbon County, Kansas farming. He did marry Mary Elizabeth Stratton 26 April 1871 in Montgomery County before going west. It is my guess that there are few pictures taken by Stallard, so the three found at the Crawfordsville District Public Library are probably few of the ones in existence. It would be fun to chase down his six children to see if more are available!

Although I could not find any Stallard photos with his name on them, here is one he took - picture of George Corn and his wife and daughter. Believe it or not, here are two George Corns (both middle initial W) about this time, but I tend to feel from the dress and the child that this is George W. Corn born 20 Feb 1841 died 26 Sept 1917 and wife Hulda Jane Williams, with their daughter Valletta Lillian Corn. Valetta was born 14 April 1869 and looks to be about three, so this would be about 1872 a perfect time for this picture.
STANDARD -- 1895, Thomas J. Buck in Room six of the Joel Block (I believe this is one of the blocks that later burned). Although not positive I believe this is Thomas J. Buck from Clinton County, next door to Montgomery. He became a minister, married to Sarah Reichard here in 1882 and they had at least two children, Maude & Bessie.
STONE -- H.L. Stone listed in the 1905-1906 city directory as having a studio on the corner of Washington & Main. There is one Stone picture at the Crawfordsville District Public Library in their database index but is not on the website as yet. Need to do more research on H.L. Stone
UPP --John Lionel Upp was born in October of 1869 in Greenfield (Highland County) Ohio to William Upp and Margaret Stoneback, the youngest of their four sons. He died the 17th of December in 1959 in his adopted hometown of Rockville, Indiana. Before and after his death, his son, John M. Upp was owner and operator of Upp's Studio in Rockville, Indiana until his own death in 1976, thus it was a long-standing business and although tecnically in the nearby county, he did much business in the area. -. - buried Memory Garden Cemetery, Rockville Parke County, Indiana. He married Rose Elva Davidson and had two sons, John Martin and William Upp. -- thanks muches to JD Gilliland (he's been such a fab help on this page) for the Upp advertisement from the 1915 Waveland yearbook.

VANCLEAVE - S.M. - Samuel M. VanCleave in almost every census he is listed as a salesman, once for umbrellas but in the 1870 census for Montgomery County, he is a "photographer!" - Vancleave married Mary Johnson (15 Dec 1865 in Montgomery County) and they had three children, Minnie, William Mathias and Charles. Sadly, Mary was killed in a buggy accident in 1903 and Samuel went West. Thanks so much to JD Gilliland for the VanCleave advertisement (back of photo) -- this picture is from the CDPL site and seems to be an unknown young man taken by Vancleave

WALL(S) -- Crawfordsville - only found in mid-1920 Polk City Directories -- John W. Wall (wife Alta) photography studio was 116 1/2 E. Main. He is found in the 1900 census in Putnam County with parents Robert & Mary Jane (Perkins); brothers William and Frank and sister Clara. In 1910 he is listed in Indianapolis, Ward 15 as an insurance agent. His first wife was Stella Sutherlin who died March 22, 1908. His second wife was Alta Myrtle Hester Rush whom he married August 30, 1908 both in Putnam County. He passed away at his daughter, Estelle's home in Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana January 22, 1936 and is buried with his second wife in the Russellville Cemetery; however, his first wife is buried there alone. There seem to be no Wall(s) pictures anywhere - if you have one PLEASE send a copy my way :)
WATERS -- Ladoga -- oh, goodness - no idea who the children are (although they might be Wrays, Gillilands or someone pertaining to this family since the picture came from the Gilliland collection). The family is unknown but is taken by Waters. Love to know who they are. What do ya' think of the gal's collar? I can not find ANY Waters, Walters, etc that is listed as a photographer in or near Ladoga - HELP on this one, folks !! Thanks muches to JD for taking interest in this project!

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday July 2, 1898 W.L. Waters, the Ladoga photographer will make regular visits to Waveland every Monday, commencing next Monday July 4. Photographs from 25c dozen up. All work warranted satisfactory. Gallery in Wolfe building.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 4 Dec 1897
W. L. Water's photo gallery is an improvement in Ladoga. It is located in the Centennial block, and is the first and only gallery of the town. It has recently been refurnished and improved in an up to date manner. Mr. Waters has had nine years experience and knows how to make the best Ivoretts and Cabinets. He now carries a full line of scenery.
WATSON, O'Neal -- Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana p 1 -- O'Neal Watson has accepted a $75 per month situation as traaveling artist and agent for a big Savannah lithograph house and accompanied by his wife, will go South to reside after a few days. Neal is a super artist and The Star is glad to know of his success. He has talents that will make him famous and independent if he only gets half a show for his white ally.--OMG -- I just noticed the date is not here but would probably have been in late 1870s early 1880s. See also Bramlett for a short piece on Watson.
WEBSTER, Charles . -- Source: Crawfordsville Star, Oct 21, 1873 – the attention of those desiring life-like likenesses of themselves or friends, is called to the card of Mr. C Webster, in another column. He can be found in the rooms recently occupied by Mr. Stallard --in the November 1873 Crawfordsville Stars, his ads can be found

Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana, Star newspaper Dec 9, 1873 p 3 Photographs, Gems and copying, cheapest at Charley Webster’s.
WELIVER, Frank J. -- Although Frank Weliver is listed as a general laborer in 1910 and a laborer in a cement company in 1920, it is known that he had a photography business at least for one year at 210 1/2 E. Main (1912) and 1914-1915 at 111 1/2 S. Washington via C'ville city directories. In his obituary, Frank Jefferson Weliver is listed as a retired grocer and it makes no mention of his brief photography business.
WILLIAMS STUDIO -- listed in the 1961 city director, it was located at 1114 Danville Avenue but not sure who the "Williams" was - have to research this one more :) Sorry. A photograph of the Alamo Sunday School building project (July 1950) is stamped as taken by K. Williams and H. Stillings of the Williams Studio.

A very exciting Christmas present for me was a note from Dan Jolley (Dec 25, 2012) -- he had this information to add to the Williams Studio question
In addition to being a police officer, Kenneth was also the proprietor of Williams Studio, which coincidentally was the studio which took my senior picture when I graduated from Covington High School in 1967. I have attached the photo I sent you previously as well as several more that include Kenneth’s police ID from 1950 and him in his guise as a photographer. All the photos other than my photo of Kenneth in his police uniform were found on and were submitted by a user named kenbobwill (maybe Kenneth Robert Williams?). THANKS SO MUCH DAN J :)
WILLIS, Abner Denman and his son, Nathaniel Parker -- A Montgomery County native, Abner Willis was born near Alamo on the 14th day of January in 1834. He was the son of Benjamin and Susannah Butts Willis. Starting out as a farmer, Abner went on to become a tinner and then a teacher before finally settling on photography. His first operation was a travelling photograph gallery which he operated but two years, then in 1866 came to Crawfordsville where he had his gallery until 1878. He then moved to Harrisonville, Missouri for three years (and remained with ties thereon) for just three years, returing to Crawfordsville again in late 1869 and having his gallery open until his death in December of 1898. He was an active Democrat, Christian, Mason and reader. He and wife Ellen are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery. His son, Nathaniel Parker Willis was a brilliant man, graduating #1 in his class from Crawfordsville in 1890 and receiving the scholarship to Wabash College; however, he passed it up to enter into an apprenticeship in printing. A couple of years later, he became a mail carrier but did not remain with that long either. In 1892, his father was aging and thus Nathaniel "Parker" and his brother Lou helped their mother. -- Suzy Albert also sent a picture that has "Ella Willis" on it and I believe this is Francis Ella Comegys Willis, wife of A.D. Willis who helped him and did some photographic work herself - thanks again, Suzy - the picture marked with Ella Willis is N. Ben and Lizzie Thompson Himes, Suzy's great grandparents and is about 1885-1889) ran the Willis Photography business. He was adept at displaying his work in exhibits (Indiana; Wisconsin; Illinois...), often taking home the best prize. His bad luck in relationships followed him, however as his first wife died shortly after their marriage, and his second wife jilted him. He discovered a liquor cure and wandered for awhile promoting it. He and second wife, Hattie Bell, divorced and she took their daughter, Mary Frances to Arkansas. Following to Little Rock so he could see his daughter, he secured a court date. While in the courtroom, Hattie's second husband, W.Y. Ellis shot and killed Parker Willis. At the trial, compassionate letters to his darling daughter were read and nary a person was without tears. Nathaniel Parker Willis' life was sad but his work lives on! It is obvious according to pic below that at one time the firm was Willis & McQuown but I have yet to find out about that. There are McQuowns in the area at the time but no particular person is known to have been involved in that business. Sometime after 1900, the business was renamed Willis Studio (see pic below). This photo is of Sarah Remley, taken in 1906. I adore this pic. The picture of the young man with his hand on the staircase is John W. Gilliland born 11 August 1871 (thanks to his descendant JD for this one :). JD also sent the nifty AD Willis back of a photo with the photographer taking the picture up on the cliff - I love that one! Thanks again JD!! The Willis family seems to have had the most names for basically the same business. The newest (see below) sent from the Whalen family is Willis Gallery!
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 6 March 1873 p 1 - AD Willis, the photographer, has discovered a new process by which he is enabled to take pictures without the aid of the sun, and in night time by the use of lamp or candle ligh. The specimens he exhibits are good!
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star, Jan 4, 1876 p 1 A.D. Willis, photographer of this city, assisted by two artists sat and made pictures for over 1,000 different persons during the holidays.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 29, 1883 p 8 - AD Willis is fitting up an excellent photograph gallery over the post office. - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News, July 12, 1890 p 6 ---- Parker Willis has added some new apparatus for picture making to his all ready well equipped gallery and is turning out some very fine photographs.
This just found :) Source: CWJ 11 Aug 1899 p 1 c5 Cabinet photos, $1 per dozen at the Willis gallery. -- also in same newspaper "Bring the babies and get a dozen waterproof never fading cabinet pictures for $1 at the Willis gallery.
Oh, goodness - here's an addendum to the above "Cheap Photos"== Source: Sunday Star 14 Aug 1899 p 4 After the Willis gallery is in the hands of the sheriff for making fine photographs so cheap, you will regret it if you did not take advantage of the awful low prices.
Source: Waynetown Despatch 16 Nov 1896 p1 -- Lew Willis, representing the Willis Photograph Gallery of Crawfordsville, was here Monday and Tuesday taking orders for pictures of all kinds. Mrs. Willis had made pictures for people of this county for 20 years. Her gallery is on Main Street South of the court house and she would be please to have you call and see her work. (note I believe this is Louise Runyan Willis, but perhaps someone else)
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Sunday Star newspaper, Nov 21, 1903
Our platinum work is made right. We are finishing this work in our Indianapolis Studio which is acknowledged as producing the finest work in the country. This gives you the advantage of getting the best produced right at home. It’s always THE WILLIS GALLERY in Crawfordsville that is advancing We have forgotten how to be out-of-date and wouldn’t know how to make an out of date photograph. Keeping up with the times is our aim. We started that way and will keep it up. While this work will cost more than that furnished by others, it’s worth more. Ask our competitor about how our platinum work stands as compared with other reputable studios in America. He’s honest. He will acknowledge that ours is the best produced, following it by flimsy excuses why he does not make the same kind. He simply don’t know how and either acknowledged our superiority or “knocks” which is the same thing differently stated. We are proud of our progress. Why shouldn’t we be? Especially are we proud to be able to furnish the kind of work in Crawfordsville to our customers. Our city has the reputation, and rightly, of appreciating the best. A special invitation to those wanting this work is in extended to call and see it. Yours are the best … Make Sunday engagements by home phone 703 WILLIS GALLERY – Main Street, opposite Court House, Crawfordsville ** Source:
WILTON - McQuown -- see McQuown - Wilton

OBVIOUSLY THIS AF WISE Is the same as the AH below - same wife
Source: Crawfordsville Review 7 Jan 1871 p1
AF Wise has removed his Picture Gallery to his new rooms over the Post Office, where with the best lights in the city, he is prepared to make all kinds of pictures in the best style. By giving his personal attention to all work, he hopes to give satisfaction to all who may call on him for work.
AF Wise has removed his Picture Gallery to his new rooms over the Post Office, where with the best lights in the city, he is prepared to make all kinds of pictures in the best style. By giving his personal attention to all work, he hopes to give satisfaction to all who may call on him for work.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 4 March
1871 p 4
Resolutions of
Condolence: Rooms of the YMCW, Crawfordsville Feb 28, 1872
Whereas in the providence of God our brother, AF Wise has been removed by the hand of death from our midst; be it resolved: 1. That we have lost a faithful laborer and an earnest and devoted Christian brother. 2. That the church sustains a great loss, the community of a good citizen and the family a kind and affectionate husband and father. 3. That in the midst of this affliction the family and friends have the consolation that our departed brother gave the decided evidence of his trust in the Saviour and his preparation for Heaven and we mourn not as those who have no hope. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished for the city papers and also the family and relatives of the decease. MW Moore; C. Pelton; OM Gregg, Committee
Whereas in the providence of God our brother, AF Wise has been removed by the hand of death from our midst; be it resolved: 1. That we have lost a faithful laborer and an earnest and devoted Christian brother. 2. That the church sustains a great loss, the community of a good citizen and the family a kind and affectionate husband and father. 3. That in the midst of this affliction the family and friends have the consolation that our departed brother gave the decided evidence of his trust in the Saviour and his preparation for Heaven and we mourn not as those who have no hope. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished for the city papers and also the family and relatives of the decease. MW Moore; C. Pelton; OM Gregg, Committee
Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Dec 1868 p8
MARRIED - Wise-Lansbury - On the 7th inst, by Rev. Mr.
Johnson, A.F. Wise and Mrs. Lida J. Lansbury all of this city. The Journal
folks tender the happy pair whose marriage is recorded above, their heartiest
congratulations, with the hope that they may enjoy an abundance of the
blessings of this life and grow Wise-r as the days comes and go.
WISE, A.H. -- A.H. Wise had quite a thriving business in 1870. He was a newlywed (married December 7, 1868 to Lida Landsberry) with a small son. The problem is I can not find out what happened to him, nor his first name and nothing about his business, either. It is interesting the color in this time frame, however. Nifty. There are some pictures also with F. Wise's Fine Arts Studio and A.H. Wise Photography and Fine Art Gallery. Also A.F. Photo Fashion Studio, 115 N. Water, Crawfordsville. At this time, I believe they are all one in the same because of the time frame, plus there seems to be no other family by the name of Wise in the area then, but it could pan out to be more than one business. Have also included one of my all-time fav Montgomery County folks by Wise's Photographer -- Caleb Mills! Thanks so much to Suzy A for cleaning up this nasty pic - he's quite handsome NOW :) Stay tuned for any additions :) AHHHHH what happened to Caleb?
A note from Sue Buchanan on 9-16-2013 got me started on this fella' again. She sent two new photos taken by him and says she has a photo album with other pics he had taken that probably belonged to a Buchanan family in the area. She discovered that he passed away in 1871 and is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery under A.F. Wise -- THANKS SUE !
Source: 1864 Montgomery County, Indiana Map (in the Map of Montgomery County, Indiana Lane & Warner – a reproduction by Unigraphic, 1975.
WISE, F.E. – Photographer (under the Topic, Artists)