Darlington Album
Darlington Photo Album

This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest
We know there are more historical Darlington Photos, please help this page grow Your sharing will help future generations know the history of Darlington. Please contact the Webmaster! If needed we can scan your old photos and return in a safe manner.
Thanks so very much to Bill Boone for his great help in making these town albums available -- now, if we can just get others to join in and send more great photos to add - thanks BB :) Please visit Bill's blog spot for DHS - Darlington Indians, as well. Some photos linked to the "people" index of this site - Clouser photos from Mary Jo Barton :) Thanks Bill & Mary Jo !!
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Academy - see Darlington Academy
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Baptist, Primative - Sugar Creek See~Sugar Creek Primative Baptist
Basketball Team - 1924 -- Top: Coach Ed Miller; Unknown; Gayle Irvin; Frank Peacock; Charles Kounen; Principal Leslie Gordon. 2nd Row: Unknown; Lewis Francis; Fritz Miller; Lock Hankins; Fred Peacock. Front: Carl Long; Bob Vannice; Bill Hankins - photo from the Drlington public Library Darlington Herald Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2015 by Butch Dale
Beck House - I believe (anyone know for sure) this served as both a home, a business and for one of the service organizations and at the time of the picture, perhaps apartments upstairs ?
Biddle, Jack & his Shetland ponies going down main street of Darlington
Bundy Store -- see Bowers photo album
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Darlington Academy, 1885 with students
Darlington Band -- this may/may not be the ones from this short article from the Crawfordsville Weekly Review March 13, 1908 p 2 -- The Darlington band has reorganized and by May 1 hopes to be making the vales of Sugar Creek echo and re-echo with its sweet refrains. Its membership is practically the same as it was last year. Officers include: Newton Boots, president; B.O. Flora, sec; Earl Woody, treasurer and Charles Marshall, director.
Darlington Covered Bridge -- see Covered Bridge
Darlington HS, 1895 (love that bell tower) 

DHS, Class of 1946 (bobbysocks and saddle oxfords - students named)
Darlington National Guard - 1938 - thanks to Butch Dale's Darlington Library newsletter - Spring 2013
DHS, Winter View
Darlington - 1914 - wells drilled -- see below Wells - Darlington
Darlington Museum Page (Butch Dale is great)
Darlington Petroleum Company - see below Wells - Darlington

Darlington Town Board 1936 A photo of the "Town Board and employees". Source: The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana) - 23 August 1936, Sunday - page 41
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Library - Darlington Carnegie Library dedicated on Dec. 29, 1915. Building was designed by Darlington native Hubert Peterson. Thanks muches to Jerry T for the information on the history of the library. 2013 there is a nice addition where the main activities go on but the older part is used as a local history repository.
St. James Lutheran Church -- This is a picture of St. James Lutheran taken around 1962. The church was located three miles east of Darlington. It was razed around 1966. A commemorative marker and cemetery are still there. I lived across the road from 1961 until I went off to college in 1968. Regards, Ron Schoen - thanks so very, very much, Ron -- this is awesome.

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(22 August 2022)
Main Street, 1910 See East Main Street, 1910 above
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Potato Creek Methodist Episcopal Church - 1931 Sunday School.
As of 19 August 2022, information from Chuck Anderson names his Grandfather, Ray Anderson and his wife Bessie, along with his father, Bob Anderson in photo. (from Crawfordsville and Montgomery Co History FB page)
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Reed, Ed (driving hearse) See HEARSE above
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Sugar Creek - Primitive Baptist -- assume in or near Darlington -- organized in 1823, one of oldest in Montgomery County. From CDPL archives
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Toll Gate - built in 1867 and used for about 10 years - moved to Darlington from 3 miles away - given to the town in 1982 by the Butler family
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Watermill - 2 Views and 1 is touched up (3 photos all together)- - both are thanks to the Crawfordsville District Public Library (CDPL)
Wells - Darlington Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday November 7, 1914 Darlington Ind Nov 7 - Everything is now in readiness for the drillers and tool dressers who will arrive tomorrow morning from Van Buren, Ind to begin work on the sinking of test well No 2 for the Darlington Petroleum Company. The new well is on the WC Miller farm 1/2 mile east of town. The drill will be started Sunday at midnight. The company is becoming better acquainted with the work it has before it and the exact task is now pretty thoroughly understood. The experience with the first well has been valuable to those engaged in the work and much progress is expected. The new site is looked upon as an exceptionally good one by the members of the company and a favorable result for the drilling is looked for.
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