GROUP PHOTOS -- INDEX - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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thanks Martha Harms so much for this and other cool Dickerson pics :)

IF you have any group photos, PLEASE send 'em our way :) Karen Z

-- A --
Alamo Home Demonstration Club   25 Year Commemorative Pamphlet, 3 images  Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

-- B --

Baseball game - about 1930 or so -- likely in the Crawfordsville area - was in the Dickerson family photos (thanks so much to Martha Harms for sending it our way. Just wish we knew more about it :)

Baseball team sponsored by Kenney Doyel, circa early 1950's - thanks to Debra Northcubb -  Crawfordsville and Montgomery County History FB Page

Blanton, Dan - Dapper Dan Singing group made up of his family -- have been singing together for about 10 years in 2018 - haven't heard 'em yet but heard they are VERY good :) Thanks to Naomi Wertz for the great picture

Boy Scout Troop 325 -thanks so very much to Teddy Alfrey who has some of the coolest pictures in C'ville :) Some in the group are: Laurel Gerald (Mr. G), Bill Hobbs, Larry Gerald, Don Hoffa, Scott Yano, Dave Vancleave, Robert Vancleave, Tom Bell, Randy King, Teddy Alfrey, Bob- Vancleave, Chester Clemins, Terry Alfrey, and others. If anyone could actually name who is who I'd love it :))

Browns Valley Band (circa 1890) - thanks to JD & Charlie for this neat pic -- this is the same band/year but a picture vs. a newspaper article, not as good a picture, though, i don't think :)

-- C --

Corn Husking Champions - 1931  Thanks to Bill Boone for sending this article in.  From Crawfordsville Journal-Review, photo copied by Joe Boswell

Crawfordsville City Council - about 1932 (ANYONE know any of these people -- on the board the names are: Barker; Claypool; Hutchinson; Meister; McIntire and Price - of course there are more than twice that many people at that table - I'm assuming the one in the middle is the judge ?? ) Love to have this picture identified :) thanks - kz -- thanks so much to Mary Jo M who thinks her great grandfather may be the 3rd one over

Crawfordsville Softball Champions 1935  (Names are included)  We came across this in the Crawfordsville Athenian Yearbook Collection of Marilyn Appleby Hood donated by Curt Jackson.

C'ville Fathers - about 1945 -- thanks sooo very much to Larry Barragree for giving permission to use this one :) LOVE IT -- here is what Larry says about the picture and hopefully we can find out more of the folks -after all, it wasn't so long ago :) --- I don't recognize anyone except Marion Kirtley, back row in uniform. He was a Major, and this must have been sometime during WW2 as he obviously is in uniform. Roger Gardner said his maternal grandfather is the front row extreme left, name was Bob Sumner. From Larry: "The photo was captioned Clark Jones, Mayor. I just might take this to my neighbor Bob Rogers who is a retired banker, Elston Bank. Bob graduated CHS in 1947 so he may recognize many of them." They were obviously the "city fathers" of that era. The picture was taken in the front of the old Crawford Hotel on the northeast corner of East Main and North Green. Not many of these people are known but Dr. Marion Kirtley (back row, 4th from right in service cap); beside him (right side) is Dr. Castor Wilson; Judge Howard Sommer 2nd on right front row; John Berry 3rd front row left. Jack's grandfather, Felix Willis is 5th on the left 2nd row. Jones (front far right by Hirshburg photo kneeling in light coat); and above Bob Sumner. Dave Gerard 2nd row with hat in his hand; Dr. Byron Lingeman 3rd on right 2nd row. Sad that these are "our fathers," of Crawfordsville and so few known. . Jack Wyatt says this is the Kiwanis Club in front of the (East Green side) Crawford Hotel. Thanks to Jack Wyatt,for recognizing several. Greatly appreciated!! -

Note: Clark Jones was mayor of Crawfordsville from 1948-1952 - I do not believe that Dr. Kirtley was in a reserve unit so I'm thinking 1944-1945 (possibly when Dr. Kirtley -- fourth from right back row with service cap on - came home for a visit for the election of 1944 or as he returned after warin 1945) and they were working on a committee to elect Clark Jones. Jones was at that time, I believe, Clerk-Treasurer of the city so a step into the Mayorial position would be perfect in the 1944 election which is what I really think this is. Jones is on the far right facing the picture front row. Believe his brother Frank is by door in the back. PLEASE HELP US IDENTIFY THE PICTURE & THE FOLKS:) THANKS - kbz --

-- D --

Darlington National Guard Officers 1938 (thanks to Butch Dale and his amazing Darlington Library newsletter

Darlington Red Cross Volunteers During WW I 1917   Cool picture - Darlington HS FB page (via Darlington Library Newsletter by Butch Dale)

-- E --

-- F --

-- G --

Girls' Basketball - super site of Bill Boone's

-- H --

-- I --

IOOF - Crawfordsville, perhaps -- George Dickerson, Jr. 2nd man on right - thanks Martha Harms so much for this and other cool Dickerson pics :)

-- J --

Jaycee's Soap Box Derby -- this was on Grant Avenue (north of the cemetery) and held every year for several decades - thanks so very much to Colin Thompson for this great photo

-- K --

-- L --

Ladoga Girl Scouts   Oma Sewell named the group - picture thanks to Bill Boone

Ladoga, WWI vets 1919 reunion (awesome - thaks so much Bill B :) - anyone help identify ??

-- M --

Mace Baseball Team  about 1900-1905. I LOVE THIS !!
Thanks sooo very much to Joyce Bever

Mail Carriers, 1917 (left to right: James Hamilton; Stanley Jones; William Daggett; Charles Mote; Frank Clements; Albert Yount; Ollie C. Watson; Myrtle Skimore (substitute for John Skidmore); K. William and the last one on right is unknown. What a super nifty picture - my dad was a mail carrier from 1948-1980 something at Waveland and his circumstances were hard enough but imagine taking mail in a foot of snow with the horses - YIKES. kbz - thanks soooooo very much to Mike Long for this one :)

Methodist Church Basketball Team - about 1923  --  thanks muches, Dan  -- (L-R): Ross Belford Jolley; Glenn Robertson; Ernie Warren Manage;r Mr. Bowers with Trophy (possibly W. A. Bowers ?) Guy McDaniels; Clayton Eylers; (Charles ?) Ingersoll

Montgomery Magazine Staff circa 1980   with names  Thanks so much to Richard Bowerman

-- N --

New Market Fire Dept. - thanks Saylers & Rices :)
Names for New Market Fire Dept:
Kneeling front row, L- R: Danny Rice, Jack Eskew, Jim Keller, Dave Myers, Don Miles,Eugene Layne, John Etter, Charles Larew. Standing
2ND row, L-R: Meredith Busenbark, Casey Powers, Robert Sayler, Gresham Willett, Bob Frame, Jim Sandusky, unknown
3rd Row, L-R: Unknown, Chief Creed Hampton, Harold "Red" Lewellen, Art Rice
On Truck, L-R: Ralph Sayler, Charles Sayler, unknown.
1952ish ?

New Ross Town Band  (Names on Photo) - thanks to Bill Boone

-- O --

-- Q --

-- S --

School Bus Group - 1937 (thanks Dan Jolley)

Shooters Group -- this is likely at the Waveland Conservation Club either the one we knew in the early 50s or another. Probably a very early Skeet shoot. NOTE the dog holding "the purse," literally - the puse had the winning $ in it. This is from JD Gilliland and might possibly be one of the more fun pics on this site.

-- T --

TRI-KAPPA FOLLIES  --  1956 Show  - fun :) Wish I'd have seen this !!

-- U --

Unknowns - please help identify - some individuals, some groups

40 or so unknowns sent April 2015 by Rick Patton in a nifty photo album which I'm giving to the Crawfordsville Public Library

-- V --

-- W --

Waveland Band - early to late 1930s -- This picture was taken on the occasion of a Farm Bureau Picnic.
Members shown are, front row left to right. Donald Douglas, Myron Banta, Wilmer Sharpe, Jack Hester, Bill Shubert, Lowell Spencer,
second row; John Machledt, Ralph Weltchel, Paul Emmert, Imogene Canine (Moody), Betty Lou Fullenwider (Banner), Margaret Specer (Lee), Elizabeth Ginn, Dick Milligan, Bob Fullenwider,
thrid row; Ben Canine, Sam Armstrong, Sam Priebe, J.D. Blacker, Joe Burrin, Mr. Summer, Director; J.M. Milligan, John Milligan, Bob Bonwell, Roy Mitchell, Bill Williams, Photo by T.S. Banta
-- Front row L-R (facing picture): Donald Douglas, Myron Banta, Wilmer Sharpe, Harold "Jack" Hester, Willis Sheets, Lowell Spencer
2nd row: John Machledt, Ralph Whilchel? (not sure on this one),Paul Emmert, Imogene Canine, Bettie Lou Fullenwider Banner (my dad's sister), Margeret Spencer, Elizabeth G??????, Rol Milligan, Robert Fullenwider.
3rd row: Ben Canine, ? Armstrong, Sam Priebe, J.D. Blacker, Joe Burrin, Fern Sumner, Director, Milford Milligan, Robert Bonwell, Roy Mitchell, Wm Williams -- this is a tad different so wanted to put both in - might even be a different picture described within a year or so and playing somewhere else - this list from Dave Fullenwider :) Thanks DF

Waveland Brownies November, 1961 (thanks to Peggy Stewart and Kathy Weaver, two of our cute little Brownies - I loved Scouts - hope these girls did too - kz)

Waveland Champion Spellers - 1st Row, left to right, facing pic - me, Karen Bazzani, Don Brewer, Shirley Crooks, Rita Allen, Joanie Patton, Tresha Cox.
Back: Mary Harvey; ? Overpeck; Helen Jean Patton; Norma Mitchell; Don Evans; and Doris Grimes - love to have ? Harvey's and Mrs. Overpeck's first name, as well

WILLIE WIATT FAMILY SINGERS -- love this -- Wanted to share this awesome picture (thanks Darrell Wiatt). This family played at various happenings (funerals, reunions, church) for several years. This picture was taken in the summer of 1937 at their Uncle John's 50th wedding anniversary. Name: Willie Wiatt (their father was William F) Family Singers. Pictured from left to right (facing photo) is Wanetta, Isaac, Leo & Dave and their mother, Mabel Rice Wiatt. Wanetta, Isaac, Leo & Dave all attended Waveland School with Wanetta graduating in1928 and Isaac in 1934. In addition, Isaac was the SS choir director for over 30 years at Freedom Baptist church. (he is Larry; Glenn; and Darrell's dad). LOVE to see other musical groups from our very talented area singers/dancers/instrumentalists :) Thanks Darrell !
News Flash! Another photo of the "Willie Wiatt Family Singers", supplied by Sue Purschwitz, THANKS Sue

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