Young's Chapel Church

Young's Chapel Church
An interesting article but sad
Source: Crawfordsville Star 24 May 1883 p 6
“A Victim of Young’s Chapel” – In defense of my Christian character I am compelled to take this unpleasant course. I have been a member of what is called the Christian Church for over 40 years and was turned out without known what for as no one preferred a charge against me. I think I have been at least an average member. I stayed away from the church at least 12 months on account of unkind treatment. They had a revival and Elder Hutton and Preacher Petrey came and prevailed on me to return and I should be treated right and that my staying away was a great embarrassment. I went and in a few minutes after the revivalist came forward and said I had not been treated badly, Peircy turned traitor and jumped up rushed up to me and pushed his book within a few inches of my face and began singing. I stopped talking and he began and his words and actions were more like a ___ ___ than that of a preacher of the gospel, and being over anxious to have peace I concluded to stay but no peace came. To be continued … I H Patton