
Center Presbyterian Church -- now the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church this church was organized June 20, 1824 by Isaac Reed, a Prebyterian missionary. Along with Reed as minister, congregationists were Williamson and Miriam Dunn; Hugh and Mary Linn; James Miler; John Cowan and Drusilla Kerr. James Thomson became the first official minister. Dunn donated a lot on the northeast corner of Pike & Water Streets which was the sight of the first building. In 1838, a split created two churches, the First Presbyterian Church and the Center Presbyterian Church, located on the NW corner of Pike & Washington Streets. Center Church was closely related with Wabash College, several of the ministers also serving as president of Wabash. In late April, 1921, the two congreagations reemerged and the church is now known as Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Below a 2013 pic by Angie Todd - thanks Angie! --

Below in an earlier view!