Waveland Album
This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches, and Places of Interest
Many of the photos/clippings are compliments of Mike & Sharon McClure Cook - Mike received them from various people in the area. Thanks to Mike Hopkins for one of my favs, the Deer's Mill one with the general store (grocery) showing. J.D. (David) Gilliland has been a great help in providing some unique ones (the Chautauqua, Shades ...). My great brother, Larry B sent me several. Ron Keedy is a recent contributor, as well. Others came from Marianne Burrin Marcussen - see her grandad below --- and Kathy Weaver Dominguez sent me several --thanks EVERYONE so much for sharing them :)
--KBZ --
Note: it looks like some of these are from books but I don't know where/when ?? Sorry

ABOVE PICTURE - 1920 businessmen of Waveland -
thanks so much to Jay D G :) Left to right: Frank Carrington; John Gilliland; Harry Moody; Sant Moody; Sam Grimes; Earl Gilliland; Frank Howard; Sherm ? ; George Davis; Paul Moody (on back of picture it said to Lou (Gilliland) from Winnie (love to know who she is). See below their lady's pic - LOVE IT !!!
Aerial View, 1972 (thanks to Kathy Weaver for this one, too) Note: this one came out looking awful but the scan I have before putting up to the net isn't too bad - if someone is really interested, let me know and I can send it to you - the old newspaper scans are very hard to get to lookin' good :(
Aikman, John -- see Chicago & Western RR (sorry no Photo)
Bank - robbery investigation
Bank - about 1917 (with Charles & Ted Johnson and Helen Shanks) - thanks to JD Gilliland for this one!

Baptist Church The church originally stood about 102 East Main Street. It was built in 1886, closed down in 1923. It was torn down shortly after closing. Ben Cannine helped moved the bell to Freedom Church. Some of the lumber was used to re-build Newt Fullenwider's house which had previously burnt down. Thanks Dave
Baptist Church Sunday School circa 1962 A Sunday School class at the Waveland Baptist Church (uptown where the Sisters Flower Shop and earlier the Hotel and a restaurant for several years) - circa 1962-63 - Thanks to Dave Fullenwider who is the smiley face on the front row - he's a hoot. Great kid ! Also, pictured (thanks Dave) - Gloria Lane back row and Thelma Smith (who owned the Smith Cabins near Shades) 2nd Row: Don Eatkin; Gary Eakin; Leland Miles; Don Barker; Ruth Grimes. Row 1: Deborah Grimes (daughters of Minister, Bill Grimes); Terry France; Dave; Shirley Miles.
Baptist Church (Different from the one above)-- this church was built as a Presbyterian, used as a Methodist and also a Baptist. Different view -- you might see this church below as one of the others.
Baseball 1908 team (identified) -- most towns in that time frame and up until about 1930 had baseball teams - usually young men out of high school (as are most of these) who had enjoyed playing together if there was a HS team and carried on for 2-5 years until marriage or service or jobs changed their ways ! Probably the best of the pictures -- This group is: front row: Albert Huston; Ben Canine, Chester Crooks, Guy Spruhan; Herb Lough - Back: Badger McCall; Moore Moore; Raymond Hanna; Murray Thomas; Herbert Vancleave and Frank Burrin -- as an intersting note, Guy Spruhan went on to coach the 3 major sports at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington VA, coached in Salem HS and Salem College, volunteered in WWI as an Engineer.
Baseball - Alamo & Waveland -- about 1920 - anyone know from the cars?? Note: The pic said football, but pretty sure it is baseball !!
Baseball - County co-champs - 1963 - thanks to Bill Boone (my bros are in there)
Basketball County Champs - 1955 - GO HORNETS :)
Bluff Mills -- this was an area past the turn-off to the Shades State Park -- it is basically the higher region of Deers' Mill area -- here are some articles pertaining to it - thanks mostly to Jerry Turner - he's great sending me things of all of Montgomery County
Burrin Drugstore - with Frank Burrin & Jim Robertson -- (like Sharpie's who had SPECIAL treats, the kids went to get Green Rivers at Burrins' - yum - also made a great deal of runs there to get my grandad's horehound candy -yuk) - thanks, kbz --
2nd pic -- the center stand has hundreds of awesome post cards (see order below) that Frank ordered of the town/Shades state park - thanks to his wonderful granddaughter, Marianne M, I was lucky to get most of them - you rock, MM :) -- Burrin's Order for Waveland area Post Cards (nifty)
picture 3 - Ray T. Sharp, who later owned his own drugstore right across the street. (father of Wilmer Theodore Sharp - see next column - so, as the picture shows, the Burrins & Sharps were together at some point, but in the 1960s Burrin & Sharp both had drug stores)

Burrin Drugstore - 10% off coupon (this is nifty) - thanks muches to Bill M for this one :)
Burrin ? - Lady in car - sure LOVE to know who she is
Busenbarks - thanks muches Scott - neat picture -- Scott's dad, Paul is the boy surrounded by Flora Payton Busenbark; Emma Risk Payton (in chair) and Nellie Poole Busenbark
Business Men - fish galore ! - this was taken in 1898 and from left to right (thanks Sharon for the names - JD for the photo) -- Fred Stubbins; Chalores Johnson; George Dillman; Bill Harshbarger; Dr. Kent Straughan; Garrie Dillman, age four at one of the cottages at Pleasant View, west of the current Shades State Park
Business Men - about 1920 - thanks so much to Jay D G :) Left to right: Frank Carrington; John Gilliland; Harry Moody; Sant Moody; Sam Grimes; Earl Gilliland; Frank Howard; Sherm ? ; George Davis; Paul Moody (on back of picture it said to Lou (Gilliland) from Winnie (love to know who she is).
Business Women - wives, sisters, etc of the men above -- The pic is inscribed…to Lou from Winnie….guessing this is Winnie Clements (Mrs. George) Davis Far left..my aunt Grace Gilliland Front row in black with glasses about 3rd from right…Winnie Clements Davis (Mrs. George) Just behind her on the..3rd-ish row also with glasses is my grandmother Louisa Gilliland Behind Winnie’s right shoulder on 2nd row is Uncle Sant’s (Sanford’s) wife… (2nd) Catherine Wilhite Moody A photo of her much later with Sant is below for confirmation.. As always and in all things..wish i knew more… Thanks for your work, which is repeatedly remarked on by my cousins and myself. --jdg
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Camp - Shades (I believe this is 1938) -- Fred Bazzani, First Aid Attendant -- Group of CCC men and their names (sorry, the pic didn't come out too great but much better than nothing :) My dad, Fred Bazzani - is in the back row -- first one in white -- John Reynolds, local Waveland man -- Floyd Walden, local man -- three photos above came from this page in the CCC book -- sure glad my daddy kept this book, and my hubby scanned it :) Thanks you two !!
Canine Grocery, Waveland - ad
Carrington, Frank - 1920 businessmen of Waveland -- Left to right: Frank Carrington; John Gilliland; Harry Moody; Sant Moody; Sam Grimes; Earl Gilliland; Frank Howard; Sherm ? ; George Davis; Paul Moody (on back of picture it said to Lou (Gilliland) from Winnie (love to know who she is). See below their lady's pic - LOVE IT !!! thanks JD Gilliland - he is awesome sending us goodies :)
Chautauqua - Introduction Page - July 17-August 1, 1909 -- Shades State Park -- this is the Chautauqua at the Shades State Park - there was one in Waveland proper at one time, also a few years later. A Chautauqua was a big affair with people coming for miles around to hear speakers; see performers and camraderie with friends. So lucky to get a copy of this thanks to Englander (who grew-up in Waveland and whose father was Superintendent of Shades in the 1950s) Jay "David" Gilliland - thanks sooooo very much :)
Chautauqua --This page tells about what there is at the Shades
Chautauqua -- Daily Programs -- July 17 - August 1
Chautauqua -- Police Protection information; charges for meals ...
Chautauqua -- Program & Speakers -- WJ Bryan; Kigo Inui; Rev. Dunston
Chautauqua -- Joseph Griffis, Indiana Tahan; L.B. Wickersham, Reverand; Edward Amherst Ott, Lecturer/author
Chautauqua -- H.V. Adams, Lecturer; Florence Maybrick, killer ... or not ?
Chautauqua -- Musicians -- Doubt Brothers & Sisters; Mason's Jubilee Singers; Chicago Ladies' Orchestra
Chatauqua - Reader, Mrs. Osceolo Pooler; Entertainers - Edwin Brush, Magician and rogers & Grilley (Harp & Humor) -- sorry, this one in the process of being made into a jpg vs a png lost a part of the bottom :( SORRY
Chautauqua -- Pit Parker, Cartoonist; Noah Beilharz, Monolist & Funmaker; Brenton Company, travelogues; Ash Davis, Cartoonist - note: I had trouble loading only this one - you might have to refresh to get it to completely load :) Sorry
Chautauqua -- Hon. Arthur Peck; Dr. Ernest Hofsten; General Information (camping, etc)
Christian Church - Waveland - Waveland's Christian Church with Rodney Coffman as minister dates back to November 1867 when two churches (Bank Springs and Antioch) were combined. Some of the materials from the Antioch church were used to build the one seen today at a cost of $5,000. The formal dedication however did not occur until December of 1890. The church has Sunday school rooms, a nice kitchen, a church library and much more to offer. I noticed the other day when I drove through town it has a nice metal roof. Another view having additions with different entrance -- an earlier view than previous -- list of charter members still living in 1907
Point of Interest - Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 9 Jan 1873 p 3
Waveland -- The friends of the Christian Church had a large tree on New Year’s eve, loaded down with such things as sacks of flour, meat, sausage, sugar, coffee, tea, lard, chickens (alive and dressed), canned fruit, potatoes, greenbacks, shoes, dresses, etc. all for the benefit of the poor widows and orphans of the village and vicinity. There was a sack of flour for every widow in town. How pleasant it would be if such trees would bring forth fruit more frequently. In our joy and mirth we forget the poor and bestow most of our gifts to our friends. Mr. Morris, pastor of the Christian Church, deserves much praise for taking the lead in this noble enterprise.
Dave Fullenwider took this picture of "an old printing plate (part of a set) of the Christian Church building. Don’t know how old but one of them is made of copper and it shows a reverse image." THANKS MUCHES DAVE
Chicago & Western Indiana/ Chicago Eastern Illinois RR -- Enginer, John Aikman; Fireman Cyrus Dillon Bailey. Bailey became an Engineer after and served the RR for many years - Summer of 1907 (Sorry no photo)
Top Row: Russell Sharp, Henry Loudermill, Tip Lough, Wint Goslin, Hezekiah Zachary, Emery Cuppy.
Seated: Hiram Pratt, Pony Moody, Arch Scott, M.O. Sullivan, Dick Rusk. Picture taken in front of Fisher Building
Clore, Doren - see Kritz, Frank
Cross Street - South of Green in 1900s Thanks to Nancy Kelsey Powers for this updated photo from a postcard.
Cross Street, Colored looking south from Green Street
Davis, George -- see 1920 Businessmen of Waveland
Deere Dink (this name is what the picture was tagged --anyone know what this is -- former Wavelandite, JD Gilliland and I think this is what may have become Charlie Moore's store and if so, then this is more a general store vs. a restaurant as I had thought ! Thanks JD) JD noted that the thread box and stools are where he remembered them so agreed, this is the prelim to Moore's store which was below the Masonic Lodge (still there)
Deer's Mill the Mill
Deer's Mill - see some good history from an autobiography "From Then to Now" of Fay Welch under Shades - history
Deer's Mill - old home across Sugar Creek from the Haskett's home - 1/2 mile up the creek from the bridge - there was no road or path to it - thanks for this nifty photo, Kat D! Note from J.D. Gilliland "I don't know the Haskett house, but think it might be the one where Gary Dillman once lived, to the upriver end of the valley where 234 turns north again. Bunk Haskett…can't remember who he was, but something dim makes me think he worked at the Shades when we lived there."
Deer's Mill Bridge - thanks so much to Jeanna A, a new buddy on Old School Waveland facebook page :)
Deer's Mill in winter with old grocery (general store) on hill - thanks muches, Mike Hopkins
Devil's Inn - this is one of the cabins at Shades State Park (from the Crawfordsville District Public Library site) that were used by visitors - would love to know more about the cabins - how many; who built them; when were they all gone ..... :) Do know that there were two I believe when I worked there in 1964-1966 -- contact me if you know more about them - thanks - KBZ
Dietrich Building (gun & sporting goods)
Dietrick, William Alexander - see Garland Dell Mineral Springs below
Dillman, Mabel Lough - Post Office Clerk, cica 1918
Fire Department - picture and article regarding the purchase of the 1947 truck and firemen of that period. Others I remember on the department were: Bob Fullenwider; Charlie Moore; France boys (?); Busenbarks; Milligans ... (anyone else remember any, please let me know :) kbz
Flood of 1961, June 9 10 photos, 3 from SOURCE: "The Farm News of Montgomery County", July 1961, page 4, AND 3 photos from The Crawfordsville Journal and Review, June 10, 1961, Page 1, 4 photos from the Crawfordsville Journal and Review, Monday June 12, 1961 pages 2, 3, & 4.
Football Team about 1906 (may be some or all of the ones in pic below which is 1907 group - may or may not be connected with the school - sure wish I knew some of 'em :)
Football Team playing - about 1905-06 - 2 photos from the same game.
Football Team - 1901 - may/may not be connected with the school
Football Team - 1907 

Football Team - 1912 ? -- & who they are :) Love it when they're tagged -- love the post card note too from "Chine" - only Chine I ever knew who lived in Waveland was Chine Barr but I would think this was too long ago for him -- well, he would have been about 20 so guess it could be him - FUN!!
Freedom Church -- Early member, Elizabeth Hannah said, "Now, we have Freedom" thus the name of the church. Located in Brown Township just 5 miles north of Waveland (corner of County RD 650 and State Road 234) the beautiful cemetery sit across the highway overlooking the church. A permanent meeting house was established in December 1837 - a log cabin, 24' x 36' and in May 1838 a lot was chosen on Caleb Conner's land. 78 members strong by January 1842, by December 1850, the church roll totalled 169. This particular building (later improved much) was dedicated in August of 1883. "Uncle Billy Miles" (William J.) was an aide in the remodeling done i 1921. He went across Illinois over muddy roads to get seats for the church. He was a member of the church from February 1865 to his death in August 1928. The church had its first Vacation BIble School in 1961 and Freedom has remained active in this sense. The church is referred to as, "The Light House on the Corner." In 2014, the minister is the Rev. Jim Ranard.
Source: Waveland Independent June 2, 1933 At the Freedom Homecoming the brass quartet from the Waveland band: Donald Douglas; Ben Canine; Imogene Canine and Wilmer Sharp gave several numbers and Imogene Canine rendered a cornet solo accompanied by Mrs. Ben Canine.
Frisz, Joseph W -- (thanks JDG) - this man was overseer of the Shades State Park for several years - the Crawfordsville District Public Library has many photos (see Shades below for just a portion) of the place in that time frame (1915 +)
Fullenwider, Bob and Chester Hester (again, scan is awful - well, not the scan actually, it's not too too bad about 80% better than what it looks like on the web) -- again, thanks to Kat D
Garland Dell Mineral Springs (pre-lim to Shades then Shades State Park - this is a letter written by William Alexander Dietrick to his son on Garland Dell letterhead Jan 27, 1890 - what a great find - thanks so very much Don Coling - you rock, buddy!!
Gilliland, Harold (Heck) and Brad -- thanks to Jay D. for this one - this is when Heck was superintendent of the Shades (dressed in his uniform) - 1949-1952 - the house behind them was the supt's home
Gilliland, John W - home & family - in country near Browns Valley - about 1897
Gilliland, John W. -- My uncle, John Gilliland, harvesting sorghum with a single row corn picker… Assuming this is after the war as he had a big farm sale and sold most of the farm equipment before he went off to the war.. I can remember about 1949 when he was picking corn by hand. Don Linton…(hi Don if you are still around), was one of those hired hands. cheers jdg
Gilliland - John - Earl - Sherman -- see 1920 Businessmen of Waveland
Green Street, Waveland - this is just east of the present-day library - 3 of these 4 homes are still standing :) Neat to see them then & now -- ahhh, if only they'd have taken the other side of Green Street, I'd see my house :( Darn
Grimes, Sam -- see 1920 Businessmen of Waveland
Halfway House (inn during 1830s + on East side of Waveland - memorial stone on old Waveland Road) -- Halfway House rock -- inscription on rock : A bronze plaque 16 x 20 "Half Way House Lafayette to Terre Haute 1823-1911 Site of the Half Way House or sometimes known as "The Wm. Moore Tavern: for years it served as a tavern, hotel, trading post, civic and political center of the Community in the pioneer days. Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison made frequent stops here during his travels." This was filled out by Remley Herr in the Indiana Historical Bureau, Historic Markers Project, Historical Markers in Montgomery County (IN) binder - CDPL - also added on the rock was "Donated by the Waveland Lions' Club (no date but I'd guess in the late 1950's early 60s - thanks to Jerry Turner for the picture :)
Harmon, George - cleaning his grocery store windows - I adored George - one of my favs in Waveland when I was growing-up there in the 50s and 60s (19 that is) -- kz -- thanks muches to Kat D
Chester Hester - see note on Bob Fullenwider
High School (first Waveland HS -- sat behind the location of the present building which was built not long ago (early 1970s') -- the one I know and attended is is below) kbz - thanks brother, Larry B for this one, too. ON the back of this post card it reads, "This is the school building I attended school. B.M. Spencer" - anyone know who he is? (or she?) Another black/white view of the old High School and a colored one - same photo as this one --
High School & Gym (although this is marked June 1912 the gym was not built until the late 1930s (through a WPA deal) so I'd say this is like 1937-38 -- one below is similar and near the same time
High School in snow - around early 1930s
Holland, Deere & Milligan - grocers about 1900-1925 ? -Pictured left to right - John Holland; George Faust ? Leverett? and Sid Reddish
Home 1 (this is the large, beautiful home on the corner of 59 (Main Street) and Jackson Street - northwest corner - Dee & Rich Young have lived there for many years and still do in 2011
Inskeep, Richard
IRON BRIDGE -- near Waveland on Sugar Creek - no clue where this was or where it went :(
Liar's Bench -- Thanks again to JD Gilliland for this super picture (you can even read the labels in Charlie Moore's store window). My gpa' used to sit on the liar's bench. Lots of "discussions" and probably fish stories told there :) Left to right -- Charlie Moore; Hubert Loudermill and grandson; George Woodcook; Bill Shular (my gpa's best friend so surprise my gpa' isn't there); Nellie (Henry "Nelson") Miles and "Old" Harmon. This pic was sent to "John" who was probably John Gilliland who was in the service - so timeframe is likely about 1942-44.
Lions' Club - Tribute to those who served in the Armed Forces - this aggrevates me somewhat as there are several others (including my father and grandfather - my father lived here over 50 years and my grandfather was born and raised in the area - and there are others, as well plus some were born here, lived here through high school and gone the rest of their lives - not really contributing to the community much or at all) not included; however, I knew most of them on here - they are well deserving and loved & appreciated 'em all - just wish all who served from the area were included :( Must be my band wagon, sorry :) kbz
McClain, Gilbert - see Kritz, Frank
McDuffy Cabin - thanks to Dave Fullenwider for catching that I had not noted where this was -- I BELIEVE (not 100% but about 85% sure) that this sat on the property of Lawrence Servies about half way down on the north side of the road going out of town on Highway 59. I vaguely remember it - just an old dumpy place when I was about 4-5 and went with my gpa' to Lawrence's for strawberries and other items he sold. It was long gone by the time I was 13 and did a paper route. - kbz
Machledt, William (Bill) thanks so much to Betty S for this one - I remember Bill well - he ALWAYS had a cigarette in his mouth. I adored his wife, Jeanie.
Machledt, Bill, Jeanie and Freddie - probably Christmas, 1950
M.E. (Methodist Episcopal) -- Green Street - about 1910 ? - this building is still standing but it is not in good shape at all - another view - this had all kinds of orange spots on it - I cleaned up several but still some --- see Waveland Covenant for more information on this church - another one of the newer Methodist Church but before it was remodeled with the new big, front steps. Another view from the north east in 1959.
Covenant United Methodist Church -- In September 1965, under the guidance of Rev. Walter Porters, the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches of Waveland formed the above church. Methodism in Waveland went back to a circuit rider preaching at the McCormick home just north of Waveland in the year 1825. It was not until 1842 when this organization was deeded property from John & Lucinda Milligan in order to construct a church, this church being a rough, wood structure replaced by a brick building in the late 1860s. The first parsonage was presented to the church in 1878 by Andrew McCormick. In 1828, the Waveland Presbyterian Church organized and church was held November 28th. One of the three founders of Wabash College, Rev. James Thompson headed-up this group. Strict discipline reigned with the first churches in this area. Although a small group in 2012, wonderful folks still attend and put forth effort for the community / church.
Milligan Building -- includes another, more clear view at a later time. (thanks, Larry Dean for the 2nd photo)
Milligan, J. "Kenneth" - MUFFY - thanks Betty S for this :)
MOODY, Foster M. - Livery - although this is at Frankfort, Foster's children were all born in Waveland - thanks to JD
MOODY, Thomas N (Pony) -- Livery in Waveland - this would be where Donnie Linton lives now (across from the Post Office behind the old Coleman Store - thanks JD Gilliland for sharing so many wonderful pictures :) Livery - son Harry standing in doorway NOTE: In setting up this new page I found two sources for location, here is the second ---- the livery barn in this pic was in the gap which is still there (current town parking lot), just to the east of where Gabby Brooks had his shop (.just opposite the Waveland mural) (on the north side of e Green St., if you don't remember Gabby Brooks' place ). There is still (2013) a concrete pier standing behind the little garage of the first house which would have been the ne corner of the barn. Thanks so very much to Jay D. Gilliland for this COOL picture of yesteryear!
Moore's Store - 1956
Music Students - NR Walker -- Source: "Tri-County News", Waveland, Indiana Sept 3, 1964 p 1 -- A program of solo and ensemble music was given by students of NR Walker, Friday, Aug 22 in the Waveland Christian Church. Appearing on the program were Roxie Bowers, Karen Bazzani, Marjorie Feltner, Margaret Feltner, John VanHuss; Terri Wright; Robert Lewellen; Debbie Wiatt; Tammy McAnulty; Joe VanHuss; Jessica Grimes; Carol Miller; Debbie Bronaugh; Judy Banta; Karen Chadwick; Rita Branstetter; Darrell Waitt; Debbie Foxworthy; Cathy and Linda Niles. Photo by J. Myron Banta & thanks so much to (Jay) D (avid) Gilliland - this is so much improved over the one I had.
Patton, Charles -- see Kritz, Frank
Patton, Charles - Grain Elevator (thanks to CDPL) Charles Patton Grain Elevator -- here is what Peggy Stewart Knepper thought about this picture -- I'm not sure but this Grain Elevator could have been on or close to where I grew up at 201 S. Cross Street, Waveland, Ind.. My parents owned the house on the hill to the creek where a railroad use to go through. My parents said before they bought the house back in 1945 the house was a stop for the train. There was also a cement "like" pool in the back yard by the house and the sidewalk in the front yard had a sidewalk all the way to the S. Cross street that had a circle walk half way down it. Following the creek going east, our family use to call "the hillside" had what we called " horses " we played on. They were made of cement, they might have been maybe 4 or 5 foot tall at one end and about a half foot shorter at the other end, from one end to the other it was smooth swayed "like a sway back horse", and was maybe a foot wide. My parents said these "cement horses" was part of the railroad that came through their land by the creek. I hope this will help and is the answer to your question.
Pennsylvania Railroad Station (bottom of North Hill - this may be when it was just built) - another set of 4 pictures - lighting different -- see also Vandalia
Post Office - Clerk Mabel Lough Dillman, circa 1918
Post Office - thanks Karen at the Post Office :) About 1928 - old car in front
Post Office Workers - 1961 - Fred Bazzani; Tressie Simms; Bob Myers; Wayne Simms; ?
Post Office - old one - in center of Cross Street, west side - thanks, Kathy!
Presbyterian Church - Waveland - this current Waveland Church basically is a combination of the Presbyterian and Methodist and is called the Waveland Covenant. An interesting service was advertised in the Waveland Independent, June 20, 1907 -- Next Sunday at 11 o'clock the pastor will preach. In the afternoon Prof. J.M. Coyner, Ph.D. who 50 years ago was one of the professors in the Waveland Academy will give a lecture - Woman's Work for the Salvation of Women in Utah." In the evening at 7:30 he will speak on the subject, "The Morman Hierarchy, the bitter foe of American Christianity." The lectures are free and everybody is invited.
Another view ~ and ~ an earlier time.
Presbyterian Church & parsonage - nice pic from Jeff S - thanks bud
Waveland Prebyterian Church Ladies' group - Sally Milligan Guild
-- Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 29 January 1942
The Sally Milligan Guild of the Presbyterian Church was entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. R.M. Harbeson. Mrs. Elizabeth Peck conducted the devotional services. Miss Helen Kelso gave the program on "China." The nominating committee appointed was Mrs. Harry Machledt, Mrs. Jake Glascock and Mrs. Mike Grimes. The program committee was Mrs. J.M. Milligan, Mrs. Frank Burrin and Mrs. H.H. Grice. A social hour followed and lovely refreshments were served by the hostess. -- kbz

Thanks to Lyle Hannah who put this nifty (very different view from anything I've ever seen) view of Waveland on the Waveland Facebook page
Rafferty's -- see Wave-Inn
Railroad History -- great explanation from the book (pictures also) Ghost Railroads of Indiana (out of print) retold by Greg Crum - thanks so very much Greg :)
Railroad Station - not sure if Waveland's or not but with Waveland pic so imagine so - it does not look like the ones I remember however but could have been the first one built as the RR came through - kbz
Robertson Building (built in 1898 - James W. Robertson) --
S&W (Stewart & Weaver) Service Station - Also see Waveland S&W Station - (ahhh, I remember this well - thanks so much to Kathy Weaver Dominguez for this)
School children, about 1956 - out to lunch
School, Time to Return - Gordon and Larry Weaver 1966-67
School hack ? - from Scott Busenbark - this was likely in Alamo vs. Waveland but has Waveland people in it - the 3rd person over (1st fem on left looking at picture) is likely Scott's g g grandmother, Emma Risk Compton Payton
School #5 -- on Durham property - Scott Busenbark sent this with the info on the back (Raymond Busenbark's picture & explanation) . "On the back he wrote, "This is the old #5 School building out North & West of Waveland when I went to school before we transfered to Waveland School."
Servies, Larry - definitely a town father of Waveland during my growing-up years. I think my mother, Kate Smith Bazzani may have interviewed Larry for this article.
Service Men - WWII ? Pretty sure my father, Fred Bazzani is in middle front row next to the man dressed in a suit - think the Navy boys near him may be Morgans) -- Same picture - gray scale
Shades CCC Camp -- see CCC
Shades Chautauqua -- see Chautauqua - this is a SUPER find - thanks so much to Jay David Gilliland for it :)
Shades - some history - From an autobiography of Fay Welch, "From Then to Now" - again, thanks to JD - he has sent the coolest stuff ever for the site. 21 images in a slide show format
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Indiana April 17, 1897 p 4 The hotel at the Shades of Death will in all probability be in charge of a Crawfordsville man this season. Scott Steele, who formerly ran the old La Veta hotel in this city is in consultation with Wm. Detrick, of Waveland, today in regard to assuming control of hostelry. Mr. Steele in conversation with an Argus News man said that the deal had about been perfected and that unless some unforeseen circumstance should arise, he would be found in charge of the summer resort.
Shades -- see also Garland Dells (Above)
Shades - Entrance (old with the double entry) - thanks to Bob & Mary Gooding for this awesome picture - this is how I remember the Shades, how I went to work at the Inn during 1965-67. - kbz
Shades - road to - just north of Waveland where the Maple Ridge cemetery is about to go up that hill
Shades - articles (Governor comes - record attendance) -- 11 more articles about "Save the Shades
Shades Inn - I think this may be when the inn was being built - just finishing it up - there is a tent there (probably where workers stayed or had tools); possible tools on the porch and benches stuffed together to put along the porch when finished. - LOVE THIS PIC :) - kbz
Shades leaflet with prices - mid 1940s when Fabian Frisz was operator of the Shades
Shades Devil's Fireplace (Devil's Backbone in our time)
-- Devil's Backbone - CDPL
-- Devil's Kitchen, which I think is also the Devil's Fireplace - CDPL
-- Devil's Punchbowl - CDPL
Shades Pavilion - thanks to Jeanna A for this one - I love it and have such fond memories of working at the Shades and hanging out here in this awesome old place with the great dance floor, ping pong tables ....
Shades Inn -- thanks again to Kat -- I worked in this building when I was a teenager. My very first cup of coffee I served went in a guy's lap. At first he was mad but I must have handled it well because we were best of buds before they went back to Chicago a few days later. He even told me I'd make a super waitress someday - since I married into the restaurant business, good thing!! kz --
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana May 12, 1905 The Shades Hotel has been painted a modest combination of red, white and blue, and looks so much like an excursion steam boat that you fully expect to hear the whistle blow and the mates cuss.
Shades Inn, different pic - good there are other pics of this because this scan did NOT come out well - SORRY but I thought I'd leave it on just in case it looks better on someone else's computer :) kz
Shades -- most of Shades 1953 workers (thanks to Jerry Joiner Nordmeyer - awesome pic) -- here are the few named- if you know any, PLEASE let us know. Left side of picture standing, white shirt: Don Handley. Behind him is Ralph ? on picture but Delores T F & I think this is Blaine Tracy - ; in plaid dress, Ruth Morgan Joiner; blonde woman we think is Margaret Durham Demaree & man with arm around her ? (Mr. Demaree - don't think so but) ??? and ? ; right of them in plaid shirt is manager of Shades at that time, but name unknown as of now; behind him ?; Rowan "Keith" Morgan; David Allen; Jean Zachary; her sister Sharene Zachary; Unknown man looking over shoulder and unknown lady and boys (boy with hands in pocket is Wally Metzger - woman beside him (in front) is Dorothy Metzger) and older man (see note below) . Sitting on left end of couch is J.P. Morgan; next to him with white blouse and small tie is his cousin, Jerry Joiner Nordmeyer; woman in black dress unknown; Gwen Morgan next to her; Helen Handley holding ?; ? and man on far right (older)- Note: he is definitely (identified by family members -Homer Weaver - thanks Linda, Sandy, Kat :) .
Shades - people gone crazy hanging on trees and such on cliffs at the Shades - perhaps a 1925-35 time - CDPL photo -- Another CDPL photo - 3 women visiting the Shades, can you imagine walking those trails in these clothes? Another CDPL photo showing a nut on a branch -- NEVER heard of this one - Dumpling Rocks & Cincinnati Bluffs - CDPL - think this is the bridge north of the Inn going back into the park - I walked across this or one in its place (it seemed bigger) many times to go hiking after working for hours at the Inn in 1964-66 when I waited tables in the old Inn - KZ -- boys stop for a drink at one of the springs in the Shades - Buzzard's Trail -- The Jolly Six area with three people enjoying the view -- #18 - Spring of Beauty in the Canyon -- Hemlock Falls at the Shades -- Sugar Creek at the Shades - CDPL - I think someone has tried to put a copyright type thing on this but it would be long outdated I'd think - anyway enjoy the Creek pic - it's awesome -- may be an early boat rental on Sugar Creek -- J.W. Frisz -- nifty pic of him - he was the overseer of Shades for many years -- Shades Inn -- on the left, facing the picture was a meeting area, dining area and kitchen; to the right were the rooms - not really sure how many there were but I'd say at least 15 - anyone know ?? I stayed in one on the higher level back side toward the Pavilion a couple of times when it was late when I got off work - the Overpecks, overseers at the time in the mid-1960s tried to keep one room open in case the girls needed it. View of the Inn from the Lagoon - oh, my I ice skating there many many times - what fun - someone always provided hot chocolate but no clue who or how :) This is what the entrance to the park looked like (on right viewing picture there was a small souvenir shop and the left looking at picture was the gate to pay plus the old Pavilion with one major wonderful dance floor :) Ahhh, memories ! Another Entrance View -- Unknown place at Shades State Park - is it the old entrance? Is it the way into the CCC Camp? What is it ???? ANY IDEAS :) -- Gatehouse -- actually, I had above entrance on the left side but CDPL said connected to the Pavilion on other side so think I'm right after all unless they changed it around which very well could be as one summer I worked there this part was a storage area for uniforms and such -- Dance Pavilion - this was soooo awesome :) == Souvenir Shop (not sure I've ever seen a pic of this - cool - memories :) == Souvenir Shop, backside -- Game Room in the Pavilion -- I've never heard it called, "The Stand" but it is here -- 1925-1930 era ? Or, earlier? -- Entrance with incoming folks and outgoing folks - I've seen it this busy, too -- The Shades Hack -- Leo Frisz driver and another year/different hack "to the Shades" (thanks JD) Another Shades Hack picture also sent by JDG -- The Speed Wagon, hack to the Shades State Park - boy is Clyde Marshall, marked 1913 - he'd have been about 14 -- he was the son of Cyrus -- the woman driver may be his mother, Susan Miles Marshall -- Hauck Family at the Shades - John; Walter; Pat & Helen -- CDPL photo - rather fuzzy :( -- Frisz family - the family almost all worked at the Shades for many years -- the father, Fabian Frisz was the main caretaker; J. W. Frisz stands behind his daughters: from left, Blanche Frisz, Helen Frisz Hauck, Ethel Frisz. -- Another Hauck Family picture; From left to right: Pat Hauck, Jean Hauck Clark, Helen Frisz Hauck, J.W. Hauck (standing), John Hauck, Joan Hauck Forester .-- I know Pat a little and most of the Forrester and babysit for JW's son, Tom Hauck's children for a few years when they lived in Waveland - great family :) Many long-gone :( -- On the CDPL site, this says this is Fabian Frisz but he doesn't look old enough to be to me -- Steamboat Rock -- Indian Trail -- please don't ask if this is THE Indian trail where Indians walked in the area - no clue - this would have been 100 years later so who knows?? -- Mansfield Sandstone at Shades State Park -- there was much sand and limestone in the area -- Bridge over Ravine -- this bridge was replaced more than once -- Spring of Beauty (by McCormick's Photo Studio - CDPL -- LONG before my time - not sure if this would have been a place to stay, if it's a maintance shack .... ?? Wish someone could tell us -- Upper Falls (and yep, there was a lower, much larger one) -- NOTE -- You can search the CDPL image database here - it's awesome but yep, there are a few they don't have I do and a whole lot they have I don't :) We like to share !!
Shades - Bridal Veil (thanks thanks thank Kat)
Shades -- see also Gilliland, Harold (Heck) - dressed in his superintendant's uniform
Shades - Post Card - very nice one, thanks JD Gilliland :)
Shades Dance Pavilion -- backside - thanks CDPL & Pat H
Shades - road -- showing the hotel in a distance and the road to it with a buggy heading out of the hotel area - this is before the nice entrance by the hotel with the Pavilion and Gift shop was built - photo CDPL - thanks guys - you are great as is Fab Frisz's granddaughter, Pat who gave these photos to the library
Shades - Lonesome Pine (thanks again to the Crawfordsville District Public Library's GREAT photo collection for this one :) KBZ
Shades Scene 1 -- Scene 2 -- these two photos from Bill Boone and he says they might be Turkey Run SP vs. Shades -
Shades - Trail Map (thanks Jay David G for this one:)
Shades - Pine Ridge, I love this place :) - CDPL - CDPL for Spread Eagle Cabin - COOL
Shades -- Hack -- from the Waveland Depot to the Shades State Park - note the children playing and the women who have already gotten into the wagon - also a CDPL photo - post card from M.L. Photo Company, Chicago, Illinois
Shades -- (sorry not great pics) -- Rock River post card - back side
Sharp, Wilmer Theodore (in his Drug Store. I loved to watch him twitch his ear -- he'd do it for an extra nickle -- it was worth every one I spent - kz). We called him Sharpie and everyone loved him !!

Sharp's Drug Store (I soooo remember those Cherry cokes and marshmallow sundaes - an everyday after school treat and I was SKINNY then too - go figure - kbz - newer view I think)
Sharp's Drug Store - Ray in front of it (this is Wilmer's father - this photo is thanks so much to Bob & Mary Gooding
Sharp's Drug Store - about 1950 or so - Wilmer is probably the one in the middle but may not be :)

Spencer hardware - Cub Scout display (thanks Kat W B - about 1960ish)
Spring of Youth - at Shades State Park - a part of the Crawfordsville District Public Library collection -- when I worked at the Shades in 1964-1966 I never remember seeing this and we walked on ALL the trails many times - what energy - worked from 6-9 for breakfast; trail until 11; back to work from 11-2 for lunch then sometimes I'd walk home (about 4 1/2 miles) or sometimes I'd work supper from 5-7 or so -- geez, I can barely walk in the other room now :) KBZ -- another shot of the Spring of Youth and, the Spring of Youth works for Paul Frisz
Stebbins Hotel -- see Hotel Stebbins
Spring -- any of you Wavelandites know for sure what this is - it looks to be the old Spring on what is now State Road 234 after you would have passed through the bridge and on around to the north - it was on the right maybe a mile on the right side before the Girls Scout camp ... OR ... is it in the Shades State Park -- I think it's the one I used to drink out of when a kid though on SR 234-- right or wrong ?? Thanks to Jeff S for this one :)
Street Scenes -- probably a pipe dream - could have probably just listed the few right here but would love 50-60 more :) --- kbz
Telephone Company Central Office, circa 1900 located in the Wolfe Building
I was born there --We lived in an apartment in the upstairs of the telephone office house. Grandparents lived downstairs and slept in a rollaway bed beside the telephone switchboard and woke up if anyone needed a late call. And the little room to the right end of the Y-shaped-porch was the entry to the little room with the stable door inside. There was a phone in it. You would go in ... open the top half of the inside door ... tell the operator the number you wanted ... she would connect you ... then tell you ... then after tell you what you owed for the call. The little room was only 5' square or so. Have a look at the door and the side window ... still has Coal Creek Telephone Company on the window
or door, I think -- this note by J.D. Gilliland thanks so much JD :)
Tex Terry - although Tex lived in Parke County (Coxville) he spent some time at the Vance's Cafe and other places in town in his huge car with steer horns on the front - what a hoot - thanks to Kat D for this one. Leona Miles Fox wrote this to me : "He is also buried in the Coxville cemetery. I remember him and his wife He owned the Coxville tavern AKA The Long Horn and when he had it you could go in and the walls were covered with pictures of people from Hollywood him and his wife knew and all of them were signed. I loved looking at the photos in there.." Thanks kiddo and here also is Tex's findagrave site if you'd like to find out more about this interestin' fella! .
Union Vespers - Waveland church together -- Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 29 January 1942 The fourth Union Service was held last Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church, this time with all four ministers and a large number of visitors present. Rev. Hartling delivered the sermon, while Rev. Elmore led in prayer, Rev. McBrayer led the responsive reading and Rev. Hessel conducted the singing and benediction. Mrs. Hessel played the piano. The next Union Service is planned for February 15 at the Methodist Church with Rev. Elmore preaching the sermon. - kbz
Vandalia Railroad (with train & folks) - see also Pennsylvania RR
Vandalia 2 (thanks Kat D for this one - I love it) -- I barely remember the train station but a little - I was born right at the end of 1949. Hmmmm, now I'm totally confused. This looks exactly like the one I have marked as Pennsylvania RR. Was it a different one - the PA one for awhile - my guess - or WHAT? Anyone know anything more about these stations. Also, anyone know what the big T-thing is on the building? It looks broken in this one and fixed in the one marked Pennsylvania RR - was it some way the signaled when the trains were arriving or is it broke??
Wave-Inn -- early 1950's -- JD Gilliland sent me this one -- I LOVE it - Some are identified --Do believe his dad, Heck is under the "Wave-Inn" sign. ".Rafferty’s on occasion of a big family Sunday dinner out… guessing early ‘5o ’s ? various members of our family..Uncle Joe in foreground…looking like Al Capone…Grandma G just left of him..Genave and Martha and Gertie to the right of him"
Wave-Inn - 3 More photos from other sources
Waveland Hot Rod Race Track - June 1949 -- thanks so very much to Chuck Davis who came today (6-30-2013) to bring me 3 pictures of his mom & my mom when they were young - I saw these in his photo album and he let me scan them for you all to enjoy :) They were taken in June of 1949. - the race track was behind my grandparents' home (Howard Street - behind George McCarty's as well -- you went down to it past McCarty's and came back up the hill between my grandparents (Carl & Hazel Smith's) and the OLD Banta Watch Shop
-- Picture 5 -- LOVE to know who drove this #7 car - looks young
-- Note all the people on the hills watching -- I think Carol Presslor Coffman told me that her father had something to do with it. I know it was quite the excitement for many years in the little town.
Thanks CD -
Waveland Home IDENTIFIED -- this is the home where Lyle Hannah's grandparents lived back where the (Jackson Street) Waveland Academy used to be - this is one of the buildings. THANKS LYLE :)
Waveland Band - 1920s -- This picture was taken on the occasion of a Farm Bureau Picnic. Members shown are, front row left to right. Donald Douglas, Myron Banta, Wilmer Sharpe, Jack Hester, Bill Shubert, Lowell Spencer, second row, John Machledt, Ralph Weltchel, Paul Emmert, Imogene Canine (Moody), Betty Lou Fullenwider (Banner), Margaret Specer (Lee), Elizabeth Ginn, Dick Milligan, Bob Fullenwider, thrid row, Ben Canine, Sam Armstrong, Sam Priebe, J.D. Blacker, Joe Burrin, Mr. Summer, Director; J.M. Milligan, John Milligan, Bob Bonwell, Roy Mitchell, Bill Williams, Photo by T.S. Banta --
Another discription
Front row L-R (facing picture): Donald Douglas, Myron Banta, Wilmer Sharpe, Harold "Jack" Hester, Willis Sheets, Lowell Spencer 2nd row: John Machledt, Ralph Whilchel? (not sure on this one),Paul Emmert, Imogene Canine, Bettie Lou Fullenwider Banner (my dad's sister), Margeret Spencer, Elizabeth G??????, Rol Milligan, Robert Fullenwider. 3rd row: Ben Canine, ? Armstrong, Sam Priebe, J.D. Blacker, Joe Burrin, Fern Sumner, Director, Milford Milligan, Robert Bonwell, Roy Mitchell, Wm Williams -- this is a tad different so wanted to put both in - might even be a different picture described within a year or so and playing somewhere else - this list from Dave Fullenwider :) Thanks DF
Waveland Bank - see Bank
Waveland Brownies, November 1961 (thanks, to two of the Brownies, Peggy Stewart and Kathy Weaver for this one - their picture was in the paper because they had made a box to put in the bank so people could put gifts for the mental hospital patients - great idea)
Waveland Buildings from Crawfordsville Journal Review - no date given -- thanks to Betty S for this one :)
Waveland Football team - do not think this is school related and most of their outfits don't match - LOVE it and the dog too which I assume is their mascot :) Thanks to Sally MS and her wonderful mom-in-law, Bettie S.
Waveland 1921 - 7th grade graduates -- names on back but none identified are John D. Blacker; Genave (Geno) Gilliland; DP Myrell; Josephine McCreey; Volta Edwards and Mary Amoure - these may be the teachers
WHS - 1927 Baccalaureate - thanks to my wonderful Simpson girls
WHS - 1927 School play with characters/players - thanks Sally (& Bettie - RIP)
--Waveland HS -- see HS
Waveland - Poem by Ted Whitehead - I have also written what I remember in the 1950-60s of the uptown area. - KBZ - thanks to Rusy Weaver for this one :)
Waveland Home on Main Street (impressive home 100 years ago and still is today)
Waveland Library - Richard Inskeep and Harriet Mason talk to librarian, Virginia Sharp (loved that lady)!
Waveland Midland RR - See CIRR
Waveland Postcard 1 (thanks to Kathy)
Waveland Postcard 2 (what a hoot - thanks so much to Kathy for this :)
Waveland Presbyterian Church - see Presbyterian
Waveland 6th or 7th grade class about 1937-38 (Back row: Russell Smith; Dale Milligan; Austin Gooding; Walter Clore; Wayne Walther (Winther?); Robert Arvin; George McCarty; Jack Hayes; Dale Miller. (Middle Row): Rosemary Hoskins; Ruth Jalhen? (Johnson - large black piece of album over it); Nina Morgan; Katharine Arvin; Pauline Crumley; ? ; Betty Matthew; Frances Wheeler. (Front row): Helen Yount; Velma Tague; Mary Britain; ? ; Evelyn Cotten; Mary Milligan; Imogene Payne; Mildred Campbell. Teacher, Frances Milligan - - thanks sooo sooo much to Sally Milligan Simpson who passed this along from memorabilia of her wonderful mother-in-law, Bettie Fulwider Simpson. Both great ladies !
Waveland telephone office of the Coal Creek Telephone Company. (I believe the sign is still written on the glass door to the right side). It stood on west Main st., where the post office is now and was moved down to the 4th house on the left where it currently stands and it made way for the post office.
Waveland School Cafe ladies - 1962 (one facing us is Lillie Mitchell; one working in center is Helen Weaver; back doing dishes is Mary Chesterson - unknown one in back - thanks again Kat - Helen is her mother - so happy to get these great pictures)
Waveland School Play, May 1961 (thanks, again to Kat for these FAB photos :)
Waveland Stone Quarry - thanks to Dave F for the great idea & neat pic of the kiln
Waveland Street Scene - same time as above 1900 -- looking South on Cross from Green Street
Harry Evernham…linesman and manager with wife Edith Evernham, co-manager in charge of the switchboard and staffing.
Note sign to right of entry near door to the private calling room (booth?) and access to the switchboard room.
Shown are Harry and daughter Alice Roberta Evernham Gilliland - thanks muches to JD Gilliland for this one - see his explanation in the Business section under "Photos" . Note at this time, the company was under the organization of Coal Creek Telephone Company
Waveland Uptown scene - West side (abt 1970)
Where Cross is Main (downtown 1955 - thanks, Kathy WD)
Whitecotton, Don & John Deere 1959 tractor
Willie Wiatt Family Band - Wanetta, Isaac, Leo, Dave, Mabel Rice Wiatt, their mother played for various area happenings in the mid 1930s. Thanks to Darrell Wiatt, Isaac's son for this awesome picture