1929 Fair Booklet
1929 Waveland Fair Booklet :) What fun !
Officers -- (Committees, Features)
Ads - Glover's Ice Cream (at Barr's Sanitary Cafe) and Oakland Guernsey Farms - Mukwonago Wisconsin
Ads - Kiger - Logansport Stone
Ads - Spencer; Milligan; Love
General Rules - Prize $
Horses - Harry Moser, Director
Ads - Eblin's Meat; Busenbark Grain; Birch & Birch; United Home Grocer (AC Evans)
Ads - State Bank of Waveland; Harry Shanklin (Men's Clothing); Crabbs, Reynolds & Taylor grain; Frank Ginn - livestock Transfer
Swine - Harry Moser, Director
Ads -- Gary Dilman Hardware; Security Abstract (Coppage; McCluer; Swearingen)
Cattle - Paul Emmert, Director
Ads - Kritz Shoes -- Willys Knight Whippet Cars (Galloway)
Vegetables - John Sharpe, Director
Ad - J.C. Penney
Ads - Haffner, Optometrist - Butter Cup - Farmers' Produce; John Paullus (Boars...) Woodcock, Light Hauling; W.D. Rinehart
Flowers - (probably Hazel Jarvis Deere) - Mrs. A.C. Deere, Director and A.S. Pett, Judge - A.S. Pett is Arthur S.
Ad - Strand Theatre
Stunts - Hitching up; Men's Hog Calling; Women's Cow Calling
Ads - Trask Jewelry; Wiatt Insurance; Burroughs Bros Footwear
Stunts Continued - Girls Pie Eating; Ladies' Nail Driving; Foot Race (CH Johnson) and Rules
Ads - Burrin; Ferguson Lumber; Sherfey
Ads - Morning Review Daily Newspapaer; E.L. McCabe School Supplies
Ads - Steffy School Supplies; DH Goble School Supplies
Donors - Banta; Barr; Brooks; Burrin; Busenbark Grain; Canine; Cowan; Cuppy; Crawfordsville Review; Dillman; Durham; Evans; Eblin; Galloway; Graham; Harmon; Harbeson; Harding; Huston; Hy-Grade Dairy; Jackson; John Deere; Johnson; Kritz; Lough; Love; Loudermill; McIntire; Mailer; Matricia; Milligan; Moody; Machledt; Moser; Oldshue; Pearlman; Rankin; Rinehart; Scott; Sharp; Slavens; Smith; Spencer; Stansbury;' State Bank of Waveland; State Line Telephone; Upton; Wabash Valley Electric; West; Wadley Cream
Ad - G.W. Deer - "Red Hat Petroleum" (believe this came from this source - the 1929 Fair Program however it may be from something else - DID find it in the 4-H box of goodies August 2016 - Crawfordsville District PL
NOTE: Although this was not for the 1929 WAVELAND fair - Jesse Canine grew-up and worked most of his life right here in Waveland but was very active in the whole Fair affair. Plus, not really sure where to put this so adding it to this page :)