Bowers Photo Album
This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest of
Bowers Photo Album
Wouldn't have this without Lynn Ream - thanks so much for these great pics :)
- EUB - Church - thanks so very much to Lynn Ream whose family members were prominent in that community
(May 23, 2020) EUB Church Records This includes 5 Sheets from the Church Record Books, also other copied information includung a Historical Sketch and listing of Minsters! thanks to Steve Kirk on Martha Ellen Flaningan’s awesome Sugar Creek Township Facebook page
Kirk Tile Factory -- again, thanks to Lynn for these great photos :) These are sooo greatly appreciated !! -- Also listed in the Business Photos!
Article on Bowers - by Jim Leas - also from Lynn - sure this was from the Montgomery Magazine years ago as Jim wrote some awesome articles. Always wished someone would scan all of the old MM and put up on a site with a nice index but my would that be one big job. Such wonderful history sitting in books ;(
Bowers School -- thanks muches to Lynn again - she rocks !
Bundy Store (thanks Lynn R) - William H. Bundy, was born in Thorntown, Boone County 17 January 1869 and died 6 Jan 1941 - he is buried in Sugar Creek, Montgomery County in the Clouser Cemetery along with his wife, Laura Alice Gordon (15 Sept 1872 Howard County Indiana 4 Sept 1935). William H. was the son of Abraham Darry Bundy and Rose Tetrow. The Bundy (and Wyant, William's grandmother) family were early Boone and Montgomery County pioneers. As a young man of 21, William H. left his native county and moved to Montgomery (1890). Working in the area, he eventually was able to open his dream store in the town of Bowers, which was a thriving community at that time (1899). His store sold hardware, paints, oils, dry goods and groceries, and obviously with the sign advertising Geddes-Brown footwear, he sold shoes, as well. He was prominent in this community, being appointed Postmaster in 1907 (note in the pic the sign saying Bowers PO). Thanks muches to Lynn R.