Browns Valley Album
This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches, and Places of Interest
Browns Valley Band - thanks to Bettie Simpson and Sally Simpson (via JD Gilliland) -- left to right: ? Gilliland; Jess Carrington; Billy Vancleave; Les Carrington; ? Fisher Galey; Jeff Davis; John Goff; John Foster; Walter Davis; Charlie Williams ; ? Charlie Gillialand

Browns Valley Bank A handy notebook, est. 1905; Thanks to Dave Friend
Browns Valley Christian - This church just rebuilt a new one in Browns Valley and I'll have to get a picture SOON :) This church structure is now the New Life Baptist Church. The Christian Church began in the year 1898 with 28 charter members. The first minister, WH Brown was paid $2.50 per sermon. The congregation actually met in Victor McCan''s drug store on Monday and Tuesday nights for a couple of years because their new church burned. In 1922, the group bought the Methodist Church building (shown here). It was purchased for $2,000., the Ladies Aid group paying $1000 down. The building has been added on to and improved in many ways. In June 1977, a scholarship trust fund was set up in order to help with college costs. Both Bob and John Cornell as well as Layton Sparks became ministers with aide from the church. As Leonard Sewell stated in a brief history of the church, "Work is still continuing for the Lord in Browns Valley." This is the church that built a new one on Highway 47 just outside of BV north about 1 mile.
Browns Valley Elevator (this is not the elevator there in 2014 -- this elevator was at the railroad tracks. This is in 1960. The present one was built later much farther back from the tracks. Thanks to my wonderful Waveland FB friends for info on this one :) and especially Patty Lewellen Mason for letting me put it on here :)
Browns Valley Baptist (small, white) and Christian (brick) Church - 1960- Patty Lewellen Mason took these pictures for a Bible School project. These are AWESOME ! Additional information - this more Hard-Shell Baptist church was within a quick walk of the more traditional Baptist Church (still standing, not pictured) They only met maybe once/month there - no bathrooms or running water, just the "hard shell" of the church. The Christian was just that for many years and may have been a Presbyterian at one time. It still stands but is -- Thanks PLM
Browns Valley Missionary Baptist - In 1874, the Browns Valley Baptist Church was built with 66 charter members. Sadly, the building was destroyed by fire just two years later. In 1900, the present day church had a belfry added. In 1980, Dee Rice, a member bequeathed the church in her estate and the roof was repaired and redeocration helped the church in its beauty. Walter and Ruth Taylor Penn left a large sum of money which aided in several people going into seminary, a new piano and various improvements. (shortened from a history by Mrs. Franklin Johnson)
Source: 1874 – History of Missionary Baptist Church of Brown's Valley.
The first church organization was the Old Union Church located where Old Union Cemetery is now in 1826. In about 1834, some of members decided to form another church due to believe in Sun. School and missions, as Freedom Church was organized by this group with aid of Elder Parmer as their pastor. Many members were from east of Brown’s Valley. Due to road and winter conditions and traveling several miles, the members near Brown’s Valley desired to establish a church there with about sixty-six members. Freedom was then called the Mother Church. The first Browns Valley church was erected in 1874. It burned in 1876. A new church was built and completed in December 1876. The first pastor was Elder Reese Davis. A Presbyterian Church, where Indian Creek Hill cemetery is now contributed some members. Some of charter members are or were: Leonard and Bette Galey; Lucy Patton; Anna Davis; Rollie Crist; Nancy Coons; Rebecca Gilliland; Charles and Sarah Allen; Sarah Buser; Thomas Foster; John and Nancy Hanna; James Galey; Mathias Giltner; John Jones; John & Julia Kinkaid; William and Sarah Lydick; Elijah Pitts; Thomas & Nancy Doyel; William J. Myles and Caleb Conner (others not mentioned). The first deacon, John W. Hanna and his wife, Nancy left money to the church which was used for purchasing doors which bear their names. Other noticeable changes in the church was made in 1956 when the basement was remodeled to make more Sunday School rooms. (last written in what I believe to be the same hand but some crossing out and in black ink vs. green – kbz typist).
Thanks so much to Nicole for this wonderful history – greatly appreciated girl!

Browns Valley Druggist, OC McLeod See his recipes for MEDICATIONS!