y index
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Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest

Young's Chapel -- Thanks to Jeanie Walden for the picture of Young's Chapel (and here is a little history to go along with it. Young's Chapel is a spin-off of the Crawfordsville First Christian Church. One hundred and sixty years ago, on November 5, 1853, the Willis and Champion families decided a church closer by would be good and created Mount Vernon Church of Christ, which is now known as Young's Chapel Christian Church. It wasn't until November of 1871 that a church was built on the present site (previously had met at Mt. Vernon School but a fire destroyed that building). This is when it became Young's Chapel in honor of the first minister, William Young. Because of a large influx of members, a new building was built in 1905, with the cost about $5,600. Over 400 attended the dedication. Overhauls and additions have been made, but the church is basically the one built in 1905. Dorman Winger in 2013 is minister. What a great return since Doman and wife, Carolyn were members of the church 50 years ago. Hamm, Kessinger, Shelton, Rush, Crum, Rush, Foxworthy, Smith and Elmore are some of the names associated with the church throughout the years. (Information taken from: "Church to mark 160 years, by Bob Cox." Crawfordsville Journal Review Nov 2, 2013 p 1.