Railroad History

WAVELAND JUNCTION & other railroad information by Greg Crum (via a Facebook message) - he graciously gave me permission to add to the Photo section of Waveland - thanks muches, buddy -- information and pics from an out of print book called, Ghost Railroads of Indiana
-- OK this is for all you Waveland people who were still living in 1920! This was known as Waveland Junction at the bottom left and was located 1 mile southwest outside of Waveland. Two railroads ran threw Waveland at that time The Vandalia or also known as the Terre Haute to Logansport RR which later became the Pennsylvania and in 1968 Penn Central. The other line was the Central Indiana known as the Midland route, it changed names 5 times it was the Anderson Lebanon & St Louis in 1871 , in 1881 it was the Cleveland Indiana & St Louis RR, in 1885 it became the Midland RR in 1891 it became the Chicago & South Eastern RR, and in 1903 the Central Indiana RR. It joined up here at the juntion with the Vandalia RR and shared it's track all the way to Sand Creek Junction 10 miles, it split from their and headed to Brazil Indiana while the Vandalia headed into Rockville on to Terre Haure. The Central Indiana was an 86 mile short line route that was always hurting for money even more then me. In November 30 1928 permission was given to abandon the line from Advance to Brazil. In the smaller towns like Pawnee or Max the railroad stations were nothing more then sheds, in the bigger towns like Waveland they were nice sized stations. Check out the station at Max ,this was located between Advance and Lebanon. This time table shows the distance between each small town Penobscot being my favorite to hang out in the summer months of 1918. Greg went on to tell me : the book doesn't show any photo's from Browns Valley, it tells about it though. The tracks used to stop at Browns Valley, then it was extended to Waveland and all the way to Brazil. It was in 1890 that the tracks were extended from Browns Valley to Waveland