m index
This Index Page lists all "M"
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest

Mace Knights of Pythias Building Lodge #55 Built in 1899 Thanks to Joe Dwigans on Crawfordsville Memory Lane Facebook Page for the great photos
Mace United Methodist Church - People in the Mace area are mainly from Virginia and Ohio and worshipped in their homes or listened to circuit riders until long into the 1840s. In 1854, a small chapel was built near the present church, the ground having been donated by John Linn. Large revivals were held every few years and by the late 1870s there were over 130 new members from the revivals alone. In 1893, the church was used as a town hall and the present church was built at the cost of $3,000. The first VacationBible School took place in 1942. Many faithful ministers led the church and special gifts and memorials helped keep the church going.