Crawfordsville Photo Album
This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest of
Crawfordsville Photo Album
Just a FUN little diddy - from Jerry Turner and here's his explanation : 5 bill my dad received from the old Bank cigar store many years ago. Regretfully he sold it but here is a picture of it. The interesting thing about the bill is that it has Crawfordsville Indiana on the bill itself issued from the Citizens National Bank. 1929 was the year it was issued and it has the signatures of the cashier and president of the bank.

From: Wesley Wilson Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:47 AM Subject: Fwd: Release: Historical Crawfordsville Land Office Index Now Available Online To: Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:49 AM Subject: Release: Historical Crawfordsville Land Office Index Now Available Online To: INDIANAPOLIS (February 27, 2013) – New material from the Crawfordsville Land Office has been made available through the nationally-recognized Indiana Digital Archives ( The Crawfordsville Land Office Index includes more than 38,000 records of purchases of public lands from Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Fountain, Hendricks, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Tippecanoe, Vermillion, Warren, and White Counties. Sales of public land at the Crawfordsville Land Office began in September of 1820 and continued until 1853. Thanks to Jodie & Dellie at CDPL for passing this on!
-- A --
-- B --
Bank Cigar Store (looking West on Main - thanks Ron Keedy for this one)
Basketball Team - marked 1915 - is this a YMCA team (seem older than HS boys so guessing it might have been the first one) - a HS team? - team for a group/business (know one of the teams was for the Coffin factory and others in the area abut a few years later perhaps ?? _ HELP
Bean Barber Shop (Ed then son Louis) - 2nd barber in is Carl Jolley - thanks Dan J for this awesome piece of history
Ben-Hur Fence - See Midstates
Ben Hur Terminal - thanks Lynn R for this one
Source: Crawfordsville Review April 6, 1911 p 3
The corner stone of this magnificent structure was laid Thursday afternoon and will conclude the celebration held in honor of the Tribe of Ben Hur’s 17th Anniversary.
Ben Hur Building with cars (thanks so much to the Birch family)
Ben Hur Drive-in-theater -- thanks so much to Ron Keedy for this one - how many of ya' remember going there? What fun !
Big Four Arch - picture 2 -- Jerry Turner, a great historian just (8-16-2015) sent me this regarding the building of Big Four
--Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star (September 2, 1901) "The arch was completed at 5:30 pm on Friday August 30 with the last stone set. A metal box was inserted into the stone that had the following writing: 'A. J. Yawger, the contractor acting as the master of ceremonies on the conclusion of his work: Bridge 91 West P. & E. RR over Dry Branch, Crawfordsville IND. Completed Aug. 30, 1901 J. A. Barnard - Gen. Manager C. A. Paquette - Superintendent M. A. Neville - Engr’. M of W. F. C. Lingenfelter - - Ass’t Eng’r J. E. Perry - - - - - Inspector J. W. Markley - - Supt. B.& B. D. Kiley - - - Supt. Tracks Yawger & Battefeld - - Contractors E. M. Coughlan - - Superintendent H. Bierman - - - - Mason Last Ston set at 5:30 P.M. A.J. Yawger, Master of Ceremonies No life was lost and no injuries sustained by anyone in the dangerous work. Not a train was delayed and yet work has been one of the great gravity. Bridge superintendent Markley, largely responsible for the work, should feel proud of the successfully completion of the great contract'”
Big Four (photo from the Birch family with back side of post card here - thanks so much ) - boy & his dog - love it !!
Billman Buggies (about 1888?)

Booher Restaurant - thanks to CDPL image database -- Cathy R. writes this about the restaurant and its owner, Reid Booher -- Through the years, as I was told, that hobo’s would get off the train (I was told that his café was on the corner of Market & Green) and would come to the back door of his café. Apparently the hobo’s “marked” diners/café’s by the back doors that would feed them. My grandfather never turned away a hungry person, he always fed them but to make them feel worthy of receiving free food, he had them do a small task such as sweep the floor, the sidewalk, peel potatoes or wash some dishes. He didn’t want them to feel like beggars and by giving them a small task, it might make them feel some self worth. Here is a pic (also a CDPL photo) of Reid & his wife of 50+ years (their wedding pic) Leona Tribby
Breaks Store -- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review - Nov 12, 1881 -- J. Breaks, Jr. New Store, 26 N. Washington St, JEWELRY Rings, bracelets, neck chains, watch chains, lockets, seals, lace pins, ear rings, cuff pins, sleeve buttons, scarf pins, tooth picks, emblem pins, clocks, watches, thimbles, spectacles, canes, diamonds and silverware can be found in all the new stayles and at prices that cannot be beat.
-- C --

CEL&P - Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power - certainly can see here what the flood of 2013 looked like in case you can't remember :) Picture graciously given by Alex Livengood, the photographer - great picture, buddy ! kbz
Camp Rotary Ampitheater - thanks Ron Keedy
Center Presbyterian Church -- 2013 pic by Angie Todd - thanks Angie! -- now the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church this church was organized June 20, 1824 by Isaac Reed, a Prebyterian missionary. Along with Reed as minister, congregationists were Williamson and Miriam Dunn; Hugh and Mary Linn; James Miler; John Cowan and Drusilla Kerr. James Thomson became the first official minister. Dunn donated a lot on the northeast corner of Pike & Water Streets which was the sight of the first building. In 1838, a split created two churches, the First Presbyterian Church and the Center Presbyterian Church, located on the NW corner of Pike & Washington Streets. Center Church was closely related with Wabash College, several of the ministers also serving as president of Wabash. In late April, 1921, the two congreagations reemerged and the church is now known as Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Central School Building (CHS) with dome - thanks Bill Boone !!
Central School - different view (thanks BB)
Central School - drawing (via BB)
Central HS - thanks again, BB!!
Central HS - another view
Central HS - in orange, must have been the color of the year :) Thanks Bill ! CHS graduation - 1915 (thanks BB)
Christ Evangelical Lutheran -- This is one of the newer congregations in Montgomery County, having organized in September 1956 with 112 members.
Christ Scientist - Crawfordsville - northwest corner of Wabash and Grant - this was a home originally but this church was here for quite some time -- the building was torn down in October 2016 (or early November) - thanks CDPL for the photo

Christian Church - In 1826 four miles SW of Crawfordsville, a young Tennessee-born minister, Michael Coombs and his wife held church for those who loved Christianity. He held church there from 1826 (June) until 1833 when a small 40x60' church was built. By 1889, the present building was erected. A chapel, basement rooms and educational facilities were added. Rev. Paul E. Million was one of the longest-timed ministers from1947-1962. See photo at top or click on the name Christian Church to see pic of the church. - corner of Wabash Avenue and Walnut Street. New minister, Peter (wife Abigail) Harper came in May 2014.
CHS - probably a class or school play - possibly a play elsewhere - Lloyd Wisehart is against the flag and directly to his left is Paul Manson. Both born 1897 so if they were 16-17 years old this would be about 1914-1915 range. - Love to know more about this picture - it's so cool. - thanks to Bill Boone
CHS Band, abt 1917 (thanks BB)
CHS Band, 1930-31 (via BB)
CHS Band, 1936 Ladoga Centennial (thanks to Shortridge family via Mary Jo Mensie) - scroll down on page in link to Crawfordsville High School - see pics under there :)
CHS - Musical at Music Hall (no names/title - but thanks muches to Bill Boone) - 1914-1920 range
Cadet Corps -- CHS - 1917 - another great pic sent by Bill Boone !!
CHS - Military Band - about this time frame, too - 1917-1918 - again, thanks to Bill Boone ! You rock, BB

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church) -- The Mormon church rests at the top of Covington Hill at the intersection of Oak Hill Road and is not an old congregation in the county. Beginning in October of 1967, the Seiperts, Thomapsons and Hansens were the original families. The first Sunday meetings were held in the little house on the lawn of the Lew Wallace Study. Swinford, Savoldis, Lewis', Klines, and over 100 families havae been active in the church. Several young people have been to many countries on missions.
Circus Day -- front (thanks muches to my awesome brother, Larry B for this nifty postcard)
Circus Day -- back (to Mr. PP Ellis, Clarks Hill, Ind from OHE
Citizens Bank, Crawfordsville (thanks, Jerry T here is his explanation for this too cool ad -- $5 bill my dad received from the old Bank cigar store many years ago. Regretfully he sold it but here is a picture of it. The interesting thing about the bill is that is has Crawfordsville Indiana on the bill itself issued from the Citizens National Bank. 1929 was the year it was issued and it has the signatures of the cashier and president of the bank)
Citizen Bank - Elston Bank - First National - Clements - Perry Lewis ads on front of the 1930 Crawfordsville City Directory - thanks to Teddy Alfrey
Clements Agency - see Citizen Bank
Coca-Cola Plant - Jim Walling on right - other man unknown pictures frm Joyce Bever - thanks muches JB :) Jim Walling driver for plant -- just how cool is this?
Coney Island (- see below) -- this was on the southeast corner at the intersection of Market & Washington Streets (about 1950) - photo provided by Mike Long :) He's super adding pics for the site ! Greatly appreciated!

"Country Club (Lew Wallace's get-away place he called Water
(posted May 7, 2020)

Babble that later became the Country Club)" -- BB's photo?
Covington Hill - looks downright treacherous - thanks BB
Crawfordsville Airport Drive-In - about 1965 - Carhop Karen Ingersoll Pritchett (& Jocko the monkey) - thank so very much to her daughter, Jeanna Anderson - love this picture
Crawfordsville Band (I was going through some old photos of my father's cousin, Arthur Wayne Vancleave (1903-1984) and found this. Wayne did play for the Crawfordsville Band and he played the clarinet. Wayne may be the one in the middle of the front row. Do you think this is the Crawfordsville Band? Go ahead and print this out for the library collection.
Phil Coons E-Mail:
Crawfordsville Building - 1947 - 1949 (thanks Steve Mason) -- ANYONE know the story of this building - is it burning? Being torn down? This is the location of Indiana Printing on the south side of Pike street. St. Bernards Church is directly west off the right side of the picture. here is another picture which is labeled as "1952-fire-indianaprinting"

Crawfordsville Public Library book mobile - I was Children's librarian for several years there in the late 1980s and although I didn't have a book mobile, I did take books to several places, including nursing homes, offices and the like. Here is Helen Harvey (probably about 1960 ?) wife of Robert Harvey - Raymond Cedars is in the truck and Ernest Wray behind Helen. - thanks Ron Keedy for this nifty look at the old C'ville library and its programs. kbz

Crawfordsville State Bank, Christmas Card (thanks muches BB)
Crawfordsville Welcome Sign - 2013 (thanks Angie)
-- D --
Dairy Queen - wish I had a pic of the old, old DQ but this is the one just abandoned in 2013 - where US 231 (Washington Street) and 47 intersect - close to the SW corner - thanks to Mike Long
Dennis & Shue Grocery same as (Shue & Dennis Grocery)
Dickerson & Co. Grocery -SouthWest Corner of Market & Washington -- thanks so much to Martha Harms for all of these cool Dickerson's pictures -- THANKS THANKS Martha !!! Greatly appreciated
Dickerson Grocery - corner of Main & Washington (before 1904 - George Dickerson Jr. is in the middle of the aisle) - thanks again Martha !!
Dickerson - "Lew Dickerson Store" - Mystery -- See picture below

WHERE OH WHERE CAN THIS GROCERY BE?? Martha Harms did not think she would be able to find where this store is but looks like the mystery is solved -- click to see larger of whole explanation.
Dickerson - George Jr. in some type of meeting - Odd Fellows Lodge perhaps?
Digger's Cafe - downtown C'ville 2013 (photos thanks Ron Keedy)
Donnelley, RR - Sloan Street plant - very early - thanks Ron Keedy - great one :)
Downtown, looking west on Main - snow - about 1980 - thanks muches to Teddy Alfrey for this and all his great pictures :)
Downtown, late 1949 or Jan 1, 1950 (with no coats, etc. seems wrong and more like when the film was developed) - thanks Ron Keedy. You can see the Sportsman Shop; Resoner's ... neat pic
Dreyer's Drug Store (Gold & Blue hangout housed here - 1/2 block from Old HS) and today, what the building looks like - thanks Ron K
Dye's Feed & Grain (where it was for several years - thanks Ron Keedy -- this is on Franklin right over the rr tracks north of Tuttle school (Crawfordsville Middle School soon to be - Dec 2013)
-- E --
Elston Bank -- see Citizen Bank
-- F --
(26 October 2024)
Finley's Bakery --Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 23, 1934 Finley's Bakery - Special Saturday only Butterscotch Layer Cakes 17 cents - something new in Crawfordsville, but this cake was created in the Fleischmann Research Laboratories and voted one of the best. Try one and be convinced. Phone 1815

Fire Department - 1940's Three photos displaying department resources. Thanks to Scott Busenbark
First Baptist Church -- on Sunday, July 11, 1915, a "House Raising Day" was held - to "assist us in making this the greatest and best day in the history of this church." The reason for the day was to build a much needed church edifice. The Trustees were: G.W. Deere; W.L. Hunt and A.P. Morris, with pastor Barney Antrobus. See the program here. The group of men in this picture may be those who worked on the edifice above - thanks to CDPL for these pics. This is a drawing of the current church which is on the Lebanon Road (drawn by Mary Early Johnson, CDPL librarian) - I assume the drawing of the various First Baptist Churches was also drawn by MEJ too. The church had a radio program for several years with ministry and singing.
-- The tent service which launched the First Church of the Nazarene took place in June of 1920 under the leadership of the McHenrys, bringing forth 34 charter members. Rev. Mertie Hooker was the first minister. First holding services in the mission hall at 310 N. Grant Avenue, the group bought the Presbyterian Church on the corner of Pike & Water Street where they worshipped until 1931. Under the guidance of Rev. Grant Barton, with $1.41 starting the project, the group purchased a lot and began the long provess to build a church. Dedication took place more than 7 years later. In 1957, the home next door was bought to use for educational purposes. The church still thrives today.
First National Bank - see Citizen Bank
Frances Wooden - Northside Rec Center (whoops, not sure if Mike Long or Ron Keedy furnished this - Ron I think )-- read also the piece from my Crawfordsville: Athens of Indiana book about Frances - kbz -- such an amazing lady !! You can also read a biography of Frances that I wrote for my book, Crawfordsville: Athens of Indiana.
Fremont Street Baptist Church - no background info
Friendship Baptist Church -- 2014 - Pastor Chris Horton. Youth programs, bible study.
-- G --
GAR - 1909 Encampment (Grand Army of the Republic) -- thanks Lynn R for this cool pic
Gold & Blue - this is the current 2013 building where the old Gold & Blue soda fountain/snack shot place in the 1950-60s. Thanks muches to Ron Keedy one find photographer who loves to take local history shots - I can surely find a pic of it in the olden days somewhere :) kbz
Green Street - see Skating Rink-Green Street 1988
Herron, Mistress (either Rebecca Young Herron or more than likely, Ada Patton Herron)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
(June 16, 2020)
Home, Dr. William Gray SWANK - 400 E. Market Street - here's the information from Mary Jo M - this is awesome -- 1913 or so.," My great grandfather, William Gray Swank, was a physician, trained in Lamar, Missouri. His wife, my great grandmother was Mary Jell Gale Swank. They had 4 chidren - Charles, Roy Fray, Robert Deane, and my grandmother, Nelle May"

Home Oil Co. Station Located in the 200 Block of east Pike Street, on the north side next to the alley. Note the back of the Strand Theater. The house on the left has been a number of different restaurants in the last 40 years. Photo posted to the "Crawfordsville Memory Lane" Facebook page.
House of Seymour - a nifty craft shop on South Washington Street where The Bowery is today. Thanks so very very much to Neil Snyder for this picture where his grandparents had House of Seymour.
Hy-Tex Brick (truck with Lester Utterback) - thanks muches to Jim Hall
-- I --
Idle Hour Roller Rink (thanks to Teddy Alfrey - he has been sooo helpful with these great photos:) - note Teddy says Chicago is a type of skates and yes, this is the one on the point where Wendy's restaurant is in 2014.
-- J --
Jail, see Montgomery County Jail
Jolley Restaurant thanks, Dan
Junction Hotel -- thanks muches to Jerry T - this is what he has to say about the JH -- I found a drawing of the Junction Hotel. This is at Ames Junction and by the drawing the hotel was located to the southeast of the junction. It had 2 stories, a lunch room and drawing room on the ground floor and probably sleeping rooms on the top floor. It had a nice platform along the west and north side. I ought to just write a poem and story about the hotel. lol I wonder how anyone could get any sleep with three railroads running right by place. It was probably just used by the railroad men when they stayed overnight. Dad was telling me that my Grandfather (Who tended the engines at the junction) had an office in a building located and that the train crews would come into Crawfordsville and spend the night there while the engines were turned around and serviced for the next day. When they referred to "the junction" in the old days this was the neighborhood they were talking about and probably the area to the southwest. This drawing is from about 1900 so the on the Sat. photo the Vandaila RR line is not shown south of Sommers factory. Its just a spur line now to Raybestos. Nothing on the location now but dirt. wonder what kind of things could be found digging around in that dirt?
-- L --
Lane Place, see Henry S. Lane Home
Leavenworth home - 1000 S. Grant -- from Larry Barragree - This photo was sent to me by Bill Leavenworth, grandson of Annie and Clarence Leavenworth who reside in Searsmont, ME. Bill's father was the son of Annie and Clarence, lost his life in WW 2. Bill and his mother continued living with the grandparents until Bill's mother remarried and moved away. The house was demolished in either the 60s or early 70s. The person standing on the porch is Dr. Leavenworth. Before living at this residence the Leavenworths resided in what would become the R R Donnelley Resident Manager's residence of many years afterward. If I recall correctly Bill said it was the original Ristine house, original structure constructed in 1854. The Leavenworths were very interesting and educated people. He was I believe the head of the Romance Languages Dept. at Wabash. Annie was a poet, writer and the first woman to teach at Wabash for 1 year 1918. . There was also a really neat barn on the property but sadly it also has been torn down. -- Thanks so much Larry :)
Louis Bischof Dept Store - Crawfordsville and Lodoga (ohhh, thanks Lynn R for this awesome picture/ad)
Log Cabin Inn - nifty place to eat (at least 1950s and very early 1960s) right by Sugar Creek, across from the Yountsville Spring and in seeing range to the Yountsville Covered Bridge - thanks so much to Dean & Edith Rush -- see also Yountsville Bridge
Also see Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Lyon's Music - absolutely LOVE this guitar pic a friend (thanks, Bion R) found in Nov 2015 -- it's awesome!

-- M --
Masonic Temple, colored view (see above)
Methodist Church - see also First Methodist Church
Music - Hall between 1888-1908 from an old city directory that I am soooo sorry, missed the date :( kbz
Myers, Paul J. (Chiropractor - 1920 - thanks to Bill Boone)
-- N --
-- O--
Old Rotary Jail Museum pictures -- on Angie Todd's trip (June 2013) to C'ville she took these nice pics and shared with us :)
Opera House (1881 Star newspaper) -- "The music-loving people of Crawfordsville must not forget Tuesday March 8 the suspicious date of the coming of Madama Emma Donaldi with her great concert company. This is the most expensive concert troupe of great artists on the road, consisting of Emma Donskii, the prima donna soprano, in her first appearance sincer her return from Italy; Mr. J. Levy, the cornet emperor of the world; Madame Chatterton Bohrer, harp soloist; Miss Abbie C. Shipardson, violin soloist; Charles Bonny, the English tenor; Filoto Greco, musical director. Popular prices of 50 cents. The reserved shed ? will be open at Goltra's on Saturday with two hundred choice seats at 75 cents. Get your seats early.-- Thanks Jerry Turner for this super find! Opera House - see Strand Theater
-- P --
Parade -- C'ville looking west on Main about 1900 - shows Interurban station; hotels; etc.
Parade - about 1948 (thanks Steve Mason)
Parade - 1976 Bicentennial (thanks Rob Sosbe for all)
-- Float (WOTM)
Play ? CHS? Unknown play - but two people are known - Lloyd Wisehart by flag and Paul Manson next to him

The Plum Street depot at this time (1895) was where the Freight Station north of the Middle School (Tuttle) is now and the street name changed from Plum St to Wallace Avenue. Thanks to Jerry Turner
Post Office, early 1900s'

Poston - Owatonna Minnesota National Farmers' Bank - bricks from Poston's built this -- several of our local companies (Midstates for one) also used the world-renowned bricks. Thanks to Ron Keedy for this interesting piece of history :)
These several pictures of Poston's Paving & Brick Company employees are from Ginny Smith Platt - Ginny, these are soooooo appreciated! - kbz -- Herman Smith atop building -- Charlie Smith & Bill LaFoe tossing brick -- Charlie Smith (man alone facing pic) ; 3 men with shovels : first man unknown middle Charlie Smith (Ginny's dad) and Herman Smith (Ginny's grandad)
Ransdell and Rogers - barbers circa 1909

Recreation Centers Includes a picture of North Side Rec Center on North Walnut Street and Pike Strret Rec Center on West Pike Street. These proceeded the current Boys and Girls club of today. Thanks to Ron Keedy for this bit of History!
Russell Grocery -- thanks muches to Jack's daughter, Melanie for this great pic - it is probably at the store on the corner of College & Mill but might be on the corner of Mill & Franklin
Shewey, Lester & Hazel's Flowers = Hazel's Bo-Ka Shoppe
Sperry's Mill Covered Bridge just north of Crawfordsville on sr 43 built 1839 tore down early 1930's
Warner - "One price Clothier Corner of Washington & Main Streets" - horsedrawn wagon - watering the streets of C'ville - horse is beautiful but is a shadow of himself :( This pic is probably taken on what today is Market & Washington (southwest side). D.S. Warner (I think it is L. S. for Leopold S.) was a charter member of the Clothier's of Indiana from Crawfordsville. -- this too may be the same Water Wagon but with something different (? Insurance or Insurance ?) - this is a really bad rendition of a parade? You can see the corner of the court house monument and really think the pic may be turned sideways
Willis Grocery - C'ville (at Market Street looking down S. Washington - thanks Lynn R for this one :)
Woodland Heights Christian Church -- Woodland Heights is one of the newer churches in Montgomery County, Almost 200 people attended the ground breaking ceremonies for the church in May of 1965, the church being designed for 500 seating.