Ladoga Album
Ladoga Photo Album

This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest
We know there are more historical Ladoga Photos, please help this page grow Your sharing will help future generations know the history of Ladoga. Please contact the Webmaster! If needed we can scan your old photos and return in a safe manner.
Note: The majority of these photos came from the one and only great BILL BOONE :) Thanks so very much, BB
Baseball Team - 1910 - thanks so much to Elda Herbison 

Here are the names: 1910 BASEBALL TEAM FRONT ROW L-R: Wiley Smith, Gordon Snyder, Cecil Gray, Hugh Rapp, Earl Elrod, Earl Gardner. BACK ROW L-R: Harry Curry, Leonard Shaw, Rusty Rhoads, Arthur Densmore, Ralph Grimes, Charles Burk, Lee Dodd, Pearlie (?) McIntyre. The manager was Charles (Dutch) Burk. This was written in my Grandma Mae Densmore's hand.
NOTE: Here's info about one of the above players and his brother (I put on Facebook after Elda put the super pic up :) -- Harry Curry and his brother Johnny played for Ladoga in the early 1900s. They were sons of Adam and Mary Thompson Curry and two of their eight children. Although John didn't go far in baseball, Harry did indeed. Here's a tidbit stating they joined the O.P. (Ohio Pennsylvania my brother thinks) League and more about him -- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review Jan 3, 1907 - Ladoga has the honor of producing two more prospective fast baseball players, Harry and John Curry. Ladoga's fast battery received their contract from Manager Berybill of the O.P. League. The Curry boys have many enthusiastic admirers. Ladoga has produced many exceedingly fast ball players and but few players of much merit. It is hoped that the Curry boys may some day be of credit to the town for both boys were born and reared here. -- Harry served in WWI and married afterwards at age 33 to a local gal, Gertrude Platt. It is very odd that on her death certificate it says she was never married although she and her mother lived with him (she listed as wife) for 21 years (through two census records). He was tall, stout, had blue eyes, light brown hair and worked in a pool room when he went to the service, although most of his years he was a presser in various dry cleaning businesses (Gertrude's parents, Thomas and Rose Chastain Platt may have had one and taught him the trade or else Rose just worked there right after Thomas' death). John Curry passed away after a quick sickness of less than a day in the Cold Springs Road VA Hospital on the 9th of July 1950 having either divorced or left Gertrude and possibly remarried to a young gal, having one child, Mary (named for his mother?). READ below for brother Harry Like · Reply · 24 mins · Edited Karen Zach Karen Zach Now, for Harry. William D. Harrison Curry was born in Pittsboro (Hendricks County) on the 9th day of September (wrap-up season beginning for baseball) of 1884, the 2nd child of Adam and Mary (Thompson) Curry, joining a sister Maude. His baseball-playing brother joined them three years later. Add four more sisters (Cora; Gussie; Daisy and Lottie) and the youngest Charles, being slight less than 20 years difference between Harry and his younger brother. Harry spent many years as a barber, retired at the time of his death in Lizton 15 days before Christmas in 1971. He and wife, Minnie Trammel (born in Boone County) were married 54 happy years and parented Bill; Lowell; Ron and Carlton Curry. When he registered for WWI (don't think he went) he was described as being medium height, medium build, blue eyed and had brown hair, sounds about like Harry only he might have been slightly taller and a bit chubbier. Wish we knew more about Harry's baseball days. If anyone finds out, let me know :) Harry did go on to play some semi-pro ball in Texas and a few other western states plus more in Indiana before settling down in Lizton. And, Elda Herbison giving you full credit of course, do you mind if I use this on my GenWeb page ? PLEASE :)
Bicyclists - what a nifty pic, Bill - thanks
Bird, Frank -- (thanks BB) - farming
Bischof Store -- Bischof Stores Pictures of Ladoga and Crawfordsville Stores - thanks to my big-time, Ladoga pal, BB :)
Boating on Raccoon Creek (awesome photo, BB)
Boone, Amos - in front of the Golden Rule Garage on S. Washington St, Ladoga
Boone, Bill ... et al (Bill Strickler; Richard Stark; Dave & Ernie French)
Boone, Bill ... et al (same as above - PART II)
Boone, George -- the great Bill Boone's dad. This was his letter sweater. (gold letter on an old gold sweater - shucks, wish it was in color :)
Boone, Bertha - (Ladoga Librarian - thanks BB)
Bouse's Drug Store -- thanks BB
Bridge -- see Swinging; Covered; Railroad and Wagon
Catholic Church (Bill Boone tells us that it was built by the Lutherans and later used by the Church of Christ - funny :) This photo is 1947
Chevy Garage - Ladoga - thanks, Bill B
Christian Church - LOVE the stick(ish) people
Christian Church & Tabernacle - thanks, Bill B
Christian Church - Tabernacle - indoor basketball court - thanks, Bill B
Christian Church - Tabernacle - outside -- thanks, Bill B
Covered Bridge - east of Ladoga 1910 - thanks BB
Crawfordsville HS band at Ladoga Centennial - 1936 (thanks to Mary Jo Shortridge Mensie) - 9 Photos!

Damewood Bridge (sometimes called Sellers Bridge - both Damewood and Sellers lived here) - West of Ladoga behind the sewage treatment plant. - shared by Bill Boone on the Ladoga FB page

Davis Race Horses
Drays (horse-drawn wagons waiting for someone or having brought goods to the train) at depot
East School Building (not sure who gave me this but THANK YOU :)
(18 January 2022)
East School Building - colored - thanks to Fred Foxworthy for this one - it's GREAT !! Note: this is a post card - underneath the photo it said, "Rose from Pearl"
Eight of 15 Seniors enlist - Keith Todd; Joe Heeter; Max Todd; Clarence Radcliff; M Sgt Wm. Thombs; Richard Powers; John Gott; Bill Kimmell; Don Todd - thanks BB -- see also this article

Elevator This picture includes a view of the old elevator, old Monon water tank, the Town Water Tower and a storage building of the Lumber Yard. Thanks to Bill Boone and the "If you grew-up in or around Ladoga Facebook Page".
Everson-Slade Barber Shop - see Slade & Everson
Harshbarger Vault Factory
Havens Poultry Business - newspaper article
HS Class of 1927 (thanks muches to April & Scott)
Home, old in Ladoga - see also Queen Anne
Hubble, Bill (farm worker on separator)
Hughes, Charles - 11 Photos (family pictures - thanks, Bill Boone :)
I Remember - by Eileen Zachary Vice - about Ladoga in the older times - for the Sesquicentennial
Kessler, John & Minnie Payne
Kessler, John above & family
Knox - home (Ladoga is noted for the gorgeous old Victorian homes, and this is one)
Kyle & Overman Trade Palace - see Overman
Ladoga Canning Company at Mound City, Illinois
Ladoga Cemetery Monuments (Union / Confed)
Ladoga group off to C'ville for JW Bryan rally - thanks Bill B - neat pic
Ladoga page - streets of ladoga blog spot of Bill Boone's - this is awesome!

Ladoga ME Church -- (corner of Franklin & Taylor).
An earlier winter time view, thanks to Bill Boone!

Peffley, A.W.
(December 26, 2020) Peffley Homestead Inn Source: Photo courtesy of Ruth Goshorn, "A Pictorial History of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County, Indiana", Published in 2002 by the Journal Review, 119 N Green Street, Crawfordsville, IN 47933, page 93

Presbyterian Church - Ladoga
Railroad Bridge & Dam Three photos, two arebasically the same with one being color and the other is black and white. The third photo is from a different angle. Color photo from Bill Boone and the "If you grew-up in or around Ladoga Facebook Page".
Rapp Buggy Company & Home Canning Factory - thanks muches B :)
Repair Shop, Bob Wilhite - father-in-law of Les Warner - west of Canning Factory
Reunion - 1919 service men from WWI - super photo, Bill B :) thanks so much
Old Normal School - see Old Normal
Old Grade School - see Grade School
School - see East School
School - High - see Ladoga High School
Schools - Aerial View -- thanks Bill
Sherrit, Vern (Monon Agent)
Streets :
A nifty narrative walk down the streets of Ladoga by Bill Boone with a 'lil help from his friends -- thanks Bill :)
Main Street (Business District)
North - side of square, 1890s -- thanks to Vern for correction on date :)
Opera House - history of this nifty place by BB - you rock, Bill Boone!
Street scene (terribly posed, don't ya' think?) Bill Boone notes that this is the north side of Main street, from the Library to the alley that ran between Brunst's and the pool room. "Every Ladoga native who can still read will remember those"
STARK, Richard - see Bill Boone
STRICKLER, Bill - see Bill Boone
Swinging Bridge - diff view (wow, thought that gal was being hanged at first glance ) Thanks, BB
Teagarden Home
Tribby, Jim & Daniell Hamilton - Jim was on the Bataan March during WWII - Danielle's mother, Gaildene Duncan Hamilton wrote an article about him -- thanks BB
Vault Factory - see Harshbarger
WWI - reunion of service men in 1919 -- see Reunion - 1919 ...
Wilhite, Bob - Repair Shop - see Repair Shop, Bob Wilhite