Waveland High School

Note that Waveland especially but some of the other schools as well will have more on the "Photos - places - name of town" **Karen is an ALUMNUS of Waveland High School - Go Hornets!!!
Waveland Alumni History 1965-2014 and 66 random photos of the 2002 Alumn Banquet. Thanks to Kathy King former Treasurer of the Waveland Alumni Association.
- (20 January 2024) Waveland School Song Also includes: colors, newspaper, nickname and yearbook names. - thanks Bill Boone :)
- Waveland Schools and Gyms A history of Waveland Schools and Gyms using Waveland sources compiled by Bill Boone includes text and pictures.
- Academy - see Waveland Academy below Waveland entry on main page!
- Catalogue of Students 1889-90 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Superintendent's Report April 3, 1891 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Board of Trustees for 1891-1892 With the Corps of Teachers for 1890-1891 AND 1891-1892 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Sample Daily Program during the 1891-1892 School Year Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Catalogue of Students 1894-95 And Attendance Honor Roll Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Roll of Honor for Attendance 1895-1896 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Cliff Davis - Coach
- School Officers for 1895-96 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Alumni Association Formed March 1895 and Roll of Graduates (ALUMNI) Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1896 Waveland Annual Report - this is soooo cool (thanks, Dave F) Has information on Board Members, Trustees and Teachers going back to 1988.
- Waveland Commencement 1896 Program These are scans of photocopied images of the commencement program found in Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1898 Waveland Annual Report - these are just amazing - thanks Dave & Trevor
- WAVELAND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Names from the beginning to the end 1884 thru 1971, Thanks to Delores Thomas Reynolds Farley - you rock, 'ol babysitter !! :) kbz AND Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- WHS -- old school -- article -- although I had this picture tagged as the Waveland Academy, it clearly has WHS on it and this is also the same building mentioned in this article .... hmmmmmm
- TO BUY ACADEMY BUILDING FOR HS -- Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Jan 19, 1882 p 5 "Waveland news item" -- There is considerable talk about the board of trustees of our town purchasing the new college building, which stands in the extreme northeast part of town to be used as a school house, in place of the old one which is centrally located. The Board have submitted the matter to the tax payers within the corporation, and agree to act as they may direct. The question will most likely be called at the next municipal election.
- Horse Training class - about 1900:?? It is marked as Brown Township in pictures I received, bur I'm fairly sure this building is the Waveland school pre-1936 before the gym was added.
- Graduates, 1906 Photo of Class with Names
- 1910 Freshman Class Photo Graduating Class of 1914 (see list of graduates above). We need help with names, we only know one person Hazel Morgan (Karen's Grandmother). Thanks to Karen's brother Larry for finding this photo.
- WAVELAND HS Source: Crawfordsville Review 9-21-1911 p 1Information received here is to the effect that Waveland town will immediately prepare to erect a high school building at a cost of about $40,000. The election Tuesday made it eviden that the tax payers of Brown Towship outside the town do not care to enter into an arrangement with Waveland for building a joint high school. As the present building has been condemned action must be take at once towards providing a new structure.
- Waveland 1921 First Grade Teacher Ovetta Palmer, some of the students are indentified. Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1922 Honor Roll (grade cards)
- Waveland - 1924 - loses students
- Waveland Senior Class 1925 Names Listed! Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1926 - Grade card of my cousin (whom I adored) Bob Morgan - Waveland School, Brown Twp. Morgan, Robert L -- Jan 4, 1926 -- age 8 Spelling 89; Reading 94; Writing 90; Arithmetic 77; Geography 94; Grammar 94; History 96; Music 94; Exams Spelling 80; Reading 85; Arithmetic 50; Geography 100; Grammar 98; History 100 Jennie Burford, Teacher
- Waveland Senior Class 1930 Names Listed! Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1930 - Grade Card of my cousin, William Brooks (Woody) Morgan - Brown Township, but sure it is Waveland School -- Dec 30, 1929 to April 18, 1930 term Brown Twp, Montgomery Co school report -- William Morgan Spelling 93; Reading 84; Writing 80; Arith 75; Geograpy 81; Grammar 81; Physiology 81; History 70; Music 80; Art 82 -- exams Spelling 100; reading 83; arith 55; geography 80; Grammar 87; Phisiology 89; History 80; Music 86 -- Frances Milligan, Teacher and here's one of his brother, 1930 - Brown Twp Schools Sept 1, 1930 to Dec 19, 1930 -- James Morgan age 8 -- Spelling 89; Reading 80; Writing 85; Arithmetic 94; Geography 86; Grammar 77; Music 86; Drawing 85; Examps Spelling 84 ; Reading 53; Arithmetic 89; Grammar 23; Music 41 Jennie Burford, Teacher
- Monthly Honor Roll - Oct 21, 1932
- Frances Milligan's Fourth Grade Class of 1934 Names of class members on back of photo.
- Grade Report for my cousin, Raymond Morgan -- Jan 2, 1933 -- Brown Twp, School report (found in local history room, Crawfordsville Library March 1993) -- Morgan, Raymond -- age 12 -- Spelling 83; Reading 78; Writing 83; Arith 79; Geography 81; Grammar 84; Hygiene 82; History 80; Music 83; Art 90 - I thought this was pretty nifty - kbz
- Sophomores 1935 -- this was my mother's class (kbz) -- she told me they didn't have a year book because of the Depression and our economy. You'll note on the 1939 one that it is hand made. You can see the glue spots and how each was put on the page. Crazy, huh? Sure glad I wasn't yearbook editor of 1939 :)
- School Play - The Toys That Were Left Behind -- list of those with parts -- this is about 1935-36 - possibly a little earlier but not much according to who is listed.
- Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 10, 1936 George WOODCOOK had the honor breaking ground for the gym on Wed. morning but the ground was down by the Pa. RR. Two Pa. Tool houses were wrecked and hauled up to the school grounds, where the material will be used to build a tool house to take care of the stuff used in building the gym.
- Waveland Fifth & Sixth Grades 1938-1939 Names Included! Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Waveland High School Faculty 1945-1946 Includes Names! Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- 1953 Senior Class Play titled Dotty & Daffy - thanks to Robert "Bob" Harbison for this -- Staff (make-up ...) -- Cast (3 Images total)
- 1954 Prom Pictures - only identified ones - Wanda Hess holding pillow on left - Jerry Joiner on right -- Sponsor, Lawrence Hazlett (behind Jerry) and his wife, Barbara and Johnny Walker, who is crowning the king/queen - Picture 2 & 3 Fun pics of the times - love the dresses and the facy suits of the guys - Thanks to Dave Harbison, his Uncle Bob Harbison admits to being the King and Bonnie Reynolds is the Queen - whoop whoooo :) (3 Images total)..
- 1963-1964 Waveland Kindergarden/Names Thanks to David Harbison
- Waveland 1968-1969 3rd Grade Classs of Mrs. Crosby With Names
- SENIOR CLASS POSTERS These were orginally in the school foyer. Saved by Delores Thomas Farley. These poster span 1934 thru 1971, however we are missing 1944 and still acquiring 1961. After being copied by Jim Zach, they were donated to Crawfordsville Public Library for preservation.
- 1981 Alumni Banquet booklet - this is nifty :) - thanks so very much to the Fullenwider family for this - doggone it I went to the Alumni Banquet and was involved in it for probably 3 or more decades and don't think I kept a one of these - shucks :(
- Teachers of Waveland High School Schools of Montgomery County 1901 thru 1934 AND 1935 thru 1966, Then Under control of South Montgomery School Corporation 1967 thru 1971 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- After 1971 graduation Waveland became an Elementary School K thru 6 grades only. It remained open until 2013. We have the elementary teachers 1972 thru 2007 Source: "BROWN TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
Photo Album of assorted Waveland School photos:
Below we have a self playing slide show. By placing the cursor below the "Control Bar" you will see a description of the photo. There is an icon "[ ]" on the right side of the "Control Bar" that by clicking on it the slide show will enlarge to "Full Screen". You can then move forward or backward, at your own pace, by clicking on the right or left arrows. Then there are full screen controls in the upper right hand corner. Please enjoy!