o index
This Index Page lists all "O"
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest
Opera House (1881 Star newspaper) -- "The music-loving people of Crawfordsville must not forget Tuesday March 8 the suspicious date of the coming of Madama Emma Donaldi with her great concert company. This is the most expensive concert troupe of great artists on the road, consisting of Emma Donskii, the prima donna soprano, in her first appearance sincer her return from Italy; Mr. J. Levy, the cornet emperor of the world; Madame Chatterton Bohrer, harp soloist; Miss Abbie C. Shipardson, violin soloist; Charles Bonny, the English tenor; Filoto Greco, musical director. Popular prices of 50 cents. The reserved shed ? will be open at Goltra's on Saturday with two hundred choice seats at 75 cents. Get your seats early.-- Thanks Jerry Turner for this super find!