Street Scenes
-- The majority of these are from Marianne Burrin Marcussen --
(thanks so very much - what memories & interesting looks at past Waveland history - AWESOME! )

Scene 1 (Cross Street South of Green)

Scene 2 (Cross Street - colored about 1920 -- note same picture as Scene 10 below, only this is hand colored - had to have been a major amount of money spent by the Burrin family for all of these but blessings upon them for preserving a touch of the past)
Scene 3 (West Main Street) -- same picture colored -- this is also same pic as above
Scene 4 (looking up -- North -- from Main Street onto Cross - about 1910 - just guessin')
Scene 5 (in middle of Cross Street - some BIG celebration (4th of July perhaps??) - shows lots of people lining the streets, looking out upper windows of buildings, horses lined up for something - very interesting pic) -- another Cross Street - Undertaking & Embalming - UGH - the Bank - other businesses - since I only see cars, I'd guess this to be about 1915??
Scene 6 -- (looking down Cross Street (now Highway 59) - dirt roads - probably in fall - a two-horse buggy heading our way - you can see the old electric poles and crude street light)
Scene 7 -- (East side of Cross Street past Green Street-- we had Legion meetings when I was a kid in the building by the front buggy w/o the horse - think it was that building or one next to it)
Scene 8 -- (Cross North of Howard Street -- West side -- good picture of the Hotel in its more grandeur stage - Hotel Waveland at that time but many other names - Hotel Stebbins; Cuppy Hotel ...)
Scene 9 -- Cross Street north of Howard -- great, clear picture - wish I knew MLPhotos origination!)
Scene 10 -- THINK this is Cross Street looking South from Green Street - love the laid down feed sacks - or whatever for the sidewalk - note the ladies gathered aroud the one store - bet there was a sale !!
Scene 11 -- Cross Street, looking North from Main Street - note there looks like a house still downtown with a white picket fence. What a hoot! On the left facing picture, there was one of my fav places to go - Coleman's Store - gone then; gone now, but a strong part of my childhood :) kbz Cross Street - and Cross Street at Howard -- Cross Street north of Howard (large barber pole - wonder if it belonged to my fav barber, Hiram Pratt? -- -- Cross Street about 1900 - note the street light on the wire and the electric poles - -Cross Street south of Green
Scene 12 -- E. Green Street, just East of the present-day library -- 3 of the 4 houses are still standing
Scene 13 -- Vandalia Street 1927 MLPhotos (I think this is at the bottom of the present town hill near Highway 47 -- the road used to curve quite a ways around and was not straight like it is today - CDPL photo
Scene 14 -- Also a CDPL photo -- I'm more than sure (although tagged by them as unknown street) this is East Green not far from the school - the Methodist Church (Presbyterian probably in this time frame) would be across the street from the close-up homes and the parsonage is seen there. JD Gilliland also noted that the closest home was the Charlie Moore home - he was a grocer and business man in the fair city of Waveland from probably 1925-1960ish. Next home was where the Kenneth Milligan family lived for several years in the late 1940;s and 1950s.

Scene 15 -- Road to Shades -- this seems to be just outside of Waveland going north before the cemetery
Scene 16 - coming in to Waveland - near Vandalia Street -- note the cemetery at the top of the hill - almost see my house but it's covered by trees :(
Scene 17 -- 204 East Green Street, Waveland - Mrs. Kleiser in front of home -- this is likely Carrie Belton Kleiser, but two Kleisers lived on Green Street so not totally positive