history from 1874
WAVELAND - a bit of history from 1874
Source: Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Star newspaper, June 9, 1874 p 2
On Thursday last we made a flying visit to the thriving town of Waveland, this county, mainly on business, and as railroad accommodations are few and far between- between Crawfordsville and her neighbors – we were permitted, not forced, to remain in town something near 24 hours, during which time by making ourself “numerous,” had the pleasure of taking by the hand pretty nearly the entire population. We felt sorely grieved while there, to learn that we were suspected of being a candidate for office. We found everything astir in and about town, building, brick making & c, and trade very fair in all its branches, considering the scarcity of money. The improvements in the way of buildings are numerous a new grist mill, a saw mill, a great number of new dwelling houses, a two-story brick block with stone front on the corner of Cross and Green, running south half a block, which will contain six beautiful business rooms on the ground floor. This building is being erected by several different parties, and when finished will be occupied as follows: No. 1 – The corner – MC McCormick, builder will be occupied by Moore & McCormick with drugs and stationery. No. 2 – MC McCormick, builder – to be occupied by Mr. Byerly with dry goods and family groceries. No. 3 – Will be occupied by Stone & Rice, manufacturers and dealers in cabinet furniture. No. 4 – The property of Miller & Demoree, and will be occupied by them in the hardware trade. No. 5 – Hutton & Ong proprietors, as a provision store and bakery. No. 6 – Is being built by Mr. Z.M. Ball, expressly for the drug trade and will be occupied by him immediately on its completion. On the east side of Cross Street, south of the new brick block above mentioned, we find the present drug store of ZM Ball; next the stove, tin and queensware store of JC Burden; next, the neat and cleanly family grocery, confectionery and provision store of Wm. H. Peterman & Co; next, the dry goods store of the Milligan Brothers; next, the office of Dr. “Tom” Whittington, a resident dentist; and by the way a credit to the profession; next, our former townsman, A. Wolever, manufacture of boots shoes; who, we understand, as in the past, never fails to throw ‘em into fits, and we suppose will to the last; next in order comes the drug, book and stationery store of Moore & McCormick; and across the street from this, on Main the hotel of JB Thornton; west of Main, the fine livery of John Deitrick; then L. Buch, the harness maker; winding up on this street with our old friend HE Rhoads, who carries on somewhat extensively in the manufacture of a very superior wagon. We now return to Cross Street, northward on West side. The first place in order, is the barber shop of HA Pratt and though in the estimation of some is only a barber, he is nevertheless a well read, intelligent gentleman. Men of less caliber and refinement have represented the old 9th district in Congress Next comes the Express office in the management of our young friend, Green; Esq. Brush also holds forth in this room. Over the Express office we find Wm. Stallard, the photographer; we then call on our old gray haired friend, Simon C. Davis at the Post Office; the Squire tells us that he has sent up his resignation. Feeble health and poor pay for the services rendered, are the reasons assigned for this rash act. Across Maiden Lane, north of Cross Street we find Wm. Gregory and “better half,” in the millinery trade in all its parts; then Milligan & Glover, dealers in general dry goods and groceries; and we notice they carry superb stocks. Next, WM Byerly with a full and complete line of dry goods, notions and groceries. Next, Rhoads & Cochran, manufacturers of and dealers in harness, saddles, & c, Miss Ella Davis is next on the route with a stock of millinery goods. Then George Washington Miller, dealer in hardware, etc. And lastly on this block the mammoth dry good store of Hanna & Johnson. This firm is also in the wool trade extensively, and are now buying largely. We then cross Green street to JD Haley’s stove and tin store, the house on the hill. We found him very quiet and in his maneuvering in business reminded us very forcibly of the fellow who declared he “didn’t care a d__n whether school kept or not, so the big gals come!” Immediately over Haley’s we find LD Stone, the cabinet maker. Mr. S. is also going to slow just now, impatiently awaiting the completion of his new room. We at this point brought our meandering to a close by calling in at the shoe shop of Messrs. Al Eastlack & Perry Sherpherd – Eastlack in the manufacture of boots and shoes; and Shepherd in the business of silversmithing. Waveland has several other establishments in addition to those above enumerated, among which we will notice the blacksmith shops of John Deitrick and James Woodgate. Besides a great number of first-class mechanics, whose names we do not now remember. Among the master carpenters interviewed we will mention James Conner; Geo. Weymore; David Galt; John R. Hutton and “Sam” Shelliday. The practicing physicians we found, were our old-time friends JP Russel and Zoph Ball, also A.T. Steele, all of whom are progressive and skillful though somewhat inclined to complain of the present time as distressingly healthful. The divines minister to the spiritual wants of this people – preparing them for the enjoyment of a higher and we trust better world – are Rev. James Stevens of the ME Church; Rev. Mr. Terrance of the Presbyterian Church; and Rev. Mr. Morris of the Christian Church; and although but men, report tells us they all appear to be faithful servants, and like old Simeon just and devout – constantly laboring in the Master’s vineyard. We also met President Zion while in this place. He too was at work, not in matters eternal, but temporal – things seen, and mainly the speedy commencement of work in Scott and Brown Townships, on the Anderson, Lebanon & St. Louis RR. Mr. Zion is a gentleman of untiring energy, is possessed of a fair share of the world’s goods, enjoys an extensive monied influence, and with all seems to entertain an abiding faith in the ultimate success of this project over every opposition. We hope his fondest anticipation may be fully realized, not that his name may be glorified, but that the people of that section may be more abundantly provided with means of transportation for their products; and that the blindness of the management of the LC & SW thereby be effectually cured by competition. Competition is an unfailing balm for all such ills in man or corporation, when all else fails.