Thanks so very much to the following people for these super pics :) Mark Smith; ALan Melvin, Sandra Rackard; Dale Smith , the Rush's, Ron Keedy, and Bill Boone
-- A --
Alamo - a nifty early aerial view of the town - thanks so much for this fab picture to Dean & Edith Rush :)
Alamo, town of -- late 1920s. Photo taken by Harold Melvin, donated by his son, Alan who has been so helpful on this site -- the big brick building on the left is where (2012) the fire station is today. The other brick building was the old Etter Store (Smileys; Metgus (Metzger); Pickett; Shelton; Busenbark and Priebe's). A note from William Metzger -- > The actual spelling of the store > owner should be Metzger instead of Metgus, denoting when my father > Walter owned it. Upstairs was a large community room that my father > (and other owners I suppose) rented out for community dances until the > alcohol got to flowing too much that fights became a regular problem > and then he stopped. There were two old gas pumps outside that I > remember hand cranking to fill up the gas tank of anyone who needed > gas and on Saturday evenings my father used to spread a big tarpaulin > across the road on the trees lining either side to show free movies, > during which time he scheduled frequent intermissions to allow bathroom breaks and the sale of ice cream cones from the store! > > The picture also shows a big brick building on the left in the > background across from the General Store. That is stated as where the > current fire department is but at that time it was a huge old Masonic > Hall building. The only street light in town I think was on the > corner of the intersection where those two old buildings stood and > about once a month the Masons would hold an ice cream social in the > summer time. I can still remember hand cranking the ice cream maker > set up on the foundation of the Masonic Hall since, if we kids didn't > work on the cranking we didn't get any of the fresh ice cream! > > Thanks for the memory > > Bill Metzger
Nifty, nifty picture -- this one of a street and home of Alamo about that time was also taken by Harold and donated by Alan. There is a neat story about this home. In 1928, two teachers boarded there (home of Jess Clore) and they fell in love and were married :) Here is her obituary (wish it mentioned that but sure thanking Edith Rush and Ethel Hudson for this great story ). Tri-County News, April 25, 1957 – Mrs. Lucile HOFFHAUS, 49 years old died at 7 Monday morning at her residence RR 1, Hillsboro. She had been a teacher in Parke & Montgomery Co. for 28 years. Surviving are the husband, Edwin; one daughter, Helen Sue at home; the mother, Mrs. Lucy KERR of RR 2, Rosedale; 3 sisters, Miss Blanche Kerr of Rosedale; Mrs. Dorothy McHargue of Elkhart and Mrs. Virginia Hutchins of Roachdale and one brother, James Kerr of Rosedale. She was born in Bridgeton Jan 26, 1908, the d/o James and Lucy Crooks Kerr. She married Edwin H. Hoffhus at Waynetown in 1943. She was a member of the church of Christ Scientist. Funeral services were held Wed. at 2 p.m. Branson Funeral Home, Rockville. Burial in Clear Run Cemetery, Bridgeton. Mrs. Hoffhaus received a Master’s degree in English from ISTC. She taught English and Latin for 9 years in Waveland School.
Alamo Band -- Jan 7, 1873 C'ville Star -- "The Alamo Band has become one of the institutions of the place. It is evident from the time spent in practice, that their motto is onward, in spite of all obstacles. On Saturday evening last, they commenced a series of entertainments, at the Academy Hall.... N.G. Neer
Alamo Band, 1915 - thankfully they are named - this I'm sure, is a picture from an old Montgomery Magazine - thanks, BB
Alamo Academy - see Street Shot
Alamo 1st and 2nd graders in 1930 (thanks so very much to Sally Simpson (who gave me this from her mother-in-law, Bettie's interesting goodies :)
Alamo HS - with buggies (nifty pic)
Alamo Alumni - early 1960s (anyone know who???)
Alamo Stores (thanks muches to my cousin, Mark Smith for this nifty photo:)

Alamo Telephone Office Thanks to Mark Smith
-- B --
Basketball - 1956-1957 County Champs - from Bill Boone - here are the players -- Bottom--Jim Fruits, Larry Bayless, Kenny Springer, Jerry Bayless and Charlie Bowerman. Standing--Dick Huseman, Max Nichols, Roscoe Rush, Joe Melvin, and Whitey Reath. The coach of course is Tom Bowerman.
Basketball -- 1957-1958 -- Thanks to Whitey & Linda Reath (plus Bill Boone) for this -- - thanks to Joyce B for redoing that pesky scratch - looks GREAT now :) AND to John & Joyce for finishing naming the rest of the guys. Whoop whooo - got 'em all now !! LOVE IT !!!
Basketball - 1913 - one of my fav pics on the whole site :) I just love the large AHS on the shirts - sure wish I had their names
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-- E --
Elliott, Joab - his home was an underground railroad spot (thanks to Dean & Edith Rush for this one) -- "the photo was in the book of James B. Elmore's called, Twenty-Five Years in Jackville. His story tells of the railroad line running from Parke County by way of Alamo to this station. The line then ran to Yountsville to the Abijah O'Neal home, then ran to Crawfordsville in the care of John Speed and Fisher Doherty, who sent them on." Note from Edith :) Awesome history !!
Elmore, James B. - thanks so much to Dean & Edith Rush for this one, too - this is AWESOME
Elmore, Roscoe -- see his Obituary here.
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Gym - Alamo (I cheered in here before - have an odd story if anyone wants to hear :)
kz - thanks BB for the pic
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-- J --
Jim Davis Iron Bridge - awesome pic - thanks so much to Dean & Edith Rush
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-- L --
Landmark (Restaurant on corner)
Larsh, Toliver (Article)

-- O --
-- P --
Post Office - see Alamo Post Office
-- Q --
-- R --
-- S --
School -- note there are several Alamo school pictures at our "Alumni - Schools & Such"
School hack (horse-drawn, sure wish we knew who the driver was)
Roscoe Elmore - teacher - about 1920 - again, thanks so very very much to Dean & Edith Rush
Early school pic early 1900's
School about 1934 - thanks to Edith Rush.

-- T --
-- U --
Underground RR - see Elliott, Joab
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-- W --

Weir Family home near Alamo Thanks to the photo archives of the "Crawfordsville District Public Library" and Carol Weir Meadows for confirmation as to the home.
-- Y --
Yountsville Bridge, 1888 - thanks so much to the Rush family
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