Kiln at the Waveland Stone Quarry
The above picture was sent to the site coordinator by Dave F, a life-long Waveland boy who spent a lot of time at the stone quarry and the nearby tressle, swimming. Thanks so much Dave. Love it!
It is unknown at this time (January 2019) just how long the Stone Quarry was in existence or how many buildings, drives ... it helped to build. This was located as you drive in before the pond. The old railroad was just across the driveway to the east of it. Mike H (another Waveland boy) found an article in a 1902 newspaper stating that they had a contract to supply stone to the Midland RR at Ladoga. This kiln was used to turn limestone into powedered lime.
In 1942, a couple of area stone companies supplied crushed rock for explosives. In this Source,: Daily Banner, Greencastle, Indiana 20 April 1942, we find this nifty piece pinpointing the fact that the quarries were intrical to the war effort. "The two big stone quarries in the immediate vicinity of Greenastle - the O&I and the Midwest, now owned by the France Stone Company have been contributing their big bit toward vast quantities of crushed stone for the explosive plant to be erected at Clinton. Both quarries have been working on the contracts. The stone coming from their plants has been used in the building of roads at the site of the proposed plant. It has been crushed in sizes ranging from 3 1/2" down to smaller sizes.
The total tonnage contributed by Putnam County is unknown here, as the daily invoices are forwarded day by day to the central office of the France Company, at Toledo, but some general idea of the tonnage may be gained from the fact that from 35-110 trucks, hauling som e7 tons each, have been working the great part of the time through a couple of months, making four trips daily between Greencastle and the plant, a distance of 40 miles, one way. Four round trips a day would mean more than 300 miles a day.
The quarry at Waveland, owned by the Waveland Stone Company, a subsidiary, it is said, of the Western Indiana Stone Company, also has a contract for supplying stone for the same project. Connected with that plant are Mike Finn, formerly superintendent of stone production at the state farm at Putnamville and Ed O'Brien, formerly a stone inspector for the Indiana State Highway Commission, residing in Greencastle and having many friends here now.
Norman Kelb, formerly a resident of Greencastle and with the France Stone Company during that time and later, but nt now, has formed a company which has been awarded a contract to supply two million tons of crushed stone to be used in the construction of a government dam on the Tennessee state line, in the Tennessee River, it is believed here
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 August 1896 p 12
Mayor Bandel Friday leased a large and valuable stone quarry two and one-half miles below Waveland for a period of 10 years. He will put in a large stone crusher at once and begin crusing stone. His product will be sold for the construction of roads, streets, etc. The exhaustion of the good gravel beds hereabout has caused a boom in the crushed stone business, and Mayor Bandel believes he can make a good thing out of his quarry.