New Richmond Album
New Richmond Photo Album

This Index Page lists all of the
Businesses, Churches,
and Places of Interest
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New Richmond Album
Black Bear Hotel & Stout's Zoo (bar) - thanks so much to Chris Oppy --I found an article when the Black Bear Hotel burned in 1914 and was hoping to find a picture of the place before hand -- Chris sent this picture and this explanation : "Your article on the hotel mentions Ira Stout. Here's a 1903 or 04 photo of Ira Stouts other business called "The Zoo" in which you can see the Black Bear Hotel in the background. The Zoo was located two "doors" south of the Black Bear north of railroad and on west side of Wabash Street. This part of New Richmond was called "Smokey Row." During this era, bars were sometimes called "zoos booze joints, "temperance salon dive," or "club room." As you might imagine, alcohol establishments were quite controversial back then, there the New Richmond Record identifies an attempt to abolish the "shameful soft drinks joint" via a warrant was issued to it's owner for "illegal selling of intoxicants." However, the State prosecutor failed to appear before Esq. Ebrite so the case was cleared. The owner had been arrested" on a charge of selling intoxicating liquor to a minor and for selling in less quantity than a quart at a time without a retail liquor license." I'm guessing hotels were more acceptable than bars in New Richmond back then!" - Chris found another Black Bear - I love it - I'd sure stay there as long as the Stout Zoo wasn't too noisy :) Whoopee - here's yet another :) Thanks muches CP
BUCK, John "Daddy" - Everyone in New Richmond knew Daddy Buck. He was a gardener and raised vegetables to sell in the area. Everyone delighted at seeing this scraggly-beadred, long-fingered, smiling old man carrying his basket full of goodies.
Farmers Review Newspaper -- Source: Farmers Review Newspaper, New Richmond, Indiana, March 11, 1932 (thanks to the Oppy family) -- Issued on Friday. Paul Mason, Editor; Fred A. Taylor, Publisher; Subscription Price $1.00 a year in advance. Entered in the New Richmond, Ind, Post office as Second Class Matter
Hook's Drug Store - out of business - CDPL photo
Kunkel's Plumbing and Heating - CDPL photo
Downtown New Richmond - Thanks Bill Boone :)
New Richmond HS - thanks BB
New Richmond Sports -- Bill Boone's great site - thanks Bill
Stout's Zoo (New Richmond - 1904) - this was a bar - in the picture the Black Bear Hotel is also shown - it burned in ten years after this picture - thanks soooo much to Chris Opppy
Telephone Operators:
Washington Street, circa 1900 - east and west
Washington Street businesses about 1909