WHO'S WHO - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Who's Who in Fountain (kbz's version)

The Rich --- The Famous -- The Infamous -- and ... More

-- A --

** ADAMSON, John -- land owner; trader; farmer ...

** ALDRIDGE, James Wesley -- decorated by King George V of England for bravery in WWI

** ARMSTRONG, Lewis P -- physician

** AUTER, Peter -- farmer

** AYLSWORTH, Jonas -- mill operator

-- B --

** BAILEY, John -- teacher; county sheriff ..  

** BARKER, Austin "Buzz" -- House - businessman - WWII Vet - my cousin and one heck of a fellow

** BARNES, Albert Raymond - Utah Attorney General

** BEAMER, Reuben -said to be youngest CW soldier - later a detective

** BEVER, Ora Eston - PU grad, homesteader in Montana, attacked by a bear, Powell, Oregon's Mayor 8 years

** BINGHAM, James - politician

** BOGUE, Zelma - 1st female mayor of Glendale, Cal.

** BOLTON, John David - farmer - Civil War soldier  

-- C --

** CARNES, Josef R - composer

** CRANE, George W. III -- columnist; psychologist; first computer dating service (Scientific Marriage Foundation in Mellott, IN) findagrave

** CRUEA, George  Campaign poster for Sheriff   Compliments of Les Cruea

-- D --

** DOWNING, Moses - minister

-- E --

-- F --

* *FAIRCHILD, Hiram Orlando - minister & politican

** FAUST, Montclair S. - local dentist - source 2

** FENTERS, James Dean - microbioligist - much work on cancer, as well as some Environmental work. He was on the Editorial Staff for the publication, Applied Microbiology through the 1970s.

** FENTERS, Roy C -- judge; WWI Veteran; prosecuting attorney

-- G --

** GILLUM, Osborn - physician

** GRAY, William B and wife, Zoe Jones -- first superintendents of the Pythian Home in Lafayette - oversaw 15 or so workers and about 125 people in the home. He was also the first "mayor" of Veedersburg

-- H --

** HANNEGAN, Edward - lawyer, prosecuting attorney - twice in House & a senator

** HARDEN, Cecil Murray & husband, Frost - Cecil was a state rep and Frost was a car dealer, barber 50-year Mason

** HAY, George Dewey - born in Attica, became the "father of Grand 'ol Opry"  

** HAZELWOOD, Theodore Eugene --  a professional football player (Chicago Bears) he retired and ran a sporting goods store in Frankfort, IN.  He also lived in Conn where he worked for the Winchester Gun Company - read more - he's pretty nifty!  

** HELGERS, Ruby Moore -- a newspaper correspondent for almost 60 years, Ruby worked for both the Crawfordsville Journal-Review and Danville Commercial News. She was always trying to improve her beloved town of Mellott (town board 16 years; Sunday School teacher; Eastern Star; and initiated Flag Town USA. Wish I'd have known her! kbz

** HESLER, Alfred J -- mover & shaker in Fountain County Historical Society and creator of 4-H in the county - cool man!

-- I --

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-- K --

-- L --

** LINN, Lo"Rena" Elrod -  - one of 1st female politicians in California

** LUKE, Della Cade -- 1st Superintendent of Turkey Run State Park - love to know more about her

-- M --

** MARSHALL, Henry H - born in Fountain County went to Leon, Kansas and prospered  

** McCALL, Thomas Edward - Congressional Medal of Honor recipient

**McCORMICK, Joseph - River Boat Captain

** MEEKER, Jacob Edwin - minister and congressman

** MYERS, John Thomas -- Long-time Congressman born in Fountain and lived many of his years here

-- N --
** NEAL, Raymond "Ray" GAUMEY - GREAT DePauw football coach - one team not even scored upon :)

** NEBEKER, Enos Hook -- Enos held several local offices, including County Auditor and was chosen by President Harrison as Treasurer of the United States - one of my fav Fountain Countians  And here

** NIEHOUSE, Kathryn McBroom -- quite the early female politician

** NORMAN, Marguerite Starkey Smith -- Marguerite was a cousin of mine and so admired by all who knew her - she gave herself fully to her pupils, community and faith

** NYE, E.A. - multitalented -- preacher, writer, newspaperman ....

-- O --

-- P --  

** PARKINSON, William Lynn - Circuit Court Judge ...

** PITZER, Lawrence (Slim) -- National Corn Husking Champion - 1939

** PURNELL, Fred Sampson - Lawyer, City Attorney - Congresman

-- Q --

-- R --

** Rabb, Kate Milner - author, libber, historian - thanks Lesa E -- one lady I didn't know about and am "proud to know her!"

** Richards, Cynthia Walker -- Civil War nurse

** Ryan, Gene W. - 1st Indiana State Police Narcotics Officer - investigate Dillinger

-- S --

** St. Clair, Labert -- newspaperman ... and Obituary

** Shanks, Clara -  murdered - although there are a dozen articles here about Clara and her demise, there is sooo much more to tell

** Shelton, La"Verna" Glascock -- principal/musician - if anyone has a picture or any information or remembrances of Verna, would LOVE to add that here :) KZ

**Shoemaker, Loyd - WWI Casualty

** Shoup, David Monroe - Congressional Medal Award Winner and a whole lot more :)  

** Sobel, Bernard - playwright, publicist

** Strean, Bernard Max - WWII fighter pilot

-- T --

-- U --

-- V --

** VOORHEES, Daniel Wolsey - US Senator - 1827-1897

Reference 2 (thanks to West Central Indiana Genealogy Research Library)

-- W-X --

** Wallace, David -- Governor of Indiana, father of famed author, Lew Wallace

Note: There are many more references to Covington and the both Wallaces -- just surf the net :)

**WANN, Norman Gillespie "Happy" - great coach & much more - read all about him !  

**WARD, Jesse - superintendent

**WATSON, John Samuel -- lawyer, etc

** White, William -  War of 1812 Soldier, Investor

--Y - Z --

** Zick, (Frank) Neal - R R Donnelley general foreman until his death.

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