Places and Towns in Fountain County
If you know about any of these places or any more places, PLEASE let me know :) Not even sure if anyone uses this part of the site, but I'd like for it to become one of the best sources available for the places in Fountain. I began one in Montgomery and it has become one of the first places people look for a town or community, so PLEASE help me improve this one !! THANKS! ...117... as of 1-28-2025
* Antioch -- Josh Kirkpatrick on the Fountain County, Indiana Genealogy Page noted we could add Antioch as a town in Fountain - located on the Antioch Road which is two miles east of 341. The town was one mile east of Riverside on the north side of the road. In Davis Township, five miles east of Attica (Section 6) - it had a school, active church (Antioch Free Methodist Church - thanks Jeff B) a few homes in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Unknown if there were active businesses there. Note: Fairly sure this is correct but do let me know if it is incorrect. In the 1890s Rev JC Myers was minister but not sure how long he was there - on County Road 720 - this church was started by the Cambellites who left the Church of Christ (Fountain County History - Lesa Epperson p 203) - in 1895, purchasing an abandoned school house on Clay/Washington Streets in Mellot where they met until the fall of 1903 when they built a new church then ust back to Antioch and again the New. In 1955, Rev. ____ Hedrick was minister. In 1904, it was destroyed by high winds but they immediately rebuilt and this they used until Nov 1972 shen the last service was held After debts were paid Lesa noted in her article that the "remaining funds were presented to the Mellott United Church of Christ! On Jan 4, in 1976, the "New (new) Antioch Church building was reopened by a group of folks in the surrounding area with John Kiger as their pastor (followed by same year by Robert Hodshire. Christmas day, 1977 was the last service there. The building was sold to Sterling Christian Church and they in turn sold it to the Apostolic Bible Church Aug 4, 1980, Rev. Cliston Coverdale serving as their pastor. So we DO know that the church was quite active but not sure about a town ??
* Attica -- one of the larger towns it lies in Logan Township and is also one of the older towns having been platted in March of 1825. The small city is on the Wabash River. It has had probably the longest-standing Post Office in the county beginning 7-20-1826.
* Aylesworth -- directly south of Rob Roy just off Hiway 41 (Shawnee Township)
* Barker Crossing -- near Cates -- "Source: Crawfordsville Journal, April 20, 1923 -- George & Rosa Allen Instantly killed by train -- The worst tragedy that has occurred in this vicinity in many months was revealed this morning when two persons met instant death at the Barker crossing, E. of Cates. "
* Bear Creek -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852. (Sorry no explanation of where it is in Fountain County just that it existed there in 1852) - and thanks to Sol G. for giving me the link :)
* Bend -- received its name from a new light "Brother" preaching very early in Fountain County, "at the bend at Mr. Nebeker's." The Bend had a church; school; and a few homes. (source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Bennett -- this was mentioned in a 1921 obituary as being south of Hillsboro. My great Hillsboro Facebook page buddies noted there were Bennetts who lived down that way years ago but no one thought there was a town named that. Also, along the same area was Benefield, again now sure if it was a town or just where the Benefields lived. Bennetts lived south of Hillsboro behind Sky Valley. (East end of Bonebrake Road).
* Benefield -- there is a Benefield road south of Hillsboro but again, my Facebook buddies do not believe there was a town by that name. In fact, there are lots of roads named for area people (Pithoud ...) where they may have been a small area named that so we might find lots more :) kbz
* Bethel - was never a town but has been the site of a church and cemetery since the 1820s. There was a school at Bethel for 100 years and a parsonage until about 1935. In the very early years a blockhouse served as protection from hostile Indians. The members of the Church operated an Underground Railroad Station for runaway southern slaves in the years preceding the Civil War and there are two Black, Civil War veterans buried in Bethel Cemetery who have government issued tombstones. Bethel is in Section 2, Logan Township - Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer for this information
* Beulah (thanks to Sally P) -- on Beulah Road in Shawnee Twp near Attica - at one time in the early 1900s there was a church and school here, possibly a business or two and it was really more of a community vs. actual town.
* Buell -- It is not known where this town was but the Indiana Postal History (V.A. Ross, Hope Indiana) stated that its Post office began 7-7-1862 and closed 3-12-1864.
*Buggyville -- thanks to Sue H. for this one. This is just south of Hillsboro on 341. One house where the mayor ALWAYS lives :) Ted Hines was the "mayor" for many years she noted. Cute story! (thanks for the catch on the name Sue :)
* Bunkertown -- Section 3, Wabash Township, a very small community slightly sough and west of Stringtown
* Campbell Chapel -- church / cemetery / community in the SE corner of VanBuren Twp
* Cates -- in Mill Creek Township, not far from the Parke County Border - named for the Cates family in the area. A Post Office was there for over 100 years beginning 4-2-1883 and closing in 1992 (2013 history says October 1, 1982). Of course, a Cates (David) founded the town - 1844. Many of his family members lived in the town or near it. Cates, Allen, Crowder, Lindley, Pithouds, were some of the area folks. According to super write-up in the new (2013) Fountain County history, p 50 -- there was a church (think it's still there), bank, restaurants, large popular dance hall, boarding houses, canning factory, elevator, doctor, JP, and several homes.
* Centennial --in Mill Creek Township
* Chambersburgh --in Van Buren Township - listed on the 1878 map and about the size of Sterling which was just south of Chambersburgh. This was also called Coal Creek Forks - it had a Post Office according to the Indiana Postal History (V.A. Ross, Hope Indiana) from 8-29-1829 to 12-5-1838.
* Chicken Bristle -- (also a school) Sec 11, Fulton Twp early 1900s (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Coal Banks -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852. (Sorry no explanation of where it is in Fountain County just that it existed there in 1852) - and thanks to Sol G. for giving me the link :)
* Coal Creek -- On Highway 32, near Covington, a RR stop and of course a Creek, as well
* Coal Creek Forks - see Chambersburgh
* Cold Springs -- in VanBuren Township dates as far back as the late 1820s and early 1830s. The New Light Christians built one of the first churches in the county there in 1835 (northwest corner of what is US 41 & Cold Spring Road today) - it was a wonderful meeting place for several reasons, good water, on a main road so easily accessible, and straight ground with natural drainage. (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Cooper's Chapel -- now a church and one house, at one time there was a somewhat bigger community. This is located in Wabash Township, I believe - anyone know for sure?
* Covington -- located on the west side of Fountain County, Covington is not centrally located but nonetheless, the county seat. Approximately 2600 people live there. It is on 136, and just north of Interstate 74. The Covington Beef House is one of the most popular eating establishments in Indiana. Although Attica beat this town out as the first Post Office (Covington's beginning almost a year afterwards on 5-28-1827), it is an unbelievably long-running PO.
Covington - History by Kate Rabb (Source: The Indianapolis Star Sun 15 Aug 1926 p 23 – by Kate Milner Rabb)
* Crazy Corner -- (Van Buren Township) where Coal Creek Baptist Church existed for many years (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Crossport -- It is not known where this town was but it existed from 6-24-1854 until 12-27-1856 at least as there was a Post Office there according to the Indiana Postal History (V.A. Ross, Hope Indiana) -- From the Fountain County, Indiana Facebook page when I mentioned this town and asked if anyone knew where it was. Lynn Hayes - Karen Zach, east of String town Road/32. At Graham Creek. Area of John Hibbs/Price homestead of 1823.
* Dry Run -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852. (Sorry no explanation of where it is in Fountain County just that it existed there in 1852)
* Foster -- Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Dec 1889 p 1. Foster, is the name of a new post offices established a few miles west of Covington on the IO & W Railway.
* Fountain -- On Highway 32, near Covington, a RR stop. This area did have a post office from 1-1-1868 to 1-14-1905 however.
* Fountain City --in northwest corner of Davis Township , north of Attica this town shows-up in a lot of the early obituaries. It was located on the Wabash-Erie Canal and dates back until at least 1878. There was a Post Office according to the Indiana Postal History (V.A. Ross, Hope Indiana) from 2-10-1858 to 5-23-1860. According to the March-April issue of the Fountain County Genealogy Society, "Fountain County's town of Riverside had two names before the current name stuck. Once known as Fountain City, the name changed to Independence Station when the railroad reached town in 1854." Fairly sure this is switched or they were two towns because of the dates - Fountain City had a PO 1858-1860, thus Independence Station would have to be before Fountain City or again, two separate places. -- The last person to operate the Riverside Post Office was Ella Crane and it closed in 1945. Fountain City was a canal town dating back to about 1840 or earlier. Independence Station was named because of the railroad which was built about 1854 and the town of Independence just across the Wabash River was in Warren County. It must be noted that the diary of Elizabeth Killin mentions Riverside as early as 1839. Very old maps, prior to 1878 show Fountain City on the Wabash & Erie Canal, below the railroad tracks. Fountain City and Independence Station would be where Riverside is now. - Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer for this information
* Fountain Court House -- all mail for the developing town of Covington was sent to the courthouse from 11-9-1826 to 5-28-1827 when Covington itself became the center of the county and developed its own post office, according to the Indiana Postal History (V.A. Ross, Hope Indiana)
* Frog Pond -- Sec 32 in Fulton Twp - also a school and church (source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Fullerton -- this is Lodi, actually but has been placed in Parke and Fountain Counties at various times.
* Fulton -- 1839 until about 1860 ? -- Source: Fountain County, Indiana history by Hiram W. Beckwith. John Sherry platted the town "just below the mouth of Flint Creek" and gave it the name Fulton. Although not a large town, it did quite a business in the hog trade, shipping pork to New Orleans, quite a feat in those days. There was also a general store and a a half dozen homes.
* Gilderoy -- this, too, is Lodi, actually but has been placed in Parke and Fountain Counties at various times. Lodi and its area has been called Waterman, Lodi, Fullerton, Gilderoy and likely Tilly Town and other names. It was basically (and still is to an extent just not as prominent as years gone by) a string of small towns, most people weren't even sure whether they were in Fountain or Parke County - still can't really tell :)
* Graham -- a small burn on Dry Run Creek NE of Veedersburg (Sec 27) in Van Buren Twp
* Hadley's Mill -- found in 1900 census - Fulton Township as the PO
* Hangman's Curve -- (South 170 West near Veedersburg (Mill Creek Twp) (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Happy Hollow -- (about 1903 Covington Republican) -- Veedersburg was subjected to a downpour Thursday evening of last week. It was almost a water spout and the streets were soon turned into veritable rivers, much damage being done. The section of the city known as Happy Hollow was soon a lake. The arch across Main Street was too small to accomodate the rush of waters. Many houses were flooded some of them to a depth of 3 ' and most of the furniture and carpets were destroyed the estimates being places at various amounts. No human lives were lost, but chickens, pigs, etc went down in the flood.
* Hardy's Corner -- found on p 37 of HW Beckwith’s Fountain County Indiana history – it was at or very near where the courthouse today stands, named for a grain merchant, James G. Hardy. It was evidently called that for many years.
* Harrison Lake -- can anyone give me a description here?
* Harveysburg -- an unincorporated town in Mill Creek Township, north of Kingman. The cemetery is about the only thing there. Platted by Henry Lindley and Charles Markins on 7-14-1857 (Section 23 Township 18 Range 8) - great addition here from: the 2013 Fountain County History book by the Genealogy society p 177 - it says LB Lindley decided to build a city platting out 16 lots and 60' streets. In 1852, Lindley's father-in-law Harlen Harvey had built a steam saw mill there (south corner of what is now 1000S and 170W) thus the name became Harveysburg. The property was originally purchased in 1835 (Sec 26 Twp 18 Rg 8W *bit off from above). The rest of the area was then mainly wooded. John and Charles Markins built the first warehouse (that was partitioned off to provide living areas). They liked it thus build a general store. Dr. JH McNutt built a building on the SW corner of Main and Lindley streets that served as an office with a country drug store. After the town became well established, he was the first postmaster John Maris added another country store and John W Spencer who was an expert in cabinet making built a small tavern/inn. Robert Briggs was the fist blacksmith and James Briggs and Wes Lindley were carpenters there early on. John and Charles Markins then Isaac Grimes followed McNutt as postmaster. Early religious meetings were held above Lindley's store, John W. Spencer, class leader and Dr. McNutt the preacher. Members of this Methodist group were Cox, Spencer, Weaver, Lindley, Armstrong and Durman Families. By 1860 a new one-room frame church was underway on land Dr. McNutt donated. This church was used a very long time before finally dissolved. The United Brethren had classes long before the town existed (in Hendricks School house In 1872, they and the Methodists combined and built a combined church. "In 1878, JM Cory founded the Pioneer Drug store which gave Harveysburg a bit more of a jump. Previous a few years, +The Indiana Coal (later the Chicago, Athens & Southern Railway company) ended its line in Kingman, but it was supposed to come through Harveysburg; however, the Harveysburg folks didn't offer the company's rep (Col. Beech) to swerve into the little burg. Thus the railroad came directly south out of Yeddo and missed Harveysburg. So, several of those having built up the burg began to move to Kingman (Spencer's store for example, several individuals and other businesses). The Methodist Church was put on a skid but it got stuck in a field somewhere between (thaw too soon). The school was left for some time but even it moved not long thereafter. In 1895, the school building was rebuilt for the last time, and by the 1920-21 term students were removed to Kingman. As with any town, once a post office and school are gone (to say nothing of so many of their businesses) it usually folds up and Harveysburg today is mainly farming fields.
* Headsley's Mills -- From 1-23-1840 to 2-24-1864 this place received the local mail. When it closed, the mail was sent to Snoddy's Mill. - same as Hadley's Mill???
* Hemlock Lake -- near Wallace, Indiana in Jackson Township, Sec 23
*Hen Peck -- small burg in Van Buren Township
* Hillsboro -- Cain Township, one of my fav little towns - lies at the intersection of 341 & 136 and a mile south of Interstate 74. Probably close to 500 people in 2011, it has an amazing live theater and wonderful church camp. Although I'm not positive of the history here, it is believed that Hillsborough was a more English spelling of this town as Hillsborough had the Post Office from 2-24-1829 to 3-31-1893, the day Hillsboro (which still has a PO over 100 years later) began postal service. Platted by Jesse Kester 7-21-1826 (Section 12 Township 19 Range 7)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 12 Feb 1898 p 3
Hillsboro, Feb 3, 1898 -- Jessie Kester entered the land where Hillsboro now stands and laid out the town in 1830. He built a log grist mill, making the burrow out of a young head stone to grind the corn. In 1830 he sold the mill to a man named Tunwalt. He built a frame mill on the north side of the creek and a saw mill on the south side. In 1850 there were five postoffices in Fountain County, which were: Hillsboro; Chambersberg (sic); Attica; Robroy (sic) and Covington one in Montgomery County, Crawfordsville and one in Marion County, Indianapolis. Tunwalt died in 1835. His property was sold in 1836 TW Fry of Crawfordsville buying the mill and all of the Tunwalt real estate and entered 800 acres of land south of the mill. It was all timber land. John Fry, son of TW Fry moved to Hillsboro in 1836 and built a frame store and dwelling house back of it. He died the following year of milk sickness. In March 1838 JJ Williams moved from Crawfordsville to Hillsboro to take charge of the mill and store for Fry’s estate. Mike Phillips had charge of the saw mill and farm on the south side of the creek. In 1837 Wesley McBroom was killed in a horse race just east of town. He had been drinking and this was the result. The blood remained on the stump he was thrown against until the next year. In 1838 the citizens living here were Jacob Kline (?) James Burk, George Harbord, William Cavin, David Ferguson, Cornelius Ryearson, and Joseph Tunwalt, son of the man who owned the mill. There was in addition to the above five batchelors living here, William Cavin’s wife nursed a calf in 37 or 38 by allowing the calf to nurse her own breast. She called the calf, “Heart.” J.J. Williams afterwards bought the calf for a milch cow in 1840, and Mrs. Cavin wept like a mother mourning for her child when the calf was sold. David Ferguson moved three miles south of town in 1850. He had a family of six persons, and the entire family died within a year with milk sickness, and were buried two in a grave. In the spring of 1868 on election day, there was a free fight. Joshua Ridgeway whipped 7 men and during the day there were 15 fights. Andrew Wade and William Lowery had a fight which lasted nearly an hour and it was decided a draw. A Mendenhall moved here in 1844 and was the first justice of the peace this township had. He served two years after having any suits, but a lawyer by the name of PH Patterson moved in the county, and after the lawsuits commenced in rapid succession. In 1840 two United Brethren preachers came into this locality. At that time the older persons had forgotten about hell and the younger ones had never heard of it. Those preachers commenced preaching hell and raised the same, and it has continued until this day. The preachers try to make us believe that religion was the chief concern of mortals here below, but we found out it was true from stem to stern, and the preachers proved it so, for it all found flesh was grass the preachers would want to use them and like like old Balem’s ass would ride them and abuse them…AJW
* Hobart -- (also a school) Sec 22, Fulton Twp in the 1860s (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Hunter Corner --
* Independence Station -- see Riverside
* Ingersoll - this may be in Montgomery but thought to be in Fountain by Cheryl F - anyone know for sure?
* Jackburg - Located in Wabash Twp, Section 34 - at least in existence in the 1870s (found on 1876 Illustrated Historical Atlas of Indiana (Indiana Historical Society, 1968)
* Jacksonville -- see also Wallace -- although I'd always been told and thought Jacksonville was another name for Wallace on the 1878 atlas, the two are separated, Jacksonville being the northern section of Wallace -- the town was also very fondly referred to as JACKVILLE
* Kingman -- still a thriving little community, there are about 550 people living there today. It is in Mill Creek Township, has a library and several businesses. Located on State Road 234, it is about 1 mile and a half off of 41. A Kingman newspaper clipping of Local Information. Platted by David J. Ratcliff 1-19-1886 (Section 25 Township 19 Range 8)
* Laurel - Noble York was born here on June 4, 1847 but moved when fairly young to near Monon. Anyone know where it was exactly???
* Layton -- SE of Covington in Troy Twp not sure it exists anymore but near Stone Bluff or part of Stone Bluff. Post service was fairly brief from 8-26-1891 to Nov 15, 1900 according to the Indiana Postal History by V.A. Ross, of Hope Indiana. When the PO closed, Veedersburg handled its mail.
* Layton Station -- in the glory days of the railroads, Layton Station was a stop (dates back to the 1850s as a community by half siblings, James and Peter Layton, and served as one of the main station for first the stagecoach system and later the railways. (1/2 mile north of what is now the I-74 overpass with Rt 136). A large 8-room home with a slate roof served as the stop. Along with that was a blacksmith shop and a few other small businesses (general store; boot maker). (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Lick Creek -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852. (Sorry no explanation of where it is in Fountain County just that it existed there in 1852) - and thanks to Sol G. for giving me the link :)
* Lightle - Sec 21, Van Buren Twp - nonexistent in 2012 -- assume this was named for an area family
* Lodi Park - close enough :) -- Michael Bowman said that Lodi Park was located north of Lodi on Coffing Orchard Road. It had cabins, swimming pool, skating rink and was famous for an artisan well of supposedly medical waters. It was hit when someone was drilling for gas or oil.
* Long Siding Station -- Steam Corner was also called "Long Siding Station" in 1880's. Was a stop between Veedersburg and Yeddo. The rail line was later operated by Chicago & Eastern Il Railroad. Then Chicago, Attica, Southern Railroad and closure was 1940's. Does anyone have photos or records from Steam Corner area. (via Dellie Craig - The Craig Family facebook page)
* Lunger -- Sec 23, Fulton Twp - in the 1860s
* Mackie -- a literal dot in the road :) this little place is in Wabash Twp on Cool Spring Creek
* May's Landing -- see Maysville Crossing
* Maysville - (also known as Maysville Crossing) - was about one mile east of the current town of Riverside in Davis Township. It was a canal town and was one of the largest towns in the area with several houses, businesses and a cemetery. The Wabash and Erie Canal was probably out of business by 1878 and no evidence exists of a train station at Maysville which declined rapidly following the end of the canal. - Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer for this information - it was platted by T. Wade on 6-15-1855 (Section 20 Township 25 Range 24) [Monument photos, Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer]
* Maysville Crossing -- on County Road 850 East in Davis Twp, an incorporated town probably a railroad stop that in 1878 was located on the Wabash - Erie canal. Note from Cheryl F -- Maysville Crossing - when my kids went to Attica, they were told it was a part of the Underground Railroad. We used to go mushrooming back through a field and ran across the old cemetery. There were quite a number of stones - many of which were still legible. So many of them were small children and all died about the same time. A lot of them just had Child, last name, death date and age. I wish I had been into genealogy then and taken photos. I guess you have to have permission now to go on the property. I understand the main part of the town was across the road on the river and was called May's Landing at one time.
* Mellott -- North east of Hillsboro, and south west of New Richmond, it was originally a Norfolk Western RR stop and has about 200 people today. Mellott was originally spelled Melott and had a post office starting 11-23-1882 to 2-19-1884 when the PO was then spelled Mellott - I believe Mellott still has postal service today in March 2013
Platted by John and Syrena Mellott 10-7-1882 (Section 24 Township 20 Range 7)
* Milk Sick -- north of present-day Covington park, Troy Township -- Shoaf, Diffenderfer, Bilsland, Romine; Lape; Calhoun; Galloway are some of the families who lived on Milk Sick Road in the 1910 census -- in December 2012, a cemetery was discovered in the area. Sure makes one wonder if the original folks who lived in the area died of milk sickness (thanks Betty D for some of this info - now I can't wait to see if any of these names are buried there)
* Mt. Pleasant -- found in Shawnee Township and existed at least during the mid 1870s. There was a Methodist Church there with mainly Coffings and Fergusons in attendance.
* Mulville -- Source: Crawfordsville Record newspaper 22 Feb1834" -- By the Acts of Court, General Assembly of Indiana - to vacate the town of Sarah in the county of Fountain."
* Nebeker Station -- Troy Township, north of Shelby (Source: 2013 Fountain County History existed from at least 1865-1914 according to various maps)
* Nebraska Switch - was started by the railroad and was "the far west end of the Nebraska State Road." There was a couple other businesses there besides the post office and stock yards were established at Riverside. - Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer for this information
* Nebraska Switch - source: 2013 History of Fountain County, Indiana p 29 -- this little community existed with a stockyard over Grindstone Creek near the railroad bridge which never developed into much more than a place to feed and water livestock that was being transported on the railroad so this must have existed in the mid 1800s until when ???
* New Century - at least a church was here and perhaps a small burg on 350 South
* New Liberty -- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 11 December 1918 -- James Furr a prominent farmer residing in the New Liberty neighborhood, SW of here (Hillsboro).
* Newburg -- Source: Colton’s Maps of Indiana: Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography. Richard S. Fisher. NY: JH Colton, 1852. (Sorry no explanation of where it is in Fountain County just that it existed there in 1852) - and thanks to Sol G. for giving me the link :)
* Newtown -- Richland Twp, has about 250 people in 2011 - Hiram Fairchild, was from this area and became a famous Wisconsin lawyer. It dates back to at least 1878. An e-mail on Christmas Day, 2014 from Raymond Sumner indicates that Newtown dates much earlier - "my second great grandfather (John "Jack" Colton Sumner) was born in 1840 in Newtown, Fountain County, Indiana." Jack's father was Horatio Nelson Sumner and mother Minerva Elizabeth Lucas. Thanks so much, Ray! Platted on 6-30-1829 (Section 6 Township 20 Range 7)
* New Trenton -- found in the 1895 City Directory for Crawfordsville under "Fountain County" towns. Thanks, Suzie
* Odell -- A very brief Post Office was at this town (not sure where it was though) from 2-16-1865 to 5-11-1865. (Indiana Postal History by V.A. Ross of Hope, Indiana) -- this is an interesting dilemma - according to wikipedia Odell Indiana began in 1831 when John Odell went there. It is in Jackson Township in Tippecanoe County but did not have a post office at all until 1871. This one was originally known as Odell Corner. So, is this THIS Odell or because of the 1865 Post office listed in Fountain, were there two and since so close one went defunct? Obviously, this will take some more fun researchin' on this one !!!
* Osborn Prairie -- east side of Troy Township near the VanBuren line - there was a church and a few homes there. There was a brief post office (according to book mentioned in Odell entry) from 2-25-1868 to 3-26-1869. This town was named for Jesse Osborn who settled the section in 1824, entering 480 acres of prairie land.
* Palmerton -- Troy Township, nothing else is known. (source: 2013 Fountain County History)
* Portland -- separate from Portland Arch - they ARE different -- Platted by Whitlock, Miiller & Preble on 4-26-1828 (Section 33 Township 2 Range 8)
* Portland Arch -- on the Western border of Shawnee Township this was a stop on the Wabash-Erie Canal and at one point quite an active community. Dates back to 6-26-1828 when a Post Office was built there and the PO went on for almost 40 years closing 1-10-1868. - Section 27, Shawnee Township
* Possum Holler - one mile east of the Riverside Road (500E) in Davis Township. Thanks to Cheryl F & Jeff B for info on tis one for this one :). This was the site of mills, a distillery, school and other businesses and homes.
* Rice's Station, platted 10-6-1832 by William M. Rice (Section 19 Township 20 Range 6)
* Riverside -- a small, unincorporated town with a grain elevator and railroad that is on the border of Davis & Logan Twp in Fountain County near the Tippecanoe County border. It dates back to at least 1878. According to the Indiana Postal History by V.A. Ross, Hope, Indiana, the PO existed there from 2-15-1872 to 5-11-1893. At this point, there were several businesses (carpenter; blacksmith; stores). It is near Attica, as the mail was vered there after the PO closing. According to Fountain County Genealogy Society's Vol. 20, Issue 2 newsletter March-April 2014), this was once known as Independence Station (1854). "In 1881, about 12 houses made up the village." There are about 27 homes there now." -- Note: In the 2013 History of Fountain County, Indiana p. 29 from Jeff Bossaer's piece of Riverside, I can add that the town was basically created when the railroad came through the area in 1854. "Riverside was platted by R.B. Lank in January 1905, the plat consisted of 78 individual lots that totalled 19.45 acres, one acre where the elevator sits that was owned by John F. Pearson and 1.8 acres of Wabash RR right of way. The Lanks had already donated property for the United Brethren Church." Jeff goes on to say that "The plat of the town is all in Davis Township although some of the earlier unincorporated portion was (Road 500 E) in Logan Township. -- information in a note from Jeffrey Bossaer - thanks muches ! -- actually dates earlier than 1878 because Fountain City and Independence Station were located in what is now Riverside but Elizabeth Killin mentions Riverside in her diary as early as 130. Riverside Road (500E) splits the town with the larger portion in Davis Township and a smaller part in Logan Township.
* Rob Roy -- One of the older unincorporated current towns, Rob Roy was platted in 7-24-1828 and contained 48 lots, Section 30 Township 21 Range 7. An addition was built on the town a few years later. Quite a prosperous town in the mid 1800s it had several groceries, a hotel, five dry goods stores, multiple Doctors, and railroad, Chicago & Block Coal, but Attica eventually overshadowed Rob Roy and it has but a few houses today. It is about 3 miles south of Attica on Highway 41. It is on Shawnee Creek and the PO existed from 6-8-1832 to 12-31-1896, then again from 8-21-1897 to 1-15-1906.
* Roberts -- a non-existing town in 2012, this was in Section 28, Logan Township, and received mail from 2-27-1890 to 6-15-1901. Noted in her obituary, Elizabeth Hawkins Merdaugh died in Roberts, Davis Township on August 8, 1915. – is in Davis Township and still has a couple of homes, but the school, church, store and blacksmith shop were probably all gone by 1930. - Thanks so much to Jeffrey Bossaer for this information -- Jeff also says it is the same as Roberts Corner - hmmmm not sure
* Roberts Corner (via Cheryl F). A store and a few businesses existed here in Fulton Township about 1900. There was also a school and church here and existed up until the mid 1920s with at least a blacksmith shop owned by Bill Dickson (Jeff Bossaer)
* Rynear -- was located on the Cain-Van Buren Township line and was a stop on the IS & W Railroad during the 1870s. Fairly sure it is not in existence today nor has been for quite a number of years. Assume it was named for a nearby family. A Post Office was there from January 24, 1872 for 10 years later, closing on September 6, 1882. The mail was then sent to Veedersburg. Platted 9-13-1871 by John Campbell & Rynear Ryneareson (Section 3 Township 19 Range 9) - note this is on the northwest corner of Cain Township.
* Sarah -- Source: Crawfordsville Record newspaper 22 Feb1834" -- By the Acts of Court, General Assembly of Indiana - to vacate the town of Sarah in the county of Fountain."
* Scott's Prairie -- although Wikipedia states that there has only been one town (Hillsboro) in Cain Township, Scott's Prairie on the lower western corner was certainly a community for several decades.
* Shawnee -- a neighborhood around Salem Cemetery and the site of Salem Baptist Church (thanks Jeff) on the main road from Attica to Lafayette. It had a Post Office (1-8-1834 to 9-7-1854) and school and a few buildings / houses. North East corner of the West 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec 8, Twp 21 N - Rg 6W -- Shawnee Prairie was spread through this area for several miles.
* Shelby -- Troy Township north of Covington (west of Portland Arch Road and Salem Church Road) (source: 2013 Fountain County History) - most prominent business here was an elevator from 1847-1947 at least.
* Silver Island -- as the 2013 History of Fountain County p 43 says, "... few people know its location or why the name." I for one always thought it was in Vermillion County, Indiana so was excited to find it is indeed in the SW corner of Fountain. "Silver Island is a very high rise of ground, and it is said to have received its name from silver buried on it." Shucks, no one has found it yet :) Although the "island" has never supported a church, store of filling station, there was a school with the first teacher, Emma Munson and later, ? Paschel (Mr).
* Silverwood -- On Highway 234 in Fulton Twp on Parke/Vermillion County lines kind of blends in or part of Waterman and Lodi. Platted (Section 35 Township 18 Range 9) in September 7, 1881 by Cale Waterman, a successful attorney, farmer and JP, remaining in the area. (History of Fountain County, Indiana, 2013, p 43). Page 44-45 have some pictures of the town. Nifty! Silverwood had a post office for several years beginning 6-22-1891 and closing on 12-30-1933. The mail then moved to Kingman. This area was basically (and still is to an extent just not as prominent as years gone by) a string of small towns, most people weren't even sure whether they were in Fountain or Parke County and still can't really tell :) At one point, this was one of the most thriving towns in the area with a depot, elevator, school several businesses, a three-story hotel and get this -- a newspaper, the "Silverwood Sun." Oh, would I love some of those.
* Simpson Corner -- near Veedersburg, this too was a RR stop and was on Highway 41
* Snoddy Mill -- located on the southern edge of Wabash Township in section 6/7, a small town that was literally named for the mill ran by the Snoddy family. Also found Snoddy's Mills. A Post office came from Headley's Mill on 2-24-1864 and remained there until 7-11-1888 when the Post Office was closed and mail sent to Coal Creek.
* Steam Corner --a Chicago/Great Southern RR stop created about 1888 in Mill Creek Twp, Fountain County, although the area itself goes back at least 10 years earlier. This is the current site of a large flea market - it is about 5 miles south of Veedersburg on State Rd 32 and Highway 41. A post office was briefly there from 12-31-1851 to 10-6-1853. Read about SC in WWII (thanks muches to Dellie for this great find). Steam Corner is an active community yet today, especially during the Covered Bridge Festival years where SC has a very large open sidewalk sale, so to speak :)
* Stephens Crossing -- this may also be Stevens which had a post office from 7-21-1882 to 12-15-1890 and again on 1-7-1891 until the end of the year, closing 12-15. Thanks so much to Susan Miller, we can add more information (1-21-2014) -- Two miles west of Mellott on the railroad. It was the first rail road station before Mellott. It still is on a lot of maps. Even in the computer as if it still exists which of course it does not.
* Stephens Station -- A pre name for "Mellott" listed in an Obituary of Mrs. Orpha McAlister.
* Sterling --in Van Buren Township -- a small town that dates back until at least 1878 -- it is east of Veedersburg and was a stop on the IS & W Railroad. One of the best aspects of Sterling is the beautiful church which is still active today (2012). (Platted 8-26-1871 by Joseph O'Rear and George H. Peterson)
* Stone Bluff -- unincorporated town in Van Buren Twp, in Fountain County, it is about 9 miles south of Attica and about 3/4 mile off of 41. Stone Bluffs received mail from 3-26-1869 until 1901. Stonebluff from 1901 to 2-24-1956 when it moved to Veedersburg. It is believed that Stone Bluff; Stone Bluffs; and Stonebluff are one in the same. Platted 8-7-1873 by Henry Crane, Nancy Boord, Samuel Morgan and John Meeker (Section 19 Township 20 Range 7)
* Strader’s Station – p. 58 of HW Beckwith’s Fountain County, Indiana History. This is actually where the first court in the county was held, on July 14, 1826, “at the house of Robert Hetfield, near where Strader’s Station on the Chicago & Block Coal Railroad now is. Sadly, that doesn’t tell us a whole lot.
* Stringtown -- Section 1, Wabash Township a small town still in existence but dates back quite a ways
* SULPHUR SPRINGS -- Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 8, 1892
- write up regarding Albert Stump's mother who found him in the Poor House after separated for 16 years.
Albert was born in "Sulphur Springs, Fountain County"
* Tilly Town -- In 1896, Elizabeth Trueman as born here. It is evidently part of or in close proximinity to Silverwood, Indiana (thanks Beth R)
* Veedersburg --also in Van buren Township, Veedersburg is a thriving little community with about 2200 people. With the building of Interstate 74 and some prosperous factories, Veedersburg continues to grow. Veedersburgh received mail from 6-12-1872 to 12-31-1893 when the PO was officially changed to Veedersburg (same place, different spellings) and still receives mail today 2013. Platted 5-2-1872 by Peter Veeder, Christopher Keeling, William Cockran and Franklin Yerkes (Section 6 Township 19 Range 7)
* Vicksburg -- in the southwestern section (Sec 35) of Wabash Township - existed in 1878 as a small dot on the map :) Platted 6-30-1831 by Robert Duncan (Section 34 Township 19 Range 9)
* Vine -- Sec 6, Davis Township . The town of Vine is now a RR of Attica but did get mail for a little over 5 years from 3-1-1895 to 6-30-1900. Jeffrey Bossaer sent a note saying that this was the site of a few homes, McCool's Store and the Davis Township School from 1924-1970.
* Wallace -- originally named Jacksonville for Andrew Jackson it wasn't long before the town was nicknamed Jackville and is still sometimes referred to that name. John Bowman was the forefather of the town. It was during Indiana Governor David Wallace's administation (who lived in Fountain County at one time) that Judge Mitchell C. Black from that area gave the newly established post office town the name Wallace. Along with this idea, John Bowman became the first post master and Black the first mail carrier. Wallace is the reason I'm the administrator of Fountain Co IN GenWeb. Most of those buried in the Lutheran Cemetery at Wallace are my cousins, aunts, uncle, and direct ancestors, including Bowers; Sowers; Myers ... my sweet cousin, Claudine Yerkes was the Post mistress there - the postal service began there on 11-13-1837 and not sure exactly when it closed but not too long ago, perhaps 2008. Platted by John & Henry Bowman on 9-25-1832 (Section 19 Township 18 Range 6)
* Waterman - see Silverwood (believe that Waterman is in Parke and Silverwood is in Fountain but the two little towns basically blend together. It was (and still is to an extent just not as prominent as years gone by) a string of small towns, most people weren't even sure whether they were in Fountain or Parke County - still can't really tell :)
* White's Corner - where White's Church (Mt. Carmel) is today (Wabash Twp, Fountain County, Indiana) - named for Alexander White's family who came to Fountain County area in 1837 (wife Hannah Wheeler, son David and daughter Mary Jane at least possily daughter Margie as well) -- the church and cemetery dates back to at least 1850 - thanks Betty D - also, thanks to Grant W for sending this nifty look at White's Corner at Christmas, in 1891. Might also enjoy reading Alexander White's daughter's (Nancy White Ferguson Grubbs) obit which gives details of the area.
* Wooley's Corner -- although I have no confirmation as to where this place is, all Wooleys in early county records seem to be in Jackson Township - anyone know anything about it? OH THANKS THANKS to Michael Bowman -- he confirms that Wooley's Corner is "one country block west of Sugar Mill Lake!" YES! Here's the story of this cool painting of Wooley's Corner from Mike :) Awesome - thanks so much!
More on - WOOLEY’S CORNER (thanks Mike Bowman) -- While restoring the mural at Wallace on May 28th, 2010, I was given a gift that I truly treasured. An original Pearly Bowman painting. Better yet, we have the history trail. The gift to me came from Richard Rodgers. The painting was created on an oval board with the bark still on the board. I remember clearly going to the basement machine shop of the large garage in Wallace. The machine shop was owned and operated by Emory Fendor. Emory was a man that was built and looked like Elmer Fudd, short and bald. The local myth was that Emory had made a fortune with a patent for the pressurized radiator caps. My grandfather Roy’s brother Pearly Bowman would take logs about 10” around and have Emory saw them on a bias with his continuous commercial band saw. I have tried this and cannot duplicate it. Plus, when I did get one sawed out, the bark would fall off. The bark on this painting still has the bark in good shape. The painting is a little faded and had minor cracks. Not bad for something around 80 years old.- MB - note: the house on the right is still standing !
*Wrightstown -- p. 363 - HW Beckwith History of Fountain County - Rev. John H. Davidson .... about 1828 the family came to Fountain County and settled at Wrightstown in Richland Township. John H. Davidson biography, it notes that he came with his family to Wrightstown (named for William Hamilton Wright) in Richland Township in 1828 and that they lived in that town for several years his father following farming and brick making - Their home was at this place several years. -- p. 274 - same book, "Wm. Hamilton Wright, farmer - Richland Township) .... was born at the cross-roads once called Wrightstown, just north of the "Get-away School House"
* Yeddo -- unincorporated town in Mill Creek Twp, near Kingman and Veedersburg on East 800 S not far off of 41. Yeddo did have mail delivered to their Post Office for many years, from 3-31-1881 to 4-10-1964. Platted 4-15-1881 by George Sines, B. Rayphole, William Myers and Jacob Sample (Section 12 Township 18 Range 8)
History of Yeddo by Hazel Purnell Myers
* Yellow Heaven -- Sec 29, Fulton Twp (Source: 2013 Fountain County History)