SHOUP, David Monroe

There has been so much written about David Marion Shoup that a book could easily be a winner. Perhaps there is one? Sure would be a joy to write one about this amazing Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Marine Corps Commandant, a British Distinguished Service Order holder and other awards, as well. Born December 30th in 1904, the family lived in Battle Ground in Tippecanoe County for a bit, but in 1916, the family moved to a nice farm outside of Covington and at age 12, he was enrolled into CHS. At the young age, he kept up with his classmates and surpassed most plus was involved in several extracurriculars, including playing basketball. His senior year, he was class president. Next, he attended DePauw where he went on a full ride (Edward Rector Scholarship) and was an active member of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Majoring in mathematics, he was very active in sports, including wrestling, football, track and rifle team. In 1925, he won the Indiana/Kentucky Amateur Athletic Union marathon. For expenses, he worked several jobs, working in a cement factor, washing dishes and working as a waiter. He was no slouch, for sure. However, as overachievers often do, he got sick, between his junior and senior years, getting a severe case of pneumonia and tallying up hospital bills. Looking at things from a different view, he enlisted in ROTC to help with his expenses and finally graduated from DePauw in 1926.
With a 2nd Lt. commission in the US Marine Corps, he began his training but in April of the next year, he and nine other officers were pulled from training to accompany Marines being sent to China to protect American interests during the Chinese Civil War. Again, he became ill and remained hospitalized until they were called back to the states. Once well, he was briefly at various bases then served on the USS Maryland where he was honored to coach the boxing and wrestling teams. Major points in his career after that was in May 1932 in Bremerton, Washington he was promoted to 1st Lt. He hit temporary duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps then returned to China, serving part of that time with the 4th Marines. In Peking, he taught the post’s pistol and rifle teams and they entered competitions, winning at least one major one. In 1936, pneumonia again attacked him then back in the states he was promoted to captain then entered an advanced Marion Corps school, afterward serving as an instructor for the next couple of years. This takes us up to the beginning of WWII. He joined and was promoted to Major in the 6th Marines at San Diego. It was next to Iceland he went to prevent Nazi German forces from threatening it. He was there with the Headquarters Company when the Attack on Pearl Harbor happened in December 1941.
By Feb of ‘42 he was given command of the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines. While at San Diego in July 1942, he was named as operations and training officer of the 2nd marine Division and went on up to Lt. Colonel that year. During the New Gorgia Campaign in June 1943, he was wounded in action and evacuated. After the commanding officer of the 2nd Marines had a nervous breakdown, David Shoup was given command and promoted to Colonel. With little combat experience he invasion began on November 20th in 1943. Heavy resistance on the beaches met his force and his amphibious transportation was destroyed by the enemies.
But he had to get ashore, so he lead the way tromping at the front of his lines, encouraging his reluctant troops onward even as he got shrapnel in the legs and a grazing wound on his neck. Trudging forward, he ignored his own pain and was shooting for an overall win, leading his troops into the fight. He organized attacks on the enemy and was noted “for his bravery and intensity during the conflict.” The next day, he continued his troops onward in spite of some severe casualties, and by afternoon, they were winning the battle and reinforcements arriving. That night, he was relieved of his duty by Colonel Merritt Edson who continued progress with the battle. For his leadership Shoup received his Medal of Honor. The next month, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the 2nd Marine Division that was at that point “readying and training in Hawaii for the invasion of the Marianas in June.” In Oct 1944, he returned to the US and served as a logistics officer “in the Division of Plans and Policies at Marine Headquarters in Washington DC.” Various assignments followed and in 1949, he was made the 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton California’s chief of staff, then the next commanding officer of the basic school at Quantico. Interestingly, he became the assistant fiscal director in the Office of the Fiscal Director, Headquarters of the Marine Corps under Major General William PT Hill then ordered by the Marine Corps Commandant General Lemuel Shepherd to establish a new fiscal office totally independent of Hill’s. Obviously, he and Hill clashed but Shoup was able to make a go of it and was promoted to Brigadier General in April 1953, following as the Fiscal Director of the Marine Corps. Promoted to Major General a couple of years later, he briefly served as Inspector General for Recruit Training after being ordered to do such by US Commandant Randolph Pate following the Ribbon Creek incident where six Marine recruits were drowned during training.
Various other assignments lead him to Okinawa in March 1958 (Commanding the 3rd Marines). Returning to the US the next year he commanded the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. Unexpectedly, he was nominated the Commandant of the Marine Corps by President Dwight David Eisenhower. In preparation for this duty, he was elevated to the rank of General on the first day of January in 1960 upon assuming the post as the 22nd Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Although he was totally against invasion of Cuba when Castro took over, he prepared a group to go in case they were needed. President Kennedy had complete confidence in Shoup’s decision making and right before Kennedy’s death indicated we would pull everyone from Vietnam. Shoup obviously was not afraid of war, but felt Cuba nor Vietnam were places we should be. “Freedom once won is not a right to be held in perpetuity by all generations which follow,” was one of his impressive statements in a visit in 1961 to Battle Ground. “We must be willing to fight for freedom. All of us need to develop a deep seated sense of responsibility. Our struggle for freedom must be continuous!”
In December 1963, Shoup retired after 37 years of continuous military service. His tally of awards is almost unbelievable; the Navy Presidential Citation Medal, Purple Heart, Navy and Marine Commendation Medal, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, and the list goes on and on.
He was able to enjoy 20 more years of life, passing away after a lengthy illness on January 13, 1983 at age 78 and is buried in Arlington Cemetery.
Sources: Findagrave (most from the wonderful biography by William Bjornstad on findagrave); Census records; Lafayette Journal and Courier 29 May 1999 and 5 May 2011; Indianapolis News 25 March 1963; Baltimore Sun 25 Aug 1946 – tombstone photo by Ron Williams; and thanks to Ron Moody for General David Monroe Shoup’s photo & thanks to Sharon Roberts for the suggestion to add the general to the Who’s Who page
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thursday 5 May 2011 p 6
There have been 75 Medal of Honor recipients from Indiana include these three connected to Tippecanoe County. Civil War Sgt William P. Thompson, a native of Brooklyn, NY enlisted for Indiana duty in Lafayette in 1861. He earned the Medal of Honor for heroism in May 1864 in a northern Virginia battle known in history as The Wilderness. He is buried at Greenbush Cemetery in Lafayette. World War II Marine Corps Col. David Shoup a Battle Ground area native, was recognized for his battlefield courage and valor, despite being wounded on Betio (Tarawa Atoll) in the Gilber Islands in the Packific Ocean in Nov 1943. He later became the 22nd commandant of the Marine Corps from Jan 1, 1960 to Dec 31, 1963. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Staff Sgt Thomas E. McCall was born in Kansas and moved to Attica as a boy. He enlisted in Veedersburg. He was honored for World War II valor along the Rapido River near San Angelo, Italy in January 1944 when he led an attack on a well-defended German position. It was called the Battle of Monte Cassino. McCall drowned on Sept 19, 1965 while saving his 8-year-old son in the Susquehanna River north of Washington DC. McCall is buried in Springvale Cemetery in Lafayette. Bob Scott
Note: The Medal of Honor was established in 1862 and first presented in 1863 during the Civil War. It is the highest military decoration that the US grants to members of its armed forced for bravery in action at the risk of his or her life, above and beyond the call of duty. It is awarded by the president in the name of Congress. The Army, Navy and Air Force each have their own design for the Medal of Honor. Included with the Navy are the Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Congress has awarded special Medals of Honor for individual exploits taking place in peacetime. Such a Medal of Honor was awarded to Capt. Charles A. Lindberg for his nonstop flight from NY to Paris in 1927.
Source: Indianapolis News 25 March 1963 Mon p 7
“5 Living Hoosiers Have Highest Medals”
Thomas E. McCall, Attica, still in the Army, now a master sgt in the recruiting service at Pittsburgh – As a staff sgt with the 143d Infantry Regiment, 36th Division in the Rapido River crossing in Italy on Jan 22, 1944 he seized a machine gun, ran forward to withing 30 yards of the enemy, firing from his hip, silenced one gun, killed four men in silencing a second and went on to destroy a third.
David M. Shoup, Battleground, now commandant of the US Marine Corps – as a colonel in command of marines on Betio Island in the Tarawa atoll from November 20 to 22, 1943 he fearlessly exposed himself against relentless artillery to rally hesitant troops and lead them across the reefs to shore, where for two days he conducted countless attacks against unbelievably strong Japanese positions, which finally were taken.
Source: Baltimore Sun 25 Aug 1946 p 47
Holders of the Medal of Honor – Maryland Men – Disregarding a leg wound, Col. David M. Shoup, USMC, Chevy Chase, waded ashore with his men at Betio, was injured, continued direction of his regiment.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Sat 29 May 1999 p6
In addition t othe Medal of Honor, David Shoup received the British Distinguished Service Order for his action in Tarawa. Here is the citation that accompanied his Medal of Honor: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his own life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of all Marine s troops in action against the enemy Japanese forces on Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands from Nov 20-22, 1943. Although severely shocked by an exploding shell soon after landing at the pier, and suffering from a serious, painful leg wound which had become infected, Col. Shoup fearlessly exposed himself to the terrific relentless artillery, and rallying his hesitant troops by his own inspiring heroism, gallantly led them across the fringing reefs to charge the heavily fortified island and reinforced our hard-pressed, thinly held lines. Upon arrival at the shore, he assumed command of all the landed troops and, working without rest under constant withering enemy fire during the next two days conducted smashing attacks against unbelievable strong and fanatically defended Japanese positions despite innumerable obstacles and heavy casualties. By his brilliant leadership, daring tactics, and selfless devotion to duty, Col. Shoup was largely responsible for the final decisive defeat of the enemy and his indomitable fighting spirit reflects great credit upon the United State Naval Service. Following the war, Shoup was given various commands in the Marine Corps. On Aug 13, 1959, Pres. Dwight Eisenhower named him Marine Corps Commandant. As such, he sat in on meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, taking part in discussions related to the Marines. He assumed his duties in jan 1960 just as Eisenhower was leaving office and warning of the dangers posed by a growing “military industrial complex” – a viewpoint that Shoup shared. In his first address to the corps as commandant, Shoup’s terms echoed his work on the family’s Battle Ground farm. He said he would take “the grips of the plow and the furrow will be straight and true.” Should was determined to bring the corps to the highest standards of combat readiness, Jablon wrote. Often he would use the homespun language of his Indiana farmboy background to express that wish. He was a sticker on dress. When one officer reported to his office, after long service overseas, he ripped the combat ribbons off the man’s uniform because they were soiled. He left the ribbons lying on his desk as an example to others. In an interview with Jablon, Shoup’s wife, Zola said she was once told by an officer: “You don’t have to worry about your husband getting ulcers, he just gives them.” As commandant, Shoup also made the carrying of a swagger stick optional. He considered the sticks elitist and he never forgot his experiences in pre-war China where he saw British officers drop money at poor people on the streets When they bent down to pick up the coins, the officers beast them with their swagger sticks. During Pres. Kennedy’s administration some US military moves were taken without the knowledge of top officers. Jablon writes that Shoup had no advance information on the Bay of Pigs invasion. In Oct 1962, US reconnaissance planes revealed Russian nuclear missiles were being installed in Cuba. The Joint Chiefs of Staff were gathered to consider options and most liked the prospects for an invasion of Cuba. For the most part they were optimistic and predicted that an invasion would not involve large casualties or much loss of equipment, Jablon wrote. Shoup disagreed and put on a dramatic display detaile din the 1969 book The Best and the Brightest by David Halberstam. H. wrote that when talk of a US invasion of Cuba became fashionable, Shoup used maps to made his point at an important meeting. He first displayed a US map and placed a map of Cuba on top of it. “To everybody’s surprise, Cuba was not a small island,” Halbertam wrote. It was about 800 miles long and seemed to stretch from NY to Chicago. Then he took another overlay with a red dot and placed it over the map of Cuba. What’s that someone asked. That gentlemen, represents the size of the island of Tarawa, said Shoup. And it took us 3 days and 18,000 Marines to take it. He eventually became Kennedy’s favorite general Halbertsam wrote. Shoup got very thick with Kennedy on a personal basis, Jablon wrote. Shoup advised K. against involvement in Vietnam from the beginning. As the president sent more and more advisers there, Shoup visited Vietnam in 1962. He saw enough to be convinced that under no circumstances should the US become involved in a lang war in SE Asia, Jablon wrote. At the end of 63 Shoup’s term as commandant expired. Kennedy asked him to serve another term but Shoup refused saying it would prevent other officers a chance at serving in the post. Kennedy announced that he planned to use Shoup in the government in some other way. It appears Kennedy was moving away from the entangelement in So Viet and receptive to Shoup’s view that it was not our fight, Jablon wrote. This may have been the reason Kennedy asked Soup to remain. Acc to Kennedy’s sec Evelyn Jones by the fall of 63 the pres had plans to pull all advisers out of Vietnam by the following spring, but Kennedy was killed in Dallas in Nov 1963. Shoup served Pres Johnson only briefly. As a retired officer, Shoup was no longer bound to keep his policy views out of the public debate. In May 1966 he gaeve a speech in which he said, “I don’t think the whole of SE Asia is worth the life or limb of a single American. Many military officers criticized Shoup for his stand. By 1969, he was virtually ostracized, Jabslon wrote. But Shoup continued to publicly express his views. In 1970 he returned to DePauw Univ for a visit. He sat in the living room of his old Delta Upsilon Frat house and met with students form throughout the campus who had to hear his thoughts. The disciplined old warrior talked patiently with the long-haired student peace activists in contrast to the norm of the time. Vietnam was not the place, but Shoup always believed that freedom was worth fighting for. His patriotism emerged in his bravery to fight when duty called and willingness to speak his views clearly when he thought war was not the right course. Freedom, once won is not a right to be held in perpetuity by all generations which follow he said at his 1961 visait to Battle Ground. We cannot buy or manufacture freedom. W ehave to want it. We must be willing to fight for it. All of us need to develop a deep seated sense of responsibility. Our struggle for freedom must be continuous.
Added by Ron Williams
Gen David Monroe Shoup
BIRTH 30 Dec 1904
Battle Ground, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USA
DEATH 13 Jan 1983 (aged 78)
Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA
BURIAL Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA Show Map
PLOT Section 7A, Lot 189, Map grid T/U 23.5
MEMORIAL ID 9892 · View Source
US Marine Corps General and World War II Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. He is remembered as the 22nd Commandant of the US Marine Corps from 1960 to 1963 and for his staunch criticism of the Vietnam War after his military retirement. Born David Monroe Shoup, his parents were impoverished farmers. In 1916 his family moved to Covington, Indiana to live on a new farm. At the age of 12 he was enrolled in Covington High School, a competitive high school with an advanced curriculum, where he excelled academically and was involved in several extracurricular activities, including basketball, and became the class president in his senior year. After graduating from high school in 1921, he attended DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana where he was one of 100 awarded the Edward Rector Scholarship, giving him full tuition. He majored in mathematics and participated in sports, including wrestling, football, track and field, and rifle teams. In 1925 he won the Indiana and Kentucky Amateur Athletic Union marathon. He worked as a waiter, washed dishes and worked in a cement factory to help pay his expenses. He had to take a year off after his junior year to teach school, and his expenses were further strained when he contracted a severe case of pneumonia and incurred hospital bills. He opted to enroll in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) to offset his living expenses. He graduated from DePauw in 1926 and in May of that year, he applied, and was offered a commission in the Marine Corps. Three months later he resigned his commission in the Army and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Marine Corps, and began his Marine Officers Basic School training. On April 1927 he and nine other officers were pulled from training to accompany a detachment of Marines sent to China to protect American interests during the instability of the Chinese Civil War. While there, he became seriously ill and remained hospitalized until it was announced U.S. troops would leave. He briefly returned to Shanghai to oversee foreign troop departures with the 4th Marines, before he departed from China to the US in December 1928 to complete his officer's training. He then spent short stints at Marine bases in Quantico, Virginia, Pensacola, Florida, and San Francisco, California. From June 1929 to September 1931 he served with the Marine detachment aboard USS Maryland, where he coached the boxing and wrestling squads. Following this duty he was assigned to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and in May 1932 he was ordered to Puget Sound Navy Yard in Bremerton, Washington, where he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant one month later. He served on temporary duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps in Idaho and New Jersey from June 1933 to May 1934, after which he returned to Bremerton. In November 1934 he returned to China, again serving briefly with the 4th Marines in Shanghai. He was soon reassigned as a legation guard in Peking (now Beijing) where he taught the post's pistol and rifle teams to shoot competitively. They won at least one major competition. He also had the opportunity to observe the troops of the Empire of Japan, gaining great respect for their military. In 1936, he came down with a serious case of pneumonia and had to be evacuated from China. His next duty was at Puget Sound Navy Yard and in October 1936, he was promoted to the rank of captain. In July 1937 he entered Junior Course, Marine Corps Schools in Quantico which he completed in May 1938. He then served as an instructor at Quantico for the next two years. In June 1940 he joined the 6th Marines in San Diego, California and was promoted to the rank of major in April 1941. In may 1941 he was assigned to the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade with duty in Iceland, supporting an occupation there to prevent Nazi German forces from threatening it. Replacing the outgoing British 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division, the brigade continued to garrison the country for several months, and he was there with the Headquarters Company at the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. In February 1942 he was given command of the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines. With the US at war, 1st Provisional Marine Brigade moved to New York City, New York, in March, and was disbanded. He then moved with his battalion to Camp Elliott in San Diego. In July 1942 he was named as operations and training officer of the 2nd Marine Division, and promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in August 1942. The following month he accompanied the division to Wellington, New Zealand, aboard SS Matsonia and oversaw much of its training there. He was also briefly attached to the 1st Marine Division in October 1942 as an observer during the Guadalcanal campaign, then to the 43rd Infantry Division on Rendova Island during New Georgia Campaign in June 1943. During the latter assignment, he was wounded in action and evacuated. In mid-1943 he was transferred to the staff of Major General Julian C. Smith, commander of the 2nd Marine Division, and tasked to help plan the invasion of Betio on Tarawa Atoll. However, after Colonel William W. Marshall, commander of the 2nd Marines, suffered a nervous breakdown before invasion, he was promoted to the rank of colonel and gave him command of the regiment, in spite of his lack of combat experience. The invasion commenced on 20 November 1943, with his disembarking from Maryland, the flagship for the invasion. His force met heavy resistance on the beaches. His amphibious landing vehicle tractor was destroyed by shore fire, and he had to proceed without transportation. As he was wading ashore, he was struck by shrapnel in the legs and received a grazing wound from a bullet in the neck. In spite of these wounds, he rallied the Marines and led them ashore, and was able to coordinate the troops on the beaches and organize them as they began to push inland against an anticipated Japanese counterattack. He continuously organized aggressive attacks on the defenders, and was noted for his bravery and intensity during the conflict. On the second day of the attack, he organized an advance inland, despite heavy casualties among the American troops. By the afternoon, they were winning the battle, and reinforcements began to arrive in force. That night, he was relieved by Colonel Merritt A. Edson, the division's Chief of Staff, who commanded the 2nd Marines for the remainder of the campaign. For his leadership during the assault, he was awarded the Medal of Honor and the British Distinguished Service Order. In December 1943, he became Chief of Staff of the 2nd Marine Division, which was then refitting and training in Hawaii for the upcoming invasion of the Marianas the following June. He assisting in the planning for the battles for Saipan and Tinian. Though a divisional staff officer, he still managed to find occasion to be forward in the fighting. At the end of operations on the Mariana Islands, he returned to the US in October 1944 and served as a logistics officer in the Division of Plans and Policies at Marine Headquarters in Washington, DC, remaining at this post for the rest of the war. In August 1947 he became Commanding Officer, Service Command, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific and two years later, he was assigned to the 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, California as its chief of staff. In July 1950, he was then transferred back to Quantico where he served as Commanding Officer of the Basic School. In April 1952 he became Assistant Fiscal Director in the Office of the Fiscal Director, Headquarters Marine Corps under Major General William P. T. Hill, the Quartermaster General. He was ordered by the Marine Corps Commandant General Lemuel C. Shepherd to establish a new fiscal office independent of Hill's authority. While he Hill clashed frequently, he was able to establish a new, independent Fiscal Division. He was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in April 1953, and in July he became Fiscal Director of the Marine Corps. While serving in this capacity, he was promoted to the rank of major general in September 1955. In May 1956 he was briefly assigned as Inspector General for Recruit Training after being ordered to do so by US Marine Commandant Randolph M. Pate following the Ribbon Creek incident, which involved the accidental drowning of six Marine recruits during a training march. After the investigation was completed, He supported an overhaul of recruit training for the Marine Corps in response to the incident. He then served as Inspector General of the Marine Corps from September 1956 until May 1957. In June 1957 he returned to Camp Pendleton to become commanding general of the 1st Marine Division. In March 1958 he was assigned to Okinawa to serve as the Commanding General of the 3rd Marine Division. He returned to the US the following year and became the Commanding General of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, until October 1959. During this time, he also served as president of the 2nd Marine Division Association. While still a major general, he was unexpectedly nominated to become Commandant of the Marine Corps by President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the request of Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates, Jr. To prepare for this duty, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general on 2 November 1959, and briefly assigned duties as Chief of Staff, Headquarters Marine Corps. He was elevated to the rank of general on 1 January 1960, upon assuming the post as the 22nd Commandant of the Marine Corps. When Fidel Castro became the communist ruler of Cuba, he opposed any military action to overthrow him. He later warned against an armed response during the Cuban missile crisis, noting how difficult it would be to invade the country. In spite of that, he prepared a team of Marines to invade Cuba should it be necessary. President John F. Kennedy subsequently sought his advice in evaluating the implications of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. While his position in the Joint Chiefs of Staff was intended to be limited, he had gained Kennedy's confidence and was often called on for private consultations. He supported the test ban, seeing it as a deterrent to nuclear war. He was strongly opposed to military intervention in Indochina from the beginning. In 1961, when the Pathet Lao threatened the American-backed government of Laos, he rejected calls for armed intervention. He deployed Task Unit Shufly to Saigon, South Vietnam in 1962 only because he was ordered to, and cautioned against further involvement there. He opposed the Strategic Hamlet program, as well as efforts to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. His staunch opposition to involvement there had a great impact on Kennedy who, before his assassination on 22 November 1963, indicated that he wanted to end U.S. involvement in South Vietnam, seeing it as an internal struggle. He retired as Commandant of the US Marine Corps in December 1963, with 37 years of continued military service. Aside from the Medal of Honor and the British Distinguished Service Order, his military awards and decorations include the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with one star and valor device, the Purple Heart with one star, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy Presidential Unit Citation Medal with one star, the Yangtze Service Medal, the Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, the American Defense Service Medal with Base clasp, the American Campaign Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with four stars, the World War II Victory Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal with one star. After his retirement, he took a job with a life insurance company and became one of the most prominent critics of the Vietnam War. His opposition to the war created resentment from many of the other officers in the Marine Corps, and was met with criticism that he was becoming mentally unfit or was treasonous in his actions. By December 1967, he had lost favor with the Johnson administration, his activities were monitored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and his patriotism was called into question in the media. He joined the Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace and by 1971, he publicly endorsed the anti-war veteran group Vietnam Veterans Against the War. After 1971 his speaking and writing diminished, and he faded from the public eye after the US military withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973. He suffered from illness late in life, and he died at the age of 78. His Medal of Honor citation reads: "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of all Marine Corps troops in action against enemy Japanese forces on Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands, from 20 to 22 November 1943. Although severely shocked by an exploding enemy shell soon after landing at the pier and suffering from a serious, painful leg wound which had become infected, Col. Shoup fearlessly exposed himself to the terrific and relentless artillery, machinegun, and rifle fire from hostile shore emplacements. Rallying his hesitant troops by his own inspiring heroism, he gallantly led them across the fringing reefs to charge the heavily fortified island and reinforce our hard-pressed, thinly held lines. Upon arrival on shore, he assumed command of all landed troops and, working without rest under constant, withering enemy fire during the next 2 days, conducted smashing attacks against unbelievably strong and fanatically defended Japanese positions despite innumerable obstacles and heavy casualties. By his brilliant leadership daring tactics, and selfless devotion to duty, Col. Shoup was largely responsible for the final decisive defeat of the enemy, and his indomitable fighting spirit reflects great credit upon the U.S. Naval Service."
Bio by: William Bjornstad