LETTERS - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Fountain County "Letters From Home"

"Some researchers with Fountain County Indiana ties have forwarded copies of letters written by members of their families to share with those of you visiting this website. These letters have information about different families in the area, and because they describe graphically some of their experiences, hardships, and celebrations, I feel they are very worthy of posting."

If you have Fountain County Indiana ties, have such letters in your possesion, and are willing to share them in this manner, please let me know via the e-mail, karen.zach@sbcglobal.net. I would be very happy to add more to this site.

The letters posted have references to the surnames listed, but even if you don't have connections to any of these names, the letters are very interesting to read and enjoy.

Letters to James Smith, Berryman and Nancy Smith's

Letters to Westley ARRASMITH from his uncle, Nathaniel MORGAN,
Reference surnames: Dudly; Butcher; Roach; Moreland; Morgan; Grimes; Myers; Fines; Sowers; Kierris(?); Zach.

Letters from North Carolina to Fountain County submitted by John Laird - letters are chiefly news from home in North Carolina, but mention many of the Fountain County residents who moved from North Carolina.

Letters to Emily SMITH of Fountain County   transcribed and submitted by Ian Feavearyear

Letter to Nancy Jack of Fountain County, (Civil War)

Letters to the Jack family from Aaron B. Jack (Civil War)

Letter from J.B. Barker (Cates, July 31, 1895) -- believe this may have been his obituary sent to the newspaper from one of his children and is not "from J.B. Barker" but about his demise

Two telegrams to Sylvester Bowsher in regards to his son, Lemuel's death - thanks to Jennie for the Bowsher correspondence - greatly appreciated :)

Letter to Mrs. John Martin of Newtown, IN from Mrs. Lucy Flaugher  (3 pages)  Includes a "Whoopin Cough Remedy"  Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!

Letter to Glenwood Madden from his teacher, Velma Hesler -- pg 2 of letter - March 1912

Letter from Volney Ludlow to the Veedersburg News (this is NIFTY :) - thanks Sharen

Letter from the CI&C Railroad to Sylvester Bowsher

Letter from Evelyn Grubbs Pratt Walker, posted by Jan Connell her daughter

File Created: 2007-July 14 from the previous version maintained by Ed Moyer.
Recreated: 10 Feb 2010 from versions of Ed's and Jeff Scism's.
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