First United Methodist Church

Methodism began in Montgomery County in 1825 with Circuit preacher, Rev. James Armstrong. By 1835 a congregation could support a preacher who was Rev. J. Miller. The first church was where "Wabash Road and Water Street" crossed and was added on to several times. Oyster-ice cream suppers were prominent fund raiser. In 1857, a new church was built, the debt paid for before the Civil War began. A Ladies' Aid Society and men's Foreign Missionary Society were added to with the Women's Foreign Missionary Society and the Home Missionary Society and still later, the United Methodist Women. In 1939, the Episcopal was dropped and in 1969 the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren merged to form United Methodists. This particular church chose the name, First United Methodist at this time with two other Methodist churches becoming The Trinity United Methodist and Christ United Methodist. There have been four churches on the site at 212 East Wabash, the last in 1976. A two-story parsonage stood just west of the church for many years. The church members look forward to the Bicentennial anniversary in 2025.